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1. 预订旅游团:可以在互联网上搜索一些旅游网站或者旅行社的官网,选择适合自己的旅游路线和时间,然后预订旅游团。

2. 准备证件:需要准备好身份证、护照等有效证件,以便于报名和入住酒店。

3. 前往集合点:根据旅游团的安排,前往指定的集合点,通常是在一些旅游热门景点或者酒店门口等地。

4. 跟团旅游:跟着旅游团的行程,游览北京的著名景点,品尝当地的美食,体验北京的文化和历史。






1、 钱和钱包。你努力工作挣钱,平时又省吃俭用,现在是享受花钱的乐趣的时候了。买个钱包,装上贵重物品,比如信用卡,护照,现金等,贴身保存。一般来说,要带上比预算多20%的钱,再带上20张1元面额的小钞、硬币。为防止意外,还要把备用的信用卡和身份证分开存放。

2、 旅行包。不同旅行包适合不同的旅行。探险旅游用具与一般旅游不一样,在香港街头漫步和骑在驼背上享受沙漠之旅的旅行包显然不同。所以,首先明确你的旅行目的――体育、娱乐、野外活动还是探险旅游,然后挑选适用的旅行包。旅行包的大小最好可以放在座位下、飞机或火车的行李架上。




6、适合各种天气的衣物 。虽然你带的衣服取决于目的地的气候和你的旅行项目,但一般来说,一件轻便的雨衣是必须的,这件雨衣要有口袋、有帽兜。如果要带防风衣,就要带那种宽松的,里面可以加几件衣服的风衣。棉、羊毛、亚麻衣服又重又过时,对旅游来说是不合适的。易干的衣服便于路上换洗。某些织物可以防潮,在参加海上划船、漂流等衣服容易打湿的活动中,可以尽量保证身上又干又保暖。 最好是易干的外衣或者其他。










How does Beijing sign up with round travel?

Beijing should select good travel agent above all with round travel, order good travel time, fix travel line, make clear charge, traffic carries kind (plane, or travel bus) sign up finally.

Does Beijing travel with the group optimal time?

Beijing swims with the group optimal time should be in autumn, weather of fall of the first Beijing is cool and comfortable, amuse oneself rises too won't burning hot exhaustion, need not hit prevent bask in an umbrella to compare save trouble.

The scenery of the 2nd autumn is more beautiful, autumn wind of blue sky white cloud sends bright, all sorts of double ended radius sleeker also begin Great Wall inside and outside red red those who fizzle out is yellow, mottled Xie Se is attractive very, all sorts of plants blossom and bear fruit a grand autumn scenery, swim with the group so Beijing optimal time is the autumn.

Is power sea travel follows a group still he had gone very?

I feel I had gone, because of oneself him time masters, want to go which go, tired rest a little while more, if follow a group, time is restricted, and a lot of tourist attraction has not admired time to arrive well, want to trot along on horseback view floral, had not admired enough, time arrived, still be oneself had gone so, had better drive oneself swim

Is Beijing travel him travel or travel with the group?

Two OK.

Come to Beijing a few days e.g. me, I want to go a few tourist attractions, oneself go best, because him travel can decide to play how long in a certain tourist attraction, buy do not shop. Did not think oneself go good that tourist attraction plays, that embraces a group

Went to Beijing that day how to travel with the group?

If you arrived at Beijing to plan to follow round travel that day, can consider the following move:

1.Book tourism group: Website of a few travel can be searched on Internet or the government-owned net of travel agent, the choice suits his travel course and time, book tourism group next.

2.Prepare certificate: Need prepares the effective certificate such as Id, passport, sign up in order to facilitate and enter a public house.

3.Head for gather to nod: According to the arrangement of tourism group, head for appointed gather to nod, it is normally in a few travel popular tourist attraction or hotel entrance and other places.

4.Travel with the group: Follow the route of tourism group, visit the famous tourist attraction of Beijing, sample local cate, learn the culture of Beijing and history.

Those who need an attention is, when travelling with the group, want to abide by the regulation of tourism group and arrangement, notice the safety of oneself and belongings safety, avoid to lose important papers and valuable.

Does Beijing travel need to follow a group?

Go to Beijing travelling to whether need to follow a group, depend on individual demand and be fond of. If you like group travel, enjoy the pleasure that interact with other and shares experience, so travel following a group may be a right choice.

