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  语文基础知识的学习强调积累。积累的意义在于丰富知识储备,使你的脑袋里有更多的材料,以便于在以后语言实践中能信手拈来,运用得心应手。积累有两种方法:集中识记和在阅读中分散积累。集中识记可以使我们在短时间内获得较多的基础知识,但是这样的积累有时是生吞活剥的,和应用到语言实践还有一定的差距。在阅读中积累的语文基础知识是从语言实践中获得的,能更好地运用到语言实践中去,但知识的系统性差一些,积累的速度较慢。可以看出,这两种积累的方式各有利弊。因此我们要把两种方式结合起来,克服其弊端,发挥各自优势。这样,学好语文基础知识也不是难事了。   集中积累,较为枯燥,我们在学习的过程中,一定要有计划性、目标性,强调任务的完成。比如,我们在这次集中学习语文基础知识中,就有一个非常明确的学习目标,有数量的要求,也有质量的要求,还有每天、每节课应完成的指标要求。要求每天完成的事一定完成,也就是说,我们每个同学都要养成一个好习惯——“当日事当日毕”,不等来日,先做好自己应做的事,再做自己喜欢做的事。   学好语文基础知识还需要另外一个好习惯——学会持之以恒。贝多芬曾说过:涓滴之水终可磨损大石,不是由于它力量强大,而是由于昼夜不舍的滴坠。学问是苦根上长出的甜果,没有持之以恒、勤学苦练是难以成正果的。学习语文尤其需要冬练三九、夏练三伏的持之以恒的学习精神和顽强的毅力。因为就语言来讲,它是一个日积月累循序渐进的过程,任何人都不能奢望一夜之间语言能力会有一个质的飞跃,语言学习必须要有足够的积累和经过大量的实践才会渐入佳境。   学好语文基础知识需要的第三个好习惯是抓住课堂。由于同学们处在青春期,在心理上既向往独立又未能独立,处在一个叛逆期,对权威敢于提了怀疑和挑战。所以,可能觉得语文课,特别是语文基础知识课比较浅显,老师讲的内容也没有什么听头,还慢吞吞的,不如自学。须知,老师毕竟是过来人,也经历过你们这样的年龄和学习经历,并且还是学习上的佼佼者,再加上后来读大学经过了专业训练,又有较丰富的教学经验,可以帮助你少走很多弯路的。再者,由于老师讲课,把一节课分成了几个板块,如练习、讨论、讲解……也可调节注意力,少一点枯燥。   学好语文基础知识需要的第四个好习惯是要对自己的学习进程进行记录和评价。古人云:“吾日三省吾身”。在学习中,我们难免产生惰性,克服惰性的最好方法就是时刻检查自己,把自己行为和目标对照比较。在这本资料中,我们为同学们设计了一个计划与评价表,大家每天要把自己的学习情况记录下来,进行评价,同时也要自觉接受老师的检查和监督。   学好语文基础知识需要的第四个好习惯是要有一个错题集,把自己容易犯的错误知识内容记录下来,并在以后经常翻阅它,以达到逐步消灭错误的目的。   我们在编写本资料时,注意了讲练结合,注意了更多的趣味性、计划性,落实了学习的几个环节。   我们把学习分成了下边几个环节:   课前练一练 让大家对所学的知识有一个预习,同时也积累一些感性知识。   课堂学一学 这是我们安排的重点。我们深知,只有一个设计科学的课堂,才可能有一个好的学习效果。   课堂学一学中,我们安排了如下几步:   1、知识精要 对所学习的内容进行条理清晰的概括,教给同学习学习方法和技巧,适当举例。   在这一部分中,我们希望同学们动动笔,把老师的讲义记一记。我们没有把老师的讲义完全印出来,而是给你们留下空白,要你们动起手来,把注意力集中在老师的讲课上,努力记下老师的讲义。这是我们这本资料和别的资料不同的地方,虽然我们要把老师的讲义印出来,并不是难事。但是印出来后,就会剥夺了你们动笔的机会,也让你们失去了听讲的兴趣。须知读书要做到——眼到、手到、耳到、口到、心到,只要这“五到”都做到了,才能学得更好。作笔记可以加深学习印象,并且可以集中注意力。   2、课堂读一读 由于我们所学的内容是语文基础知识,在能力层级上属于较低的层次。我们的大量任务是要识记。要识记,当然要读。要读,还是在课堂上读效果好。既然这样,那就放声地读吧,读时也要用用心哟。   3、课堂练一练 仅仅读当然也不够,还得动动手,动动脑,和老师同学来点合作学习,比如竞赛呀,互相抽问呀之类的,还可以交流一下学习方法,编一编顺口溜之类的。   课后练一练 课后的练习有两个作用:巩固复习和延伸学习。学了的知识当然需要及时巩固,才能不至于遗忘过多,记得更牢。学习不仅是课堂上的事,还得在课后多加练习,俗话说:“师傅带进门,修行靠个人”。要想在学业上比别人更胜一筹,靠的是什么?——勤奋。因此,我们还为同学们准备了下一个环节。   课外拓展 对于学有余力的同学(其实是有上进心的同学——只要有上进心,就是学有余力的),我们为你们准备还多的免费午餐,你可以安排一下,什么时候吃,每次吃多少,以什么方式吃。好好计划一下。千万不要嫌多,吃不了会兜着走。在做之前想得太多是个坏毛病,想得太多了,做的时间就会少了,还会影响情绪。不如实实在在地干,“千里之行,始于足下”,再远的路,都是由一步步地走的,不可能一下就走很远。再多的知识,也是一天学一点,一天学一点,功到自然成了。   在学习语文基础知识的过程中,我们还要提醒同学们一点,就是一步一个脚印。一旦学了,就要掌握,不要像小猴子那样,满坡都跑了,结果什么都没有得到。俗话说:“伤其十指不如断其一指”。语文基础知识面广量多,不可能在短时间内就什么都弄得懂。但该弄懂的地方要弄得烂熟,不要到处都学了,似乎学了很多,真正掌握的很少,结果什么都不知道。比如,对词义的理解,我们可以为自己订一个目标,在这段时间里要积累两百组同(近)义词,然后我们就按照这个目标完成就够了。再如,学习标点符号的用法,我们只要能把标点符号口诀记住,然后稍作理解。学习病句修改的时候,我们要抓住基本点,六大类二十四小类的病句类型要烂熟于胸。   最后,祝大家在这段时间里圆满完成任务,为以后的学习打下个坚实的基础。


The study of Chinese ABC emphasizes accumulating. Accumulated meaning depends on abounding knowledge to lay in, make there are more stuffs in your head, language practice is medium after be in in order to facilitate can have words, manage with facility. Accumulate have two kinds of methods: Concentration is known write down and accumulate dispersedly in read. Concentration is known write down can make we obtain more ABC inside short time, but such accumulating is accept sth uncritically sometimes, still have certain difference to language practice with application. The Chinese ABC that accumulates in read is obtained from inside language practice, in can applying a language to carry out better, go, but intellectual systematization is a few poorer, accumulated speed is slower. Can see, these two kinds of accumulated kind have advantages and disadvantages each. Accordingly we want to rise tie of two kinds of kind, overcome its malpractice, produce respective advantage. Such, learning Chinese ABC also is not tickler. Concentration is accumulated, relatively as dry as a chip, we are in the process of study, must sex of in a planned way, target sex, emphasize the job finish. For instance, we are in ABC of Chinese of this centralized study, have a very specific study target, have quantitative demand, also have the demand of quality, still have everyday, the index requirement that every class should fulfil. Ask the work that completes everyday is finished certainly, that is to say, we every classmate