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羊肉焖饭 材料:一只羊腿,东北大米,胡萝卜,卷心菜,葱姜蒜。 先把羊腿用开水冲洗一下,然后放入电饭锅内,倒入开水浸没羊肉,放入整段的葱,蒜瓣和姜片,放盐,煮30-40分钟。煮熟后把羊腿取出,把羊肉撕条。   把羊汤晾的比较的凉。把里面的姜取出。葱蒜不必。   然后淘米,把胡萝卜切成1cm见方的丁,把卷心菜用开水烫一下后切碎。连同羊肉一起放入羊汤中。用电饭锅煲熟。 水果羹 原料:苹果两只,橙子一只,菠萝一个,梨子一只,冰糖70克左右   把菠萝,苹果和梨的皮核去掉,把果肉切成3cm见方的小块。 橙子皮剥掉,一瓣一瓣的打开。   把水果都放进电饭锅,倒进开水,注意千万不要倒过多的水,个人推荐不要 浸没水果,到水果高度的八成即可。   加入冰糖,大约20粒吧,不要加多。   打开开关煮20分钟左右,关掉电源,闷着放凉。 珍菇莲子炖乌鸡 乌鸡,珍菇,莲子,盐,生姜,葱   将上面物品洗干净,然后用电饭锅加水和乌鸡一起加热。大约30分钟后,水沸腾。继续加热,注意锅盖不定时间的掀开放汽。加盐、生姜片、莲子、珍菇。继续加热20分钟,可适当添加少量开水,以保持水位。期间,可以用筷子翻动鸡身,以均匀加热。出锅,撒少量葱末。     可以在加热过程中用小盒子在上面蒸鸡蛋,也很好吃。   鸡肉基本上第一天晚上吃完,然后留少量鸡架肉和鸡汤,第二天早晨做一顿美味鸡肉面。 冬瓜炖排骨清蒸鳊鱼 排骨一盒 冬瓜一圈 鳊鱼一条 葱   洗干净排骨,放到电饭锅的主锅内,加水,洗净冬瓜,切成快状,放入。加入适量盐、一点发水的干香菇、油。加热。同时在上面的蒸笼里面放一个碟子,把洗净的鳊鱼放在上面,覆盖一些葱、生姜片、几片香菇、涂抹适量盐,加一些油。放在主锅上面一起加热。 豌豆炖排骨 肋排1.12Kg,豌豆2盒,葱一定量   肋排洗净,切成段,放入电饭锅中。加热水至淹没排骨,然后加热。等水沸腾后,加入洗干净的豌豆。盖上锅盖,继续加热再炖30分钟的样子。放入适量盐、葱,少量酱油。味道好极了。汤的味道尤其鲜美! 白煮河虾   大河虾一斤六两 生姜片、料酒、精盐、醋、蒜沫。   在350W电饭锅中放入热水到2/3处,放入生姜片、料酒和精盐煮开,放入河虾的1/3,煮5-10分钟。同时准备醋、蒜沫和少许精盐,拌匀。捞出河虾,蘸着准备好的调料开吃,同时准备下一个1/3。 可乐鸡翅.   鸡翅选用翅中,也可以适当有一些翅根,而翅尖最好不要选,一块姜,酱油(最好 是老抽,上色),盐,以及可乐,大概两斤的鸡翅用一听的可乐.一锅大概用一斤鸡翅.  鸡翅洗好后,用酱油腌上,姜切末撒上,不时翻一翻均匀着色,大概一个半到两个小时.注意酱油的用量要适中.  将鸡翅连同酱油一起倒如电饭锅里,选择开关置于"煮饭"档,倒入可乐,以将近漫过鸡翅为宜,姜切片放入.不时翻动一下,等到可乐快要烤干了的时候,根据个人的口味再加盐或加少量可乐继续煮一段时间,但时间不宜过长,以鸡肉变的松软甜嫩为准.煮的时候可以注意切换"煮饭"和"保温"开关,尺度自己调节. 蒜味排骨   排骨选用小排,一些香菇,新鲜的,一块姜,还需要一些大蒜.调味品有盐,味精,鸡精,桂皮,八角等.   排骨洗净.大蒜捣碎,用捣碎的汁将排骨腌上),撒上酱油,味精,姜切末撒在上面,拌匀.腌上个一个半小时到两个小时,将排骨拣到电饭锅里,酱油不要一起倒进来了.添点水,加入桂皮,八角香菇一分为四放进锅里.然后开始炖,到排骨产生"露骨"的程度为宜,尝尝香菇的味道再适量加盐,加点鸡精,就可以出锅了. 奶汤鲫鱼   活鲫鱼,大概半斤左右去鳞,去内脏,去鳃,回来后用水洗净两面剔上斜刀口待用   需要葱,姜和香菜.调味品是鸡精,香油,盐,牛奶,醋等.锅里加入半锅水,煮沸后把鲫鱼放入过一下水后捞出.   锅里的水重新换过,将姜和葱切丝放入锅内,添上半锅水,撒入少量香油和醋,用量不宜过多,放入盐.鲫鱼放入锅内盖上盖,水开了以后就切换控制档,闷15分钟,直到鱼肉变松了,放入少许牛奶,以颜色变成界于澄清和牛奶的纯色之间的程度为宜.控制开关置"煮饭"再烧2-3分钟左右,尝一下以后根据口味添加盐,放入鸡精,香菜切末撒上以后就好了 沙丁鱼饭   原料选用东北大米,另外需要茄汁沙丁鱼罐头,或其它鱼罐头,按你的口味挑选,最好选汁多的,而鱼刺不多的.另外要一些青菜或者大白菜,一个鸡蛋.调味品是鸡精,盐香油,酱油,番茄酱.青菜或白菜洗净,锅里放入小半锅水加入菜,盐,鸡精,已经香油,酱油各少许水沸后将鸡蛋绞随后倒入,开锅后盛出.   将锅洗净后加入一捧米,开始煮,锅开了以后切换控制档改为"保温",直到锅里看不出明显还有水了.觉得合适了以后将罐头鱼放在米饭上,罐头汁倒在饭上。加适量番茄酱在开水里调稀以后均匀撒入,继续闷3-5分钟 红烧猪爪:把猪爪洗净后放入电饭锅内,放入少许酱油、茴香、酒,葱等,水烧干后,电饭锅自动跳到保温档,等需要吃时还可放入少许糖与味精。这样,既不会烧焦,水份刚好收干,蛮好吃的 白切肉:把买来的肉洗净,放入电饭锅内,放入适量水和盐(比平时烧肉略多),再放下葱、姜、酒等,待烧干后,电钣锅也自动跳到保温档,吃时把肉切成一片片,放一些味精、上面放几片香菜,色、香、味齐全呵 蜜汗莲子红枣:把红枣洗净后放入电饭锅内,放下适量冰糖和水(水必需盖过红枣)等水份烧干后,电钣锅也自动跳到保温档,这是一道可当冷盆的菜,也是一道补身体,养颜的药膳呵


Material of hotpot stew meal: Leg of a sheep, northeast rice, carrot, cabbage, green ginger garlic. Rinse ovine leg with boiled water first, put electric pot for cooking rice next inside, enter hotpot of boiled water immersion, put paragraphs whole onion, garlic valve and Jiang Pian, put salt, the 30-40 that boil minute. After thoroughlying cook, take out ovine leg, hotpot tear tape. ovine soup air relative cool. Give the Jiang Qu inside. Green garlic need not. Clean out rice next, cut carrot into the man of 1cm square, after ironing cabbage with boiled water mincing. Along with hotpot is put into Yang Shang together. Bao of the rice cooker that use phone is ripe. Raw material of fruit a thick soup: Apple two, orange, pineapple, pear, 70 grams control rock candy   pineapple, the leather nucleus take out of apple and pear, what cut pulp into 3cm square is small. Orange skin pares, one valve of one valve open. Put the fruit into electric rice cooker, drink boiled water, the attention must not pour overmuch water, the individual is recommended do not want immersion fruit, to fruit height most probably can. Join rock candy, about 20, do not add much. Open switch to boil 20 minutes or so, put out power source, frowsty move is put cool. Lotus seed of precious stay of proceedings stews chicken of black chicken black, precious stay of proceedings, lotus seed, salt, ginger, green   will above article is washed clean, add water and black chicken to heat together with electric rice cooker