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第四卷第三章:“随着时光的消逝,某种亲密的关系把这个敲钟人和这座教堂联结在一起。出身不明和相貌奇丑这两重灾难,早就使他同世界隔离,他从小被幽禁在难以解脱的双重束缚之中,这可怜的不幸的人,在掩护他的宗教壁垒里已经习惯于看不到外界的任何事物,随着他的发育和成长,圣母院对于他就是蛋壳,就是窝,就是家,就是故乡,就是宇宙。”初始,伽西莫多的出场仿佛给我投射了一个丑恶的影象。他的独眼,他的聋哑,他的驼背,他的巨大和丑陋都让我先入为主地把他当作了大反派。婴儿时,他是一个人人见了都想把他烧死的丑小鸭;青年时,他是一个表面风光但人人唾弃的“愚人王”。他的脸仿佛注定了他就是恶魔的化身。到后来,我才看清他那清澈、崇高的灵魂。他对像使唤奴隶一样,役使他的克洛德忠心耿耿,这是怎样的一种单纯?他对曾经对他有恩的爱斯梅拉达,用尽全部生命的悉心照料和赴汤蹈火,是怎样的一种如火一般刚烈的爱情?他受尽了人世间的歧视和欺凌,却又满足的,勤劳的当着他的敲钟人。伽西莫多是可怜的弃儿,而他的养父是“只爱书本的人”,在十九年的只与书本的相处后,闻说家中蔓延瘟疫回去时,见到的小兄弟也是孤儿了。而他对他的小弟弟有着独一的,狂热的感情,同时因此收养了伽西莫多。书中写女主人公的篇幅在第二卷第三章:“她个儿并不高,但是她优美的身材亭亭玉立,看起来仿佛很高似的。她的头发略带褐色,但是可以想象在阳光下一定是象罗马妇女和安达路斯妇女一般闪着漂亮的金光。她那双小脚也是安达路斯式,穿着精美的鞋,小巧又舒适。她在一条随便铺在她脚下的旧波斯地毯上舞蹈着,旋转着,每当她光辉的形象经过你面前的时候,她乌黑的大眼睛就朝你一闪。”这是书中的女主人公,那书中最美的笔墨都倾注在了爱斯梅拉达身上:她美丽,因为她有一张天真清纯的脸孔;她善良,因为她的内心充满了同情和爱心。她可以为了保存甘果瓦的生命而嫁给他,她给饥渴难堪却无人理睬的敲钟人送水……她有菩萨一般无人能及的心肠,她有倾国倾城的美貌,她是善与美的化身!青年贫民诗人比埃尔·甘果瓦偶然同她相遇,并在一个更偶然的场合成了她名义上的丈夫。很有名望的副主教一向专心“圣职”,忽然有一天欣赏到波希米亚姑娘的歌舞,就千方百计要将她据为己有。王室近卫弓箭队长沙多倍尔卑鄙地想玩弄爱斯梅拉达,副主教教出于嫉妒,在他俩幽会时刺伤了队长并嫁祸于少女。第三章中:“这种丑陋越发激发了克洛德的同情,他在心里发誓,为了对小兄弟的爱,他一定要把这孩子抚养成人,将来小若望万一犯了什么罪过,也可以用这桩为了他才做的善事来补偿。”他就是副主教克洛德·孚罗洛。                                                              然而,他(神甫)对爱斯梅拉达进行了种种威胁甚至陷害,同时也不惜玩弄卑鄙的手段,去利用他的义子伽西莫多和学生甘果瓦。眼看无论如何也实现不了占有爱斯梅拉达的罪恶企图,最后竟亲手把那可爱的少女送上了绞刑架。相比而言,如果说伽西莫多的外表丑陋,那么克洛德的心灵便更加令人鄙视。一开始,良好的背景让我觉得他是个学识渊博的善良人——他收养了丑陋的伽西莫多,他是人人敬畏的副主教……。但是当故事的情节愈演愈烈时,我读懂了他精神世界中的畸形。他不择手段地“爱”,让他卑鄙地,变态地劫持爱斯梅拉达,并且因“爱”成恨地要置她于死地。这是一种自私的,低微的,霸道的“爱”,充满了病态的“爱”,那不算是爱,只是伤害……描写弗比斯德·沙多倍尔和爱斯梅拉达私会的末尾(第七卷第八章):“忽然,她看见弗比斯的头顶伸出了另一个脑袋,一张发青的痉孪的脸孔和一副恶魔般的眼光,在那张脸孔的旁边有一只手举着一把尖刀。这是那个神甫的脸和手。”在行刑当日,伽西莫多把她劫到圣母院,因为当时圣地是不容侵犯的,(书中八卷六章):“一旦进入了圣母院的墙内,那个罪犯也就成了不可侵犯的了,人类的司法权是不许垮进它的门栏的。”在圣母院中,敲种人用十分纯朴和真诚的感情去安慰她,保护她。最后当她再度处于危难中时,敲钟人为了援助她,又表现出了非凡的英勇和机智。而当他无意中发现自己的“义父”和“恩人”远望着高挂在绞架上的波希米亚姑娘而发出恶魔般的狞笑时,伽西摸多立即对那个伪善者下了最后的判决,亲手把克洛德、孚罗洛从高耸入云的钟塔上推下,使他摔的粉身碎骨。以上是这部小说的基本情节,中间还穿插甘果瓦夜间迷路,误入“圣迹区”,出乎意料地与爱斯梅拉达结成夫妇;宗教法庭将爱斯梅拉达诬为杀人女巫并判以死刑,爱斯梅拉达被带到巴黎圣母院中当众忏悔,伽西莫多把她救到圣母院避难并小心看护她;“圣迹区”的贫民全体出动开赴圣母院,打算抢出爱斯梅拉达,而副主教却利用甘果瓦的单纯,同他一道把爱斯梅拉达骗出了圣母院;弓箭队长奉路易十一之命,带领众多人马屠杀讲义气的乞丐;以及爱斯梅拉达同分别十余年的母亲意外相逢,然而又立即被送上了绞刑架等等。这些场面都写得生动曲折,寓庄于谐,使人读来既感到妙趣横生,内心又悲悯难禁。至于后来伽西莫多自愿跑到矍山墓窖里陪伴死友爱斯梅拉达,并于两年后和她一道化作灰尘这个结尾,更给小说增添了浪漫主义的悲剧气氛。


" Parisian goddess courtyard " author: Dimension overcomes fruit of much · rain

Content brief introduction: Ugly deaf person blocks Ximoduo to be adopted by the Abba Ke Luode of Parisian goddess courtyard, do person hitting a bell, the Abba of gram collect heart with honest appearance since the jeep contest girl that encounters beauty after Aisimeilada, beautiful lubricious place is lured and be mesmerized by its, incite card capture of Mo Duojiang travel walks along Aisimeilada on the west, in road by Fubisi place of cavalry Captain header is saved, aisimeilada fell in love with Fubisi consequently. But Fubisisheng the gender is tasteful, the Ke Luode assassinate that is had resentment, but did not die. And impute Yuaisimeilada, make her be sentenced capital punishment, when carry out a death sentence, kaximoduo saves Aisimeilada and hide in goddess courtyard, beggar masses is irruptive to save Aisimeilada cathedral, by accident as big as Kaximoduo fight, aisimeilada is by the legionary bowstring that guides by Keluode on square, kaximoduo falls Keluode be born from cathedral attic in anger, final Kaximoduo is stroking body die for love of Aisimeilada.

Estreat reachs experience:

