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  北京市昌平区居庸关长城40元 30元


  北京市海淀区太平洋海底世界85元 59.5元

  北京市密云县北京清凉谷 36元 25元

  北京市   战火真人CS俱乐部 120元/人 60元/人

  北京市门头沟京西十八潭26元 20元

  北京市 密云县九龙十八潭 21元 11元

  北京市延庆北京古崖居风景名胜区 40元 30元

  北京市石景山北京石景山游乐园170元 80元

  北京市顺义区七彩蝶园66元 53元

  北京市平谷区老象峰风景区25元 15元

  北京市房山区仙栖洞45元 40元

  北京市 密云县 云蒙三峪 25元 五折

  北京市 密云县 北京奥擂国际野外运动俱乐部 120元 80元

  北京市 密云县卧虎山长城 25元 20元

  北京市 密云县 北京青菁顶自然风景区30元 19.5元

  北京市 房山区银狐洞43元 35元

  北京市 昌平区詹天佑纪念馆20元 10元

  北京市朝阳区紫海香堤香草艺术庄园   8折

  北京市 门头沟 北京妙峰山40元 30元

  北京市 朝阳区 奇乐儿儿童乐园 150元/通票 128元/通票

  北京市 朝阳区北京后花园风景区20元 10元

  北京市 房山区 北京十渡碧波园度假村 70元 50元

  北京市 昌平区北京八达岭野生动物世界90元 70元

  北京市怀柔区红螺慧缘谷 25元 20元

  北京市 房山区 仙峰谷风景区 32元 16元

  北京市 怀柔区红螺湖鸟岛12元 8元

  北京市 昌平区 集结森林野战俱乐部 120元/人/半天 70/人/半天

  北京市 昌平区 北京银山塔林风景区25元 20元

  北京市 怀柔区云蒙山国家森林公园36元 25元

  北京市 怀柔区响水湖25元 20元

  北京市 房山区张坊古战道20元 12元

  北京市 房山区韩村河景村 40元 30元

  北京市 怀柔区 舒艺园度假村CS 80元/人 50元/人

  北京市 延庆 北京八达岭残长城50元 30元

  北京市 延庆北京长城全周影院 40元 20元

  北京市 密云县云峰山景区 25元 20元

  北京市 密云县精灵谷自然风景区26元 15元

  北京市 平谷区挂甲峪山庄30元 20元

  北京市 平谷区三羊古火山旅游区 30元 18元

  北京市 平谷区 三羊古火山旅游区(抱月山庄) 140元 120元

  北京市 顺义区汉石桥湿地自然保护区鸡鸟厅15元 鸡鸟厅12元

  北京市 平谷区 丛海逸园 真人CS 40元/小时/人 真人CS 25元/小时/人

  北京市丰台区千灵山公园25元 20元

  北京市 朝阳区 北京鼎奇龙华膳园温泉饭店 68元 45元

  北京市 朝阳区 北京姚家园钰龙泉温泉69元 34.5元

  北京市 朝阳区格林联盟北京团结湖温泉店   8.8折

  北京市 朝阳区北京润清园温泉度假村990元 340元

  北京市 朝阳区北京工体富国海底世界娱乐有限公司 85元 68元

  北京市 朝阳区 优速卡丁车馆 110元/6分钟 88元/6分钟

  北京市 朝阳区关东人家演艺餐厅   8.8折

  北京市 朝阳区乌苏里江野生鱼村(北苑桥店)   8.8折

  北京市 朝阳区 乌苏里江野生鱼村(吕家营店)   8.8折

  北京市 朝阳区 紫怡轩酒楼   8.8折

  北京市 朝阳区 田中园饭店 烤全羊   9折

  北京市 朝阳区 龙食府鸽宴   9折

  北京市 昌平区九华山庄300元 150元

  北京市 昌平区 北京昌源祥乡村温泉酒店 118元 82元

  北京市 昌平区温都水城298元 七折

  北京市 昌平区小汤山现代农业示范园 30元 24元

  北京市 昌平区 乌苏里江野生鱼村(天通苑店)   9折

  北京市 昌平区 富豪花园酒店 标准间360元 标准间220元

  北京市 海淀区 北京野战先锋真人CS俱乐部 120元/半天 80元/半天

  北京市 海淀区四川仁火锅新兴店   8.8折

  北京市 海淀区巴国布衣航天桥店   9折

  北京市 海淀区 乌苏里江野生鱼村(牡丹园店)   8.8折

  北京市 海淀区 乌苏里江野生鱼村(清河店)   8.8折

  北京市 海淀区麦香秦   9折

