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中餐 1.电信局对面的谭家菜有两道菜非常不错:风味鱼头.茶香虾非常美味 2.梁清路.河埒口附近的小岛饭店去吃河豚 3.南长街"小峰夜宵"的骨头堡.汤的配料很古怪.鲜美得想把自己的舌头也吞了:) 4.川菜馆(汽车西站旁).特色:比较正宗口味的川菜! 5.粥天地酒家.五爱路嘉和广场, .6.荣巷的308部队对面内江饭馆川菜好吃.店脏点.腊肠无锡绝无仅有的. 7.啤酒苑的[啤酒鸡" 8. 水上明月也不错.环境超好.有点秋水连天的味道, 9.夏联福记的掌中宝.玉米烙.招牌菜--红烧肉.门口的黑人做的印度飞饼也不错 10.大地宾馆.里面的手撕甲鱼好吃得想连骨头都吐下去.十二元一只. 价格也便宜得没话讲.还有脆皮乳鸽.又香又脆.吃得满嘴流油, 11.西门的西新饭店.店面一般.但里面的东西味道很不错.尤其是汤丝罗和京酱肉丝.很好吃.黑鱼2吃. 12.学前东路长江北路口的醉香园.物美价廉, 13.新区的欣旺大洒店.里面的菜很精制.价格也不高.味道不错, 14.哈哈大酒店.价格偏高.但菜式精制.推荐.哈哈鲈鱼.鲜奶香蕉还有一种什么肉.带骨的.八块钱一根.也很香, 15.河埒口的淡水清粥馆.里面的基围虾.三杯鸡很不错. 16.东林酒店.里面的菠罗饭.将炒好的菠罗饭盛于菠罗内.清香扑鼻还有xo酱炒牛娃.也是好味道, 17.南门朝阳广场的喜盈阁.价格便宜.量足.里面的烤兔腿.熏乳鸽都是非常好吃的, 18.南门的咸亨酒店.是正宗绍兴的分部.里面的酒菜是浙江风味.很特别.香淡是特点.爽口, 19.欧风街上的状元楼.无锡的一些老菜式那里都是很正宗的.象糟白鱼.无锡排骨啦! 20.无锡三凤桥.排骨当然是这里最正宗啦.还有水晶虾仁.虽然比不上太湖饭店.但是味道也是很不错的, 21.在复兴路无锡市房屋置换中心对面有家叫Home的家常菜馆.里面感觉虽然很小.但作的菜很好吃.而且在市中心这个地段.价格也不算贵!老板应该是个作学问的人.从布置就可以看出!如果是中午十一点.晚上六点左右去的话.最好要预订.因为只能几张桌子.要等翻台的话.要半个小时的.店招牌作的是霓虹灯的.容易误认为是酒吧.其实应该是有特色的小饭店喽!适合两个人的小型聚会! 23.小外滩的世外源.去晚了没位子的, 24.二院对面的弄堂里的怡红园.东西还算实惠好吃, 25.水帘天的法式鹅干.水连小炒皇.灌汤虾球.凉瓜��(馅是芝麻.皮是绿色的).干炒牛河(正点).浓汤菌菇, 26.喜好海鲜.南海鱼村和园外园的胜在价格便宜.味道好的在蓝天新港和东方海港(东方巴黎楼上).后者最为推荐. 27.健康路上的阿福楼 .小鲍鱼. 卤水拼盘不错 .西芹百合.油闷尖椒.东坡肉.手抓骨, 28.建筑路那开的金色水乡里个菜也蛮显个!!特别是天目湖个鱼头.还有三黄鸡冷菜 29.江阴的新黄山大酒店.河豚鱼.麻辣小龙虾.鱼皮馄饨 , 30.锡海宾馆的鲍汁灵菇, 31.新区有家饭店叫千都.老板在无锡厨艺界赫赫有名(属师公级)那的干蒸甲鱼.白菜狮子头等都是上品. 32.惠钱路上龙圣山庄.里面的虾仁烩鱿鱼.好吃的-!三鲜牛腩煲.牛肉煮得特别烂.牛骨头都煮酥掉, 33.家乐福对着清扬路这一面左手.乐福饭店.很小的门面.但是菜色多.味道好.价格便宜.粉丝煲.各类煲汤.老鸭煲..啧啧.味鲜那 , 34.捷威假日酒店.小墨鱼和日本南瓜烧的.放在沙锅里的.好象有放酱油的.味道灵个!!! 35.吃土家菜去崇宁路上的临记老厨.偶尔吃吃.感觉很特别.味道以清淡和鲜为主.价格适中.推荐:深水潭鱼暖锅.一大沙锅.汤炖的白白的.很鲜很滑哦. 36.吃鲍鱼要去美丽都边上的阿一鲍鱼馆.里面的鲍鱼真是没得说.而且环境很不错.没有大厅全是一间间的包箱.不过价格就有点....除了鲍鱼.他的特色菜也不 错. 37.南阐寺有个红帽小馆..那的西多司和鱿鱼汤 38.无锡建筑路到头点有个破饭店.开源饭店.要预定.东西很不错.全是自己家种的养的.推荐鹿胎.菜主要是清蒸的.招牌菜有带鱼.鳗鱼.田螺.老母鸡什么的.炒的蚕豆满清爽 41.梁溪大桥下嘉德时代广场那里."海纳百川".店堂装潢很雅致.有三层.3楼是包厢去.1和2楼是零点区.环境氛围有点大上海公馆的味道.菜肴味道都还不 错. 43.新区管委会对面的戏江南.环境不错.坐窗口看玻璃墙外流水.如梦里江南.门口有保安开车门.进口一大溜迎宾.就是价格贵了点, 44.东绛那里有个叫绿岛酒店的.他家有个桂鱼浓汤很好喝.还有河豚捞面.他家的荤汤蛳螺也蛮好吃的. 45.惠畅里对面的银星饭店.菜清爽的.推荐:鱼肉面筋, 46.水秀新村路口的蒸菜馆不错.里面的剁椒鱼头味道非常好. 47.梁溪路上的打破砂锅和私房菜也很是不错.私房菜.里面的椒盐蛇段.脆皮鸽比较好吃.还有一个冷菜是那种细的笋.拨了壳吃的.好吃的不得了, 48.蓝天新港的坩埚鱼头否要太显啊!!锅底铺满了姜和蒜!那个香 啊!! 49.藕塘的河潭潭大酒店的菜都很有特色.在无锡西片是比较有名的特色 菜有:剁椒鱼头.清蒸三黄鸡., 50.路灯管理处旁边有个弄堂走进去.有个三凤楼小饭店.价廉物美.口 味不错..特色菜[老母鸡


旁边.胜利门中学门口.有一家饭店[欢天喜地"不错.有专 门的停车场(带录像监控).招牌菜.四罗.蒸咸肉.蒸凤爪. 52.新区假日广场里面有家叫 一品江南 的酒店不错.那里的酿茄子非常 好吃, 53.在文化宫里面.叫城南海客.使学校改建的.没有大厅.全是包厢. 菜满不错的.消费还可以, 54.东亭正在修的友谊路上有一家小王饭店的蒸菜好吃的不得了.梅菜丑 豆腐和鱼都好的.外面没有店名的.老板姓王.从学前东路-春潮路-友谊路转弯口. 一排小饭店里人最多的就是. 55.欧风街上有个阿三蒸菜馆.晚去了都没位子. 有特色的都是清蒸的 菜.招牌的好象是蒸骨头煲.还有清蒸黄鳝啊.鱼啊什么的. 56.河埒口竹乡厨房不错.三英战吕布和冰天雪地都很不错阿.环境也 好, 57.东亭-锡洲花园酒店后面有个破破的小饭店-叫铁皮饭店.里面的菜 很好吃-蒸菜是特色-我最喜欢吃清蒸鸡爪-只消抿抿-就在嘴里化开了-鲜的来- 还有辣的狮螺也很好吃.关键价格还超级便宜.就是环境不咋的.不过味道真是好. 58.木材市场往东湖塘去的那条路上的一家海鲜馆的海鲜不错.干净又实 惠, 59.水上鱼楼的酱炒螺蛳.又肥又香又有滋味, 60.新区汉江路的新江南花园饭店, 61.吴桥底外国语学校旁边的弄唐里进去第一家有个叫建忠家常菜的饭 店.里面有个羊肉煲特色菜.特香.连我这个不吃羊肉的人都觉得好吃.而且里面的 菜都很便宜.味道也不错. 62.南方泉街上有家店.连名字都没有.生意却很好,店里出售蛤蟆肉. 红烧.白烧.味道很好.吃了一次还想吃 63.塘南路上的红兴饭店.不错. 64.忆江南.冷菜里面的拌菜味道比一般饭店的好.好多菜都挺辣的.量也 比较多.总体来说是不错的.就在原来的太湖工人文化宫, 川.湘.贵州菜 1.四院那边的[湘江人家"吃了剁椒鱼头.铁板茄子很棒.鱼头很大味道 很8错的.盛在一个大盆子里.盆子外面是一个竹筐.很有特色.茄子的做法也很有特 别.用锡纸包的.上菜的时候象牛排的感觉.刺啦刺啦的冒热气.这家店的盛菜器具 蛮有自己特色.展现出一种农家风味! 2.江南大学龙山校区跟607所差不多中间点.在一家浴场旁边的小弄堂里 进去.里面有家[老乔川菜".味道很正宗.是四川人开的.门点不大.但味道超赞. 是我在无锡吃的最正宗的.值得推荐的是瓦罐鱼.回锅肉.腊肠, 3.嘉德广场<蜀留香>的姜汁肚片.沸腾鱼.还有一个和土豆烧的鸡. 川味.正点, 4.嘉德广场.新开的[干锅居"连锁店.贵州菜式, 5.龙山宾馆旁路通饭庄.正宗川菜.鱼的几种做法都很好.还便宜, 6.欧风街 川南燃面 推荐菜品:回锅肉片干煸四季豆(内加四川特产.窑 菜沫).块鱼小酥肉豆苗汤等---以及常见的川菜.入鱼香肉丝.宫保鸡丁便宜啊.2-3人 的话30-50元搞定.而且送自制泡菜哦! 7.在稻香那百业超市附近有个富豪饭店.鬼血旺非常好吃.还有蒜泥白 肉, 8.张巷那好象有个圆通电子.那边有2家川菜馆.东西绝对正宗.价格也 不错个, 9.江大青山湾校区门口邮局旁边一家红辣椒餐厅-他家的大盘鸡也超赞 的.肉末茄子盖浇饭超级棒, 10.川国演义-推荐:冷菜乡土木耳(微辣).口水鸡(特色).生菜沙 拉(好大一盆哦.和菠萝丁拌着吃.酸酸甜甜滴)热菜:毛血旺(必点.我吃过的做 的最好吃的).红烧羊肉,点心:芋头饼.很好吃很好吃.很大一个哦,主食:龙抄 手.和我们的混沌差不多.红红辣辣的.很好吃.但是别吃他家的担担面.面硬汤也 不好喝, 11.川妹子的[川北凉粉"[口水鸡". 12.老龙人家的煲仔饭和肠粉.还有小点心.水煮鱼片每桌仅售一份!还 有那个骨头汤!每天只售20份.售完为止, 13.小桃圆天下无二的鬼血旺和酸汤鱼狂好吃, 14.欧风街那有一家专门卖麻辣烫的小摊(只有一家) 在一个角落里 要仔 细找的 比后西西的好吃多了 东北.西北风味菜 1.江大锡惠公园校区对面有一家东北菜.名字有点怪的[东北虎".那里 的炖菜不错.小鸡炖蘑菇我喜欢.汤很浓而且茶树菇也不少.餐前还会送一两个小 菜.花生米炒螺丝啊什么的.就不会等的太着急哦...还有一个锅包肉.一种甜中带酸 的口味.一般去那边的人都会点的.北方人比较直爽的.量也很足哦! 2.无锡广电局旁有一家东北菜馆.老板是东北人.他家的菜都是从北方 邮过来的.特别推荐一道凉拌菜---阳光灿烂!还有许多特色菜都很好吃.最重要的是 价格不贵.量也很多 3.西北或陕西来的朋友可以去荣军医院边的西安风味小吃餐馆去找到你 合适的东西.有几块钱的肉加镆.羊肉包子.其它特色的小吃.如果不满意可以来一大盘 手抓羊肉.那个味道真实数月不忘.没一点腻味.五十元.够三个人吃饱.不妨去尝尝. 4.轻院大门对面有家店招牌是"桂林米粉.东北水饺[.有道菜叫"蘑菇炖 小鸡[味道很棒."酸菜炒粉丝[亦不错.老板是地道的东北人. 5.轻院那里有一家[西北风味小吃".里面的东西也很正宗.喜欢吃辣的 可以去那里试试.(是锡惠公园大门的那条路的轻院啊), 6.青石路上的西北人家做的[瓤"很好吃.是一种很香的饼.有甜的.咸 的. 特色面食.点心 1.毛华玉兰饼.生煎馒头(振兴路菜场).酸辣汤也好吃.比阿兴的 好.分店在家乐福对面. 2.陈大嘴馄饨(沁园新村) 3.超王记馄饨(山北) 4.稻香饼屋的老婆饼不甜.绝对好吃. 5.健康路上的熙盛园里的小笼也很8错的. 6.小董锅贴(崇安寺肯得鸡楼下旁):重新开张了(经实地查看.确认 为冒牌.锅贴没有.只有煎馄饨) 7.楼上楼的各种面条 8.八佰伴六楼的绮丽面亭的面条 9.健康路上的洁丰面店的面也不错哦 10.南禅寺扬州包子馆里面的包子很不错:)推荐三丁包不贵不贵.梅干 菜包也好吃.蒸饺好.素菜味道也不错. 11.顶鼎鸡的鸡粥(冷了就倒胃口.温温的最好吃).鸡汤面(很鲜.呵 呵)和鸡(很嫩.拌料好好吃) 12. 13.南禅寺[七品鸭血粉丝汤" 14.克里斯汀饼屋的小方蛋糕很好吃.3.5元一个有很多种口味的.巧克力. 蓝莓.柠檬.草莓..总有一种是你喜欢的.不过个人以为太甜. 还有就是3元的香辣蟹 棒也不错啊.有空去试一下吧.对了它的乳酪蛋糕.好好吃.口水流ing 15.沁园九重天酒楼下.那个蛋糕房做的蛋卷.天天排长队.... 16.五爱路水车湾小区口蛋糕房做的肉松面包卷.:o...... 17.西新中学门口 夹心小蛋糕 .梦之岛门前的小滩头 18.强烈推荐家乐福对面的福面馆 19.金海里那里的贩卖车.叫"顺饭团".如果乘公交车.那站的名字叫"学前 东路" 20.荣巷口的[肉夹馍"龙山饭店那条小马路对面! 21.鸿运的鸿运大包.馅多. 22.健康路的阿兴酸辣汤.还有那里的炒面.味道应该在锡城是数一数二 的, 23.风雷新村的鸭肉面馆.里面的面非常好味.推荐烤鸭.鸭肫, 24.味千拉面要吃大洋百货的.正中的哦.汤料都是日本运过来的. 25.星巴克的甜点.门口还有个纯手工的巧克力国外运来的.好吃咯! 26.曹张新村天惠对面的爆米花也蛮好吃的. 27.学前街下午有手推车的卤水很好吃, 28.