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成考好考吗? 成考理化考什么?英文双语对照


成考好考吗? 成考理化考什么?英文双语对照







各专业考试科目: 文史类、外语类、艺术类:语文、数学(文)、外语、史地。专科起点升本科统一考试科目试题均由教育部统一命制。除统考科目外,是否再加试专业课,由招生院校自行确定。如需加试专业课,由招生院校向社会公布并自行组织命题和考试。











可以的。高等教育自学考试(Self-taught higher education examinations),简称自学考试、自考,它有大自考(社会型考生)和小自考(应用型考生)两种类别。1981年经国务院批准创立,是对自学者进行的以学历考试为主的高等教育国家考试,考生主要有两种学习方式,一是在高等院校举办的助学点学习或进入本校进行全日制学习(学生采用这种学习方式称为应用型考生),二是在社会举办的助学单位学习或自学(用这种学习方式的学生称为社会型考生)。自考与普通高考和成人高考在招生对象、考试时间及学制不同,自考是宽进严出。

















起点不同,所考科目不同,情况如下: 1、专升本层次 成考的专升本层次中,会计专业属于经济管理类,考试科目为政治、外语、 高等数学(二)。

2、高起本层次 高起本层次中,会计专业属于文理兼收的专业,你可以参加文科的考试,也可以参加理科的考试,看你擅长哪一个,考试科目为: 文史类、外语类、艺术类:语文、数学(文科)、外语、史地。理工类、体育类:语文、数学(理科)、外语、理化。3、高起专层次 和高起本层次一样,会计专业属于文理兼收的专业,你可以参加文科的考试,也可以参加理科的考试,看你擅长哪一个,考试科目为: 文史类、外语类、艺术类、公安类:语文、数学(文科)、外语。理工类、体育类、西医类、中医类:语文、数学(理科)、外语


One, into had taken an examination of take an examination of?

1, the meeting is simpler for the person that photograph of adult the university entrance exam selects a foundation to having, according to your circumstance, if result of graduation of junior high school is bad, may have a few difficulty. But if be being reviewed well, hopeful still, it is particularly difficult to become the exam knowledge that take an examination of after all.

2, the actual condition according to you, word of 39 years old is become taking an examination of is to the age adds cent, subtracted to you again so one part pressure. And this kind of exam does not want concern take an examination ofing not to go up of what, did not take an exam this to still have next time, still have the kind that other record of formal schooling promote, do not give oneself too great pressure, try to win sb's favor studies a data, review well, do do examination questions, believe oneself.

3, the fashion that record of formal schooling promotes has a variety of, adult the university entrance exam, take an examination of oneself, network education, national report is big wait. According to your circumstance, if you become the word that takes an examination of it doesn't matter to hold, take an examination of estimation to have difficulty more oneself, the proposal still can consider the network is taught or national report is big. The graduation evidence that the promotion of record of formal schooling of these means obtains is the country admits, net learning a letter can check.

2, into take an examination of manage to change what to take an examination of?

High school physics and chemistry.

Each professional exam course: Literary history kind, foreign language kind, artistic kind: Chinese, maths (civil) , foreign language, history ground. Specialized subject start rises undergraduate course to unite exam course examination questions to all unite a life to make by Ministry of Education. Outside studying subject except all, whether to add again try professional class, decide by proper motion of recruit students school. If need to add,try professional class, be announced to the society by recruit students school and organize proposition and exam by oneself.

3, into what to take an examination of Chinese to take an examination of?

Into the understanding that takes an examination of Chinese to take an exam to basically test character of student antonym character, analysis and applied ability, include to read understanding, contemporary article, ancient prose is read etc. In addition, still inspect composition ability of the student, requirement examinee can apply relatively rich language to convey his idea and data.

4, into check total branch?

Total cent of exam of adult the university entrance exam differs according to administrative levels of record of formal schooling, exam total cent is different also: Rise only, rise this exam course to all be 3 only, every full marks all is 150 minutes, total full marks 450 minutes of; rise this administrative levels, outside dividing the exam that attends 3 all to study communal subject, still need to attend the exam of professional foundation class, liberal art kind major should take an examination of the history, geography integrated, science department kind major should take an examination of physics, chemistry integrated, it is full marks 150 minutes likewise, always divide in all 600 minutes.

5, into study article proposal?

It is the tendentious article table that teachs an exam in the light of college adult. It is main content in order to publicize the school, orgnaization and course, publicize examination time signing up, place to reach condition signing up next, and into inspect the message such as conduction flow.

Into the characteristic that took an examination of article table to reflect an adult to teach an exam, emphasized what adult education takes an exam gaining ground gender, interest sex, convenient quality, encourage more undergraduates to attend this one exam with this, be on the road of higher education.

6, in is duty taken an examination of take an examination of or spring one's deceased father?

