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平阴历史悠久,文化灿烂。平阴之名始见于《左传》,因地处古东原北部群山之阴,古济水之南而得名。隋大业二年即设县,距今已有1900多年的历史。平阴,春秋为鲁地,战国属齐邑,秦代属济北郡。汉属泰山郡。 三国属魏兖州剌史部。两晋属济北国。 南北朝刘宋时为济北郡辖地。隋开皇十六年(596年)置榆山县。大业二年(606年)设平阴县,此系以“平阴”命名之始。公元607年隋炀帝改州为郡,平阴县属济北郡。公元627年(唐贞观元年)属济州,公元754年(唐主十三年)属郓州,公元832年(唐太和六年),废平阴析入卢县与东阿县。公元837年(唐开成二年)复平阴县,仍属济州。五代时期(公元907-960 年),统用军号,平阴属天军所辖。公元1119年(宋宣和元年)属东平府。元初,属山东西路,后属燕河北道东表路总管府。明代属东平州。公元1735年(清雍正十三年)属泰安府。










被誉为“西湖第一胜境”的三潭印月是杭州西湖十景之一。第五套人民币1元背面 采用了“三潭印月”的图案。早在北宋时期就已成为湖上赏月最佳景点。








六和塔是第一批国家重点文物保护单位,始建于宋代,取佛教“六和敬”之义;又名六合塔,取“天地四方”之意。塔高59.89米,乾隆皇帝曾为六和塔每层题字 。










































One, the history of coffee and culture setting?

In A.d. when 6 centuries, the sheep that according to Suobiya a goatherd discovers he raises, keep suddenly skip in disorder everywhere, his careful observation discovers, after the sheep ate a kind of gules fruit only, with respect to the reaction; that has this kind of excitement he tries had divided this kind of fructification someone else to eat, all people had eaten Houdoujiao to get divine Qing Dynasty to enrage bright, spirit is special hearten.

Coffee acts indicative symbol and metaphor in literary work, those who reflect the character's disposition, life is palpitant, located environmental atmosphere is waited a moment. Hemingway is in " battleground spring dream " in smell coffee is sweet, nose the flavour that dawn dawns; Rangkanglade is in a cup of hot coffee " the mirror of the sea " in experience the sort of hoisting the sails and go, arctic, earth, marine heart and oneself heart is united in wedlock; Portuguese writer Salamage is in " poetic thunder Yi Si dies that year " serve as with coffee leave the gift of life: "If still have a hour of life, I am willing to be used exchange a cup of coffee " ; De Kun on the west " Kang De old age " the to coffee be sentimentally attached to before remark philosopher is parting and mortal and consuetudinary; Be like Spanish poet Luo Ka, be walked along by capture of person dark night when Spanish civil war erupts, " drink coffee to him, had jumped over more more " adumbrative he will meet with the Acheron road of accident; A place of strategic importance pulls " honeycomb " , a flock of scattershot crowds are squeezed into cafe only, just a little the breath of life.

2, the distinction of historical culture and culture history?

Range of Chinese history culture is wider, chinese culture history is the one part of Chinese history culture. Chinese history culture includes politics, economy, military affairs, culture, diplomacy waits each domain a moment, it is the square field surface that China goes. And Chinese culture history the square field surface of culture domain, include an idea, literature, artistic, the basic necessities of life in social life is waited a moment, so Chinese culture history is the one part of Chinese history culture.

3, the history of coffee and origin?

The origin of coffee:

Fokelore has a goatherd, in shepherd when, the sheep that discovers him accidentally happy to dance, look carefully, original sheep was to eat a kind of gules fruit to just bring about bearing comical and barpque. He tried to collect this kinds of a few red fruit to go back infusion, did not think of full chamber is balmy, after falling, the juice that boils is drunk is to be inspired with enthusiasm more, divine Qing Dynasty enrages bright.

Coffee history:

Nixiya is earthed up to begin after 1615, to ground of coffee of diffuse of European entire territory the beverage that strong heat also causes an Islamite in Rome brings Nazarene drinkable.