The 4th the 3rd chapter: "As the die of days, some kind of close relationship binds this person that ring a bell and this cathedral together. One's previous experience is unidentified surprise with appearance ugly this is double and catastrophic, make he is kept apart with the world early, he is in by imprison as a child what free oneself hard is double manacle in, this poor sad person, be in covering the aught that has been used to cannot seeing the external world in his religious camp, the development as him and grow, goddess courtyard to him it is chorion, it is a nest, it is the home, it is birthplace, it is the universe. " initiative, gaximoduo's come on the staging ased if to project to me a filthy image. His alone eye, his deaf-mute, his bow-backed, his tremendous and let ground of my first impressions are strongest regard him as uglily great villain in drama. When the baby, he is one individual person saw the ugly small duckling that wants to burn him dead; When the youth, he is scene of a surface but everybody is disgustful " fool king " . His face ases if was destined he is devil is reincarnate. To later, I just see him clear that clear, great soul. He is servile to resembling use same, work his Keluode is loyal and devoted, is this what kind of a kind pure? He is right once had the Aisimeilada of favour to him, the makings of all understand without being told of spent and whole life and go through fire and water, the love of a kind of what kind of if is fire general firm intense be? He sufferred all kinds of the discrimination between the world and ride roughshod over, satisfy again however, the laborious person ringing a bell before him. Gaximoduo is pitiful foundling, and his foster father is " the person that loves book only " , in 19 years with book after getting along, hear when plague spreading to go back in saying the home, seen little brother also is orphan. And he is having to his little little brother alone of one, enthusiastic feeling, gaximoduo adopted accordingly in the meantime. The length that the heroine writes in the book is in the 2nd the 3rd chapter: "Her height is not tall, but her beautiful figure is graceful, as if to be like very high it seems that. Her hair is taken slightly Brown, but can imagining is elephantine Rome woman and An Dalu certainly below sunshine this the woman is showing brilliant golden light commonly. She that pair of bound feet also are An Dalu this type, wearing elegant shoe, cabinet comfortable. She spreads the dancing on the old Persia carpet below her foot to wear casually in, rotating, every time the figure of her brightness passes you before when, her pitch-black big eye shines toward you. " this is the heroine in the book, the most beautiful words in that book pour into was in love Simeilada to go up personally: She is beautiful, because she has the facial opening of a piece of innocent Qing Chun; She is kind-hearted, because her heart was full of,sympathize with and love. She is OK marry him to save Gan Guo's made of baked clay life, she sends water to the person ringing a bell of thirsty and embarrassed unmanned however pay attention to... she has a term applied to a kindhearted person general and unmanned the heart that can reach, she has extremely beautiful fine-looking, she is be apt to and beauty is reincarnate! Young pauper poet covers with tiles if really than Aier Gan encounter with her accidentally, synthesized her nominal husband in a more accidental field. The coadjutor that has good reputation very much is all along absorption " holy duty " , admire the singing and dancing of Bohemia girl one day suddenly, want with respect to leave no stone unturned her glom on to. The royal family defends bow header sand nearly multiple Er wants shabbily to dally with Aisimeilada, coadjutor teachs stem from jealousy, captain was stabbed when they tryst and impute at the girl. In the 3rd chapter: "This kind aroused those who overcome Luo De to sympathize with even more uglily, he pledges in the heart, for the love to little brother, he must raise this child adult, look at Lai Xiaore in case committed what offense, the thing of be apt to that just also can do for him with this picket will compensate. " he is Luo Luo of inspire confidence in sb of · of heart of coadjutor gram the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces.                                                            