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未满16周岁,在监护人在场的情况下,用户口本或身份证才可以办理银行卡,网银是不允许开通的; 如果你18周岁以上,有身份证可以自己办理银行卡以及开通网银。



















  碑文   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------   碑文,是指刻在竖石上的文字。这种文字是专为刻碑而作。有些文章虽刻在碑上,但不是为立碑而作的,就不能叫作碑文。碑文这种体裁有文,有铭,又有序。立题时,看包括哪些形式而定,或直题为某某碑,或题为某某碑铭,或题为碑并序、铭并序之类,没有固定的格式,有的就不题碑铭等字,直书文章题目了。   墓碑,是碑文的一种。这类碑文是赞颂死者的,赞其人,不涉及成神显灵等怪事。写这类文章,往往溢美过誉。中国文学史上有两个写墓碑的大师,一个是汉朝的蔡邕,一个是唐朝的韩愈。蔡邕曾对卢子干、马日碑说:"吾为天下碑文多矣,皆有惭容,唯郭有道无愧于色矣!"因为只有《郭泰碑》是颂当其人的,其它的碑文则都颂非其人,可见他作墓碑大多是对人溢美过誉的。韩愈撰《柳子厚墓志铭》,转弯抹角地批评柳宗元参加王叔文改革集团一事。这批评虽然全是出于韩愈保守的个人偏见,很不持平,但是,作为碑文,他采用褒贬兼用的方法,打破只称人之善、不称人缺点的传统做法,却是值得提倡的。总之,不管褒也罢,贬也罢,以不失实为贵,以公允持平为美。   古人的墓碑、墓志都有定制。碑多是长方形,螭首龟趺。碑头用篆体书写某朝某官某人墓碑,叫做"篆额"。墓志较小,多为方形,刻石加盖,上写某官某人墓志,叫做"书盖"。有了"篆额"和"书盖",碑文、志文的前面就不必再刻题目了。   墓碑文的题目。称墓碑铭并序的,是先序,次碑,后铭;称墓志铭并序的,先序,次志,后铭;称墓志或墓碑的,有志或有碑而无铭;称墓铭的,有铭而无志;也有虽只名志或碑,却各项都具备的。   墓碑文的体制,一般包括姓名、籍贯、家世、经历、文章著作、逝世时间,然后是某年某月葬于某地,最后是铭文。墓志的内容也包括姓名世系、籍贯、行为事迹、年寿、逝世年月、子孙大略、葬时、葬地,最后是铭文。铭文是总括性的赞语,多为韵文,三言、四言、五言、七言或骚体都行。墓碑、墓志所包括内容大体相同,只是志求简明而碑尚丰丽。







1. 简介:介绍PPT的主题和目的。

2. 目录:列出PPT的主要部分和章节。

3. 研究背景:简要介绍研究领域的背景和前沿。

4. 问题陈述:阐述研究中需要解决的问题。

5. 研究方法:介绍用于解决问题的研究方法和技术。

6. 结果分析:呈现研究结果和分析。

7. 结论:总结研究的主要发现和结论。

8. 参考文献:列出PPT中引用的参考文献。

9. 致谢:感谢为研究提供支持和帮助的人员和组织。

10. 附录:包括研究中使用的数据、图表和其他附加材料。


  办理挂失时,应填写挂失申请书,提供姓名、开户时间、种类、金额、账号、开户时所留住址及电话等账户信息。  客户办理挂失业务时,须持本人有效身份证件(按实名制有关规定执行)到原开户网点柜台申请正式挂失。银行卡挂失分为临时挂失和正式挂失,持卡人可在银行联网网点或通过电话银行等电子渠道办理临时挂失。临时挂失后,须在办理临时挂失申请之次日起五日内,凭有效身份证件在联网网点办理正式挂失手续,否则临时挂失届时自动失效;持卡人未按发卡银行规定办理正式挂失而造成的损失,发卡银行不承担责任。正式挂失手续办妥,挂失即生效,挂失生效前或挂失失效后持卡人因遗失长城借记卡产生的一切经济损失,发卡银行不承担责任。  持卡人办妥正式挂失手续后,可凭书面挂失申请书和本人有效身份证件办理补办新卡手续。借记IC卡电子现金账户(补登余额除外)不可办理挂失手续,持卡人不能挂失所产生的资金损失风险由持卡人承担。













One, what should mental health little a title label pasted on the cover of a Chinese-style thread-bound book write?

Psychological bookmark basically keeps his sense after reading, after finishing the feeling in the heart, to the author's understanding, to the admire of the hero in the book. From nutrition of the derive in the book, the life that is oneself in the future lays next better foundations. The content: that growing hand of sunshine psychology joy reports a duplicate to? ? of man of Mou of Sun of Su of loose  seal cannot be plain sailing, perhaps encounter difficulty, perhaps encounter a setback.

2, should conduction bank card fill in some of what?