红汤辣馄饨店.在健康路长发商场旁. 29.王兴记个蟹粉馄饨, 30.万家灯火旁边也有一家`正宗董记锅贴`.2元6只 , 31.西门水沟头.阿胖炒面, 32.朝阳广场江南中学对面的豁达凉皮 33.吃米线.要去老轻院对面那家.不过现在好象涨价了.从以前的10元涨 到12了.贵.不过味道好极了. 34.体育公园.震新菜场门口的梅花糕满灵个. 35.鸭血粉丝汤有个地方的超级好吃.也是在稻香百业超市对面的路走30 米十字路那有个老头的.非常不错.推荐, 36.2中边门的小弄堂进去有一排小吃店.正数第二家的菜饭很好吃的. 还有酸辣汤不比阿兴差的.而且都是现做的.推荐那里的辣酱.是老板自己熬的.特 别香 37.鸭血粉丝.水秀新村里水秀中学门口那条路上的第一个十字路口的一 家摊子.我觉得很好吃, 38.锡惠公园的荤汤豆腐花.油酥饼(靠近直街门旁)每次去都吃.老无锡风 味 39.惠山公园.直街那个大门口(就在大门口旁边)有一家叫做赛王记的 馄饨店里面的东西超好吃!虽然门面很小但是东西实惠.馄饨1.5元/两.小龙馒头2.5 元/两! 40.叙康里有个小店.里面的肉夹馍满好吃的.是牛肉的.3元一个.比 快餐里面的汗堡好吃 41.新世界和鸿运楼弄堂里.建设银行隔壁的鸿运楼面馆.最便宜的阳春 面8块1碗.最贵的没吃过.鲍翅套餐吧?388.不知道开张后卖出过几碗?那里的菜和 点心也不错.都在平均水平之上.吃阳春面也有免费茶.免费餐前小菜.免费水果. 免费姜丝和辣酱. 42.水秀新村邮政储蓄所往东10来米处:王记鸭血粉丝汤.汤头是用红头老 鸭熬成的高汤鲜浓可口.而且里面还有百煮不老的鸭血(很入味).加上香硬的鸭肝和鸭 肠.现煮的粉丝-----吃过就知道了.价格:小3元/碗.大4元/碗.量多实惠, 43.南禅寺扬州包子馆:拌干丝 3元/份.虾饺6元/份6个 灌汤蟹黄包8元/ 个 荠菜包子4.8元/份 鱼汤面2元/份, 44.崇安儿童医院后老供电新村内每天下午有葱油饼好吃.里面的馅料能 流出来, 45.城中公园靠白水荡门前有一小店.一群大爷大妈打理.咸豆浆等尝的出 是旧时口味坐在那里的感觉时光会退三十年, 46.复兴路上电信市场大门口有个"胖阿姨凉皮".味道超好.她家的凉皮都 是秤好的.一盒四两.很公道! 47.惠龙新村里面的三叉路口有个老爷爷摆的小馄饨摊子.量多味美还便 宜, 48.沁园新村里面有家酸辣汤.很好, 49.沁园新村门口有家面店.口味颇佳, 50.味千拉面8错的-汤很鲜浓--(后西西.新崇安寺都有) 51.风雷新村个鸭肉 面店个夜宵还要好吃.两三个人去么弄四分之一烤 鸭(要后半段个.肉多.)在烤点羊肉串和鸡翅膀, 52.还有青石路的小王兴的小龙包也还可以-- 53.后西溪现在一家麻辣烫的店火暴.就是自选蔬菜.然后用高汤煮熟.加 点汤上桌. 54.稻香菜场那有家一品包里面的鲜肉馄饨.汤没丁大福的鲜.但馅真的 不错.隔壁鸭面馆里的烤鸭好好吃... 55.二中后面一排人家的院子破墙开店的.有沙锅馄饨.牛线.酸辣汤.菜 饭什么的,炒面最好吃了. 56.曹张新村那条周围银行的路.在幼儿园对面一个鸭血粉丝汤的小摊, 57.崇安寺里的阿希山拉面.味道和味仟拉面有些相似.价格也差不多. 58.曹张新村那有个手推馄饨店.红汤和白汤味道都不错.价格也便宜! 59.荣巷街道里有个老年活动室 有时候会有唱戏班子去 旁边有家人家 开了小吃店 里面的馄饨和粉丝是一绝, 60.健康路大马路十字路口弄堂里有家拉面馆.里面的牛肉炒饭好吃- 61.红梅市场对面的巷子.有一家小店.在TCL隔壁的烟酒店里有卖红 豆汤的.超级好吃, 62.兴隆宾馆旁的小巷里以前的波特曼那边的一家手推馄饨蛮好吃个.店 环境虽不好但生意好的, 63.永乐路那边卖灵山食品进去的弄堂.叫牛弄.牛弄里的沙锅牛鲜好吃 的!3.5一碗, 64.稻香新村的菜场里.在买水果的摊子旁边.有家买包子的店(好像没 店名).那里做的生煎包子最好吃了, 65.锡惠公园后门有一家馄饨小店.很好吃. 66.中山路上的"豆香斋".有绍兴"三味斋"的味.和小摊上的豆腐不一样. 67.棉花巷的龙妹肠旺面.招牌的怪噜饭和肠旺面不错.鸭腿面的鸭腿超 大.价钱也不贵, 68.河埒口教育书店旁的弄堂里[幸福小吃店"的刀削面.赞 69.有一个馄饨店的馄饨偶觉得还蛮好吃.不比福乐的差.里面的汤很正 宗.不象有些店的馄饨汤美其名曰鸡汤.肉汤.其实掺了很多水.就在西门桥下巴将军 火锅店的楼下.有兴趣的朋友可以去尝一尝.很羡的.哈哈哈.里面的小笼馒头也不 错. 70.朝阳市场有个上马墩素包子不错的.肉包子也可以. 71.我觉得中桥天惠超市对面个一条弄唐里面有个女人卖个鸭血粉丝汤狂 好吃.跟好一家有的一拼.而且只要三块钱. 72. 曹张新村天惠对面的爆米花也蛮好吃的. 73.位于后西溪(中医院急诊对面)的章鱼小丸子店.也很好吃, 清真 1.青石路上的[买买提"新疆餐厅挺不错, 2.崇安寺王兴记隔壁的[绿柳居]是清真餐馆.专营各种面条.清真炒 菜.特色是烤羊腿.羊腿上撒满籽然.烤的不焦也不过嫩.刚刚好.辣度也适中.8块 一根的价格很公道. 港式茶餐厅 1.三皇港式茶餐厅.两人才吃了50元.还送了10元的抵用券.挺便宜的!蜜 汁叉烧和基围虾.觉得得值得推荐的.煲仔饭也不错.鲜虾去吞不太好吃, 2.8百半后面 缥缈方旁边的 丽景港式餐厅8错 云吞面 西米露, 3.保利避风塘的炒河粉好吃!!艇仔粥.密制猪劲肉.海螺片也非常好 吃. 4.水莲天和香樟花园的早茶! 5.推荐一个地方-[糖朝"的铁板茄子--味道超棒!中菜西做-用的都 是铁板牛排的料理,还有老火靓汤也不错-里面有当归-参-枸杞-红枣-荸荠-还 有鸡精心炖成-汤浓浓的-我喝了好几碗哦--恩-里面的甜品更是不用说了-椰奶 芦荟爽--还有芒果芦荟爽--还有木瓜雪蛤--都是必点的东东哦!!强烈推荐: 铁板茄子--各类甜品!! 6.阿唐粥店.是改了适合无锡人口味的小粤菜饭店.在永乐路, 素食类 1.静自斋吃素.在美丽都的亚马逊旁边. 2.早吃素(枣子树).在港丽大酒店对面置地广场内.点心:春卷.萝 卜糕.好吃,海蚵煎.腐皮卷.还有一个名字忘了.模仿鳗鱼做的.外皮有点脆.里 面是 金针菇木耳什么的.浇上糖醋稠汁,菠菜饺子 . 香酥仔排和牛奶布丁还有九 层塔茄


Chinese meal 1. Does the Home Tan dish on telegraphic bureau have two food very pretty good: ? Sweet shrimp of tea of? of Piao team Kun is very delicate 2. Liang Qing road. The isle restaurant near river Lie mouth goes eating balloonfish 3. The bone fort of " of food taken late at night of street " small peak grows south. The burden of soup is very strange. So delicious that think the tongue oneself also swallowed:) 4. Plain food shop (the) other car west station. Characteristic: ? Xuan of Kuang of Ran danger  wraps up Mu ú ? 5. Wineshop of congee heaven and earth. 5 love Lujia and square, .6. On the 308 army of flourish alley inside river restaurant plain dish is delicious. Inn is bit dirtier. Sausage does not have stannum peerless. 7. Beer encloseds ground for growing trees [beer chicken " 8. The bright moon on water is pretty good also. The environment has exceeded. Have the taste of bit of autumn water reaching the sky, 9. The treasure in the bottom that Xia Lianfu marks. Corn bake in a pan. Fascia dish- - flesh of braise in soy sauce. The India that the black of the doorway does flies cake is pretty good also 10. Earth guesthouse. The hand inside rips soft-shelled turtle so delicious that want to spit even bone. 12 yuan. The price is so cheap also that the price do not have a word to tell. Still have crackling breast is columbine. Sweet fragile. Eat completely mouth shedding is oily, 11. On the west of the door on the west new hotel. Storefront is general. But the thing taste inside is very good. Especially Shang Si collect and Beijing sauce shredded meat. Very delicious. Snakeheaded fish 2 eat. 12. Before learning east the drunk sweet garden of crossing of north of road the Yangtse River. Cheap and fine, 13. The Xin Wang of new developed area sheds store greatly. The dish inside is very purificatory. The price is not high also. Taste is good, 14. With a ha breath out big public house. Price on the high side. But dish type is purificatory. Recommend. With a ha breath out weever. Bright grandma banana still has what flesh. Those who take character. 8 Qian Yigen. Very sweet also, 15. The house of fresh water clear congee of river Lie mouth. Inside base surround shrimp. 