There are countless caves in England, in gent people social location is quite welcome. Male people talks about politics, literature, commerce to wait here. At that time only the man can enter cafe, some do not come home even, because there were a lot of housewives this 1674,put forward memorial closedown of requirement general cafe.

Turkey coffee also passed France at that time, to Louie 1669 from Osmanli ambassador 14 worlds are displayed on coffee begins. France is brownstone also sufferred glamour affect and made countless salon, brand-new ` literature, philosophy or art are born because of answering.

That coffee culture also is affected reach average citizen, the coffee of the corner also begins to be full of and be born special was born 1686 " coffee. Buluogebu " . Because Ba Er thin pieces of wood used for writing on in ancient China is overcome, the cultural workers such as Russell are ceaseless assemble, and with intellectual salon famed at the world.

4, the history of sword river and culture?

1914, county of river changing Qing Dynasty is sword river county. Say " sword river " it is Miao Yu " male Russia " turn sound.

Hole of Yuan Weinan wood, belong to the army and the people that consider a state to pacify department. Ming Yongle 5 years (1372) exterminate of pretty of the hole austral buy Yi Xi grows lawsuit, belong to the Xuan Wei that consider a state to manage; 6 years (1373) set Yi Xi department of two Jiang Xun check; 12 years (1379) , belong to turn seat of government newly; Xuan Dejiu year (1434) government office of Li Ping changing be subordinate to.

5, the history of smooth shade and culture?

Smooth lunar Shi You is long, culture is bright. The name of smooth shade only then see at " Zun Chuan " , because be located in Gu Dongyuan north group the shade of hill, ancient aid Shui Zhina and get a name. Great undertaking of the Sui Dynasty sets a county 2 years namely, be apart from already had 1900 old histories today. Make the same score shade, age is Lu De, the Warring States belongs to Qi Yi, qin Dai belongs to aid north county. Chinese belong to father-in-law county. The the Three Kingdoms belongs to city of Yan of the Kingdom of Wei to perverse history ministry. Two advance belong to aid northland. Song Shi of Liu of the Northern and Southern Dynasties is ground of administer of aid north county. The Sui Dynasty opens emperor 16 years (596 years) county of buy Yu hill. Great undertaking 2 years (606 years) set smooth shade county, this department with " smooth shade " name only then. 607 years emperor of Yang of the Sui Dynasty changes the Christian era the city is county, smooth shade county belongs to aid north county. The Christian era 627 years (Tang Zhen watchs the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor) the city that belong to aid, the Christian era 754 years (the Tang Dynasty advocate 13 years) the city that belong to a surname, the Christian era 832 years (Tangtai mixes 6 years) , analyse of useless smooth shade enters Lu county and east A county. The Christian era 837 years (Tang Kaicheng 2 years) answer smooth shade county, still belong to aid city. Period of the Five Dynasties (907-960 of the Christian era year) , all uses bugle, smooth shade belongs to administer of day army place. The Christian era 1119 (Song Xuan and the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor) belong to Dong Ping government office. Yuan first, belong to hill thing road, swallow Heibei is belonged to to after east government office of the manager that express a road. Bright generation belongs to Dong Ping city. The Christian era 1735 (Qing Yongzheng 13 years) belong to Tai'an government office.

Make the same score shade county, the Republic of China belongs to aid 2 years on the west, changed second year belong to east face, seventeen years (1928) province of directly under Shandong. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, democratic government delimits smooth shade county belong to peaceful on the west zone. In December 1942, smooth shade county and east A county the eastpart part closes to make the same score A county, border area of subject advance Ji Luyu. Removed smooth A county to restore to make the same score shade county 1945. Changed 1946 belong to peaceful on the west zone.