However, he (Catholic father) undertook a variety of menace to Aisimeilada even circumvent, the artifice that employs meanness also nots hesitate in the meantime, the foster son that goes using him Gaximoduo and student Gan Guo are made of baked clay. Also cannot come true to have Babylon purpose of Aisimeilada anyhow soon, served gallows with one's own hands unexpectedly finally. photograph comparing, if say Gaximoduo's appearance is deformed, so Keluode's heart makes a person distain more. At the beginning, good background lets me feel he is a learned kind-hearted person -- he adopted deformed Gaximoduo, he is the coadjutor with awe-stricken everybody... . But when the clue when the story grows in intensity, I understood the deformation in his inner world. He by hook and crook " love " , let his meanness ground, hijack Aisimeilada abnormally, and because of " love " the ground that become hate wants place she at the deathtrap. This is a kind of selfishness, humble, overbearing " love " , was full of morbid state " love " , that is not love, just harm... depict Fubiside Sha is multiple the fine that Mei Lada illicit meets Er He Aisi (the 7th the 8th chapter) : "Suddenly, she sees Fubisi's the top of head jutted another head, the eye like the deputy devil of facial Kong Heyi of a piece of paly Jing twin, there is a hand to lifting a dagger by of aperture of that piece of face. This is the face of that Catholic father and hand. " in carry out a death sentence that day, gaximoduo robs her to goddess courtyard, because at that time not allow to encroach bethel, (8 6 chapters in the book) : "Once entered the wall of goddess courtyard inside, that convict also was become inviolable, of the mankind jurisdictional it is to must not break down of the door hurdle that presents it. " in goddess courtyard, knock kind of person to use very honest go comforting her with true love, protect her. In be in jeopardy once more when her finally when, the person that ring a bell to help her, showed extraordinary heroism and resource again. And discover oneself inadvertently when him " adoptive father " and " benefactor " far the Bohemia girl that is hoping to be hanged high on gallows and when giving out the fleer like devil, gal is felt on the west much instantly hypocritical to that left final court decision, close handgrip overcomes the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces of collect of Luo De, inspire confidence in sb to be pushed from cloud-kissing belfry, the have one's body smashed to pieces that makes he falls. Above is the main plot of this novel, gan Guo still alternates among made of baked clay nightly inner ear, enter by accident " holy slash area " , unexpected ground and Aisimeilada form a couple; Religious court will love Simeilada accuse falsely is homicide sibylline sentence with capital punishment, aisimeilada is taken repent in public in Parisian goddess courtyard, gaximoduo saves her to goddess to the courtyard takes refugee and hospital nurse carefully she; "Holy slash area " pauper collectivity dispatchs courtyard of march to goddess, the plan grabs an Aisimeilada, and what coadjutor uses Gan Guo to cover with tiles however is pure, cheat Aisimeilada together with him gave goddess courtyard; Bow header acts according to Louie ten lives, guide the beggar that numerous forces slaughters teaching materials is enraged; And Aisimeilada meets with the maternal accident that parts more than 10 years, was served gallows instantly again however etc. These occasion are written racily labyrinthian, contain Zhuang Yuxie, make the person is read will feel full of humour and wit already, heart Bei pity is banned hard. As to Gaximoduo runs in cellar of Jue hill grave to accompany dead friendly affection of one's own accord later Simeilada, change dirt together with her after two years this is terminal, more the tragic atmosphere that added romanticism to the novel.