3 cups of chicken are very pretty good. 16. Dong Lin hotel. The ananas meal inside. Fill the ananas meal that has fried Yu Bo collect inside. Faint scent is tangy still Xo sauce fries Niu Wa. Also be good taste, 17. The happy event of square of door rising sun is filled with cabinet south. Low-cost. The amount is full. The leg of the hare that bake inside. Fume breast columbine it is very delicious, 18. South the hotel of salty go smoothly of the door. It is the branch that authentic carry on promotes. The food and drink inside is Zhejiang gust. Very special. Sweet weak it is a characteristic. Tastily, 19. The building of Number One Scholar on Europe wind street. A few old course that do not have stannum are very authentic over there type. Resemble flooey whitefish. The chop that do not have stannum! 20. Without Xi Sanfeng bridge. Chop is here of course the most authentic. Still have crystal shelled fresh shrimps. Although be not a patch on too lake restaurant. But flavour also is very pretty good, 21. Reviving the house of dish of the daily life of a family that Lu Moxi has the home to call Home on center of town house displacement. Although,feel inside very small. But made food is very delicious. And in downtown this a sector of an area. The price also does not calculate expensive! The boss should be a person that makes science. From decorate can see! If be midday at 11 o'clock. Controlled the word that go at 6 o'clock in the evening. Had better want to book. Because can a few pieces of tables. Want to wait for the word that reverses a stand. Want half hour. What inn fascia makes is neon lamp. Consider as bar easily by accident. Should be distinctive a slap-bang shop actually! Suit the small-sized party of two people! 23. Small outside the source outside the world of the beach. Go doing not have seat late, 24. In the alley on 2 courtyards happy red garden. The thing still considers material benefit delicious, 25. The French goose of water shade day works. Water is connected small fry emperor. Ball of fill soup shrimp. Cool melon? ? (Stuffing is sesame seed. The skin is green) . The dry river that fry an ox (on schedul) . Hoosh bacterium stay of proceedings, 26. Seafood of be fond of. The success of the garden outside Nanhai fish village and garden is in low-cost. Flavour is in well blue sky new harbor and Oriental harbour (Oriental Paris is upstairs) . Latter is recommended most. 27. The A Fulou on healthy road. Little abalone. Bittern assorted cold dishes is pretty good. Xi Qin lily. Oily frowsty pointed any of several hot spice plants. East slope flesh. The hand stresses character, 28. In the aureate a region of rivers and lakes that structure sequence opens then dish also pretty is shown! ! Especially weather eye lake piscine head. Still have cold food of 3 yellow chicken 29. Big public house of new yellow hill. Balloonfish fish. Hemp hot crayfish. Piscine skin wonton, 30. The Bao Zhiling stay of proceedings of stannic sea guesthouse, 31. New developed area has a restaurant to cry 1000. The boss is in the hutch that do not have stannum art group is illustrious and eminent (belong to division general level) that dry evaporate soft-shelled turtle. First class of Chinese cabbage lion is top grade. 32. Mountain villa of emperor of the dragon on benefit fund way. The squid of braise of shelled fresh shrimps inside. Delicious - ! Bao of 3 bright sirlon. Beef is boiled particularly soddenly. Bovine bone is boiled crisp drop, 33. Domestic Le Fu to clear raise road left hand of this one side. Happy blessing restaurant. Very small the facade of a shop. But famished look is much. Taste is good. Low-cost. Bao of vermicelli made from bean starch. Soup of of all kinds Bao. Old duck Bao. . Click of the tongue. Taste is little that, 34. Hotel of nimble power holiday. Small cuttlefish and Japanese pumpkin burn. Those who be put in earthenware pot. Seem to have those who put soy. Taste is quick! ! ! 35. Dish of home taking land goes to those who esteem Ning Lu to go up facing write down old hutch. Now and then eat. The sense is very extraordinary. Flavour with delicate give priority to with delicacy. Price moderate. Recommend: ? ? of  of bolt of bracelet  team one big earthenware pot. Soup stews for nothing. Very bright very slippery. 36. Eat abalone to want to go beautiful the house of A Yibao fish on the edge. The abalone inside must not say really. And the environment is very good. Doing not have the hall is a lodge between completely. Nevertheless the price has a place. . . . Besides abalone. His characteristic food is good also. 37. Explain temple has a red cap small house south. . That manage more on the west and squid soup 38. Dot of in the end of sequence of the structure that do not have stannum has a broken hotel. Open source restaurant. Want to book. The thing is very good. It is oneself completely the home plants raise. Recommend cervine embryo. Dish basically is steamed. Fascia dish has hairtail. Eel. River snail. Old hen of what. Fried horsebean is full relaxed 41. Over there acting square of the Jia Deshi below bridge brook big bridge. "? ? of D arenaceous Qiu. Inn hall decorate is very refined. Having three-layer.3 building is box goes.1 and 2 buildings were at 0 o'clock area. Environmental atmosphere has the taste of bit of big Shanghai residence. Dish taste is good still. 