  北京市 海淀区 打渔船   8.8折

  北京市 海淀区 食光私家菜   8.8折

  北京市 海淀区 一参一世   8.5折

  北京市 海淀区 上鱼舫   9折

  北京市 海淀区 吾爱甲鱼王   8.8折

  北京市 海淀区 甲15号食谱   8.8折

  北京市 海淀区 大浪鱼湘味府(两家分店)   8.8折

  北京市 海淀区 金紫银   9.5折

  北京市 海淀区 蒿山食府   9.5折

  北京市 门头沟北京龙泉宾馆98元 58

  北京市 门头沟 北京京西绿源土特产  8.5折

  北京市 怀柔区 北京京螺山庄   五折

  北京市 怀柔区 北京川谷度假村  8折

  北京市 怀柔区 合福山庄   9折

  北京市 房山区有山家园农家院  7.5折

  北京市 房山区 森淼度假村 双人间220元、三人间280元 住宿5折,内娱乐9折

  北京市 延庆 北京天下人农家餐厅   8折

  北京市 延庆中国马文化博物馆60元 28元

  北京市 密云县 北京张裕爱雯堡国际酒庄 套票:60元 套票:30元

  北京市 密云县 雾灵西峰度假村 31元 21元

  北京市崇文区北京市规划展览中心 30元 24元

  北京市 崇文区 极速火线;镭射运动馆 168元 85元

  北京市 丰台区 一品黄牛勤俐得火锅店   8.8折

  北京市 丰台区 东北铁锅炖江鱼  8.8折

  北京市 丰台区 天地汇私房菜   9折

  北京市 丰台区 干锅鸭头   8.8折

  北京市 丰台区高丽屋右安门分店   9折

  北京市 丰台区 乌苏里江野生鱼村(青塔西路店)   8.8折

  北京市 丰台区 乌苏里江野生鱼村(丽泽桥店)   8.8折

  北京市 丰台区 阳坊刷肉   9.5折

  北京市 丰台区 小龙舟重庆火锅店   8.8折

  北京市 丰台区 巴山蜀水菜馆   9.5折

  北京市大兴区北京东方世纪骑士度假村   7.5折

  北京市 大兴区留民营生态农场35元 20元

  北京市 六家分店 北京东方沪园大酒楼   8.8折

  北京市西城区皇家御河游 40元/人 32元

  北京市宣武区千禧园三千里烤肉店   8.8折

  北京市 宣武区淮扬人家菜馆   9.5折

  北京市 宣武区 好食寨酒楼   9折

  北京市通州区北京运河原度假村 128元 115元

  北京市 通州区 向辉真人CS 30元/小时/人 20元/小时/人

  北京市 顺义区 北京花水湾磁化温泉98元 50元

  北京市 石景山 乌苏里江野生鱼村(石景山店)   8.8折


  城市 合作单位 门市价 持卡价

  河北省石家庄驼梁山景区50元 40元

  河北省 石家庄 御湿塘度假村 98元 50元

  河北省 石家庄水泉溪50元 35元

  河北省 石家庄 银河洞 60元 38元

  河北省 石家庄蟠龙湖兄弟连俱乐部 60元/半天 30元/半天

  河北省 石家庄 秦皇古驿道25元 12元

  河北省 石家庄成钢军事户外俱乐部 60元 40元

  河北省 石家庄 杏塘沟风景区 20元 14元

  河北省 石家庄唐河漂流60元 48元

  河北省 石家庄窦家寨30元 21元

  河北省 石家庄 圣锦生态娱乐园 20元 16元

  河北省 石家庄赵云庙15元 10元

  河北省秦皇岛板厂峪景区 30元 18元

  河北省 秦皇岛 秦皇岛英武山 80元 64元

  河北省 秦皇岛 秦皇岛桃林湖景区90元 60元

  河北省 秦皇岛象山风景区15元 10元

  河北省 秦皇岛联峰山公园20元 15元

  河北省 秦皇岛祖山风景区85元 68元

  河北省 秦皇岛昌黎黄金海岸国际滑沙中心 65元 35元

  河北省 秦皇岛秦皇岛黄金海岸海滨高尔夫球会门票88元 门票30元

  河北省 秦皇岛黄金海岸金沙湾沙雕大世界55元 27元

  河北省廊坊市 固安县华御温泉度假酒店 169元 89元

  河北省 廊坊市 金丰农科园风景区 60元 40元

  河北省 廊坊市 廊坊匹特搏彩弹射击 98元 88

  河北省邢台市紫金山旅游区 30元 20元

  河北省 邢台市秦王湖50元 30元

  河北省 邢台市柏乡县汉牡丹园风景区 40元 28元

  河北省 邢台市九龙峡自然风景旅游区50元 35元