next. After about 30 minutes, water is boiling. Continue to heat, notice what boiler builds errant time to lift open steam. Add salt, ginger piece, stay of proceedings of lotus seed, precious. Continue to heat 20 minutes, can add a few boiled water appropriately, in order to maintain water level. During, can flip through with the chopstick gallinaceous body, with heating equably. Give boiler, scatter a few onion powder. Can heating caddy is used in the process above evaporate egg, very delicious also. Chicken basically eats the first day night, leave a few chicken to wear the flesh and chicken broth next, make delicate chicken range in the morning the following day. Chop of steamed bream of the wax gourd chop that stew   of a green washs bream of circuit of a wax gourd clean chop, put electric pot for cooking rice advocate inside boiler, add water, abluent wax gourd, cut fast account, put. Add the right amount salt, dry Xianggu mushroom that flooded, oil. Heat. A small dish is put inside above steam box at the same time, abluent bream superpose, enclothe a few green, ginger piece, a few Xianggu mushroom, daub is right amount salt, add a few oil. Put in advocate heat together above boiler. Pea stews chop costal region to discharge 1.12Kg, pea 2, green measures   costal region certainly the platoon is abluent, cut paragraph, put into electric rice cooker. Add hot water to flood chop, heat next. After boiling waiting for water, join the pea that washs clean. The boiler on the lid is built, the appearance that continues to heat to be stewed again 30 minutes. Put right amount salt, onion, a few soy. Had tasted. The flavour of soup especially delicious! Shrimp of great river of   of shrimp of the white river that boil a jin of 59 ginger piece, foam of cooking wine, refined salt, vinegar, garlic. Hot water is put to 2/3 place in 350W report rice cooker, put ginger piece, cooking wine and refined salt are boiled, put the 1/3 of river shrimp, boil 5 - 10 minutes. Prepare foam of vinegar, garlic and a few refined salt at the same time, mix divide evenly. Shrimp of fish out river, the condiment that dipping in to get ready leaves eat, prepare next 1/3 at the same time. Coke chicken wing. Gallinaceous wing chooses a wing in, also can have root of a few wings appropriately, and wing tip had better not be chosen, a ginger, soy (had better be to often be smoked, chromatically) , salt, and coke, probably two jins chicken wing uses the coke that listens. One boiler uses wing of a jin of chicken probably. After gallinaceous wing has been washed, use soy to bloat, ginger cuts end to scatter, often break up even and chromatic, probably one arrives partly two hours. The dosage that notices soy wants moderate. Be like soy of gallinaceous wing along with electric rice cooker together in, " of select switch park cooks " archives, enter coke, it is advisable to cross gallinaceous wing with be being overflowed near, ginger section is put. Often flip through, when when coke was about to parch, add salt again according to the individual's taste or add a few coke to continue to cook period of time, but time shoulds not be too long, what change with chicken is loose sweet tender to allow. When boiling, can notice switch " cooks " and switch of " of " heat preservation, him measure adjusts. Chop of   of garlic flavour chop chooses small, a few Xianggu mushroom, fresh, a ginger, still need a few garlic. Dressing has salt, gourmet powder, gallinaceous essence, cassia bark, anise. Chop is abluent. Garlic dolly, the juice that uses pound bloats chop on) , scatter on soy, gourmet powder, jiang Qie end is scattered above, mix divide evenly. Bloat last one half hours arrive two hours, choose chop electric rice cooker in, soy did not come in together. Add bit of