43. New developed area is in charge of appoint the play Changjiang Delta on the meeting. The environment is good. Sit the window sees water of vitreous wall outflow. Be like the Changjiang Delta in the dream. The doorway has security personnel to open door. The entrance sneaks away greatly welcome guest. It is the price bit more expensive, 44. Have over there Dong Jiang those who call green island the hotel. His home has a Gui Yunong soup is very good drink. Still balloonfish gains a face. The snail of Si of soup of meat or fish of his home also pretty is delicious. 45. The on silver-colored star restaurant in Hui Chang. Dish is relaxed. Recommend: ? ? 46 of Hong pay prostitute. The evaporate food shop of crossing of water beautiful new residential quarter is good. The flavour of head of fish of chop any of several hot spice plants inside is first-rate. 47. On bridge brook road breaking arenaceous boiler and confidential dish also is pretty good very. Confidential dish. The snake of a condiment made of roast prickly ash and salt inside paragraph. Crackling is columbine more delicious. Still having a cold food is the sort of fine bamboo shoot. Dialed housing to eat. Delicious, 48. The crucible fish head of blue sky new harbor is denied should too show! ! Boiler bottom bespread ginger and garlic! That sweet! ! 49. The dish of the big public house of river pool pool of lotus root pond has distinguishing feature very much. Be in without Cissy piece be to compare famous characteristic dish to there is: ? ? of Xiang phenolic Kun steams 3 yellow chicken. , 50. The road has an alley to go in on the side of lamp government office. Have an a slap-bang shop of 3 phoenix buildings. Good in quality and cheap in price. Taste is good. . Characteristic dish [old hen


On the side. At the door triumphal door middle school. Have a hotel [overjoyed " is pretty good. Have special parking lot (take kinescope monitoring) . Fascia dish. 4 collect. Evaporate bacon. Evaporate phoenix is ungual. 52. The public house that there is the home to make taste Changjiang Delta inside square of holiday of new developed area is pretty good. The wine aubergine over there is very delicious, 53. Inside culture palace. Call city Nanhai the guest. Make the school rebuilds. Without the hall. It is balcony completely. Course is full pretty good. Consumption is OK still, 54. The evaporate food that there is hotel of king of one wife and children on the friendship road that Dong Ting is building is delicious. Plum dish ugly bean curd and fish are good. There is inn name outside. Boss surname king. From before learning east road - Chun Chao road - friendship road turns mouth. The person in an a slap-bang shop is most is. 55. There is a house of A Sanzheng dish on Europe wind street. Went late doing not have seat. Distinctive is steamed dish. Of fascia seeming is evaporate bone Bao. Still have steamed ricefield eel. Fish ah of what. 56. Cuisine of countryside of bamboo of river Lie mouth is good. Cloth of Lv of 3 flower battle and a world of ice and snow are very pretty good A. Environmental it may not be a bad idea, 57. Dong Ting - Xi Zhouhua has at the back of garden cafe break broken a slap-bang shop - call iron sheet restaurant. The dish inside is very delicious - evaporate dish is characteristic - I like to have steamed chicken claw most - close lightly of close lightly of you only need to do - changed in the mouth - come brightly - still have hot lion snail very delicious also. Crucial price returns super petty gain. It is an environment not how. Taste is really good nevertheless. 58. Lumber market is gone to east the seafood of the house of a seafood on that road that lake pond goes to is good. Clean substantial, 59. The sauce of building of the fish on water fries spiral shell. Fat sweet have taste again, 60. The restaurant of garden of new Changjiang Delta of road of Hanjiang of new developed area, 61. Go in in the lane the Tang Dynasty on the side of school of the foreign language end Wu Qiao the first has a hotel that makes build course of faithful the daily life of a family. There is a food of hotpot Bao characteristic inside. Especially sweet. This person that does not have hotpot feels even me delicious. And the food inside is very cheap. Taste is good also. 62. South has a store on fontal market. Do not have even the name. The business is very good however, toad meat sells in inn. Braise in soy sauce. Burn in vain. Flavour is very good. Ate to still want to eat 63. On the road austral the pond red promote restaurant. Pretty good. 64. Recall Changjiang Delta. Inside cold food mix what food taste compares general restaurant is good. A lot of food is quite hot. The capacity is more also. Overall for it is pretty good. Be in original too palace of lake worker culture, plain. Hunan. Guizhou dish 1. 