Duty is taken an examination of in spring one's deceased father. Because in duty school is to belong to our country common full-time medium profession teachs technical high school, duty school basically fosters a student to make skill handsome appearance in, main education student is so professional skill technology, duty attends in spring one's deceased father also call skill speak or sing alternately the university entrance exam, basically be the professional skill technique that studies a student, you do not attend spring one's deceased father also can take an examination of one's deceased father read adult three-year institution of higher learning

7, take an examination of about becoming, into can after taking an examination of, you still continue to take an examination of?

Possible. Higher education teachs oneself an exam (Self-taught Higher Education Examinations) , abbreviation self-study exam, take an examination of oneself, it has take an examination of oneself greatly (society examinee) and small take an examination of oneself (application examinee) two kinds of categories. Approval of classics the State Council founded 1981, it is the exam of gives priority to with exam of record of formal schooling higher education state that undertakes to autodidact, examinee basically has kind of two kinds of study, it is study learning a dot is aided in what institution of higher learing holds or enter this school to have full-time study (the student uses means of this kind of study to call application examinee) , 2 it is to be in what the society holds to aid learn unit study or teach oneself (the student that learns way with this kind calls society examinee) . Take an examination of oneself eductional systme is reached to differ in time of recruit students object, examination with common the university entrance exam and adult the university entrance exam, be being taken an examination of oneself is wide enter severe piece.

Examinee attends national exam orgnaization to unite only branch exam of the organization, eligible, send certificate of conformity, after all course are eligible, fang Keshen graduates please (the student that applies for undergraduate course graduation still needs to offer) of card of graduation of national approbatory specialized subject. Take an examination of the process that is a kind of own study oneself, had experienced personally only, have only especially among them the examinee that one little part is good at learning just is the person win out finally that takes an examination of oneself (graduation) .

The student is after the study that passes a system, rejoin through project, degree English assessment achieves formulary result, accord with degree to file a requirement, can apply for to award undergraduate course of adult higher education graduate bachelor's degree. Can continue to assiduously study master's degree and doctor's degree.

8, into take an examination of colour what to content take an examination of?

Answer: Into take an examination of colour exam content: Still life of soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes, scenery of soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes, head portrait of soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes.

 What adult college opens is artistic major basically has kind of recruit students artistic design, adornment, decorate, calligraphy, painterly, music, art, Thespian performance, broadcast, the major such as dress design, photography.

9, into what to take an examination of education to be taken an examination of theoretically?

Pedagogic part

1, understand and master pedagogic ABC, basic theory, the heat in holding current education theory and practice is inscribed.

2, know the basic idea that records pedagogic place to involve, to the ABC in pedagogic system and theory, if study object, pedagogic development situation pedagogicly, educational essence, function and rule, educational purpose, system of education, teacher and student, education theory and practice, moral education theory and practice, classmaster works, the education outside class other school have more comprehensive and accurate knowledge and understanding.

3, the real problem that can handle pedagogic ABC and education of basic and theoretical analysis, have analysis and the initial capacity that solve education and education practice problem.

Psychological part

1, the basic idea that understands psychology, fundamental and basic theory, understand all sorts of psychology phenomena scientificly, master psychology the rule of mobile happening, development and change.

2, the intention that understands psychological basic idea and the object that denotative; understands and master psychological research, feeling and manner of thinking and conscious, attention, memory, imagination, mood and volition, need and motive, skill, ability, character, society and behavior, mental health.

3, the concept that applies psychology, principle, theory and method, the psychological problem in reaching daily life to teaching education to work undertakes an analysis, discern, explanation and specification.

4, can use psychological theory and knowledge integratedly, the psychological problem in analysing current school to teach education and social life, put forward to settle the psychological basis of the problem and strategy, have analysis and the capacity that handle education to carry out a problem.

10, into take an examination of an accountant to need to a few take an examination of?

Starting point is different, what take an examination of course to differ, the situation is as follows: 1, in rising this administrative levels to rise this administrative levels only into what take an examination of only, accounting major belongs to economic management kind, exam course is politics, foreign language, advanced maths (2) .

2, in removing this administrative levels high to have this arrangement high, accounting major belongs to unity and coherence in writing to hold the major that close concurrently, you can attend the exam of liberal art, also can attend the exam of science department, see you be good at which, exam course is: Literary history kind, foreign language kind, artistic kind: Chinese, maths (liberal art) , foreign language, history ground. Manage is versed in kind, sports kind: Chinese, maths (science department) , foreign language, manage is changed. 3, rise high only administrative levels and like having this arrangement high, accounting major belongs to unity and coherence in writing to hold the major that close concurrently, you can attend the exam of liberal art, also can attend the exam of science department, see you be good at which, exam course is: Literary history kind, foreign language kind, artistic kind, public security kind: Chinese, maths (liberal art) , foreign language. Manage is versed in kind, sports kind, Western medicine kind, doctor of traditional Chinese medicine kind: Chinese, maths (science department) , foreign language

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