If you are full 16 one full year of life but not full 18 one full year of life


It is OK to have id card oneself handle bank card, do not allow to open net silver

; If you

Not full 16 one full year of life, in guardian present condition falls, user mouth this or Id just can deal with a bank to get stuck, net silver does not allow to debut; If above of your 18 one full year of life, it is OK to have id card oneself deal with bank card and enlightened net silver.

Conduction flow is as follows: One, hold oneself by oneself

Id original or temporarily Id

Want the bank that open an account to place;

2, fall in the assistance of old hall director, undertake

Open an account of application form fill in


3: Will

Id or registered permanent residence this

, open an account application form delivers a staff member together, have password input and sign one's name according to the staff member's clew, can.

Warmth reminds:

One, you notice to use hand keep out when inputting a password, if discover the password shield of ATM machine is mixed,card defends groove has unusual case, for safe for the purpose of, do not want to use, tell a bank instantly at the same time;

2, to be on guard the circumstance of false ATM machine, the client should choose to have the self-help bank of remarkable label as far as possible, ATM machine is used below the kinescope monitoring of the bank;

3, had better deposit bank card and Id apart, do not block the bank subtenancy another person, do not divulge a bank to block calorie of date and password at will;

4, when the consumption that brush card, do not let bank card leave range of line of sight, the frequency brushing card of the member that receive silver alertly, when taking an autograph to buy sheet and card, the amount that checks the autograph buys sheet to go up is right, whether be oneself card;

5, short message of enlightened mobile phone serves, master account at any time fluctuant circumstance, once discovery is unusual,trade, call a bank to undertake report the loss of sth immediately;

6, if suspect capital by pilfer, answer to dial telephone of bank customer service instantly, block account to undertake report the loss of sth in time to the bank.

Remind finally:

Bank card does not want and the electric equipment with the strong magnetic field such as mobile phone, TV, acoustics, microwave oven is put together, what had better put is a few further, much Zhang Yinhang gets stuck, bankbook also is not put together.

3, what to write on gravestone?

Epitaph  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Epitaph, it is to point to the character that is engraved on perpendicular stone. This kind of character is make to engrave tablet only. Although some articles are engraved on tablet, but do not make to establish tablet, cannot call epitaph. This plants epitaph stylistic have civil, have inscription, orderly. When establishing a problem, look to include what form and be decided, or straight problem is such-and-such tablet, or the problem is such-and-such inscription, or the problem is tablet and foreword, inscription and foreword and so on, without fixed format, some does not inscribe the word such as inscription, examination questions of straight book article. Gravestone, a kind be epitaph. This kind of epitaph extols the dead, assist its person, do not involve the oddity such as divine a ghost show its presence or power. Write this kind of article, often complimentary over- praise. Chinese literature history go up the Great Master that two write gravestone, one is Han Chao's Cai Yong, a Han that is Tang Chao heals. Cai Yong ever said to Lu Zi doing, Ma Ribei: "I is the world epitaph much, all have feel ashamed look, only Guo Youdao feel no regret at color! "Because have only " Guo peaceful tablet " eulogy becomes its person, the epitaph of other criterion Dousong is not its person, seeing him make gravestone is complimentary to the person mostly over- praise. Han Yu is written " Liu Zihou epitaph " , criticize Liu Zongyuan full of twists and turnsly to attend Wang Shuwen to reform group belong to the same organization. Although this criticism is the individual bias that stems from Han Yu to guard completely, very do not keep balance, but, as epitaph, he is used commend hold used method concurrently, the traditional method that breaks defect of person of the be apt to that weighs a person only, asymmetry, be worth to advocate however. Anyhow, honour without giving thought to, demote, with not inconsistent with the facts is expensive, keep balance with evenhanded for the United States. The gravestone of the ancients, inscription on the memorial tablet with a tomb has custom-built. Tablet is a rectangle more, fu of Chi head chelonian. Tablet head writes some day with seal body gravestone of some official someone, call " seal forehead " . Inscription on the memorial tablet with a tomb is lesser, it is square more, engrave Shi Jia to build, inscription on the memorial tablet with a tomb of some official someone is written on, be called " book to build " . Had " of " seal forehead and " of " book lid, the title need not be engraved again before language of epitaph, sign. The title of gravestone article. Call gravestone inscription and of foreword, be first foreword, second tablet, hind inscription; Weigh epitaph and of foreword, first foreword, second annals, hind inscription; Weigh inscription on the memorial tablet with a tomb or gravestone, have keep in mind or have tablet and do not have inscription; Of inscription weighing a grave, have inscription and do not have annals; Although,also have renown annals or tablet, however each are had. The system of gravestone article, include book of full name, native place, extraction, experience, article commonly, die time, it is ground of bury Yu Mou next, finally is inscriptive. The content of inscription on the memorial tablet with a tomb also includes achievement of full name lineage, native place, action, year birthday, die days, descendants when rude, bury, bury ground, finally is inscriptive. Inscriptive the word of praise that is omnibus sex, it is poesy more, 3 character, 4 character, 5 character, 7 character or coquettish system go. Place of gravestone, inscription on the memorial tablet with a tomb includes content general interest identical, just annals begs brachylogy and tablet Shang Fengli.