wants nurturance a good convention -- " the thing finishs that day that day " , differ some day, had done the thing that oneself should do first, him redo likes the thing that do. Learn Chinese ABC to still need another good convention -- learn to perserve. Beethoven ever had said: The water of a tiny drop can wear away eventually big stone, because its force is powerful,not be, the drop that does not abandon as a result of day and night however drops. Knowledge is suffering what grow on the root is sweet if really, did not perserve, learning frequently to practice hard is hard of Cheng Zhengguo. Study Chinese needs a winter to drill especially 39, the perserve study spirit of Xia Lian the three ten-day periods of the hot season and tenacious perseverance. Because will tell with respect to the language, it is the process of successive of an accumulate over a long period, anybody cannot the flight that the gift of tongues can have extravagant hopes pledge between one night, language study must want to have be accumulated enoughly and just meet through many practice enter the most pleasant stage gradually. The 3rd when learn Chinese ABC need good convention is to capture classroom. Lie as a result of classmates adolescence, in mentally already yearning independence fails to become independent again, at traitorous period, dared to raise suspicion and challenge to authority. So, the likelihood feels Chinese class, especially Chinese ABC class is more easy to read and understand, whats doesn't the content that the teacher interprets have to listen to a head, still slowly, be inferior to self-study. Notice, the teacher is a n experienced person after all, also had experienced you such age and study experience, and still learn the person above average on, plus read an university to pass professional training later, have richer teaching experience again, can help you take a lot of roundabout way less. Moreover, as a result of teacher lecture, became branch of a class a few board piece, if practice, discuss, explain... adjustable also attention, a bit less as dry as a chip. The 4th when learn Chinese ABC need good convention is to want the learning process to oneself to have record and opinion. The ancients cloud: "I day of 3 provinces my bodies " . In study, our hard to avoid produces laziness, the best method that overcomes laziness always checks him namely, contrast him behavior and target quite. In this data, we designed a plan and evaluation watch for classmates, everybody wants to come down his study circumstance record everyday, undertake evaluating, the inspection that also should accept a teacher self-consciously at the same time and supervise. The 4th when learn Chinese ABC need good convention is to should a fault inscribes collect, the record of wrong knowledge content that makes oneself easily comes down, after be in, often browse it, eliminate wrong end in order to achieve stage by stage. When we are compiling this data, noticed to tell experienced union, noticed more interest sexes, plan sex, fulfilled a few link of study. We divide study into below a few link: The practice before the class lets everybody have a prepare lessons before class to learns knowledge, also accumulate a few perceptual knowledge at the same time. Classroom learns this is the emphasis that we plan. We know very well, only one designs scientific classroom, just have a good study effect possibly. Classroom learns in, we planned following a few steps: 1, what intellectual essence wants to undertake consecution clarity to the content of institute study is wraparound, teach a classmate method of study of be used to and skill, proper citing. In this one part, we hope classmates use take up the pen, write down the teacher's teaching materials. We did not imprint the teacher's teaching materials completely come out, leave blank to you however, want you to move a hand to come, focus attention on the teacher's lecture, write down the teaching materials of next teachers hard. This is us the place with this data and other different data, although we want to imprint the teacher's teaching materials,come out, not be tickler. But imprint after coming out, can strip the opportunity of your start writing, also let you lose the interest of attend a lecture. Notice reads should accomplish -- the eye arrives, the hand arrives, ear arrives, the mouth arrives, the heart arrives, want this only " 5 to " accomplished, ability learns weller. Make a note can deepen study impression, and can focus attention. 