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旅游节目推荐? 旅游节是?英文双语对照


旅游节目推荐? 旅游节是?英文双语对照




















1. “旅行是一场心灵的冒险,于未知中寻找意外与惊喜。来参加旅游节,开启你的心灵之旅。”

2. “旅游,让我们远离烦恼,遇见美好。旅游节,让你的生活充满激情和美好。”

3. “忙碌的工作中,我们需要放松自己,旅游是释放心灵的良药。来参加旅游节,寻找最适合你的旅游目的地和方式。”

4. “旅游,是一次对自我的发现和探索。在旅游节上,我们等待着那些与你心灵相通的旅行伙伴。”

5. “世界很大,旅游节让你发现生活中的不一样。加入我们,探索世界,收获无限美好。”

6. “旅游,是一次美好的回忆。在旅游节上,让我们一起开启寻觅美妙旅程的冒险之旅。”

7. “每个人的旅行故事不同,但每一个旅人在旅途中所获得的物质和精神奖励却是相似的。在旅游节上,遇见你的专属旅行方式与伙伴。”

8. “旅游,是心中的一道阳光,让人拥有期待和感动。来参加旅游节,让我们一起拥抱灿烂的阳光和自由的心情。”

9. “旅游,是一个多彩多姿的世界,每个旅行故事都值得被讲述。在旅游节上,让我们分享旅行经历,开启旅行带来的无限可能。”

10. “旅游,不仅仅是欣赏风景,更是体验生活。在旅游节上,让我们一起走进生活,开启旅行的精神与感悟。”











参加二〇二〇年(第二十一届)海南国际旅游岛欢乐节开幕式的小演员们。记者 张茂 摄








本届旅游节深入贯彻落实 《关于促进上海旅游高品质发展加快建成世界著名旅游城市的若干意见》,认真践行“人民城市人民建、人民城市为人民”的发展理念,积极落实长三角区域一体化的国家战略,坚持 “人民大众的节日”的办节宗旨,统筹兼顾疫情防控和办节筹备“两手抓、两手硬、两手赢”,打造特殊时期下的“城市名片”,擦亮上海旅游的“金字招牌”。 


Is travel program recommended?

" the person that go " , " associate goes " , " big traveler " , " play turn the earth " , " knapsack goes annulus swims " etc.

1, " the person that go "

" the person that go " it is travel is defended inspect broadcasted TV program, the column establishs in July 2004, it is travel defends the humanitarian temperament that inspects banner sex travel program, this program is give priority to a problem in order to walk with discovery, show with traveler individual glamour and the series program that the humanitarian amorous feelings of the purpose gives priority to body. Besides the eye shot in the public, in begin besides current path special itinerary, discovery is beautiful landscape, full the beautiful wine that enjoys excellent cate and intoxicate, collect the collect carefully with unique flavor to taste, read dusty history, character and new episode.

2, " associate goes "

" associate goes " it is by China website of the first video is actorred or actress cruel net together " ultimate sweethearts " an archives network that Zhang Xin eaves, Liang Gong makes is self-restrained and outdoors true person excellent program, in the program, "Ultimate sweethearts " Zhang Xin eaves, Liang Gong is accompanied hand in hand, experience itinerary understanding world through his, experience life.

3, " big traveler "

Shenzhen defends the program of Neozoic interactive interview that inspects first gear to give priority to a problem in order to travel. " big traveler " the person that the program goes around disparate arrangement of ideas people knowledge, and their heart in journey is experienced, undertake a series of thorough mining and information diverge. Many and practical, trendy viewpoint, will accomplish the vane that contemporary pioneer travels.

4, " play turn the earth "

" play turn the earth " it is travel is defended inspect what cooperate with Discovery to introduce kind of column, you Yien is chaired. Had formed stability at present and the feature closes brightly inspect a group. The program is given priority to with travel, exploration is sealed, the experience is extraordinary. Guideline of practical go on a journey adds humorous and humor master of ceremonies, no matter be the round-the-world traveler that never leave home, still go out wildly the person that stimulate angle, OK amid finds joy.

5, " knapsack goes annulus swims "

" knapsack goes annulus swims " by website of Chinese banner video- - actor cruel net, the round-the-world trip newsreel that cooperates solely. Leave formally on April 1, 2013 sow, to in August 2014 " knapsack goes annulus swims " add up to 55 collect, always broadcast a quantity to exceed 10 million, integrated grading 9.1 minutes. Master princess wants the form with knapsack guest (include pedestrian, sofa, build a car, drive oneself etc) go finishing annulus to swim the dream of the world.

Is travel section?

Chinese travel red-letter day is full May 19, decide holiday illegally!

Taiwan travel program?

Foot of adventurous king, Taiwan rambles the first-class, story of so big, world that is in China, world beauty, beetle-crusher takes the world, bicycle 2 force, will go complete record of Japan, Taiwan, fashionable player, impish husband, discovery is new stage money, cate. Current, already filmed 200 much collect, step chinese mainland almost all province. This program also is welcomed in mainland area. Program series is assisted energetically to what local government often gets when the mainland films.

Does travel section celebrate a plan?

Make good strategy, arrange good time. Travel section celebrates time is finite, want a foundation so time, according to weather, make good staff according to particular case, vehicle, what carry the detailed arrangement of article.

Table of travel section article?

1."The journey is the adventure of a heart, at sealed in seek accident and surprise. Will play travel part, open the brigade of your heart. Open the brigade of your heart..

2."Travel, let us be far from trouble, encounter happiness. Travel section, the life that lets you is full of passion and happiness. The life that lets you is full of passion and happiness..

