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海蓝之谜(LA MER)是雅诗兰黛集团旗下的面霜品牌,创始人是MaxHuber、马克·斯胡伯。2004年8月,LA MER(海蓝之谜)进入中国时,曾采取了独一无二的“单品单柜”上市方式,仅依靠最能代表LA MER(海蓝之谜)精神的LA MER(海蓝之谜)面霜,就在各个专柜创出销售佳绩。让LA MER(海蓝之谜)面霜成为全中国奢侈品消费者关注的焦点。











2、里海之谜是瑞士品牌,核心成份开发是鱼子干细胞精华。(1958年)里海之谜是一个低调且性价比极高的瑞士护肤品牌。瑞士的品牌和瑞士人一样,一向都是很低调的,他们对自己MADE IN SWITZERLAND的产品都很自豪的,他们基本上做广告后面还要加一句,瑞士制造,可见他们对自己产品的信任和自豪










早在20世纪初,我国地理学家丁文江与外国学者登施丹就著文认为,是大江淤积导致了太湖的形成。著名的地理学家竺可桢与汪湖桢等则提出了泻湖成因论,即以后广为流传的太湖经“海湾 — 泻湖 — 湖泊水网平原”的演变模式而成。


可是人们在翻阅一本叫《吴中水利记》的北宋时期的古书时,发现书中记载着:在北宋神宗八年(1075 年),太湖地区发生大旱,太湖水位下降到了以住从来没有过的位置。这时人们发现,湖边数米干涸的湖底上,竟然露出了古代居民留下的坟墓和村庄的街道,一根根已经近于腐烂的树桩仍然立在湖中。人们还在太湖的湖底找到距今6000年至1万年前古人类石器时代的遗址。

于是,又一种假说出现了。人们推测,大约在6000年到1 万年前,太湖地区是一片低平的平原,人们曾经在这里生活和居住过。由于地势较低,终于积水成湖,人们还没有来得及搬走他们的家当,就被洪水淹没了。






One, the collective of flyer commits suicide, be a of nature unintelligible mystery?

The viewpoint that inscribes home of dry technical secondary school is " the shift that the reason that avian collective commits suicide is earthly magnetic pole makes they look forbid to mark " .

A, C, D it is to point out avian it is inspiratory and toxic gas or edible toxicant and cause death, not be collective suicide, because this also cannot is opposite,the expert's viewpoint has doubt. Have B only point out, avian collective suicide is the accidental phenomenon of nature only commonly, and be not the shift that suffers earthly magnetic pole to make they look forbid to mark, effectively weakened the expert's viewpoint. Reason answer chooses B.

2, deep-sea mystery and the mystery distinction with blue sea?

Have distinction, it is two different brands respectively.

Hai La's mystery (LA MER) it is the cream brand with subordinate group of elegant Shi Landai, father is Si Hubai of · of MaxHuber, mark. August 2004, LA MER (Hai La's mystery) when entering China, ceng Cai was taken unique " the odd ark that taste sheet " appear on the market means, rely on only can represent LA MER most (Hai La's mystery) mental LA MER (Hai La's mystery) cream, achieve a sale beautiful performance in each shop. Let LA MER (Hai La's mystery) the central point that cream makes consumer of complete China luxury pay close attention to.

Marine mystery is the brand name that outfit of a courtyard protects skin to taste, its product is be give priority to with filling water in vain with the United States, achieve the result that protects skin thereby. And the main source of its product, it is to result from deep-sea material.

3, be be close to nature or close to nature?

Be close to or be close to nature, actually meaning is about the same. Present person is in blatant city, busy job, day after day, year answer the life of a year for happiness, that bit of ceaseless off hours that uses close surplus promotes him, go all out in work with the effort that rests ceaselessly. Body and mind is met whacked.

Probably we are working, him rein in footstep, walk into nature, go be close to, the one grass that understands nature one wood.

Develop the beauty of nature, probably our mood is met different, may have unexpected results.

4, the mystery of snowman?

Country of Chinese anthropologist week promotes a gentleman to think, snowman is gigantic simian (the ancestor that it is not the mankind, but have with human ancestor " kin " relation) unborn. He compared snowman footmark and simian kind of footmark, think snowman more picture simian. The snowman in fokelore is erect walk, procumbent also disease runs when be frighted -- this very picture ancient simian kind. He is conjectural, of ancient time gigantic simian did not eradicate truly, between the peak of snow mountain ice that its unborn conceal grows in European southeast ministry and Asia, become mysterious snowman. But the function that they do not have a language, can give out ambiguous cry only. Accordingly, they did not walk into human doorsill it seems that.

Also the scholar denies the existence of snowman, they think the footmark of the snowman in fokelore may be ursine footmark, also may be hill go up fall after Shi Zaixue melts, cause.

5, the distinction of Hai La's mystery and Caspian mystery?