  河北省 邢台市天河山50元 40元

  河北省 邢台市邢台大峡谷50元 40元

  河北省承德市金山岭长城50元 40元

  河北省 承德市承德关帝庙景区20元 12元

  河北省 承德市青龙潭景区 45元 20元

  河北省 承德市 承德城隍庙20元 8元

  河北省唐山市净觉寺15元 10元

  河北省 唐山市景忠山35元 30元

  河北省 唐山市 庞庄原生态风景区 130元 100元

  河北省涿州市三义宫 20元 10元

  河北省沧州市吴桥杂技大世界160元 110元

  河北省 衡水市灵秀山庄风景区 20元 12元

  河北省定州市河北皇家葡萄酒庄20元 10元

  河北省 保定市 虎山风景区 30元 18元

  河北省 保定市狼牙山风景区 57元 40元

  河北省武安市东山文化博艺园20 10元

  河北省遵化市万佛园30元 18元

  河北省张家口北京大唐官厅温泉 68元 34元

  河北省 张家口黄羊山国家森林公园50元 20元

  河北省 张家口 帝曼温泉度假村98元 31元

  河北省 邯郸市 古石龙风景区 50元 30元


  地区 合作单位 门市价 持卡价

  天津市蓟县天津九龙山国家森林公园40元 28元

  天津市塘沽区诺恩海德怡温泉88元 58元

  天津市河西区中华石园20元 10元

  天津市津南区天津宝成博物苑50元 30元

  天津市 蓟县白蛇谷自然风景区30元 21元


  省份 城市 合作单位 门市价 持卡价

  浙江省杭州市临安浙西大龙湾56元 45元

  浙江省 杭州市临安太湖源景区 65元 55元

  浙江省 杭州市浙西大峡谷110元 99元

  浙江省 杭州市东方文化园景区 128元 60元

  浙江省 杭州市 神龙川 60元 48元

  浙江省丽水市神龙谷景区50元 40元

  浙江省 丽水市南尖岩景区50元 40元

  浙江省 丽水市 浙江凯恩飞石岭景区50元 40元

  浙江省 丽水市遂昌金矿国家矿山公园88元 60元

  浙江省临安市大明山风景区103元 85元

  浙江省 临安市白水涧景区 68元 55元

  浙江省宁波市天下玉苑80元 45元

  浙江省 宁波市浙东大峡谷85元 78元

  浙江省台州市景星岩48元 40元

  浙江省温州市江心屿景区20元 16元

  浙江省兰溪市诸葛八卦村80元 68元


  城市 合作单位 门市价 持卡价

  江苏省苏州市江苏甪直古镇60元 50元

  江苏省 苏州市同里古镇80元 64元

  江苏省 苏州市木渎古镇60元 48元

  江苏省 苏州市沙家浜景区90元 68元

  江苏省 苏州市太湖牛仔风情度假村160元 150元

  江苏省吴江市吴江静思园50元 40元

  江苏省扬州市扬州吴道台宅第30元 15元

  江苏省溧阳市天目湖太公山景区 35元 25元

  江苏省如皋市中华长寿园 60元 30元

  江苏省仪征市登月湖 36元 20元

  江苏省镇江市焦山风景区50元 40元

  江苏省无锡市竹海公园80元 64元

  江苏省常熟市虞山西城楼阁景区 30元 18元

  江苏省徐州市徐州汉文化景区85元 70元

  江苏省南京市宝华山森林公园50元 45元

  江苏省常州市常州天宁风景区 80元 60元

  江苏省宜兴市张公洞140元 60元




  省份 城市 合作单位 门市价 持卡价

  安徽省六安市白马尖景区110元 77元

  安徽省 六安市龙井峡景区90元 63元

  安徽省 六安市 别山湖景区 80元 56元

  安徽省 六安市 四望寨景区 80元 56元

  广东省河源市越王山度假村 30元 20元

  上海市青浦区太阳岛旅游度假区 30元 15元


Great Wall of Juyongguan Pass of Beijing prosperous smooth area 40 yuan 30 yuan

Travel one cartoon

World of sea floor of Pacific Ocean of Beijing Haidian area 85 yuan 59.5 yuan

Cool and refreshing cereal of Beijing of county of Beijing close cloud 36 yuan 25 yuan

