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浪漫的法国给人印象最深刻,而现在法国人通过一系列科技、文化教育方面的活动和展览,呈现法国在多个领域的创造力。旨在改变法国在人们心目中的陈旧印象:法国不仅仅是一个拥有灿烂艺术和旅游资源的文明古国,而且也是一个拥有强大的科技创新实力的现代化国家。  当你置身法国尤其是巴黎时,你会感受到一种浓浓的、怡然自得的文化气息。法国的宗教气氛,法国的绘画、雕塑、音乐和建筑,法国的哲学、文学和美学,法国的葡萄酒、香水和时装,法国的“自由、平等、博爱”以及敢于创新的精神,无一不是它丰富而充满魅力的文化之组成部分。  法国以浪漫风情著称于世。这种情调弥漫在大街小巷的咖啡馆、餐馆里以及各式各样的品牌店里。而最完美诠释法国风情的地方,莫过于香榭丽舍大街。在这条仅1.8公里长的大道上,人们能随时感受到它的历史文化积淀:协和广场上的方尖碑、星形广场上的凯旋门,有多少关于征服与被征服、光荣与屈辱的故事!  法国各地都有自己的特色菜肴,到了西南部,没有不吃肥鹅肝的;到了布列塔尼,没有不吃生牡蛎的;到了马赛,谁又不吃那大名鼎鼎的马赛鱼汤?法国的餐馆小巧玲珑、漂亮雅致,店主尽量把餐馆办成充满温情的艺术场所。他们十分看重历史承传,注意保护历史印记。  文化遗产是法国最丰富的旅游资源之一。从巍然耸立的宫殿到质朴凝重的古堡,从价值连城的名画到古色古香的家具,没有文化遗产,法兰西文化定会黯然失色。法国的城市都有一个共同特点:市区最中心的地方一定保持古老风貌。对市中心众多的“文物楼”,市政府会按其建筑特点和风格按级别保护,会定时整修。如果住户想在楼内加一电梯或者改变一下窗户,必须向政府申请,通常手续比普通楼房要麻烦得多。除了汽车和时装不停的更新换代,法国人看起来一直生活在“过去”。  对于远离城市的古迹保护,法国人追求自然和谐。记者所居住的地区有不少新石器时代人类留下的石头建筑和标志。据考古学家讲,这些石头的来历和历史都成了人类考古之谜。记者过去一看,才发现这些石头就原汁原味往那儿一放,周围既没有什么额外建筑,也没有栏杆,顶多在旁边一块牌子或者一个小木亭子上边记着这些古迹的 简历 和引发的谜团。而其周围不少绿地,政府就把它搞成“自然保护区”,一不允许人们在这些地方建筑房屋,二不许人们在这里砍伐树木,更不许打猎,这里属于天然公园。  法国人想要保护的文化遗产不限于宫殿、教堂,而扩展到更多的历史遗址和遗物,例如百年老厂、矿井等。第五共和国以来,每一位总统都有一项或多项“文化工程”。这些“总统工程”设计新颖,工程质量上乘,不仅为国民提供了高质量的文化设施,也为法国增添了崭新的、富有时代气息的旅游资源。


Romantic France gives a person impression the deepest, and the activity that the French teachs a respect through a series of science and technology, culture now and exhibition, present France to be in the creativity of many domains. Aim to change France the dated impression in people memory: France is a civilization that has bright art and travel resource not just ancient country, and also be a modern state that has actual strength of powerful innovation of science and technology. When France of your place oneself especially when Paris, you can experience a kind thick, the culture breath of happy and pleased with oneself. Religious atmosphere of France, french brushwork, sculpture, music and building, french philosophy, literature and aesthetic, french bishop, perfume and fashionable dress, of France " free, equal, humanitarian " and the spirit that dares to innovate, without the component that is not the culture that it is abounded and is full of glamour. France with romantic amorous feelings celebrated at the world. In the cafe that this kind of emotional appeal diffuses in ave lane, cafeteria and in sundry brand inn. And the place of amorous feelings of France of the idealest explanation, sweet a pavilion or house on a terrace of nothing is more... than beautiful abandon an ave. Be in this only on the highway with 1.8 long kilometers, can people experience its historical culture to accumulate: at any time?  protruding angries ⑿ of  of Jue of outskirt of ∩ department Mu is cut hello angry the characteristic dish that wait of Ai of discharge of  of ox of  of  of ∩ department eye subtles each district of France of   of comfortable? of grave of a round flat piece of jade with a hole in its center of  of Na of admonish of sour of ⒐ of  of tan of badge of radon of Su tan  has him, arrived southwest ministry, the; that did not eat fat goose liver arrived Buliedani, the; that did not eat unripe oyster arrived Marseilles, who does not have the Marseilles fish boiling water of that famous again? Beautiful and cafeteria small and exquisite of France, refined, merchant does the artistic room that fills warmth cafeteria as far as possible. They value the history very bear pass, the attention protects historical impress. Culture bequest is one of travel natural resources with the most substantial France. The palace that towers aloft from imposing arrives the Gu Bao of plain dignified, draw antique furniture from the name of invaluable, without culture bequest, culture meets flange surely on the west dim and blank. French city has a common characteristic: The urban district most central place holds old view certainly. Numerous to downtown " cultural relic building " , municipal government can build characteristic and style to be protected by level by its, the meeting is time rebuild. If resident wants to add one elevator to perhaps change a window inside the building, must apply for to the government, normally formalities should be bothered more than common building. Change besides what car and fashionable dress keep, the French lives in all the time it seems that " in the past " . To be far from historic site protection of the city, the French seeks natural harmony. The area that reporter place lives has mankinds of many The Neo-lithic Age to the rock that leave is built and indicate. Tell according to archaeologist, the antecedents of these stone and history became the puzzle of human archaeology. The reporter looked in the past, just discover these stone to be gone to with respect to former juice raw ingredient there put, what is there already all round additional construction, also do not have baluster, it is at most on the side a brand or kiosk of a young timber above the resume that noting these place of historic interest and caused mystery group. And all round its many greenbelt, government its put through " natural groove guard " , do not allow people to build a house in these places, 2 must not people is here fell trees is arboreous, must not hunt more, here belongs to natural park. The culture bequest that the French wants to protect not palace of be confined to, cathedral, and expand more historical relics and hangover, for example hundred years old plant, mine. Since the 5th republic, each presidents have or multinomial " culture project " . These " presidential engineering " the design is original, project quality is excellent, offerred the culture establishment of high quality for the countryman not only, also added for France brand-new, the travel resource of rich period flavor.