3."In busy job, we need to loosen our, travel is the fine drug that releases the heart. Will play travel part, seek the travel destination that suits you most and way. Seek the travel destination that suits you most and way..

4."Travel, it is the discovery to ego and exploration. On travel section, we are awaiting the viatic associate that those and your heart are interlinked. We are awaiting the viatic associate that those and your heart are interlinked..

5."The world is very great, travel section makes what you discover the life is medium different. Join us, exploration world, harvest infinite happiness. Harvest infinite happiness..

6."Travel, it is good memory. On travel section, let us open the stay away from home that starts the venture with wonderful and itinerary look for together. Let us open the stay away from home that starts the venture with wonderful and itinerary look for together..

7."The viatic story of everybody is different, but the material that each traveller obtains in journey and mental award are likeness however. On travel section, those who encounter you is exclusive viatic fashion and associate. Those who encounter you is exclusive viatic fashion and associate..

8."Travel, it is a sunshine in the heart, let a person have expect and touch. Will play travel part, let us embrace bright sunshine and free mood together. Let us embrace bright sunshine and free mood together..

9."Travel, it is a well-rounded world, every journey story is worth to be told about. On travel section, let us share a journey to experience, what open journey brings is infinite and likely. What open journey brings is infinite and likely..

10."Travel, it is appreciation scenery not just, it is experience life more. On travel section, let us walk into the life together, the spirit that open travels and comprehend. The spirit that open travels and comprehend..

Is Danish travel section celebrated?

Annual May 5 is Danish travel section.

Danish tourism is close 10 come for years, danish tourism development is rapid, serve considerate civil aviaton plane to lead to world each country, domestic open up it is the plane of travel, v/arc rent land or a house for subletting that go vacationing only. Still the railroad that develop, highway and ferry wait to be interlinked with circumjacent country, the carrying trade of extend in all directions, offerred extremely convenient condition for foreign tourist. The tourist basically comes from this the Na Weiya each country of can, Germany, United States, travel income year after year increases.

Danish relief is even, together with has beautiful and picturesque nature view, make tourist enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave, suit to travel by bike more, danish bicycle travels, also get foreign tourist reception quite, countrywide open up a lot of bicycles lease shop.

Denmark built a lot of advanced hotel, hotel, live for the tourist.

Concept of culture travel section?

Section of traditional culture travel, promote China culture with " , build mental home " to be mobile theme in all, develop the traditional culture activity with cloud dragon distinctive county, promote spirit of China tradition culture further, show the glamour of culture of cloud dragon country and distinctive travel resource, make people experiences my county to watch all to get economic society to develop overall situation with developing scientificly in recent years truly, according to " improvement foundation of zoology, tamp, strong industry is promoted farming, the development train of thought that management town, compose builds harmonious " . What appear the economy that give harmony of solidarity of development, nation, society, zoology the achievement of plentiful and substantial that good, people lives and work in peace and contentment.

Is travel section joy short sentence?

Journey open, the blessing delivers: Warmth sends you, with; of happy depend on each other consideration sends you, with restful photograph companion; sends you easily, rely on; happiness to send you with at ease photograph, with lucky be linked together. Wish you journey is happy, joy spreads!

Section of 2021 Hainan travel?

Attend two years (the 21st) the young actors of opening ceremony of section of joy of island of Hainan international travel. Reporter Zhang Mao is photographed

Profusion from trade harbor, joy steps a song. Reporter on November 26 from 2021 (the 22nd) joy of island of Hainan international travel learns on section press conference, save people government to be sponsorred jointly by culture and travel department, Hainan 2021 (the 22nd) section of joy of island of Hainan international travel will kick off formally on December 10.

Happy this year section manages innovation section form, through formal diversity, content rich activity attracts citizen tourist to take an active part in interactive, pull further move consumption of Hainan travel busy season, stimulative consumption circumfluence, make the Hainan island that enters travel peak period island of a happy travel.

Rich and colorful of activity of opening ceremony series

In current and happy section, opening ceremony and coconut island joy fine time activity, "Happy Hainan " travel is recommended meeting, 2021 (the 6th) exposition of Hainan world recreational tourism, 2021 (the 7th) exposition of cate of Hainan international travel, 2021 (the 2nd) exposition of equipment of Hainan international travel and " 3 exhibit " ceremony opening a shop, hainan saved artistic red-letter day 2021 -- Hainan saves outstanding and literary work to exhibit perform the main activity edition that reveals activity, closure to form current and happy part jointly piece.

The opening ceremony that regards happy section as the grand opera and coconut island joy fine time activity, the opening ceremony pours timing warm-up activity to will be started formally in square of big talk life on December 1, at the appointed time citizen tourist will can participate in numerous and wonderful interactive activity, this also is happy section rolls out timing activity first; Opening ceremony will be held at be in park of big talk century late on December 10, this is try opening ceremony of will happy section first in recent years by indoor move outdoor.

Shanghai travel section 2021?

Section of 2021 Shanghai travel. Will come on September 12 hold between September 27, make with the opening ceremony + high-quality goods circuitry + quality product + thematic activity mind is brilliant activity, reveal the glamour of Shanghai racily.

Development of current travel section is carried out fulfil " about promoting Shanghai to travel high quality development accelerates those who build world-renowned travel city a certain number of opinions " , serious carry out goes " people city people is built, people city is people " development concept, implement the national strategy of unifinication of long triangle area actively, hold to " people popular festival " tenet running a red-letter day, epidemic situation of making overall plans and take all factors into consideration is prevented accuse and do a section to prepare " two tactics is caught, hard, two tactics wins two tactics " , make special period fall " urban calling card " , polished Shanghai travels " gold-lettered signboard " .  

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