Club of CS of true person of Beijing flames of war 120 yuan / person 60 yuan / person

Beijing of channel of Beijing door head on the west 18 pools 26 yuan 20 yuan

County of Beijing close cloud 9 dragon 18 pools 21 yuan 11 yuan

Ancient cliff of Beijing Yanqing Beijing resides a scenery scenic spot area 40 yuan 30 yuan

Amusement park of hill of scene of stone of Beijing of hill of Beijing stone scene 170 yuan 80 yuan

Beijing arranges justice area 7 colour butterfly garden 66 yuan 53 yuan

Division of Beijing smooth cereal often resembles peak beauty spot 25 yuan 15 yuan

Hole of dwell of celestial being of area of Beijing Fang Shan 45 yuan 40 yuan

Cloud of county of Beijing close cloud cheats 3 valley 25 yuan 5 fold

Club of motion of field of international of abstruse beat a drum of Beijing of county of Beijing close cloud 120 yuan 80 yuan

County of Beijing close cloud lies tiger hill Great Wall 25 yuan 20 yuan

Green Jing of Beijing of county of Beijing close cloud carries natural beauty spot on the head 30 yuan 19.5 yuan

Hole of silver fox of area of Beijing Fang Shan 43 yuan 35 yuan

Memorial hall of bless of day of Zhan of Beijing prosperous smooth area 20 yuan 10 yuan

Art of herb of sweet bank of violet sea of area of Beijing rising sun is manorial 8 fold

Hill of clever peak of Beijing of channel of Beijing door head 40 yuan 30 yuan

Ou Jile of Beijing rising sun adventure playground 150 yuan / through ticket 128 yuan / through ticket

Beauty spot of the garden after Beijing of area of Beijing rising sun 20 yuan 10 yuan

Beijing of area of Beijing Fang Shan 10 cross blue waves garden to go vacationing village 70 yuan 50 yuan

Worlds of 8 the wild animal that amount to mountain 90 yuan 70 yuan

Beijing is conciliatory Hui Yuangu of area red snail 25 yuan 20 yuan

Area of scene of Gu Feng of Ou Xianfeng of Beijing room hill 32 yuan 16 yuan

Beijing is conciliatory island of bird of lake of area red snail 12 yuan 8 yuan

Beijing prosperous smooth area builds up club of silvan field operations 120 yuan / person / a long time 70/ person / a long time

Beauty spot of silver-colored Shan Dalin of Beijing of Beijing prosperous smooth area 25 yuan 20 yuan

Conciliatory area cloud cheats Beijing park of hill country forest 36 yuan 25 yuan

Beijing is conciliatory lake of area noisy water 25 yuan 20 yuan

Beijing room is a mountainous area Zhang Fang Gu Zhandao 20 yuan 12 yuan

Village of scene of river of village of Han of area of Beijing Fang Shan 40 yuan 30 yuan

Beijing is conciliatory Ou Shuyi goes vacationing field village CS 80 yuan / person 50 yuan / person

Great Walls of 8 the incomplete that amount to mountain 50 yuan 30 yuan

Cinema of full week of Great Wall of Beijing Yanqing Beijing 40 yuan 20 yuan

Area of scene of hill of peak of cloud of county of Beijing close cloud 25 yuan 20 yuan

Beauty spot of nature of cereal of demon of county of Beijing close cloud 26 yuan 15 yuan

Division of Beijing smooth cereal hangs armour valley mountain villa 30 yuan 20 yuan

Beijing makes the same score cereal division area of travel of 3 sheep ancient volcano 30 yuan 18 yuan

Beijing makes the same score cereal division area of travel of 3 sheep ancient volcano (the mountain villa that adopt a month) 140 yuan 120 yuan

Beijing arranges justice area Han Shiqiao wet natural groove guard gallinaceous bird hall hall of bird of 15 yuan of chicken 12 yuan

CS 40 of true person of garden of ease of sea of clump of division of Beijing smooth cereal yuan / hour / CS 25 of person true person yuan / hour / person

