鼠标点击空白位置,空白位置的十字连线上有相同的豆豆即可消除。乱点击会扣时间的哦。如何开始:游戏加载完毕点击[开始游戏] - 再点击关卡1即可开始游戏游戏介绍:打豆豆小游戏,一共16关,注意别乱点击哟,否则会扣时间的,大家一起来打豆豆了!游戏目标:在限定时间内,消除掉所有的豆豆吧!
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The mouse clicks blank position, the cross of blank position has identical fabaceous beans to be able to be eliminated on the line repeatedly. Click what can bowl time in disorder. How to begin: Game to load ends click [begin game] - click toll-gate again 1 can begin game game introduction: Play fabaceous beans little game, altogether 16 close, the attention is not clicked in disorder oh, can bowl time otherwise, everybody hits fabaceous beans together! Game target: Inside demarcate time, eliminate all fabaceous beanses!
Have a meal sleep dozen of beans, describe a person to be able to be done without the thing, very dull.
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Beans eating a beans hits what fabaceous beans points to to play game namely, more popular on the net, also very tease.
Eat a beans, grow the flesh, do not eat a beans, choice choice is poor
Hit a beans, network popularity word, full name sleeps to have a meal dozen of beans, this word originates a cold jest. With will express bored to death, faineant meaning.
The beans that hit a beans normally the view is to come from have a meal at game sleep dozen of beans, the meal sleeps the beans that hit a beans is a recreational little game, game size 57KB, fabaceous beans undertakes concolorous of emissive beans beans eliminate, it is a few players normally just can play this game in circumstance of the dull doable that do not have a thing, accordingly " the beans that hit a beans " this one term also is by extend the meaning the appearance that shows the person is dull, faineant only.
You should play a few game that do not need happy beans first, for example gobang, table tennis, play how many bureau I had not been calculated, play the game that needs happy beans again next, OK, at least I am successful, later everyday the system sends 4 times (the ancient stemmed cup or bowl that becomes you is small with 1000 when) , if sent,do not have a law, so I had 7 number with this method, changing play.
Say you always cannot be defeated again! Hope this method is helpful to you. But I feel you are to want to ask to play the beans smooth how to get free and happy beans, then I did not know. Other use a RMB namelyWhat the meaning should point to is catnap or take a nap. On
Hit a beans, network popularity word, full name sleeps to have a meal dozen of beans, this word originates a cold jest, because of program of put together art " where does father go to " in Tian Liang has his moment with Tian Yuchen's performance network. Use now express bored to death, faineant meaning.