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威海旅游团购物攻略? 南宁旅游跟团攻略?英文双语对照


威海旅游团购物攻略? 南宁旅游跟团攻略?英文双语对照



1. 提前了解购物场所:在威海之前,提前了解当地的购物场所。威海有许多商场、街道市场和特色店铺可供选择。了解这些地方的特点和商品种类,以便更好地规划购物行程。

2. 制定购物清单:在出发前,制定一个购物清单,列出您感兴趣的商品或礼品。这样可以帮助您更有目标地进行购物,避免盲目消费。

3. 比较价格和质量:在购物过程中,比较不同店铺的价格和商品质量。不要急于购买,可以先逛逛再做决定,以确保获得合理的价格和满意的商品。

4. 掌握基本交涉技巧:在一些街头市场和小店铺中,可以尝试与商家进行交涉,争取更好的价格。学会友善而坚定地与商家沟通,并注意保持礼貌和尊重。

5. 注意退换货政策:在购买商品之前,了解商家的退换货政策。确保您知晓商品的保修期限、退货条件和退款方式等重要信息。

6. 谨防假货:避免购买假冒伪劣商品,尤其是一些名牌商品。购买时仔细检查商品的包装、标签和质量,并选择正规可靠的商家。

7. 小费问题:在某些场合,如餐厅或旅游景点附属店铺,可能会有小费的习惯。了解当地的小费文化,并根据情况适当给予小费。

8. 税收退还:在威海购物,您可能有资格享受税收退还政策。确保在购物时索取相关的发票和退税单据,并按照规定流程办理税收退还手续。



























1. 第一天:从泰州乘坐高铁或飞机到达北京,抵达后入住酒店。可以选择位于市中心的酒店,方便接下来的行程安排。

2. 第二天:上午可以参观北京的标志性建筑天安门广场和故宫。下午可以前往颐和园,欣赏皇家园林的美景。

3. 第三天:早上参观长城,可以选择前往八达岭或者密云等段落。下午可以游览夏宫,感受皇家园林和古建筑之美。

4. 第四天:早上参观天坛,这是中国古代皇帝祭天和祈福的圣地。下午可以游览北京的胡同和传统四合院,了解老北京的风情。

5. 第五天:可选择参观故宫博物院,欣赏丰富的文物和历史。下午可以前往北京奥林匹克公园,参观鸟巢和水立方等奥运场馆。

6. 第六天:早上可以前往颁奖台参观中国国家博物馆,了解更多的中华文化和历史。下午可以自由活动,购物或者品尝北京的特色美食。

7. 第七天:早上退房离开酒店,乘坐交通工具返回泰州。













3、乘坐财富号列车穿越西伯利亚:乘坐 俄罗斯豪华列车财富号,沿着西伯利亚铁路行驶,欣赏铁路上美丽的风景。
















Shopping strategy of group of power sea tourism?

If you plan to attend group of power sea tourism to shop, it is strategy of a few proposals below:

1.Know shopping place ahead of schedule: Before power sea, know shopping place of place ahead of schedule. Power sea has a lot of bazaar, street market and characteristic shop to be able to offer an alternative. Understand the characteristic of these places and type of merchandise, so that plan better,shop the journey.

2.Make shopping detailed list: Before set out, make a shopping detailed list, the commodity that lists you are interested or gift. Can help you more target ground undertakes shopping so, avoid to be consumed blindly.

3.Compare the price and quality: In shopping process, compare the price of different shop and commodity quality. Do not be eager to buying, can ramble first redo decision, obtain reasonable price and satisfactory goods in order to ensure.

4.Master basic bargaining skill: In market of a few street and small shop, can try to have negotiation with the businessman, strive for better value. The society friendlies and firm ground and businessman are communicated, notice to retain courtesy and respect.

5.The attention cancels exchange goods policy: Before buying goods, know policy of money of exchange a purchase. Ensure you are witting of commodity guarantee the important information such as the deadline, condition that return money and refund means.

6.Beware fake: Avoid to buy fake commodity, especially commodity of a few famous brand. Of commodity of the microscope when buying pack, label and quality, choose normal and reliable businessman.