Area of Beijing abundant stage park of 1000 clever hill 25 yuan 20 yuan

Restaurant of hot spring of garden of board of strange Long Hua of vessel of Beijing of area of Beijing rising sun 68 yuan 45 yuan

Hot spring of Long Quan of hard gold of home of Yao of Beijing of area of Beijing rising sun 69 yuan 34.5 yuan

Inn of hot spring of lake of solidarity of Beijing of alliance of Lin Lian of division of division of Beijing rising sun 8.8 fold

Hot spring of clear garden of embellish of Beijing of area of Beijing rising sun goes vacationing village 990 yuan 340 yuan

Limited company of entertainment of the world end Fu Guohai of put oneself in another's position of industry of Beijing of area of Beijing rising sun 85 yuan 68 yuan

Area of Beijing rising sun actors or actress house of car of fast Ka Ding 110 yuan / 6 minutes 88 yuan / 6 minutes

Someone of east of Shanhaiguan of area of Beijing rising sun plays art dining-room 8.8 fold

Area of Beijing rising sun the Wusuli River is feral piscine village (inn of boreal center bridge) 8.8 fold

Area of Beijing rising sun the Wusuli River is feral piscine village (Lv Jiaying inn) 8.8 fold

Area of Beijing rising sun is violet wine shop of happy a small room 8.8 fold

Restaurant of garden of tanaka of area of Beijing rising sun bakes complete sheep 9 fold

Dragon of area of Beijing rising sun eats government office columbine dinner 9 fold

Beijing prosperous makes the same score Ou Jiuhua mountain villa 300 yuan 150 yuan

Hotel of hot spring of Chang Yuanxiang countryside of Beijing of Beijing prosperous smooth area 118 yuan 82 yuan

Beijing prosperous smooth area is lukewarm water city 298 yuan 7 fold

Hill of little boiling water of Beijing prosperous smooth area is contemporary agricultural demonstrative garden 30 yuan 24 yuan

Beijing prosperous makes the same score an area the Wusuli River is feral piscine village (Tian Tongyuan inn) 9 fold

Between 360 yuan of standards between standard of cafe of garden of rich and powerful people of Beijing prosperous smooth division 220 yuan

Club of CS of true person of pioneer of field operations of Beijing of Beijing Haidian area 120 yuan / a long time 80 yuan / a long time

Sichuan of Beijing Haidian area benevolence chaffy dish is burgeoning inn 8.8 fold

Beijing Haidian area cling to country inn of commoners spaceflight bridge 9 fold

Beijing Haidian area the Wusuli River is feral piscine village (peony garden inn) 8.8 fold

Beijing Haidian area the Wusuli River is feral piscine village (clear river inn) 8.8 fold

Mai Xiangqin 9 breaks Beijing Haidian division

Beijing Haidian area makes fishermen 8.8 fold

Beijing Haidian area eats food of smooth illicit home 8.8 fold

Beijing Haidian area joins generation 8.5 fold

9 of the Yu Fang on Beijing Haidian area is folded

King of soft-shelled turtle of Beijing Haidian Ou Wuai 8.8 fold

Armour of Beijing Haidian area 15 cookbook 8.8 fold

Government office of flavour of Hunan of fish of sea of Beijing Haidian area (two branches) 8.8 fold

9.5 of Jin Ziyin of Beijing Haidian area is folded

Hill of Hao of Beijing Haidian area feeds government office 9.5 fold

Guesthouse of spring of dragon of Beijing of channel of Beijing door head 98 yuan 58

Local speciality of Xi Luyuan of Beijing of Beijing of channel of Beijing door head 8.5 fold

Beijing is conciliatory mountain villa of snail of area Beijing Beijing 5 fold

Plain cereal of conciliatory area Beijing spends Beijing false village 8 fold

Conciliatory area adds up to Beijing blessing mountain villa 9 fold

Area of Beijing Fang Shan has courtyard of hill home farmhouse 7.5 fold

Ou Senmiao of Beijing room hill goes vacationing between village two-men 220 yuan, 3 worlds lodge 280 yuan 5 fold, inside recreation 9 fold

Dining-room of peasant family of person of the world of Beijing Yanqing Beijing 8 fold

Beijing museum of culture of horse of Yan Qingzhong country 60 yuan 28 yuan

Place of business of wine of international of fort of Zhang Yuai Wen of Beijing of county of Beijing close cloud covers a bill: 60 yuan cover a bill: 30 yuan

