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连杆(Connecting Rod):引擎中连接曲轴与活塞的连接杆。

冷却系统(Cooling System):可藉冷却剂的循环,将多余的热量移出引擎,以防止过热的系统。在水冷式的引擎中,包括水套、水泵、水箱及节温器。



曲轴齿轮(Crankshaft Gear):装在曲轴前端的齿轮或键齿轮,通常用来代动凸轮轴齿轮,链条或齿状皮带。

汽缸体(Cylinder Block):引擎的基本结构,引擎所有的零附件都装在该机件上,包括引擎汽缸及曲轴箱的上半部。

汽缸盖(Cylinder Head):引擎的盖子及封闭汽缺的机件,包括水套和汽门及冷却片。




风扇皮带(Fan Belt):一种由曲轴带动的皮带,其主要目的:是带动引擎风扇和水泵。

浮筒油面高度(Float Level):化油器浮筒室内,浮筒浮起而顶住针阀,堵住进油口,使油不再流入浮筒室时,油面的高度。

四行程引擎(Four-Stroke Cycle):进气、压缩、动力、排气四个行程。四个行程调成一个完整的循环。


齿轮润滑油(Gear Lubricant):一种可润滑齿轮的机油,通常为 SAE90 号机油。

热控制阀(Heat-Control Valve):在引擎排气歧管中一种节温操作阀门,可在引擎未达正常工作温度之前,将废气的热导入进气歧管。


主轴承(Main Bearing):引擎内支撑曲轴的轴承。

歧管压力(Manifold Pressure):涡轮增压器运作时位于进气歧管内的压力。

歧管真空(Manifold Vacuum):指进气歧管内的真空,即汽缸在进气行程中所产生的真空。

油底壳(Oil Pan):位于引擎下部:可拆装,并将由轴箱密封做为贮油槽的外壳。

机油滤清器(Oil filter):一种在机油通过时便可将污物滤下的装置。

机油泵(Oil Pump):在润滑系统中,可迫使机油自油底壳送到引擎运动件的装置。



活塞梢(Piston Pin):一种管状的金属块,可将活塞或连杆连接。

活塞环(Piston Ring):崁入活塞槽沟的环。分为两种:压缩环、机油环。压缩环:用来密封燃烧室内的压缩空气;机油环:则用来刮除汽缸上多余的机油。

压力水箱盖(Pressure Cap):一种附有阀门的水箱盖。可使冷却系统在一定的压力下,保持较高或更有效率的温度。


火星塞(Spark plug):为两电极及一绝缘体组合而成。可提供引擎汽函火花点火的一种零件。

火花测试(Spark Test):一种点火系统的快速检查方法。先将高压线的金属端接近汽函盖6mm处,而后起动引擎,检查火花发生的情形。



涡轮增压器(Turbocharger):藉引擎排气所驱动的一种增压器。马力通常可增25% ~ 30%。

二行程循(Two-Stroke Cycle):二行程循环引擎,其燃油进入、压缩、燃烧与排气陆续发生在两活塞行程之间。

汽门间隙(Valve Clearance):OHC引擎中,摇臂与汽门杆顶的间隙。汽门机构中,关闭的汽门之间隙。

汽门正时(Valve Tming):配合活塞位置使汽门开或关的正时。

汽门机构(Valve Train):引擎的汽门操作机构。从凸轮轴至汽门的机件包括在内。

减震器(Vibration Damper):与引震曲轴相接的装置,用来抗衡曲轴的扭转振动(即:曲轴受汽缸点火的冲击力而扭动的现象)。


水套(Water Jackets):指汽缸体和汽缸盖的内外壳间之空间,冷却液即在其间循环。

水泵(Water Pump):在冷却系统中,水泵的作用:是使冷却液在引擎水套和水箱之间不断循环。


Car engine: It is engine, its action is: Share the system of one a complete set of of drive car travel. Provide power for the car, make car can travel.

Connecting rod (Connecting Rod) : The join lever of crankshaft of the join in engine and piston.

Cooling system (Cooling System) : But the loop of Jie refrigerant, will redundant quantity of heat moves an engine, in order to prevent the system of overheat. In water-cooled engine, include water to cover, water pump, cistern and thermostat.

Crankcase (Crankcase) : Engine bottom, for the place that crankshaft runs, include the bottom of cylinder body and oily base case.

Crankshaft (Crankshaft) : Basically rotate of engine parts, after mount connecting rod, can carry on the fluctuation of connecting rod (move back and forth) motion becomes a loop (rotate) motion.

Crankshaft gear (Crankshaft Gear) : Hold the gear in crankshaft front or key gear wheel, use era to use camshaft gear normally, chain or dentate leather belt.

Cylinder body (Cylinder Block) : The basic structure of engine, all 0 accessory install engine to go up in this parts, on half when include engine cylinder and crankcase.

Cylinder builds (Cylinder Head) : The cap of engine and close the parts that steam is short of, include water is covered and steam door reachs cooling fin.

Explode shake (Detonation) : Be blaze bump or explode sound. Inside the firebox of scintilla ignition engine, because press the air fuel that pass to mix,enrage meeting spontaneous combustion, make halfway unburned mixes gas generation 2 times to ignite then (after Martian a place of strategic importance ignites) , gave out consequently explode sound.