water, join cassia bark, anise Xianggu mushroom is one minute 4 put into boiler. Begin to stew next, the rate that produces " barefaced " to chop is advisable, the flavour that tastes Xianggu mushroom is again right amount add salt, impose the fine that nod chicken, can give boiler. Fish of vivid crucian carp of   of fish of the crucian carp that suckle soup, probably half jins or so go scale, go splanchnic, go branchial, inclined blade is stand-by on get rid of of clean two sides of the bathe after coming back   needs green, ginger and caraway. Dressing is gallinaceous essence, balm, salt, milk, vinegar. Half boiler water is added in boiler, boil hind puts crucian carp fish into the fish out after entering the water too. The water in boiler has been changed afresh, cut into shreds ginger and green put bowl inside, put on half boiler water, scatter a few balm and vinegar, dosage is unfavorable and overmuch, put salt. Crucian carp fish puts upper cover of the lid inside boiler, water left to control file with respect to switch later, frowsty 15 minutes, become loose till cruelly oppress, put a few milk, the degree between the simple look that turns a bound into Yu Chengqing and milk with color is advisable. " of control switch buy cooks " burns 2-3 again or so minutes, salt is added according to taste after be being tasted, put gallinaceous essence of life, caraway cuts end to scatter after going up good raw material of pilchard meal   chooses northeast rice, need can of eggplant juice pilchard additionally, or other fish is potted, the taste that presses you chooses, had better choose juice much, and fish bone is not much. Want a few green vegetables additionally or Chinese cabbage, an egg. Dressing is gallinaceous essence, saline balm, soy, ketchup. Green vegetables or Chinese cabbage are abluent, water of smaller part boiler is put to join course in boiler, salt, gallinaceous essence, already balm, soy wrings the egg after boil of water of each a few fall subsequently, fill after boil piece. Will join after boiler is abluent hold rice in both hands, begin to boil, after boiler left, switch controls " of heat preservation of archives instead " , until do not look to go out to still have water apparently in boiler. After feeling appropriate, will potted fish is put on rice, potted juice falls on the meal. Add right amount ketchup to be in in boiled water after mix is rare scatter equably, continue to cover tightly 3-5 minute pig of braise in soy sauce is ungual: the pig electric pot for cooking rice is put after claw is abluent inside, put a few soy, fennel, wine, green, water is burned after working, electric rice cooker jumps automatically to heat preservation archives, a few candy and gourmet powder still can be put when waiting for need to eat. Such, both neither can scorch, water portion just closes dry, the Bai Qie flesh with delicious pretty: the pork that buys abluent, put electric pot for cooking rice inside, put right amount water and salt (than at ordinary times carbonado slightly much) , put down green, ginger, wine to wait again, wait for burn after working, electric Ban boiler jumps automatically also to heat preservation archives, one cuts the flesh when eating, put a few gourmet powder, above put a few caraway, color, sweet, flavour is all ready red jujube of lotus seed of the sweat that breathe out honey: Electric pot for cooking rice is put after red jujube is abluent inside, put down right amount rock candy and water (water needs the lid crosses red jujube) portion waiting for water is burned after working, electric Ban boiler jumps automatically also to heat preservation archives, this is one can be become the dish of cold basin, also be a filling body, raise colour the medicinal food is breathed out