Ling Xifeng of mist of county of Beijing close cloud goes vacationing village 31 yuan 21 yuan

Beijing esteems article area Beijing to plan to exhibit a center 30 yuan 24 yuan

Beijing esteems article area extremely shop of sports of laser of; of fast front line 168 yuan 85 yuan

Area of Beijing abundant stage tastes ox diligent Li gets chaffy dish store 8.8 fold

Bowl of iron of northeast of area of Beijing abundant stage stews Jiang Yu 8.8 to fold

Scope of operation of district of Beijing abundant stage collects confidential dish 9 fold

Head of duck of dry boiler of area of Beijing abundant stage 8.8 fold

House of Gao Li of area of Beijing abundant stage is right the branch that install the gate 9 fold

Area of Beijing abundant stage the Wusuli River is feral piscine village (green tower on the west road inn) 8.8 fold

Area of Beijing abundant stage the Wusuli River is feral piscine village (Li Zeqiao inn) 8.8 fold

In relief lane of area of Beijing abundant stage brushs the flesh 9.5 fold

Inn of chaffy dish of Chongqing of small dragon boat of area of Beijing abundant stage 8.8 fold

Area of Beijing abundant stage shop of food of Ba Shanshu water 9.5 fold

Beijing goes in for sth in a large scale knight of area Beijing Oriental century goes vacationing village 7.5 fold

Beijing goes in for sth in a large scale the area leaves farm of civilian battalion zoology 35 yuan 20 yuan

Beijing big wine shop of garden of Oriental Shanghai of 6 branches Beijing 8.8 fold

Beijing on the west the city zone is royal drive river swims 40 yuan / person 32 yuan

Garden of millennium of division of Beijing announce military bakes butcher's 3000 lis 8.8 fold

Shop of food of other people of raise of the Huaihe River of division of Beijing announce military 9.5 fold

Area of Beijing announce fierce is nice the wine shop that feed stockaded village 9 fold

Beijing connects canal of state division Beijing to go vacationing formerly village 128 yuan 115 yuan

Beijing connects CS 30 of state division Xiang Hui's true person yuan / hour / person 20 yuan / hour / person

Beijing arranges justice area Beijing to spend an inlet to magnetize hot spring 98 yuan 50 yuan

The Wusuli River of Beijing Shi Jingshan wild fish village (Shi Jingshan inn) 8.8 fold

Heibei province

Price of retail sales of urban collaboration unit supports calorie of price

Heibei visits area of scene of hill of Shijiazhuang camel bridge 50 yuan 40 yuan

Heibei saves Shijiazhuang drive wet pond to go vacationing village 98 yuan 50 yuan

Heibei saves brook of Shijiazhuang water spring 50 yuan 35 yuan

Hole of the Milky Way of Heibei province Shijiazhuang 60 yuan 38 yuan

Heibei saves brother of lake of Shijiazhuang coil dragon to join a club 60 yuan / a long time 30 yuan / a long time

Heibei saves ancient post road of emperor of Shijiazhuang the Qin Dynasty 25 yuan 12 yuan

Heibei province Shijiazhuang becomes steel war outdoors club 60 yuan 40 yuan

Heibei visits beauty spot of channel of Shijiazhuang apricot pond 20 yuan 14 yuan

Tang He of Heibei province Shijiazhuang is seaborne 60 yuan 48 yuan

Heibei visits camp of Shijiazhuang antrum home 30 yuan 21 yuan

Heibei saves Shijiazhuang garden of recreation of zoology of holy bright and beautiful 20 yuan 16 yuan

Heibei saves Shijiazhuang Zhao Yun Miao 15 yuan 10 yuan

Heibei saves Qin Huang area of scene of valley of insular board factory 30 yuan 18 yuan

Hill of of soldierly bearing of island of emperor of the Qin Dynasty of island of emperor of Heibei province the Qin Dynasty 80 yuan 64 yuan

Area of scene of Lin Hu of peach of island of emperor of the Qin Dynasty of island of emperor of Heibei province the Qin Dynasty 90 yuan 60 yuan

Island of emperor of Heibei province the Qin Dynasty resembles hill beauty spot 15 yuan 10 yuan

Park of hill of peak of couplet of island of emperor of Heibei province the Qin Dynasty 20 yuan 15 yuan

Beauty spot of Zushan of island of emperor of Heibei province the Qin Dynasty 85 yuan 68 yuan