4 courtyards there [" of Hunan river other people had head of fish of chop any of several hot spice plants. Iron plate aubergine is very marvellous. Piscine head is very big flavour very of 8 faults. Fill in a big salver. Basket of a bamboo is outside salver. Have distinguishing feature very much. The practice of aubergine also has very much special. Wrap with tinfoil. Serving when the feeling that resembles beefsteak. Thorn thorn risk steam. The pretty of appliance flourishing dish of this inn has him distinguishing feature. Show a local color of a kind of farmhouse! 2. Campus of hill of dragon of Changjiang Delta university follows 607 about the same the dot intermediate. Go in in the small alley on the side of a bathhouse. There is the home inside [" of Laoqiao plain dish. Flavour is very authentic. Sichuan person leaves. Door drop is not big. But flavour exceeds assist. It is I am in what eat without stannum the most authentic. Those who be worth to recommend is fish of made of baked clay canister. Cook again flesh. Sausage, 3. Sichuan of < of fine heart square stays sweet > ginger juice abdomen piece. Boiling fish. Still have a chicken that cooks with potato. Plain flavour. On schedul, 4. Fine heart square. New-blown [" of house doing boiler interlinks inn. Guizhou dish type, 5. Bypass of dragon hill guesthouse opens restaurant. Authentic plain dish. A few kinds of practices of the fish are very good. Cheap still, 6. Europe wind street plain south light a face to recommend dish to taste: ?  of Hun of  of to bring up extends carry collect way Sichuan special local product is added inside? . ) of kiln dish foam. Piece the fish is small soup of seedling of soft flesh beans---And common plain dish. Enter piscine sweet shredded meat. It is cheap that palace keeps gallinaceous man ah the word 30-50 of.2-3 person yuan do calm. And send abstain pickle! 7. In paddy sweet there is a plute hotel near supermarket of that 100 course of study. Ghost blood flourishing is very delicious. Still have mashed garlic plain boiled pork, 8. Zhang Hangna seems to a circle connects an electron. There is house of 2 plain dishes there. The thing is absolutely and authentic. The value is good also, 9. On the side of post office of doorway of campus of bay of river big green hill dining-room of a chili - the grail chicken of his home also exceeds assist. Lid of ground meat aubergine irrigates a meal super club, 10. Plain country historical novel - recommend: ? Bin of Ru bring a case to court talks about diameter? small hot) . Saliva chicken (characteristic) . Lettuce salad (very big oh. Mixing with pineapple man eat. Is acerbity acid sweet drop) hot food: ?   ? is nodded surely. I eat the do the most delicious) that pass. Hotpot of braise in soy sauce, mug-up: ? Po numerous? is very delicious and very good eat. Very big oh, staple food: ?  ? hand. With us muddleheaded about the same. Gong Gong is hot hot. Very delicious. But the Sichuan noodles with peppery sauce that does not have his home. Surface hard boiling water is bad also to drink, 11. Plain of the girl [" of chicken of saliva of "[of plain north bean jelly. 12. The Bao young meal of old Home Long Ren and alvine pink. Still have bit heart. Water boils slices of fish meat every desk makes work only! Still have that bone boiling water! Make work only everyday 20. Sell out till, 13. Round the world of little a peach-shaped thing is mixed without the ghost blood flourishing of 2 acerbity Shang Yu is mad delicious, 14. Europe wind street has to sell hemp technically then hot very hot small vendor's stand (have only) of the after comparing cc that should search carefully in a corner much more delicious northeast. Northwest gust dish 1. Jiang Daxi has a northeast food on benefit park campus. Name oddish [northeast tiger " . The stewing food over there is good. I like the chickling dawdle that stew. Soup very thick and tea tree stay of proceedings is not little also. 9 cole still can send before eat. Pignut fries screw ah of what. What won't wait is too anxious. . . Still a boiler includes the pork. A kind sweet in the taste that takes sick at heart. Go to what the person there can nod commonly. Northerner is candidder. The amount is very full also! 2. Without stannum there is house of a northeast dish by wide report bureau. The boss is northeast person. The dish of his home comes over from northward mail. Special recommend course of a cold and dressed with sause---Sunshine is bright! Still have a lot of characteristic food very delicious. The most important is the price not expensive. The capacity is very much also 3. The Xi'an gust that the friend that northwest or Shaanxi come to can go by the side of flourish surgeon courtyard is fastfood cafeteria goes finding your right thing. The flesh that has a few money adds Mo. Hotpot steamed stuffed bun. Of other characteristic fastfood. If dissatisfactory can come one grail hand catchs hotpot. That tastes true a few months does not forget. Do not have a bit get fed up. 50 yuan. Enough 3 people are satiate. Might as well go tasting. 4. There is domestic store shop sign on light courtyard gate is " Guilin ground rice. [of northeast boiled dumpling. Dish calls " dawdle to stew a chickling [taste is very good. "? Hu arranges the Jun that beat Chang also pretty good. The boss is typical northeast person. 