If you like free travel, enjoy him program journey, freedom to poke urban fun, so travel following a group may not be optimal choice. The public traffic of Beijing is very convenience, he rents a car or can arrive at each tourist attractions quite by subway. If want to learn the culture of Beijing and history better, the proposal has made sufficient preparation ahead of schedule, know the setting of the tourist attraction and history, so that be enjoyed better itinerary.

Does Beijing travel need goods with round place?

1, money and purse. You work hard earn money, at ordinary times live frugaly, now is the fun that enjoys beautiful money when. Buy a purse, mount valuable, for instance credit card, passport, cash, close-fitting save. Generally speaking, the budget should be compared on the belt the money of many 20 % , take on 20 pieces of little paper money of 1 yuan of denomination, coin again. To prevent an accident, deposit spare credit card and Id departure even.

2, gripesack. Different gripesack suits different journey. Expeditionary travel appliance and general travel are different, stroll in Hong Kong street and ride in bow-backed on the gripesack that enjoys desert travel differs apparently. So, the viatic end that makes clear you above all -- sports, recreation, field activity or expeditionary travel, choose applicable travelling bag next. The size of gripesack is best and OK put below the seat, on the rack of plane or train.

3, shoe. Put on the shoe that closes a base, the on the belt a few socks that work quickly lest crural be affected with damp be affected with damp. If want to grow a road to take bit of French chalk to be aspersed on the shoe even, this can avoid to the foot perspires or grow rash in torrid weather. The heaviest shoe is put on when boarding a plane, and take double light slippers more, such is in in long-distance flight lest,you can take off shoe its soil.

4, medical bag. Do not forget carry pill, bandage, mineral, tampon, prevent bask in agent of midge of frost, drive to wait. Antibiotic also is necessary article, it can treat disease of serious diarrhoea, inflammation, the upper respiratory tract to wait. The doctor consults first before setting out, preparative medicaments needs to have knowledge of medical treatment, hygiene.

5, beguiling book. Belt read on this book road, you can exchange a book with playfellow. The state that picks to follow destination, perhaps buy atlas of a Beijing, the line that knows place more and have representative place, visit ready-made to reach destination.

6, the clothings that suits all sorts of weather. Although the dress of your belt depends on,the climate of destination travels with yours project, but generally speaking, a light raincoat is must, this raincoat should have pocket, bag having a hat. If want to take windbreak clothes, be about to take the sort of comfortable, the dust coat of a few dresses can be added inside. Dress of cotton, abb, flax is weighed again outdated, it is improper to travel. Yi Gan's dress is changed on facilitating road wash. Certain fabric is OK and moistureproof, attending maritime row, in waiting for the dress to call wet activity easily adrift, can assure to work again on the body as far as possible heat preservation. The outer clothing that had better be Yi Gan is other perhaps.

7, plastic bag. You can mix dirty underwear wet swimsuit is deposited apart, bag is OK also classify puts viatic appliance and cosmetic to wait. Remember the little article such as the polybag on the belt and elastic.

Does aid travel to power sea rather charge?

Oneself one the individual's word, fare makes a round trip about the same 350 the left and right sides, accommodation wants 80-120 left and right sides almost, if having a meal, be about to see yourself, this is to do not have a law estimated.

Amuse oneself buys an entrance ticket namely, have more than is needed of how many, impose the sentence of the souvenir that buy a place, the word of 3-4 day suggests your budget is in 2000 control, take bit of it may not be a bad idea more of course, be ready for any eventuality! ! ! Still have even if go out outer attention is safe.

How to go to Beijing to travel to follow local group?

Beijing travel had better go freely. Beijing is very mature city, public transportation dog-cheap convenient. Good place is decided on him net, it is OK to look for subway along the line. After going to Beijing, to the subway the station buys Zhang Gong to make card (need everybody a piece) , filled on 50 to be used quite commonly. Do not feel viatic group is cheap, it is to look cheap only more very just

It is as good as the group that Xing Tai goes to Beijing travelling?

I feel the entrance ticket of Beijing is very fair really, cheaper than other place, wait than as before palace, a lot of tourist attractions are free. Additionally now is off-season, accommodation is very so cheap. Will integratedly see 2000 yuan can be taken, the tourist attraction traffic of Beijing is very convenient, must not follow a group, the its exposure of negative after all League membership dues is too much!

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