Center of slippery sand of international of coast of gold of goosefoot of prosperous of island of emperor of Heibei province the Qin Dynasty 65 yuan 35 yuan

Golf of seaside of coast of gold of island of emperor of the Qin Dynasty of island of emperor of Heibei province the Qin Dynasty is met entrance ticket 88 yuan of entrance ticket 30 yuan

Macrocosm of Sha Diao of sanded bay of gold of coast of gold of island of emperor of Heibei province the Qin Dynasty 55 yuan 27 yuan

Firm of city of Heibei province Langfang installs prefectural Huayu hot spring to go vacationing hotel 169 yuan 89 yuan

Abundant of gold of city of Heibei province Langfang beauty spot of farming division garden 60 yuan 40 yuan

Langfang of city of Heibei province Langfang be equal to special wrestle colour eject attacks 98 yuan 88

Area of travel of Zhijinshan of city of stage of Heibei province Xing 30 yuan 20 yuan

Qin Wanghu of city of stage of Heibei province Xing 50 yuan 30 yuan

Heibei saves Bai Xiang of Xing stage city beauty spot of garden of prefectural Chinese peony 40 yuan 28 yuan

9 dragon gorge of city of stage of Heibei province Xing are natural scenery travel area 50 yuan 35 yuan

Hill of the Milky way of city of stage of Heibei province Xing 50 yuan 40 yuan

Big gorge of stage of Xing of city of stage of Heibei province Xing 50 yuan 40 yuan

Heibei is saved bear Great Wall of mountain of heart city golden hill 50 yuan 40 yuan

Heibei is saved bear heart city bear heart area of scene of temple closing the Supreme Being 20 yuan 12 yuan

Heibei is saved bear area of heart city Qing Longtan situation 45 yuan 20 yuan

Heibei is saved bear temple of heart city Cheng Decheng dry moat outside a city wall 20 yuan 8 yuan

City of hill of Heibei province the Tang Dynasty becomes aware completely temple 15 yuan 10 yuan

Jing Zhongshan of city of hill of Heibei province the Tang Dynasty 35 yuan 30 yuan

Beauty spot of former zoology of village of Pang of city of hill of Heibei province the Tang Dynasty 130 yuan 100 yuan

3 justice palace of city of state of Heibei province Zhuo 20 yuan 10 yuan

Macrocosm of Wu Qiao acrobatics of city of state of Heibei province dark blue 160 yuan 110 yuan

Heibei is saved judge beauty spot of water town Ling Xiushan place of business 20 yuan 12 yuan

Heibei province decides royal bishop of state city Heibei village 20 yuan 10 yuan

Beauty spot of hill of tiger of city of Heibei province Baoding 30 yuan 18 yuan

Beauty spot of hill of wolf's fang of city of Heibei province Baoding 57 yuan 40 yuan

Heibei province fierce installs city Dong Shanwen to change Bo Yiyuan 20 10 yuan

Heibei province abide by changes 10 thousand Buddha garden of city 30 yuan 18 yuan

Heibei saves Beijing of piece of members of a family hot spring of big Tang Guanting 68 yuan 34 yuan

Heibei visits park of piece of forest of country of hill of Mongolian gazelle of members of a family 50 yuan 20 yuan

Heibei saves hot spring of piece of Di Man of members of a family to go vacationing village 98 yuan 31 yuan

Beauty spot of dragon of ancient stone inscription of city of Dan of Heibei province Han 50 yuan 30 yuan

Tianjin city

Price of retail sales of area collaboration unit supports calorie of price

Tianjin of county of Tianjin city thistle park of forest of country of 9 dragon hill 40 yuan 28 yuan

Hot spring of Hai Deyi of favour of Nuo of area of buy of Tianjin city pond 88 yuan 58 yuan

Tianjin city river on the west garden of area China stone 20 yuan 10 yuan

Treasure of Tianjin of the area austral Tianjin city ferry encloseds ground for growing trees into nature science 50 yuan 30 yuan

Beauty spot of nature of cereal of white snake of county of Tianjin city thistle 30 yuan 21 yuan

Zhejiang province

Price of retail sales of unit of province city collaboration supports calorie of price

City of Zhejiang province Hangzhou faces bay of An Zhexi big dragon 56 yuan 45 yuan

City of Zhejiang province Hangzhou faces area of scene of An Taihu source 65 yuan 55 yuan

Short for Zhejiang Province of city of Zhejiang province Hangzhou on the west big gorge 110 yuan 99 yuan