5. There is over there light courtyard [northwest gust is fastfood " . The thing inside is very authentic also. Like to eat hot can go there try. (The light courtyard of that road that is gate of stannic benefit park ah) , 6. The northwest other people on bluestone road does [flesh " is very delicious. It is a kind of very sweet cake. Have sweet. Salty. Characteristic cooked wheaten food. Mug-up 1. Cake of wool China yulan magnolia. Steamed bread of crude fry in shallow oil (revitalize) of region food market. Vinegar-pepper soup it may not be a bad idea eats. Those who compare A Xing is good. The branch is opposite home Le Fu. 2. Wonton of Chen Da mouth (ooze garden new residential quarter) 3. Exceed Wang Ji wonton (hill north) 4. The wife cake of house of paddy sweet cake is not sweet. Absolutely and delicious. 5. In the bright Cheng Yuan on healthy road small basket also very of 8 faults. 6. Xiaodong fried dumpling (does Chong Ansi agree is chicken downstairs by) : ? Classics of? of handkerchief of box ass  is examined on the spot. Think truly pinchbeck. Fried dumpling is done not have. Have decoct wonton only) 7. All sorts of noodle of upstairs building 8. The noodle that the beautiful face that 8 hundred accompany 6 buildings wells balanced 9. The side of the inn of clean abundant face on healthy road is good also oh 10. The steamed stuffed bun inside house of steamed stuffed bun of Na Chansi Yangzhou is very pretty good:) Recommend 3 man the bag is not expensive. Prune dish bag is delicious also. Steamed dumpling is good. Lenten taste is good also. 11. The gallinaceous congee of chicken carrying a vessel on the head (cold with respect to spoil one's appetite. The most delicious) of Wen Wen. Chicken broth face (very bright. Breathe out ah) with chicken (very tender. Mix makings is very delicious) 12. 13. Na Chansi [" 14 of soup of vermicelli made from bean starch of the 7 blood that taste duck. The small square cake that overcomes house of Li Siting cake is very delicious.3.5 yuan have a lot of kinds of taste. Chocolate. La Mei. Citric. Strawberry. . You like always one is plant. Nevertheless the individual feels too sweet. Still have even if club of 3 yuan sweet hot crab is pretty good also. Available go trying. Was opposite its cheese cake. Eat well. Saliva sheds Ing 15. Ninefold day wine shop issues ooze garden. The egg roll that that cake room makes. Discharge cue every day. . . . 16. The bread of dried meat floss that room of cake of mouth of village of bay of sprinkler of 5 love road makes coils. : O. . . . . . 17. Xi Xinzhong learns small cake of doorway with filling. The small beach head before the insular door of the dream 18. Recommend the blessing noodle shop on domestic Le Fu strongly 19. The vendition over there golden sea mile car. Call " suitable meal round " . If take a bus. Before the name of that station calls " to learn east road " 20. Of flourish alley mouth [restaurant of hill of dragon of " of fleshy clip steamed bun on that pony road! 21. Packets the grand fortune that grand carries is great. Stuffing is much. 22. The A of healthy road promotes vinegar-pepper soup. Still have the chow mien over there. Flavour should be in stannic city is count as one of the best, 23. The duck flesh noodle shop of tempest new residential quarter. First-rate flavour inside. Recommend roast duck. Duck's gizzard, 24. Flavour 1000 pull a face to want to have ocean general merchandise. In the middle of oh. Japanese carry comes over soup makings. 25. The desert of astral Buck. The doorway still has a carry of abroad of pure handmade chocolate to come. Delicious cough up! 26. The popcorn on benefit of day of Cao Zhangxin village also pretty is delicious. 27. The bittern that the street before learning has barrow afternoon is very delicious, 28. Inn of red soup hot dumpling soup. Beside bazaar of healthy Lu Changfa. 29. Wang Xing writes down a crab meat wonton, 30. There also is `.2 of fried dumpling of authentic Dong Ji of a ` on the side of a myriad twinkling lights of a city yuan 6, 31. Head of Xi Menshui channel. A fat chow mien, 32. On middle school of sunny square Changjiang Delta open-minded cool skin 33. Take rice line. Want to that goes on old light courtyard. Seemed to rise in price now nevertheless. Go up from 10 yuan previously 12. Expensive. Had tasted nevertheless. 34. Sports park. The wintersweet cake full spirit of doorway of shake new food market. 