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北碚美食排名第一名? 重庆北碚特色美食项目?英文双语对照


北碚美食排名第一名? 重庆北碚特色美食项目?英文双语对照




这个地方的小吃很多, 但要论特色小吃那么个人认为朝阳路的“一城一味”餐厅里面的特色小吃就有很多,如:老火锅里面的一道里脊肉、嫩肉、甜品(在一楼的老火锅店内)、中餐里面的虾(麻辣味的)很给力等等。














气压:98kPa ( 气压换算:1kgf(1kg) = 100000Pa = 100kPa = 0.1MPa )

















北碚拼音:[běi bèi]。



北碚土沱麻饼,与土沱酒齐名的还有土沱麻饼,作为市级非物质文化遗产,土沱麻饼起源于上世纪20年代,是当地家喻户晓的传统小吃,每逢中秋,更是居民餐桌上的必备美食。重庆市北碚区水土镇特产土沱麻饼, 北碚土沱麻饼特点:土沱麻饼底面呈褐色,块形饱满完整,麻饼皮薄馅大,松酥滋润,味美甜香,风味独特。


您好 我个人认为是渝北要近些 坐轻轨6号线30分钟就可以到北碚的,在两路可以坐555到北碚的,希望我的会到能帮到你 祝你健康愉快


One, does boreal Bei cate rank the first?

Boreal Bei cate ranks bed of one is " wine of Tuo of beautiful earth of boreal Bei beans, good make fun of settleclear nevertheless estuarine " boreal Bei beans is beautiful, it is inn of surviving adherent of a former dynasty of city class blame Zhang Dou is beautiful. The beans spends cent to plant, it is the commonnest, 2 be " lotus leaf beans is spent " , flower of lotus leaf beans is classical, tenderer than general beans flower.

2, project of cate of characteristic of Chongqing north Bei?

Of this place a lot of more fastfood, but should talk characteristic fastfood so the individual thinks to face south of the road " one city blindly " the characteristic inside dining-room is fastfood have a lot of, be like: A tenderloin flesh inside old chaffy dish, tender flesh, sweetmeats (inside the inn of old chaffy dish in first floor) , the shrimp inside Chinese meal (of hemp piquancy) very wait a moment to force.

3, Chongqing north Bei, which county does boreal Bei belong to?

Belong to boreal Bei area!

Boreal Bei area is Chongqing advocate the city zone, chongqing is metropolitan one of areas, at ministry of Chongqing city northwest, it is the first plans beforehand, press the economic development that plans construction stage by stage. In extending Jia Lingjiang because of having megalith, say Bei, because of the north in change city, bei of friend name north. Yun Shan of Jin of back of boreal Bei area, around the city of fine hill river and over- , with full-bodied culture atmosphere, well-known view scenic spot, actual strength of abundant science and technology, beautiful garden the city zone and renown raise all directions.

Environment of boreal Bei area is very beautiful, air environment quality already resided Chongqing 12 years continuously advocate city first place, number of day of admirable air quality maintains Ⅱ class above for a long time in 338 days of above. Area of greenbelt of park of average per capita amounts to 26.16 ㎡, whole area forest is enclothed rate amount to 48.68% . [1]

Element has " bright phearl of Jia Lingjiang bank " , " Chongqing city garden " beautiful praise.

Boreal Bei area east area of the north that accept change, division of dam of sanded level ground is joined south, xi Jiebi is a mountainous area, boreal adjacent combines plain division, ㎡ of 754.19k of area of the area of a country's territory, manage 5 12 street, towns. 2014 area of urban building area 49.88 square kilometer, whole area often lives population seven hundred and seventy thousand nine hundred person. [2]

Boreal Bei area is base of area of travel of city class scenery, intelligence clean industry, western area of model of environmental protection of city of model of afforest of the city zone of park of the first state, whole nation, country, first country of award of example of environment of demonstrative area of national organisms' habits, Chinese house, whole nation can develop continuously advanced the national level such as demonstrative area is honorary, be awarded " by arrange of environment of U.N. person house enlighten do obeisance to international person to rank an environment " of good example award.

4, boreal Bei altitude?

