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      从北京出发自驾游行程路线如果是:北京--开封--郑州--洛阳--焦作--安阳--北京,那么沿线精华的旅游景点有:开封的清明上河园,宋城一条街,开封龙庭, 开封相国府 ,登封少林寺,登封中岳庙,洛阳老君山 ,洛阳龙门石窟,洛阳白马寺,焦作云台山 ,安阳殷墟遗址……。













1. 北京——北戴河——秦皇岛——兴城——盘锦——大连,往返行车路程大约1876公里,其中北京东四环路四方桥至大连高速收费站距离约为**1000公里**。

2. 北京——天津——山海关——老虎石海滩——营口——盘锦——大连,往返行车路程大约为**1500公里**。

3. 北京——承德避暑山庄——秦皇岛——山海关——老虎石海滩——营口——盘锦——大连,往返行车路程大约为**2000公里**。











1. 八达岭长城

2. 秦始皇兵马俑

3. 华清池

4. 大雁塔

5. 西安城墙


市区:古莲花池,直隶总督府 ,大慈阁, 郊县:满城:报阳山,龙潭峡谷,龙门水库,曹仙洞, 清苑:冉庄地道战 涿州:影视城 涞源:十瀑峡、白石山、空中草原 涞水:野三坡 易县:西陵、狼牙山、易水河、燕下关 唐县:唐河、大茂山、西胜沟 阜平:石桥瀑布 顺平:龙潭湖、腰山王氏庄园 定兴:慈云阁,石柱。


1、仁寿山森林公园 AAA









Does Beijing drive tourist attraction of travel of along the line oneself to Zhengzhou?

     Set out to if be,draw processional Cheng line oneself from Beijing: Beijing- - unseal- - Zhengzhou- - Luoyang- - anxious make- - An Yang- - Beijing, so the travel tourist attraction of elite of along the line has: Garden of the river on unsealed Pure Brightness, song Cheng a street, unseal Long Ting, unseal photograph state seat of government, ascend a Shaolin Temple, ascend the Yue Miao in sealing, hill of Luoyang old gentleman, luoyang the Longmen Grottoes, temple of Luoyang white horse, hill of Jiao Zunyun stage, relics of the Yin Dynasty ruins that install this world... .

Does Xi Lin Guo strap alliance travel tourist attraction?

Discharging first should be area of 5A class scene yuan go up relics, be located in prairie of Lan Qi Jin Lianchuan, it is the birthplace that Meng Yuanwen changes;

The 2nd is Bei Zimiao, be located in stannum city of Lin Hao spy, only then built 1743, fokelore has Bei Zimiao first, there is stannum after city of Lin Hao spy;

The 3rd, mesa scene area, the tourist attraction of natural and impersonal labour, lai Xilin grand is seen on the road especially, nature miracle;

The 4th, 2 area of scene of peculiar country door mixes even grand dinosaurian and geological park, the motherland northward, be worth to swim;

The more than 5th human relations lake, xi Lin Guo forces the weak water system with the oldest churchyard, of Beijing hind garden;

Banner of the 6th Xi Wuzhu Mu Qin Mongolia sweat city, come to the ground playing card of stannic alliance, culture of prairie the Monggol nationality reveals the ground;

Area of scene of center of horse of the 7th drive, be located in too banner of fall forward temple, the 8th, area of scene of travel of zoology of culture of area of Chinese Ma Dou core, be located in stannum city of Lin Hao spy, it is one reveals the ground around what Ma Wen changes, have show of large and panoramic type, match of of all kinds horsemanship.

Does Beijing go in for sth in a large scale is travel tourist attraction recommended drive oneself swim?

Garden of wild animal of first selection Beijing, open type zoo, the tourist sits in basket car to be able to be cast with close quarters feed an animal. Still have city of movie and TV of boreal general Tuo, china pressworks museum, still have go in for sth in a large scale watermelon museum.

Does Beijing drive You Tu to travel via those oneself to Dalian tourist attraction?

Hello! Arrive from Beijing of Dalian drive You Lu line to have a lot of oneself, it is a few common tourist attractions below:

1.Beijing -- north wears a river -- Qin Huang island -- start a city -- Pan Jin -- Dalian, distance of drive a vehicle going there and back about 1876 kilometers, among them Beijing east bridge of all directions of 4 annulus road collects fees to Dalian high speed station distance is **1000 kilometer ** about.

2.Beijing -- Tianjin -- hill custom -- tiger stone beach -- battalion mouth -- Pan Jin -- Dalian, distance of drive a vehicle going there and back is **1500 kilometer ** about.

3.Beijing -- bear heart be away for the summer holidays mountain villa -- Qin Huang island -- hill custom -- tiger stone beach -- battalion mouth -- Pan Jin -- Dalian, distance of drive a vehicle going there and back is **2000 kilometer ** about.