7.Fee issue: In certain circumstance, if dining-room or travel tourist attraction are accessary shop, may have the habit of fee. Understand fee culture of place, give tip appropriately according to the circumstance.

8.Taxation returns: Shop in power sea, you may be qualified enjoy taxation to return policy. Ensure relevant bill and drawback receipt are asked for when shop, deal with taxation to return formalities according to formulary flow.

Ask an attention, above suggests to offer reference only, specific shopping strategy may require condition of place of sue for peace because of the individual and differ somewhat. Before shop, suggest you know shopping culture of place and relevant policy ahead of schedule, in order to ensure happy and great shopping experience.

Does Nanning travel follow round strategy?

Nanning swims one day with the group strategy

Nanning goes to Guilin I feel to be driven oneself swim or Gao Tie gives a free travel more appropriate, 4 evening swim 5 days to need probably 6000 the left and right sides, if want to follow a group, charge needs probably 8000 the left and right sides, a few tourist attraction: that go surely to recommend? Does cent of evade of Wan of  of Zheng of Gu of lung of Xi of  of Yao of eggplant of whistle of  of danger of A Chinese-style unlined garment of  of the dusk that irrigate  setting out vault fear of ぃ  duty sends  stand upright?

Does Dazhou follow round travel strategy?

Hi~ Dazhou is the city with a pretty scenery, a lot of is worth the tourist attraction that swims. If you want to follow round travel, it is a few proposals and strategy consult for you below:

Main tourist attraction:

Red glow landforms: The red glow landforms that is located in Dazhou downtown is groove guard of national level nature, having gallant gules mountain peak and peculiar landforms landscape, very comfortable in harmony is illuminated and pedestrian and expeditionary.

Weather station hill: Weather station hill is one of well-known name hill that Sichuan saves, having arduous mountain peak and old path view, can admire magnificent natural sight and halcyon Buddhist atmosphere.

Dragon hillock hill: Dragon hillock hill is the mark sex tourist attraction of Dazhou city, having grand mountain peak and clear stream, can undertake mountain-climbing, pedestrian and go boating wait for outdoors activity.

Red cliff ancient town: Red cliff ancient town is one saves whole ancient town, having the building of period of bright Qing Dynasty and distinctive folk-custom culture, can experience grumous historical atmosphere.

With round travel note:

Know scheduling and cost ahead of schedule, select the travel agent with good reputation, ensure the quality of the journey and safety.

Notice weather situation, reasonable arrangement journey, avoid to have outdoors activity below soup.

Notice the individual is safe, abide by the tourist guide's regulation and arrangement, do not leave a group to act alone.

Notice environmental protection, do not throw rubbish in disorder, protect the environment of good view area.

With strategy of travel of round Mount Taishan?

Mountain-climbing course

Area of father-in-law beauty spot is very large, depth has a few kilometers about. Hill has footpath of a few mountain-climbing on, still have highway and cableway freely meantime, can be united in wedlock pedestrian, take trailer coach, visit by the means such as cableway. Father-in-law beauty spot shares 4 entrances, it is respectively red door, universal village, Tian Zhufeng and peach blossom valley, every entrance all has a course to carry travel area on the head to the another name for Taishan Mountain of summit area. Red door, universal the hill before the village is located in, the excursion of general convention the course is red door or universal the hill on the village, that day or the following day again from other line downhill, to do not take the road back to one's former position, mostly the tourist can be in from peach blossom valley downhill, because Tian Zhufeng is apart from far and way goes hard, it is line of outdoors knapsack passenger more.

The mountain-climbing footpath that red door enters the mouth is the enlightened footpath when Qin Shi emperor seals buddhist. This course basically is Shi Jielu, need arrives from red door on foot culmination door, pass cabinet of day of the building of 10 thousand celestial being, palace that fight a mother, 4 pagoda trees, mountain that answer a horse, crock to wait for numerous tourist attraction all the way, also be a father-in-law go up numerous carved stone relatively centralized region. After reaching culmination door, can choose to take telpher or before walking southward day door and summit area, can see 18 dishes all the way, lane rising celestial being, loose to hole of loose hill, rising sun, 5 doctors wait for many tourist attractions.