Have posture place: Line of Lan Yu of G212(of area of Bei of Chongqing city north)

Height above sea level: 275 meters

Canton region: Chongqing city - Chongqing city - boreal Bei area

Longitude: 106.414128

Latitudinal: 29.868927

Baric: 98kPa (baric conversion: 1kgf(1kg) = 100000Pa = 100kPa = 0.1MPa)

Area of Bei of Chongqing city north - do not belong to downy area

5, is boreal Bei fastfood?

Boreal Bei area is Chongqing city advocate one of the city zone, be located in ministry of Chongqing city northwest, fine hill river bank, its are famous fastfood have:

1. Chongqing is strung together string sweet, the autograph that use bamboo wears a 35 flesh, dish, after thoroughlying cook, dip in makings edible;

2. Chongqing is small, praise of full Chongqing and even of the whole nation fastfood;

Cake of 3. cool grow, make with the raw material such as bean flour of polished glutinous rice, honey, sesame seed, soft glutinous is sweet and goluptious;

6, does town of government office of boreal Bei weather leave boreal Bei the city zone much further?

The distance of 8 kilometers, in boreal Bei public transportation station takes 508 buses, cross Bei Dong Daqiao, go up next via the day Fu Lizheng, slope that grind a heart hill was pressed down to weather government office, namely seat of colliery of weather government office.

7, boreal Bei characteristic?

Boreal Bei is an area of Chongqing city subordinate, have rich rich and humanitarian landscape. It is the characteristic of Bei of a few north below:

Natural scene: Boreal Bei has beautiful natural view, gorge of knife of hot spring of the Yun Shan that be like Jin, north, gold, it is the popular tourist attraction that the Lai Beibei before the tourist travels.

Historical culture: Boreal Bei is the city with a long history, have rich historical culture legacy, temple of hot spring of ancient town of ancient town of gorge of the knife that be like gold, King Kong tablet, north, it is the important delegate of culture of boreal Bei history.

Cate culture: The cate culture of boreal Bei is very rich also, bacon of Bei of flower of introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad beans of strange flavour of the Bei that be like north, boreal Bei beans, north,

Folk-custom culture: The folk-custom culture of boreal Bei also has distinguishing feature very much, if boreal Bei spends paper-cut of Bei of encouragement, north to wait, it is the traditional culture of boreal Bei.

Anyhow, boreal Bei is red-blooded the city with glamour, have rich rich and humanitarian landscape, it is one of popular destination that Chongqing travel comes to before the tourist.

8, boreal Bei pronunciation?

Boreal Bei phoneticize: [I] of è of B ě I B.

Boreal Bei area is Chongqing advocate the city zone, chongqing is metropolitan one of areas, at ministry of Chongqing city northwest. In extending Jia Lingjiang because of having megalith, say " Bei " , because of the north in change city, friend name " boreal Bei " . Yun Shan of Jin of back of boreal Bei area, around the city of fine hill river and over- , with full-bodied culture atmosphere, well-known view scenic spot, actual strength of abundant science and technology, beautiful garden the city zone and renown raise all directions.

9, boreal Bei special local product?

Cake of hemp of a small bay in a river of boreal Bei earth, return cake of hemp of a small bay in a river having land eponymously with wine of earthy a small bay in a river, regard city class as immaterial culture bequest, the century on traceable of cake of hemp of earthy a small bay in a river 20 time, the tradition that is local widely known is fastfood, whenever mid-autumn, it is the necessary cate on dweller table more. Natural environment and climate of area of Bei of Chongqing city north presses down cake of hemp of a small bay in a river of earth of special local product, characteristic of cake of hemp of a small bay in a river of boreal Bei earth: Underside of cake of hemp of earthy a small bay in a river is shown Brown, piece body is full and whole, thin stuffing of hemp cake skin is big, crisp pastry is moist, delicious sweet sweet,

10, does change north arrive to boreal Bei or avalokitesvara bridge is boreal Bei close?

Hello my individual considers as change north to want some closer sit 6 lines can reach light orbit 30 minutes of boreal Bei, can sit in two 555 to boreal Bei, hope my meeting arrives can help you wish you health is happy

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