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1.选择好录影模式 按下快门就开始摄像了 再次按下快门结束拍摄 录音也是这样 只是不用选择拍摄主体 但还是建议对主体拍摄 这样音质要好些 后期制作就可以方便的提取声音了。
































1 CCD在开机时需要通过相应的软件进行控制和操作,不能直接开机使用。

2 CCD是一种光电转换器件,需要通过光源照射物体,将反射或透射的光信号转换成电信号,才能进行图像采集和处理。

3 在使用CCD之前,需要先安装相应的驱动程序和软件,并且按照说明书进行连接和设置,才能正常使用和获取图像数据。
















One, can card number camera use a remote controller?

OK, I play beautiful can, clean out a remote controller also with respect to 25-30 yuan, especially cheap.

2, how to use digital camera recording?

Mode of 1. choice good kinescope presses shutter begins to photograph resembling pressing shutter end films recording also is again is to need not choose to film only so main body but still suggest to film to main body such acoustic quality want better later period to make OK and convenient extraction sound.

2. can adjust with or so key try, menu is pulled to go up to be able to show or close below, express to open recording function. Might as well two kinds try, can decide next

3, how is digital camera used after all?


The first pace: Setting. Sheet turns over camera to need to set pattern of speed of aperture, shutter, speed, camera


The 2nd pace: After setting good parameter, film be about to seek good shooting angle and space


The 3rd pace: Adjust the lubricious gentle illumination in Bai Pingheng.


The 4th pace: Film finish the cleanness that has watch for an opportunity and maintain,

4, how is digital camera used?

1. reads a manual carefully

The need after the novice takes watch for a chance learns how to be used. Reading a manual carefully is best means, the position of each pushbutton mixes understanding camera action, film rise ability handy.

2. society takes a picture correctly pose

To prevent wrong pose the influence takes a picture, correct pose is very important. The right hand grasps airframe, left hand holds camera lens in the palm, big toe and forefinger master scorch or be opposite anxious, back of camera of facial ministry press close to, intensify the double arm of two side, press shutter gently.

3. control takes a picture basically parameter

Common of aperture, shutter, ISO says " exposure iron triangle " , these 3 crucial factors decided to be become finally like the effect, it is normal that only reasonable setting parameter ability achieves exposure, take satisfactory picture.

4. is accurate apply take a picture mode

The meeting on general camera has a lot of taking a picture mode offers reference, for instance: P archives (program automatic exposure) , M archives (the hand stirs file) , TV archives (shutter is preferential) , AV archives (aperture is preferential) , small be apart from mode, motion mode, figure mode to wait, the novice is OK according to the circumstance reasonable apply.

The control with accurate 5. measures light

Measured light to decide camera how " look " . When pressing shutter partly, be in measure light automatically, intermediate cost should be paid as far as possible when measuring light, cannot too dark also cannot too bright.

6. study composition of a picture and take a picture skill

Good composition of a picture as perfecting, for instance classical gold breaks up law of hair, trichotomy, line, diagonal law to wait, learn to be used alive alive, just can master.

7. carries out ability to give genuine knowledge

The novice wants to raise photography level inside short time, still need to take much practice more, the attempt films different setting, if pat,move scene, scene and figure to wait with night, Jing Jinghe by day, what can be unripe artful.

5, how to make money with digital camera?

What this problem should point to is to use camera to take work, as a cameraman, want to have oneself spirit above all, must not follow what pattern, go discovering the United States with the eye, come down with camera record, it is work, of course you must know watch for a chance all sorts of filming gimmick, the individual originality that blends in you (work soul) , been able to have gone out piece, but a little good work is not you to want to pat what can have patted, auspicious scene is beautiful, it is the thing of instantaneous shutter likely, so photography is a process that accumulates for a long time, if holding the word that wants to make money at the beginning in the arms merely, it is very difficult to can say, that is to say your treasure knife without go through the mill how can sharp edge? What do not know I am conveyed is correct, this is my simple solution.

6, how does digital camera use Aolinbasi?

Film menu is entered below mode, find the setting that pats oneself, choice setting films after how many second, affirmatory can. When filming, press shutter, there is a little lantern show to shine before camera, the shutter after be being counted to the delay time second of the setting is opened automatically film. / / some machine child have shortcut key (the design) that has a finger and most circular arc, by v option is installed can. / / if still looking not to understand, according to you the model of camera issues a manual to perhaps be the same as set machine child the manual looks, can master very easily

7, how is Ccd number camera used?

Ccd number camera uses a method

1CCD needs to undertake control and be operatinged through corresponding software when switch on the mobile phone, cannot switch on the mobile phone directly use.