Capacity (Displacemint) : Run circularly in the some of engine in, can reach all air mixture gas to send the ability of all cylinder, also be to show a piston is run from a journey to another journey can the bulk of eduction.

Engine (Engine) : One kind can be heat energy change the machinery of mechanical energy. One kind can produce fuel combustion mechanical dynamic device; Can regard a kind of engine as sometimes.

Fan belt (Fan Belt) : A kind of leather belt that drives by crankshaft, its are main purpose: It is to drive engine fan and water pump.

Height of buoy fat face (Float Level) : Carburettor buoy is indoor, buoy float rises and withstand needle, block occupy oily mouth up, when making oil flows into buoy room no longer, the height of fat face.

4 strokes engine (Four-Stroke Cycle) : Into gas, compress, motivation, exhaust 4 journeys. 4 journeys are moved into a complete loop.

Spacer (Gasket) : With paper, rubber piece or sheet copper is made, put between two plane in order to strengthen sealed material.

Gear lube (Gear Lubricant) : One kind can lubricate the engine oil of gear, it is SAE90 date engine oil normally.

Hot control a powerful person (Heat-Control Valve) : In a kind of section in engine exhaust manifold Wen Cao makes valve, can not amount to regular job temperature in engine before, enter the thermal conductivity of waste gas the manifold that take energy of life.

Knock (Knock) : Along with the metallic clash that engine speed appears, it is because of bearing loosens or wearing away place arises normally.

Headstock (Main Bearing) : The bearing of crankshaft is propped up inside engine.

Manifold pressure (Manifold Pressure) : The pressure inside the manifold that take energy of life is located in when turbine supercharger is run.

Manifold vacuum (Manifold Vacuum) : Point to the vacuum inside the manifold that take energy of life, namely the vacuum that cylinder produces in the journey that take energy of life.

Oily base case (Oil Pan) : Be located in engine bottom: Detachable outfit, and will by axle box sealed the crust as lay aside oil groove.

Engine oil filter (Oil Filter) : One kind opens the plant that outdated can leave contamination filter in engine oil.

Lubricating oil pump (Oil Pump) : In lubricant system, can force engine oil to send engine motion from oily base case device.

Explode sound (Ping) : Engine explodes in what what when quickening, produce shake phenomenon, because this ignites when shift to an earlier date too much or the octane number of fuel is too small be caused by.

Piston (Piston) : One kind installs the parts in the activity inside cylinder, can be accepted when pressure is changed or transfer power. With respect to engine character: It is to show inside cylinder fluctuation slides, and Jie aids connecting rod, force the circular parts that crankshaft rotates.

Piston tip (Piston Pin) : Metal of a kind of pipy piece, can join piston or connecting rod.

Piston annulus (Piston Ring) : enters the ring of piston chamfer channel. Cent is two kinds: Compress annulus, engine oil annulus. Compress annulus: Use sealed combustion to compress air indoorly; Engine oil annulus: Use blow except the redundant engine oil on cylinder.

Pressure cistern builds (Pressure Cap) : A kind of cistern with valve is built. But refrigerative system falls in constant pressure, maintain taller or more businesslike temperature.

Radiator (Radiator) : In cooling system, the plant that can eliminate steam from condenser. I.e. absorbs the cooling fluid of engine overheat, send the unit of engine microtherm cooling fluid.

Spark fills in (Spark Plug) : Become for two electrode and one dielectric combination. Can supply a kind of part that scintilla of engine steam case ignites.

Scintilla checks (Spark Test) : The fast examination method of a kind of ignition system. Near the metallic end of the high tension line steam case to build 6mm to be in first, start engine after that, examine the case of scintilla happening.

Supercharger (SuperCharger) : Engine takes air system inside, try entered air or air mixture ratio of fuel to oil the pump of pressure. Increase so combustible fuel capacity, and promotional engine power.

Thermostat (Thermostat) : For device of one automatic temperature adjustment. Contain feeling lukewarm component normally. Borrowing expand or cold shrink come open, put out air, gas or liquid flow.

Turbine supercharger (Turbocharger) : A kind of supercharger of drive of place of Jie engine exhaust. Horsepower can add 25% ~ 30% normally.

2 journeys abide (Two-Stroke Cycle) : Engine of 2 journeys loop, its fuel is entered, compress, combustion and exhaust happen between two pistons journey in succession.

Steam gate space (Valve Clearance) : In OHC engine, rocker and the clearance that steam door lever carries on the head. In steam door orgnaization, the clearance of the steam door that close.

Steam door when (Valve Tming) : Cooperate a piston to the position makes steam door opens or close when.

Steam door orgnaization (Valve Train) : The steam door of engine operates an orgnaization. Include to the parts of steam door from camshaft.

Shock absorber (Vibration Damper) : With the device with the conterminous crankshaft that make quake, with will contend of crankshaft turn round vibration (namely: The wallop that crankshaft suffers cylinder to ignite and the phenomenon of twist) .

Useless steam door (Wastegate) : The control equipment in turbine supercharger, can restrict pressure to lift, in order to prevent the damage of engine and pulley supercharger.

Water covers (Water Jackets) : The space between cylinder body pointing to steam and the case of inside and outside that cylinder builds, cooling fluid namely amid circulates.

Water pump (Water Pump) : In cooling system, the action of water pump: It is refrigerative fluid be covered in engine water and circulate ceaselessly between cistern.