Smooth shade is in Shandong " one hill one Shui Yisheng's person " the central position of travel hot line, here is humanitarian landscape assemble, famous places and historical sites is numerous, it is the travel sightseeing, good place that finds Gu Lansheng. First holy Confucius ever discoursed on an academic subject to smooth shade, stayed " apricot altar involuntary discharge of urine is noisy " ; When the the Three Kingdoms " 7 paces become a poem " generation talent Cao Zhi, ever sealed Wang Yu this county Dong Agu city; Bright generation writer, scholar leads the literary world at careful travel " temporarily coquettish " , he reads the academy of classical learning when discoursing on an academic subject and graveyard are famous beauty spot at Lin Yicheng; Be located in the cathedral of hill of introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad Zhuang Jian south the city, it is the whole nation one of hall of 3 mahatma mother; Still have the tope of emerald green screen that the rose presses down, the landscape of legion article nature such as outlook of the weather austral Hong Fanchi town... all these comprised rich and bright smooth shade culture

6, Holand history and culture?

Become a state formally 1463, 16 centuries suffer Spain to dominate, become colonial powerful nation through defending war and maritime trade after that.

7, west lake history and culture?

Hangzhou west lake is area of scene of travel of national 5A stage, have " west lake 10 scene " , " new west lake 10 scene " , " 3 judge a west lake 10 scene " wait for landscape of numerous and natural culture. The historical record of Hangzhou west lake sees Yu Donghan period the earliest, the name is fierce forest water; There is the numerous title such as lake of pond of Ming Shenghu, money again later; Period of day of the Sui Dynasty, money pond county (Hangzhou city) change comes lake east after the bank, change gradually weigh a west lake.

One, west lake scenery scenic spot area.

Have " terrestrial heaven " the scenery of Hangzhou west lake that say scenic spot area, be located in Zhejiang to save Hangzhou downtown, cent is lake heart area, lakeside area, north a mountainous area, south a mountainous area with Qian Tang area.

1, lake heart area has the tourist attraction such as snow of the 3 Tan Yinyue, a pavilion in the middle of a lake, Bai Di, Su Di, incomplete that break the bridge, Ping Huqiu month.

Be known as " west lake the first get the better of condition " 3 Tan Yinyue is Hangzhou west lake one of 10 scene. 1 yuan of the reverse side used the 5th RMB " 3 Tan Yinyue " design. Be in early period of Northen Song Dynasty already was become optimal tourist attraction enjoys the glorious full moon on the lake.

2, bank lake area has lakeside park, get together the tourist attraction such as Wen Ying of Jing Yuan, Liu Lang.

Liu Lang hears warbler to be located in bank of west lake southeast, oriole flutters, eagerly caw cries, reason has " Liu Lang hears warbler " say. Period of the Southern Song Dynasty is called to get together Jing Yuan.

3, north is a mountainous area have the tower that protect , Yue Fei grave, fly the tourist attraction such as temple of peak, clever concealed.

The tower protecting that having more than 1000 years of histories is located on lapidary hill, it is one is built at the Five Dynasties 10 countries the 9 class pagoda of period, new repair is period of Northen Song Dynasty 7 class.

4, south a mountainous area Na Bing curfew, beautiful harbor watchs tower of fish, Lei Feng to wait for a tourist attraction.

Screen curfew is the ding of dusk of temple of only kind of guideline screen hill south. Ming Dynasty period, casting of belfry of only kind temple hefts 10 tons gigantic bell readily, ding is sonorous, with echo of resonance of hill of the screen austral temple hind, far wave largely Hangzhou city.

5, money pond area has 6 with tower, Qian Tangjiang big bridge, 9 brooks the scene area such as 18 gully.

6 with the tower it is unit of protection of cultural relic of emphasis of the first batch of nations, only then build at Song Dai, take buddhism " 6 and respect " justice; Renown 6 close a tower, take " all directions of heaven and earth " meaning. The tower is 59.89 meters tall, qianlong emperor Ceng Weiliu and tower every inscribe.

2, west lake history.