2CCD is parts of an apparatus of changeover of a kind of photoelectricity, need passes illuminant illuminate object, the smooth signal of reflection or transmission changeover becomes telegraphic name, ability undertakes image is collected with processing.

3 before using CCD, need installs corresponding driver and software first, and have join and setting according to the manual, ability is used normally and get image data.

Accordingly, want to use CCD to undertake image is collected with processing, need knows its fundamental and operation method first, install corresponding software and driver correctly.

8, how is camera of number of card Western Europe used?


When filming, photograph confidential is taken. And best hand wants firm, can hold in the palm below with a hand, filming when figure, building, camera camera lens cannot be admired too, cross Fu or left and right sides to tilt, can make film fall greatly on the object otherwise small or go up small big, or make the level of scenery to deviate horizon, make scenery has tumbling feeling.


Want to notice the ISO of camera, generally speaking, ISO is lower, the picture quality that takes is higher also, place of a confusion of voices is less also.


Want to choose appropriate composition of a picture when film, can the triangular composition of a picture with common have the aid of highlights architectural stability, perhaps behave the artistic conception of the object with S form composition of a picture.


When use camera films, need notices the adjustment of aperture, generally speaking, if want to stress principal part, need uses big aperture, xiaojing is deep, empty changes setting.

9, how to make money with digital camera?

If the level of your photography is right, you can take a few pictures, of what scenery or character, give a newspaper office, the contribute on the website of magazine company or photography, if your photograph was not used, can earn brushstroke contribution fee. If your it doesn't matter photographs technology, also can practice oneself photography technology with it, if you drilled with this camera really Gao Shuiping's technology, then it buys also not be very be worth. Your camera wants to implement his method too much, not be to make money certainly. Oneself consider a consideration more.

10, of digital camera right anxious how to use?

It is Focus to anxious English formal name, normally digital camera has a variety of is opposite anxious means, it is automatic respectively move to anxious, hand right anxious and multiple to Jiao Fang type. Be opposite automatically anxious: Traditional camera, the means implementation that adopts range finding of a kind of similar range estimation is opposite automatically anxious, camera fires a kind of infrared ray (or other ray) , according to be being photographed the reflex of body is photographed certainly the distance of body, adjust camera lens combination what the basis measures as a result next, implementation is opposite automatically anxious. This kind be opposite automatically anxious means -- direct, speed is fast, easy implementation, cost is low, but can make mistake occasionally (camera and when there is other thing to be like glass between the body that be photographed, cannot come true to be opposite automatically anxious, below the circumstance that perhaps is not worth in the light) , precision is poor also, high-grade nowadays camera has not used this kind of means commonly. Because be camera,fire ray actively, friend says active, because it is actual,be range finding only, what do not carry scene is actual into whether proper like judgement form anxious, call blame TTL type again so. This kind opposite to anxious means at active be opposite automatically anxious, developed passive type to be opposite automatically later anxious, namely according to camera lens become whether proper like judgement form actually anxious, the basis of judgement is contrast detects commonly type, specific principle is quite complex. Because this kind of means is to pass camera lens to become those who resemble implementation, reason calls TTL to be opposite automatically anxious. Because this is planted,also be based on camera lens automatically to become to anxious means like implementation, because this is right anxious precision is tall, the rate of occurrence accident is low, but the technology is sophisticated, rate is slower (those who use ultrasonic motor is advanced and automatic to except of anxious camera lens) , cost is higher also. The hand moves right anxious: The hand is moved right anxious, it is to pass manual roll to adjust to Jiao Huan camera camera lens makes film the photograph that come out is opposite one kind clear thereby anxious means, this kind of means greatly the eyesight of the person that the face depends on person eye to film even to the video differentiate on Jiao Bing and the competence of the person that film. Inchoate single lens glances camera and by axial watch for an opportunity is main it is to use a hand to move right anxious will finish focus to operate. Present accurate major reachs professional number camera, still sheet turns over digital camera to set a hand to use pair of anxious functions, need with cooperating to film differently. Multiple right anxious: Camera of a lot of numbers has many to nod pair of anxious functions, or area is right anxious function. Should not install to anxious center in picture center when, can use much dot to be opposite anxious, multiple perhaps right anxious. Besides the position that sets pair of central issues, OK still set is surrounded to Jiao Fan, such, the user can film the picture of distinct effect. Common much place is right Jiao Wei at 5 o'clock, mixed at 7 o'clock right at 9 o'clock anxious. Holographic and automatic right anxious