It is good that Beijing periphery drives where of tourist attraction of You Fei travel oneself?

Always decide a river recreational forest park, be located in Beijing stone scene former road of a mountainous area Beijing 55. What infrastructure builds here is very pretty good, have the 10 place tourist attraction such as buffalo of square of cereal of Chinese flowering crabapple, culture, town, 18 Deng, and still have sightseeing trainset multiply carry, need not expend the travel before footwork.

ZhongGuanCun forest park, be located in Tang Jialing of Beijing Haidian area. Park periphery is company of new and high technology, when taking a walk, did not take care to may encounter big ox of elite of science and technology, industry. ZhongGuanCun forest park may be not quite delicate, but get the better of in nature.

Park of 100 forests looking at hill, be located in Beijing Summer Palace 3 kilometers are in north. The park still has She Taijun temple, " Tie Xiezhong fetch " faery of stage of memorial hall, godchild, red autumnal leaves resembles, tablet of capital green culture forest wait for a tourist attraction. Every arrive the autumn, the 100 good places that hope hill is to view and admire red autumnal leaves, not as poor as sweet hill.

Government comes silvan park, be located in area of Beijing rising sun to come wide battalion countryside. This is one home town politics the park of business start, here planted tree of a lot of flowers and plants artificially, forest dense, air is fresh, a lot of old people can choose to come here recreational.

Beijing Olympic park, be located in area of Beijing rising sun. Here environment is beautiful, infrastructure is more perfect also, and mix temple of empress or imperial concubine of the first rank of top of cubic metre of bird's nest, water, north is very close, going to going to arrive.

Drive oneself to Wuhan from Beijing what travel tourist attraction is there?

Can go in Wuhan Huang Gang experiences virgin forest, this world of assist of historical ancient city is amused, 9 days make a round trip enough, our family just came back from Huang Gang, those who leave is drive gets the better of S350, hold out all the way comfortable.

Is Beijing driven oneself to Xi'an swim what travel tourist attraction does midway have?

Travel to Xi'an from Beijing, tourists can admire a lot of beautiful sceneries on the way, the historical culture that also can experience China and local customs.

1.The 8 Great Walls that amount to mountain

2.Tomb figure of military forces of Qin Shi emperor

3.Hua Qingchi

4.Wild goose tower

5.Xi'an city wall

Is travel tourist attraction driven oneself near Baoding?

Urban: ? Government office of governor of straight be subordinate to of? of handkerchief  ǔ , big Ci Ge, outskirt county: ?  ? signs up for Yang Shan, dragon pool gorge, dragon door reservoir, hole of Cao celestial being, qing Yuan: ? Rank  an ancient nationality in China forces? Zhuo city: Source of Lai of city of movie and TV: Water of Lai of the prairie in 10 waterfall gorge, Bai Shishan, sky: Wild 3 slope easy county: Hill of Xi Ling, wolf's fang, Yi Shuihe, swallow leaves Guan Tang county: Tang He, big channel of luxuriant hill, Xi Sheng mounds smooth: Stone bridge chute is suitable smooth: Family name of king of hill of dragon pool lake, waist is manorial promote surely: Ci Yunge, stone column.

Does Gansu drive travel tourist attraction to recommend oneself on the west?

1, AAA of park of Ren Shoushan forest

Park of forest of Ren Shoushan of park of Ren Shoushan forest, be located in Gansu of the Gansu Province one unit of distance locates county southwest on the west, cover an area of 882 mus, the thing is moved toward, altitude 2057 meters, it is Gansu on the west churchyard the culture name with quite a famed far and near, negative high reputation, long history hill, element has " horizon Ren Shou " the United States is passed.

2. Gansu on the west hall

Relics of palace of Home Li dragon is located in Gansu on the west temple of village of country at one is installed south the county alley, according to legend is Li ground of familial inhabit a region.

Does peaceful heart periphery drive travel tourist attraction oneself?

Yu hill island

Diameter of island of big Yu hill 5 kilometers, area 21.22 square kilometer, altitude of hill of hole of top part Hongji 541.3 meters, for Fujian east the 2nd big island (Fujian east the biggest island is 3 island) . In altitude 200 meters are in, have volume two laky. All round the lake group peak annulus arch, its shape is like volcano, yu hill island also has get a name from this, area of big day lake many mus 1000, young season lake many mus 200, two lakes be apart many meters 1000, each have the mouth of spring, clear see an end.

Lake all around the hillside is gently, it is to have " austral day hill " praise 10 thousand mus of careless field. Area of island of small Yu hill 3.28 square kilometer, coastal reef is bristly, sea corrode landforms is very outstanding, form peculiar landscape, altitude only 50 meters, the vegetation on the island is dense, wear habitat by tens of thousands mew and other migrant, fly like that suddenly, very grand.

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