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It is my answer below, party A of agreement of building construction safety (owner or owner represent) : ________________ Party B (construction unit) : ________________ entrusts Party B to undertake building construction works in view of Party A, it is the safety that ensures construction process is medium, ensure safety of personnel life property, make clear bilateral responsibility, conclude especially this agreement. One, consultative purpose this agreement aims to make clear Jia Yishuang to just be in the safe responsibility in construction process, normative construction behavior, prevent the happening of safe accident, ensure the safety of construction project, success. 2, the ground that Party A of Party A responsibility should provide construction place to need, ensure field accords with safe construction demand. Party A should be in construction is forward the relevant data such as attempt of the structural blueprint that Party B offers a house, electric circuit, ensure Party B understands building construction, avoid the safe hidden trouble in construction process. Party A should assist Party B to deal with the relevant formalities such as construction permit, ensure construction closes legally compasses. Party A should undertake supervise and be checkinged to the safety in construction process, discover safe hidden trouble should inform Party B is rectified and reform in time. 3, Party B of Party B responsibility should make detailed construction safety manage system and operating rules, those who ensure construction process is medium is safe. Party B should deploy professional construction team, ensure construction personnel has corresponding professional skill and safe consciousness. Party B should be mixed strictly according to construction blueprint relevant technology standard undertakes construction, ensure construction quality and safety. Party B should undertake to construction site safe examination and hidden trouble platoon are checked, discover safe hidden trouble should be rectified and reform in time. Party B should undertake to construction personnel safe education is mixed regularly groom, raise the safe consciousness of employee and skill level. 4, if because Party A reason brings about construction,responsibility of breach of contract appears safe accident in the process, party A agree carries corresponding legal responsibility. If because Party B reason brings about construction,safe accident appears in the process, party B agree carries corresponding legal responsibility, recoup the loss that causes to Party A from this. 5, if Jia Yishuang just carries out a process in the agreement,controversy solves medium happening controversy, should pass above all friendly talk things over solve; Do not talk things over, any one party all have right to have jurisdictional people court to lodge a complaint. 6, supplementary articles this agreement in duplicate, jiayi is bilateral each hold one. This agreement signs from both sides (or affix one's seal) the become effective since day. This agreement did not use up matters concerned, just can negotiate complement by Jia Yishuang. Just talk things over via Jia Yishuang consistent, can sign compensatory agreement. Compensatory agreement has coequal law effectiveness with this agreement. The explanatory authority Gui Jiayi of this agreement is bilateral and collective all. Party A (owner or owner represent) : ________________ signs (or affix one's seal) : ________________ date: ________________ Party B (construction unit) : ________________ signs (or affix one's seal) : ________________ date: ________________ asks an attention, agreement of afore-mentioned building construction safety are pattern plate only, specific content may need to undertake adjustment according to actual condition and legal laws and regulations. Before signing concrete agreement, seek advice from professional lawyer or counsel without fail please, ensure consultative content is lawful, close compasses accord with bilateral interest.