4, is wedding blown what to blow card to write?

Wedding is blown blow card, it is a kind of happy game that begins on wedding, can write on card on, wish you are lucky, wish you have happy lot, wish you are fond of the beatific sign that obtains large award to wait and so on a moment, let people see blow the blessing that blows card to go up, those who can't help want to be blown look, virtually added the lively atmosphere on wedding.

5, what can the essay write?

My individual feels the essay can write a lot of things, can keep a person, also can write thing, the reader can be touched if the essay is written well. I most a remembering essay is a text on the Chinese book when reading high school, zhu Ziqing writes " father's back " . In the article Zhu Ziqing passes the associate with that recalls father, express oneself are right father's yearning, style of writing is touching to deep.

6, what does Ppt catalog write?

Hello, the catalog of a PPT should include the following content:

1.Brief introduction: Introduce the theme of PPT and purpose.

2.Catalog: The body of listed PPT and paragraphic.

3.Study background: The setting of domain of brief introduction research and forward position.

4.Problem allegation: Elaborate the problem that the need in research solves.

5.Research technique: The introduction is used at solving the research technique of the problem and technology.

6.Result analysis: Present research result and analysis.

7.Conclusion: Sum up the main discovery of research and conclusion.

8.Bibliographical reference: The bibliographical reference that cites in listed PPT.

9.Express one's thanks to: Acknowledgment provides the staff that support and helps and organization for research.

10.Appendix: Include the data that uses in research, chart and other and additional data.

7, some of what data should fill in when the bank blocks report the loss of sth?

When conduction report the loss of sth, should fill in requisition of report the loss of sth, provide a full name, open an account the account information such as location of tarry of the date of time, phyletic, amount, Zhang, place when opening an account and phone. When the client conducts business of report the loss of sth, must hold oneself effective identity document (make concerned regulation carry out by real name) arrive to open an account formerly site bar applies for formal report the loss of sth. Cent of bank card report the loss of sth becomes estranged to be hanged temporarily formal report the loss of sth, the person that hold card can be in a bank couplet net site or deal with through the electronic channel such as phone bank temporarily report the loss of sth. Temporarily after report the loss of sth, must dealing with temporarily since the morrow that report the loss of sth applies for inside 5 days, formalities of formal report the loss of sth is dealt with in couplet net site by effective identity document, otherwise temporarily report the loss of sth at the appointed time automatic invalidation; The person that hold card did not press hairpin bank to set the loss that deal with formal report the loss of sth and causes, hairpin bank does not assume responsibility. Formalities of formal report the loss of sth does appropriate, report the loss of sth namely become effective, before become effective of report the loss of sth or all pecuniary loss that because lose the Great Wall to borrow the generation that write down card,calorie of person holds after invalidation of report the loss of sth, hairpin bank does not assume responsibility. After the person that hold card does appropriate to hang accidentally drop add formally, but by requisition of written report the loss of sth and oneself effective identity document is dealt with fill do new card procedure. Lend the card that write down IC electronic cash account (except of Bu Dengyu forehead) cannot deal with formalities of report the loss of sth, the person that hold card cannot the capital loss risk that place of report the loss of sth produces is assumed by the person that hold card.

8, what makes a paper? What to write?

The paper points to the research that has each sphere of learning and the article that describe learning to study positive result, of abbreviation for the paper. Its since discusses a kind of medium that the problem has learning studies, it is a kind of tool that descriptive learning studies to achievement has academic communication. It includes paper of school year paper, project, dissertation, science and technology, achievement paper to wait.

The paper is mixed by autograph, author, summary, keyword, text, bibliographical reference commonly the partial composition such as the appendix, comprise partly among them (for example appendix) dispensable.

9, why should learn mental health this class?

Open mental health to teach course, because insalubrious person is too much among the student,not be absolutely, however the psychology to let them is more healthy. The 3 big module that mental health teachs:

① acknowledge and exploration;

② suits to hoped at 3 o'clock with what answer ③ development and promotion to teach to mental health: ① promotes mental health sex of effectiveness for a given period of time further; ② enhances the specific aim of the directive evaluation that mental health teachs further; ③ raises mental health to teach the practicality of exploration further.

10, why should the university offer mental health education?

Open mental health to teach course, because insalubrious person is too much among the student,not be absolutely, however the psychology to let them is more healthy. The 3 big module that mental health teachs:

① acknowledge and exploration;

② suits to hoped at 3 o'clock with what answer ③ development and promotion to teach to mental health: ① promotes mental health sex of effectiveness for a given period of time further; ② enhances the specific aim of the directive evaluation that mental health teachs further; ③ raises mental health to teach the practicality of exploration further.