The country is different: The mystery with 1 blue sea is elegant Shi Landai's subordinate United States brand. (was bought by elegant Shi Landai 1995)

2, Caspian mystery is Swiss brand, core component development is elite of roe dry cell. (1958) Caspian mystery is low-key and sexual price protects skin trademark than extremely tall Switzerland. Swiss brand and Swiss person are same, it is very low-key all along, they are very proud to the product of own MADE IN SWITZERLAND, they basically advertise from the back add even, switzerland is made, it is thus clear that their accredit to him product is mixed proud

6, Hai La's mystery and Caspian mystery which expensive?

Hai La's mystery is expensive, this is high-end product

7, the mystery of balloonfish?

Everybody is familiar with balloonfish. They are a kind of carnivore, love has the live thing such as shrimp, snail. Their characteristic is to encounter the meeting when danger to be roused.

The tooth of balloonfish is very sharp, fish in the seaside, if angle balloonfish, fishhook may be broken. Its sharp tooth can let it eat off the solid food such as snail, crab.

Why can when balloonfish encounters risk, you rouse? When balloonfish encounters risk, it will be fast water in inspiratory abdomen. The skin of balloonfish n is gotten flabbily than rear skin much, the head and celiac side are so bouffant rise, make sweep past the person that feed to devour hard.

The flesh of balloonfish is qualitative delicious and without fishy smell, so a lot of people love to eat balloonfish. But not treated balloonfish is poisonous, processing balloonfish is very troublesome, the proposal does not try, died not carefully otherwise.

8, too the mystery of the lake?

Too of lake cause of formation contend for:

It is early at the beginning of 20 centuries, ding Wenjiang of our country geographical home and foreign scholar ascend Shi Dan to be written civil think, it is great river deposit was brought about too the formation of the lake. Famous geographical home Zhu Kezhen and Wang Huzhen put forward lagoon cause of formation to talk, namely later wide for what circulate too lake classics " thalassic, lagoon, Campagna of laky a network of rivers " evolve into mode and become.

In recent years, as right too the ceaseless research of the respect such as lake area geology, landforms, hydrology, archaeology and document data, right too the dug of lake cause of formation had had new development again. The problem that somebody is to the place in lagoon talking raised doubt, in thinking to enter the process of ancient land hinterland in sea depth of water, although erode at the same time, at the same time deposit, but this kind of circumstance to whole ancient land it is lopsided, some places have the deposit of lagoon landforms truly, but it does not have integral sense.

But people is browsing,cry originally " irrigation works writes down Wuzhong " when the ancient books of period of Northen Song Dynasty, discover the account in the book wears: In god of Northen Song Dynasty ancestor 8 years (1075) , too lake area produces big drought, too the position that lake water level dropped to never pass in order to live. At this moment people discovery, lakefront counts meter of lake bottom that dry up to go up, what showed the graveyard that archaic dweller leaves and village actually is street, the stub that a root has been bordering on decay still stands in the lake. People still is in too find by the lake of the lake be apart from the relics of ancient mankind Stone Age before coming 10 thousand years 6000 today.

Then, another kind of hypothesis appeared. People is conjectural, arrived 10 thousand years 6000 about before, too lake area is low smooth Campagna, people once lived here and had lived. Because relief is inferior, eventually seeper becomes a lake, people still takes away their family belongs without there's still time, was flooded by the flood.

9, Hai La's mystery and marine mystery which expensive?

Hai La's mystery and marine mystery are two different brands, their price may differ somewhat. Generally speaking, the price of Hai La's mystery is a few more expensive than the price of marine mystery. Hai La's mystery is costly brand, its product is mixed with high price outstanding character is celebrated. Of this brand protect skin is tasted and cosmetic is thought dispute Chang Ang is expensive and costly, but the experience that they also provided special high quality scales normally and effect. Marine mystery is a brand that gives priority to a problem with ocean, its product basically undertakes developing around ocean. Although the price of this brand compares mystery petty gain of Hai La, but its product also has certain quality and effect. As a whole, the price of Hai La's mystery is more expensive than the price of marine mystery, because the product of Hai La's mystery is thought to have higher quality and more outstanding effect,this basically is. However, the product that this does not mean marine mystery is bad, suffer because of their fixed position and target however numerous different.

10, Hai La's mystery and Caspian mystery which good?

I have right to speak, using Caspian mystery for the first time is 8 years ago, should be 2009, the colleague goes to beauty parlour the effect is very good, I ask what she used, she says the Caspian mystery that beauty parlour recommends, listen to the mystery that is mountain fastness Hai La, feel disgusted a bit, but cannot help cleaning out treasure again, what await this brand to clean out treasure to sell in those days is not too much, sincerity of the grandma that wash a face is very good with, after using a few continuously, begin to buy frost of water knead dough again, the word says that cream is the feeling that gives out to have porcelain feeling flesh the following day really, gradually also the colleague asks what I use, but sensory change is big, be afraid of hormone did not continue to use, it is good before that the feeling when buying the milk that wash a face later again is done not have, character is not quite stable, abandoned, reach not be Switzerland then, I feel 90% above are not, we this is as a child cosmetic inn, beauty parlour begins to popularize, of international big shop sign enter channel impossible such, a moment ago cleaned out treasure, price is internationalization a bit, ah.