35. What soup of duck blood vermicelli made from bean starch has a place is super and delicious. Also be to be in rice is aromatic the route on supermarket of 100 course of study goes 30 meters of crossed roads to have an old man then. Very pretty good. Recommend, 36.2 in the small alley of side door goes in have a snack bar. Plus the 2nd dish meal is very delicious. Still vinegar-pepper soup is differred unlike A Xing. And do now. Recommend the thick chili sauce over there. Him boss is boiled. Particularly sweet 37. Duck blood vermicelli made from bean starch. Shui Xiuxin learns a doorway in village water show a booth of the first crossroad on that road. I feel very good to eat, 38. The bean curd of soup of meat or fish of stannic benefit park is beautiful. Short cake (approach straight market door by) go eating every time. The old gust that do not have stannum 39. Benefit hill park. Straight market that gate mouth (it is on the side of gate mouth) the thing inside the wonton store that one calls contest Wang Ji exceeds delicious! Although the facade of a shop is very small but the thing is substantial. Wonton 1.5 yuan / 2. Small dragon steamed bread 2.5 yuan / 2! 40. Appraise Kang Li has a small shop. The fleshy clip steamed bun inside is full delicious. The.3 that is beef yuan. More delicious than the sweat fort inside snack 41. In new world and alley of grand carry building. Build the Hong Yunlou noodle shop next door the bank. The cheapest noodles in a simple sauce 8 1 bowl. The most expensive had not eaten. Bao wing formula? 388. After knowing to open business, sell a few bowls had given? The dish over there and mug-up are pretty good also. It is over average level. Eat noodles in a simple sauce to also have free tea. The cole before free meal. Free fruit. Free Jiang Si and thick chili sauce. 42. Does postal savings bank go to water beautiful new residential quarter east 10 come to meter of place: ? Chang of  of Qiong eggplant beautiful engraves? a prescription for a medical decoction is the soup-stock that with red head old duck boils Xian Nong is goluptious. And inside still 100 boil ageless duck blood (very tasty) . Add sweet hard duck liver and duck bowel. Show boiled vermicelli made from bean starch-----Had eaten to know. Price: ? ? yuan / bowl. Big 4 yuan / bowl. The amount is much more substantial, 43. : of house of steamed stuffed bun of Na Chansi Yangzhou? Wei hurts?3 yuan / portion. Shrimp dumpling 6 yuan / the ovary and digestive glands of the crab of 6 fill soup includes the share 8 yuan / shepherd's purse steamed stuffed bun 4.8 yuan / portion fish noodles in soup 2 yuan / portion, 44. Esteem after bringing children hospital midday of every the world has green deep-fried dough cake inside new residential quarter of old power supply delicious. The stuffing makings inside can flow, 45. There is one small shop before the park in the city relies on Bai Shui to swing the door. A flock of uncle aunts are done. Salty soya-bean milk those who taste going out is the sensory time that old times taste takes over can retreat 30 years, 46. Revive mouth of telegraphic market gate has a " of cool skin of " fat aunt on the road. Flavour has exceeded. The cool skin of her home is the balance is good. 39. Very fair! 47. The small wonton the structure of an organization that the trident crossing inside benefit dragon new residential quarter has a great grandfather to place. The quantity is much more delicious cheap still, 48. Ooze has a vinegar-pepper soup inside garden new residential quarter. Very good, 49. Doorway of ooze garden new residential quarter has domestic side store. Taste quite beautiful, 50. Flavour 1000 pull 8 faults - boiling water is very fresh thick- - (hind cc. New Chong Ansi has) 51. Tempest new residential quarter inn of duck flesh face food taken late at night is even delicious. 3 two people go do 1/4 roast duck (want second half paragraph. The flesh is much. ) in the dot that bake hotpot is strung together and gallinaceous wing, 52. It is OK still also that the Xiaolong of the small Wang Xing that still has bluestone way is wrapped- - 53. Hind Xi Xi a hemp is hot now very hot inn fiery. It is free vegetable. Thoroughly cook with soup-stock next. Add bit of table on soup. 54. Paddy caraway field has the home to taste the fresh pork wonton inside the bag then. Soup does not have Ding Dafu's delicacy. But stuffing is pretty good really. The roast duck in adjoining duck noodle shop is very delicious. . . 55. 2 in from the back the courtyard of an other people breaks wall set up shop. Have earthenware pot wonton. Bovine line. Vinegar-pepper soup. Dish meal of what, chow mien had better eat. 56. Cao Zhangxin village that all round the road of the bank. Opposite nursery school the small vendor's stand of soup of vermicelli made from bean starch of blood of a duck, 57. The A Xishan in Chong Ansi plays a side. Flavour and flavour thousand pull some likeness. The price is similar also. 58. Cao Zhangxin village has a store of hand push wonton then. Red soup and white soup taste are good. The price is cheap also! 59. The wonton that there is a senile activity room to be able to occasionally team of act in an opera had family home to open snack bar in Rong Hangjie path and vermicelli made from bean starch are a special skill, 60. Healthy road has the home to pull noodle shop in alley of big driveway crossroad. The beef inside fries a meal delicious - 61. The alley on red plum market child. Have store of one wife and children. The smoke next door TCL has those who sell ormosia boiling water in the hotel. Super and delicious, 62. The previously baud in the lane by flourishing guesthouse graceful the pretty of wonton of a hand push there is delicious. Although store environment is bad but the business is good, 63. Always Le Lu the sells clever hill food to go in alley there. Call Niu Long. The delicacy of earthenware pot ox in Niu Long is delicious! A bowl 3.5, 64. In the food market of paddy sweet new residential quarter. Buying fruity the structure of an organization on the side. The store that the home buys steamed stuffed bun (seem to do not have inn name) . The steamed stuffed bun of crude fry in shallow oil that makes over there had better eat, 65. Back door of stannic benefit park has small shop of a wonton. Very delicious. 