The historical record of Hangzhou west lake sees Yu Donghan period the earliest, the name is fierce forest water: "Wu Linshan (today the floorboard that clever concealed, Tian Zhu takes group of hill) , the point that place of fierce forest water reachs goes out. The sea is entered east, row 830 lis " . There is Xi Zihu of lake of pond of Ming Shenghu, money to wait for numerous appellation again later; Period of day of the Sui Dynasty, money pond county (Hangzhou city) change comes lake east after the bank, change gradually weigh a west lake. Hangzhou west lake still has rock case lake, billow pool of lake, free captive animals, on lake, Gao Shihu more than 10 individual name name, but arrived after Northen Song Dynasty, "West lake " become use most the most commonly used also name.

8, the history austral pleasant and culture?

Historical origin of Gan Na is very deep, far we do not think today,

From develop littoral the area will to close backward place.

Begin from fast ancient, gan Na is ground of area of main population inhabit a region, multiply.

Ancient and fabulous times, our country western living move is called " army " tribal, it is main source of income in order to chase. This is the oldest nation group on China earth, the Yellow River advanced position that reachs greenly the earliest in pleasant, and upper reaches of water of short for Weihe River multiplies haunt, later all directions is migratory.

Change comes of Central Plains, become phlogistic emperor a group of things with common features, surname " ginger " , and " ginger " with " Qiang " belong to one word originally in inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty, jiang Jiqiang a group of things with common features good last name, see phlogistic emperor a group of things with common features it is originally " army " a branch, phlogistic later emperor and yellow emperor suffer a defeat jointly ignorant blame, united Central Plains, namely the Han nationality.

To southwest migratory, form the Tibetian group such as Tibetan regime in ancient China, still have those who leave Ju Ganqing highland, development becomes all Qiang. Say from this angle, the Qiang nationality and present the Han nationality, it is traceable " army " .

The area austral pleasant basically is living all Qiang. Come from the Qin Dynasty the Western Han Dynasty, both sides attacks cut down ceaseless.

Arrived later period of the Eastern Han Dynasty, a large number of heroes sets up a separatist regime by force of arms, this area entered the muddy that spit cereal regnant period.

This muddy that spit cereal is a branch of a surname Xianbei, the Qiang nationality of they and place is ceaseless and shirt-sleeve, built the political power that is regnant estate with Xianbei person.

On history of Xianbei a group of things with common features also Ceng Hui brilliant passes, basically be in later period of the Eastern Han Dynasty, xianbei a group of things with common features was replaced Chinese the Hun when, become northward despot.

And itself of Xianbei a group of things with common features is divided again fall for 3 greater part, it is boreal Xianbei respectively, call develop postscript Xianbei again, main area is in today outside Bailiya takes Meng Hexi, this Xianbei built Northen Wei Dynasty, held the Yangtse River the Central Plains area with north, but also because of the change austral oneself, brought about tribe is soft later like that rise abruptly, quickened Xianbei to exit historical arena.

Additionally one is on the west Xianbei, call a surname Xianbei again, it is a bound roughly with Shaanxi condition, a surname is on the west, dong Weidong Xianbei, namely space article Xianbei.

At the beginning of Sui Mo the Tang Dynasty, historical domain produces change again.

Country of Tibetan regime in ancient China works cloth leader to fall in soft support, united Qinghai-Tibet Platean, expand condition of the muddy that spit cereal and Sichuan western.

Chastity watchs 8 years, soft support does Yu Tang of cloth pay tribute, bow one's head weighs me, as civil enter Tibet into the princess into princess, gold, gan Na takes Tibetan regime in ancient China be bestowinged by Tang Wangchao, as the princess " the ground of bath " .

From this, the Qiang of Tibetan and place, Xianbei, party wait for ceaseless confluence to erupt simultaneously exhibit up to now.

9, China embellish culture and history?