Universal the village tours a line is from universal the highway that the village leads to culmination door, can take trailer coach to head for, the tourist attraction such as cliff of way Hei Longtan, fan, Feng Yuxiang grave, the course after reaching culmination door namely with second half of red knack line paragraph identical, the tourist that do not want to walk or climbs can choose this route.

Course of day candle peak is the mountain-climbing footpath with relatively arduous Mount Taishan, tourist is very few, it is outdoors lover people often pedestrian region, climb need a long time about. Scenery of this course hill is pretty, have carp low-necked tourist attraction, start place still has " Feng Chanda of · of China Mount Taishan is in charge of " performance.

Course of peach blossom valley is the choice when a lot of tourists are downhill, the starting point of cableway of peach blossom source that from the weather market of the summit cableway arrives at half half way up the mountain, next the peach blossom valley that trailer coach issues to hill from cableway start. The scene with this main line is area of scene of Shi Xi of colour of peach blossom valley, block has chromatic grain more very magical, go looking around before those who have fun at is OK.

The another name for Taishan Mountain that what these 4 courses lead to is the summit carries travel area on the head. The tip of emperor of jade of the highest peak in a mountain range that there is a father-in-law on top of another name for Taishan Mountain and magical sky are street day vista area, still day watchs peak, month to watch peak, grand sight peak, look up the many tourist attractions such as temple of ancestral temple of glow of rash stage, green jade, Confucius, can look around slowly on foot. The summit is OK overlook Yellow River, look " Yellow River gold is taken " marvellous spectacle, after hill hind stone is watched before area of scene of a depressed place is OK also, there is cableway inside but from hind stone a depressed place leads to boreal day door.

Does peaceful city go to Beijing be being recommended with course of round travel strategy?

It is the course of a few proposals that follows round travel strategy to Beijing from peaceful city below:

1.The first day: From peaceful the city takes Gao Tie or the plane arrives at Beijing, the public house is entered after arriving at. Can choose to be located in the hotel of downtown, convenient next scheduling.

2.The following day: The mark sex that can visit Beijing in the morning builds Tiananmen Square and the Imperial Palace. Can head for the Summer Palace afternoon, admire the beautiful scenery of royal gardens.

3.The 3rd day: Visit the Great Wall in the morning, can go to before the choice 8 Da Ling is close perhaps the paragraph such as the cloud. Can visit Xia Gong afternoon, experience the beauty of royal gardens and ancient building.

4.The 4th day: Visit the Temple of Heaven in the morning, this is the bethel of day of hold a memorial ceremony for of emperor of Chinese ancient time and pray blessing. Can visit the alley of Beijing and traditional siheyun afternoon, understand the amorous feelings of old Beijing.

5.The 5th day: Optional choose visits museum of the Imperial Palace, admire rich cultural relic and history. Can head for Beijing Olympic park afternoon, the Olympic Games place such as visiting bird's nest and water cubic metre.

6.The 6th day: Can visit Chinese country museum with heading for prize-giving stage in the morning, know more China culture and history. OK afternoon swing, shop or sample the characteristic cate of Beijing.

7.The 7th day: Retreat a room to leave a public house in the morning, take vehicle to return peaceful city.

Before the journey, the proposal plans ahead of schedule good journey, include to book traffic and room, know the open time of the tourist attraction and fare news. The choice also is helpful for simplifying with round travel scheduling and the explanation service that provide professional tourist guide. The attention holds safety and civilized action in viatic process, observe the regulation of the tourist attraction and culture custom.

Go does Iranian travel follow round travel strategy?