2, the content that because we learn,classroom reads is Chinese ABC, inferior administrative levels is belonged to on ability layer class. A large number of our tasks are to want to know write down. Should know write down, want to read of course. Want to read, it is good to still read the result on classroom. Since such, that is read with respect to the ground that put reputation, the intention also should be used when reading oh. 3, classroom practice is read merely insufficient also of course, still must move start work, use put on one's thinking cap, will order cooperative study with teacher classmate, for instance contest, smoke each other ask ah of and so on, return OK communicating to study a method, make up doggerel and so on. The after experienced class exercise after the class has two effect: Consolidate review and outspread study. Learned knowledge needs to consolidate in time of course, ability is unapt forget overmuch, write down firmlier. Study is the thing on classroom not only, return so that impose a practice more after the class, common saying says: "Master belt takes the door, cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine relies on an individual " . Want to compare others on school work more get the better of one prepare, what is those who lean? -- assiduous. Accordingly, we still prepared next segment for classmates. The classmate that extracurricular extends superabundant to learning power (it is the fellow student that has the urge for improvement actually -- should have the urge for improvement only, learn superabundant force namely) , we prepare to return much free lunch for you, you can be arranged, when to eat, how much to eat every time, eat with what means. Plan well. Must not disrelish much, cannot eat to be able to move round to go. Thinking too much before do is a bad mistake, think too much, the time that make is met little, still can affect a mood. Work as real ground, "The travel of a thousand li, only then at you " , again remote region, it is by what go step by step, impossible go very far. Again much knowledge, also be one day learns a bit, one day learns a bit, result became to nature. In the process that learns Chinese ABC, we remind fellow students even a bit, it is a work steadily. Once learned, be about to master, do not resemble small monkey in that way, full slope ran, whats did not get as a result. Common saying says: "Hurt its 10 point to be inferior to pointing to firstly " . Vast amount of Chinese ABC face is much, be done so that understand with respect to what inside short time impossible. But the place that this lane knows should be done know sth thoroughlily, did not learn everywhere, learned it seems that a lot of, what master truly is very few, whats do not know as a result. For instance, to the understanding of acceptation, we can order an end for oneself, 200 groups should be accumulated to be the same as in this paragraph of time (close) justice word, next we are finished according to this target enough. Be like again, learn the use of punctuation mark, we want to be able to remember punctuation mark a pithy formula only, make understanding a bit next. Study is ill sentence when revising, we should grasp main point, the disease of 6 kinds of big 24 group sentence the type wants know sth thoroughly at the bosom. Finally, wish everybody finishs the job satisfactorily in this paragraph of time, lay a solid foundation to the following study.

上一篇:时尚小屋面膜怎么样? 魔恋时尚睡眠面膜安全吗?英文双语对照