Area of scene of garden of Oriental culture of city of Zhejiang province Hangzhou 128 yuan 60 yuan

Long Chuan of god of city of Zhejiang province Hangzhou 60 yuan 48 yuan

Zhejiang visits area of scene of cereal of dragon of god of beautiful water city 50 yuan 40 yuan

Zhejiang visits area of Na Jianyan situation of beautiful water city 50 yuan 40 yuan

Zhejiang saves Zhejiang of beautiful water city area of scene of mountain of triumphant favour slungshot 50 yuan 40 yuan

Zhejiang saves beautiful water city to satisfy park of mine of country of prosperous gold mine 88 yuan 60 yuan

Zhejiang province is faced how city is big bright hill beauty spot 103 yuan 85 yuan

Zhejiang province faces the Bai Shuijian that bring city scene area 68 yuan 55 yuan

Jade of the world of city of Zhejiang province peaceful wave encloseds ground for growing trees 80 yuan 45 yuan

Zhejiang saves short for Zhejiang Province of peaceful wave city Dong Daxia cereal 85 yuan 78 yuan

Cliff of star of situation of city of state of Zhejiang province stage 48 yuan 40 yuan

Area of scene of island of heart of river of city of Zhejiang province lukewarm state 20 yuan 16 yuan

Zhejiang visits orchid brook town villages of all arrowroot the Eight Diagrams 80 yuan 68 yuan

Jiangsu province

Price of retail sales of urban collaboration unit supports calorie of price

of Jiangsu of city of Jiangsu province Suzhou is straight ancient town 60 yuan 50 yuan

City of Jiangsu province Suzhou is the same as li of ancient town 80 yuan 64 yuan

Wood of city of Jiangsu province Suzhou shows disrespect or contempt ancient town 60 yuan 48 yuan

Area of scene of creek of sanded home of town of Jiangsu province Suzhou 90 yuan 68 yuan

City of Jiangsu province Suzhou too lake bull-puncher amorous feelings goes vacationing village 160 yuan 150 yuan

Jiangsu saves Wu Jiangjing of Wu Jiang city to think of garden 50 yuan 40 yuan

Wu Daotai of Yangzhou of city of Jiangsu province Yangzhou curtilage the 30th yuan 15 yuan

Area of scene of hill of great-grandfather of lake of eye of weather of in relief city of Jiangsu province Li 35 yuan 25 yuan

Jiangsu province is like garden of long life of Gao city China 60 yuan 30 yuan

Jiangsu province appearance asks for city to ascend lunar lake 36 yuan 20 yuan

Beauty spot of anxious hill of city of Jiangsu province Zhenjiang 50 yuan 40 yuan

Jiangsu province does not have park of sea of stannic city bamboo 80 yuan 64 yuan

Area of scene of cabinet of a tower over a city gate of Shanxi of anxiety of city of Jiangsu province Changshu 30 yuan 18 yuan

Jiangsu visits Xuzhou town area of scene of Xuzhou Chinese culture 85 yuan 70 yuan

Park of forest of Mount Hua of treasure of city of Jiangsu province Nanjing 50 yuan 45 yuan

Peaceful beauty spot of day of Changzhou of city of Jiangsu province Changzhou 80 yuan 60 yuan

Jiangsu province appropriate promotes city Zhang Gong hole 140 yuan 60 yuan

Shanxi province

Shanxi province signs 26 agreement condition to distinguish is not: Yu second courtyard of old city, canal home, too area of scene of temple of double tower of Gu San much hall, Taiyuan, a form of address for one's wife passes drug of travel scene area, Yang Quan park of Lin Si forest, firm closes the Great Wall Xiao 8 the Da Ling, An Shengsi that face Fen.

Other area

Price of retail sales of unit of province city collaboration supports calorie of price

The Anhui province areas of 6 pointed scene of the Bai Ma that bring city 110 yuan 77 yuan

The Anhui province area of scene of gorge of the 6 Dragon Well tea that bring city 90 yuan 63 yuan

The Anhui province 6 install city to fasten area of hill lake scene 80 yuan 56 yuan

The Anhui province 6 bring districts of 4 scene visitting camp 80 yuan 56 yuan

City of Guangdong province river source jumps over Wang Shan to go vacationing village 30 yuan 20 yuan

Travel of island of sun of area of Shanghai green riverside goes vacationing area 30 yuan 15 yuan

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