66. The " of " beans sweet fast on Zhongshan road. Carry on promotes " the flavour of " of 3 flavour fast. The bean curd that goes up with small vendor's stand is different. 67. The face of flourishing of bowel of dragon younger sister of pily alley. The strange verbose meal of fascia and alvine flourishing side are good. The duck leg of duck leg face exceeds big. Price is not expensive also, 68. In the alley by bookshop of education of river Lie mouth [the knife of " of happy snack bar cuts an area. Assist 69. The wonton that has store of a wonton feels to return pretty occasionally delicious. Unlike the difference with happy blessing. The soup inside is very authentic. The wonton soup unlike some inn chicken broth of call it by a good name of. Broth. Actually mix into a lot of water. Be in on the west of inn of chaffy dish of general of chin of raft of pontoons downstair. The friend that have fun at can be tasted. Very those who admire. Hahaha. Inside small basket the steamed bread is good also. 70. Sunny market has a steamed stuffed bun of element of mound of mount a horse pretty good. Fleshy steamed stuffed bun is OK also. 71. I feel medium on supermarket of bridge day benefit there is a woman to sell a duck blood vermicelli made from bean starch boiling water inside a lane the Tang Dynasty mad delicious. Had followed a some to go all out. And want 3 money only. 72. The popcorn on benefit of day of Cao Zhangxin village also pretty is delicious. 73. The Xi Xi after be located in (on emergency call of courtyard of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine) inn of octopus small a round mass of food. Very delicious also, islamic 1. On bluestone road [" Xinjiang dining-room holds out Maimaidi pretty good, 2. Esteem the Wang Xing that install a temple to write down next door [green Liu Ju] it is Islamic cafeteria. Specialize in all sorts of noodle. Islamic stir-fries. Characteristic is leg of the sheep that bake. On ovine leg besprent seed like that. Those who bake is not anxious tender nevertheless also. Just good. Hot degree also moderate.8 piece value is very fair. Dining-room of harbor type tea 1. Dining-room of tea of type of 3 emperor harbor. Two talents ate 50 yuan. Return those who sent 10 yuan to touch with certificate. Quite cheap! Sweet juice fork is burned and base surround shrimp. Feel worth whily to recommend. Bao young meal is good also. Bright shrimp goes swallowing not quite delicious, 2.8 hundred from the back dimly discernible square sago of 8 face of wrong Yun Tun show the dining room of pattern of beautiful scene harbor on the side, 3. Protect benefit to take shelter from the wind the pink frying a river of the pond is delicious! ! Congee of young of a light boat. Make pig strong pork closely. Conch piece very delicious also. 4. The early tea of Shui Liantian and garden of sweet camphor tree! 5. Recommend a place - [the iron plate aubergine of candy face "- - flavour exceeds a club! In dish is done on the west - the arrange that those who use is iron plate beefsteak, still have old fire beautiful Shang Ye is pretty good - inside have angelica - ginseng - medlar - red jujube - water chest nut - still chicken is stewed meticulously - Shang Nong is thick - I drank several bowls- - favour - the sweetmeats inside need not say more - bright of coconut grandma aloe- - still have mango aloe bright- - still have papaya snow clam- - it is nod surely east east oh! ! Recommend strongly: Iron plate aubergine- - of all kinds sweetmeats! ! 6. Inn of congee of A the Tang Dynasty. It is the restaurant of dish of small another name for Guangdong Province that changed to suit not to have stannic population flavour. Be in always Le Lu, maigre kind 1. Jing Zizhai abstain from eating meal. In beauty on the side of Yamaxun. 2. Early abstain from eating meal (jujube cultivates) . In harbor beautiful on big public house inside buy ground square. Mug-up: ? Cake of fosse? turnip. Delicious, sea Ke decoct. Corrupt skin coils. Still a name forgot. Imitate eel to do. Cortical a bit fragile. Agaric of acupuncture needle stay of proceedings is inside of what. Irrigate on sweet-and-sour stiff juice, spinach dumpling. Platoon of sweet crisp young and milk flummery still have 9 towers eggplant

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