Regard nature as the important passenger of scene and culture history, iran all the time since attracting the tourist that comes from the whole world. If you plan to travel toward Iran before future, so might as well know a few good news that concern strategy of travel following a group beforehand. 1. Visa Iran allows the tourist of most country to enter native travel, but need visa. If you are our country citizen, the Xiang Yilang before needing to carry is stationed in our country embassy to apply for visa. 2. Time if you plan to go Iran travels, had better choose the season with weather comfortable warmth, be like spring and autumn. Travel busy season came in September to came to was mixed in June in April normally between November. 3. The traffic system development of traffic Iran is not quite mature, you can choose to rent a car to be driven oneself swim or take car of home of bus, taxi, illicit to wait for public traffic tool. 4. The accommodation choice of accommodation Iran is more, you can choose accommodation type apartment, hotel, go vacationing the village. The price is more substantial, the room of the hotel is commonly between 30-100 dollar. 5. The cate of cate Iran is given priority to with middle east arrange, food is strung together with rice, hotpot, flesh etc to basically feed capable person. Flavor and medicinal herbs also are the main component of here cate. Characteristic dish of place tastes the taste with certain need to suit period. 6. Culture and historical Iran have numerous history vestigial with the tourist attraction with rich culture. Er of the mosque of Yi Ma eye that the tourist can head for rarely of Yi Si law, Ye and other places of ancient city relics visits the tope of 10 thousand, Persia. Above goes namely the relevant content that Iran follows round travel strategy. Hope these information can help you plan better oneself plan in Iranian travel.

Does travel of Russian special train follow round strategy in?

One, preparation works

1, passport, visa: Passport period of efficacy asks commonly at least 6 months, visa differs according to group kind and differ, the detail can seek advice from travel agent.

2, attach a slip of paper to a document with comments on it is relevant: Fill in the form that international travel agent gives out,

3, baggage preparation: According to the climate circumstance of Russia and scheduling, prepare necessary clothings and every day object.

4, monetary preparation: Russia uses ruble monetization, can collect through be being changed on bank, ATM or net obtain ruble.

2, scheduling

1, arrive at Russia: Take international airliner to arrive at Russia, hand-in-hand travel enters a country attach a slip of paper to a document with comments on it, rest to the hotel on behalf of convoy by travel agent next.

2, visit a sacred land of Muscovite ancient city: Head for Moscow, visiting place famous tourist attraction, wait like red field, Kremlin.

3, take money order train to wear Yuexi Bai Liya: Take Russia order of luxurious train money, along Siberia railroad travel, admire the beautiful scenery on railroad.

4, reach the Volga drainage area: Reach the Volga drainage area, see the famousest ground sign -- Russia is the biggest urban Sanket.

5, leave Russia: End this second journey, take international airliner to leave Russia according to the arrangement of travel agent.

Go with the group strategy of travel of HongKong and Macow?

The first day: Hong Kong custom arrives before 9 o'clock that day morning (be in commonly 9:00-16:00 between) , preexistence self-help information desk handles card of Hong Kong travel. Queue up to take the certificate such as the passport to deal with Hong Kong to enter a country namely next card, the thing such as list of oneself discrepancy condition news can be printed to self-help machine during queueing up, also can consult a staff member.

The following day: Back row team took discrepancy condition testimony at 2 o'clock afternoon, the tourist attraction that this moment can make an appointment to wanted to go that day (be like HongKong and Macow one day) .

The 3rd day: The left and right sides arrived at Macao at 11 o'clock in the evening, this time goes Macao needing to await left and right sides of a hour to be able to arrive at each tourist attractions only: Silver of Macao China street, Macao acts the role of international exhibition center of site of university of science and technology of city, Macao, Macao.

Strategy of power sea travel?

Optimal travel season: Xia Qiu.

Day end

Be located in glue east peninsula east upright, it is to be highlighted together at the land in the sea, be Chinese land most east upright, good by what people calls China look at horn. Day end is located in flourish of power sea city to become the town becoming hill of city, original name becomes mountain stronghold, but common people is used to however call it day end.

Liu Gong island

Its nature scene is elegant, element has " hill of maritime celestial being " and " a haven of peace " beautiful praise. Cliff of upper sea corrode is erect and abrupt, if the knife cuts axe to break off; Southern beach is continuous, shui Qingsha clean. Listen to appearance of and other places of stone of billows cliff, board Jiang, 5 beautiful stone peculiar. In 4000 mus of forests, flowers and plants of the forest of 70 much bells such as Chinese tallow tree, Long Bai, Piao Shu, 50 much bells is lush and green, 200 bull are feral sika and a variety of 70 birds and beasts perch Lin Zhong, form a stereo, going from place to place scenery.

How does Beijing sign up with round travel?

Beijing should select good travel agent above all with round travel, order good travel time, fix travel line, make clear charge, traffic carries kind (plane, or travel bus) sign up finally.

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