China embellish history:

Hua Run (group) limited company (abbreviation Hua Run or Hua Run group) , virgin 1938, predecessor is the subterranean traffic station that the Communist Party of China builds in Hong Kong for the War of Resistance Against Japan. Reorganizationed 1948 more the name is Hua Run company, subordinating relation turned into by general office of Central Committee of Communist Party of China 1952 central trade department (it is Department of Commerce now) . 1983, change composition to establish Hua Run (group) limited company. In December 1999, with outside unhook of classics trade department, label central management. The central company that leader of committee of state-owned asset supervisory management leaves attributive 2003 the State Council.

Hua Runwen changes a concept:

Honest be as good as one's word

Honest be as good as one's word is core viewpoint of value of Hua Run, it is the cornerstone that Hua Runwen changes, it is great quality of Hua Runren, be Hua Run build base those who establish line of business this. Hua Run advocates comprehensive sincere letter to watch, sincere letter at partner, sincere letter at client, sincere letter at employee, sincere letter at the society.

Outstanding achievement is oriented

Hold to viewpoint of value of outstanding achievement first, go after the outstanding achievement of balanced, comprehensive, high quality, advocate " the business that did not grow is not the good professional work, group that does not have outstanding achievement not be good group.

The client is consummate

Safeguard the rights and interests of client and consumer wholeheartedly, strictly observe business ethics, begin fair competition, offer hard more high grade, more environmental protection, more the product that human nature turns and service, surpass the expectation of the user ceaselessly.

Be thankful redound

Often conceive the heart that be thankful, will fulfill social responsibility to be inspected " surmount the pursuit over profit " , make hard " investor faith, employee is had deep love for, commend of social esteem, masses " preeminent company image, make the model of whole society enterprise.

10, Guangdong culture and history?

The history

The history of Guangdong is OK restrospect to The Neo-lithic Age. BC 221 years, after Qin Chao unites China, guangdong becomes one of areas with Chinese main south. As the elapse of time, a lot of different dynasties and political power appeared on this land. Among them the famousest is Na Yue country and Na Hanguo, their prosperity and the contribution to culture and art still are experienced up to now get.

The history that the country jumps over south is OK restrospect to BC 333 years, its ruler is jump over king Gou Jian. The territory that the country jumps over south once included today's Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and Vietnam north area. The contribution that the country exceeds south is the Vietnam at that time culture takes China, made important contribution in the domain such as medicine, agriculture and literature.

Na Hanguo holds water at the Christian era 917 years, be located in today Guangdong and Hunan Province boundary. This long the delegate with the famousest dynasty of negative great reputation is plum hind advocate, he is known with poetic article and musical talent humanness, be known as Chinese ancient time one of 4 great gifted scholars. The culture of Na Hanguo period and art formed his characteristic, like Na Hanshu law, south Chinese sculpture, and the contribution to poetic word, music, brushwork and Thespian culture.


The ethical culture of the culture of Guangdong and long history and diversity is having inseparable concern. Guangdong is the society of a diversity, include Austronesian of the Han nationality, another name for Guangdong Province, the Hakkas a group of things with common features, Chuang, Miao Zu to wait for each phyletic group. Here is compatible the culture characteristic of harbour communicates ceaselessly and develop.

The traditional food of Guangdong is dish of another name for Guangdong Province, it is one of 8 big vegetable departments of Chinese. Its characteristic is give priority to with seafood, flavor delicate not thick, exquisite cook is meticulous in a subtle way, emphasize the mouthfeel of former juice raw ingredient. The cate of Guangdong tastes not only delicious diversity, and artistic value is high. Guangdong still is withholding celebration of a lot of China culture tradition, be like the Spring Festival, mid-autumn, dragon boat festival. These activities are in Guangdong not only popular, and be in whole China very popular.

The town that Guangdong visits also is the delegate of its culture. City of first class of Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shan has rich travel resource. Their town planning and structure style got the influence of archaic China and western culture. Guangzhou is the city with a long history, own a lot of culture bequest and historical place of historic interest, wait like ancestral temple of Guangzhou tower, Bai Yunshan, Home Chen. These tourist attractions attracted the tourist that comes from world each district, make Guangdong becomes one of travel cities with the most popular whole world.
