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德彪西的《月光》清淡的笔墨、朴素的音调,一幅万籁俱寂、月光如洗的画面油然而生。美好的旋律过滤了月亮投射的光芒中的杂质,想象它美好如画,皎洁的挂在心里。 睡前放一曲月光,整个心都会沉寂,无忧无扰,世界在琴键下都安静了下来。


摇篮曲摇篮曲最初是母亲抚慰婴儿入睡时咏唱的歌谣,后来发展成一种音乐体裁。温存、亲切、安宁的气氛,就如甜蜜的梦,把世界的美好都装在里面。悠扬、轻柔、婉转的曲调不仅使母亲听了心旷神怡,而且使母体内的胎儿也能受到感染,使他们生活的宫内世界也像母体一样的充满阳光,从而使他们变得健康、漂亮、聪明。 勃拉姆斯的摇篮曲是摇篮曲中最著名的一首。


Sleepsong神秘园的音乐空灵缥缈,恬静幽深,净化心灵,返璞归真,通透而柔美,忧郁和柔弱中带着坚强,仿佛从很远的地方飘来,可以帮助冥思和心灵的洁净。Sleepsong 歌如其名,躺在床上听着悠远的女声,不知不觉就会进入甜蜜的梦乡。


玄秘曲法国作曲家萨蒂一生玩世不恭,留下的经典非《玄秘曲》莫属。玄秘曲一经问世就具有催眠属性,空灵清澄,有种东方的古韵,又有种宗教的神秘。六首《玄秘曲》,第一首最著名,下面是韩国女音乐家Lavinia Meijer的版本。






Dream 13采访中 Max Richter 亲口承认这是一张没有人能一次性听完的专辑,“哦,连我自己中途都睡着了两次”。某种意义上说这确实是一张效果拔群的催眠专辑,“帮我宣传一下,如果有人能一口气听完8小时请跟我联系,我送TA一张签名专辑”。






Everybody is met insomnia, it is degree differs only. Now and then insomnia can listen light music comes slow mood, let blood pressure and pulse diastole, alleviate nervous mood, can aid you to fall asleep, even musicotherapy comes hypnotic. Next, introduce the world to go up to you most can hypnotic 10 gods music, how long to see you you can hold to?


Light Nan of rain falls rain is knocked in window edge, the mood sinks gradually as drip-drop, till complete relaxation, without voice, without instrumental music, angst is abreaction, eyelid rings down the curtain, it is the brainwave music that enters Morpheus of low administrative levels quickly, the without what natural sound signal to noise ratio on this world rains more let person Shuxin calm.


De Biao on the west " moon " delicate writing, simple tone, an all is quiet, moon arises spontaneously like washed picture. Good air filtered the impurity in the ray with projectile moon, imagine it is good and picturesque, hang bright and clearly in the heart. A moon is put before sleeping, whole heart can become silent, do not have faze without care, the world is quiet below key come down.


Cradlesong cradlesong is a mother at first sung folk song is chanted when placatory baby falls asleep, development becomes a kind of music later stylistic. Attentive, kind, quiet atmosphere, be like sweet dream, install the happiness of the world inside. Melody of rising and falling, gentle, sweat and agreeable makes the mother listened not only relaxed and happy, and make inside the mother's body fetal also can be affected, the world inside the palace that makes they live also is full of sunshine euqally like the mother's body, make they become health, beautiful thereby, clever. Bolamusi's cradlesong is the famousest in cradlesong.


The musical sky clever dimly discernible of Sleepsong mysterious garden, peaceful is deep and serene, purify the heart, return uncut jade to return true, connect appear and soft beauty, melancholy and effeminate in taking adamancy, as if to wave from very far place, can help dark think of with the heart clean. Name of Sleepsong song if, lie on the bed to hearing a long time ago female voice, can enter sweet dreamland insensibly.


Cynical of lifetime of Sa Di of composer of France of dark secret music, the classical blame that stay " dark secret music " not belong to. Once dark secret music comes out to have hypnotic property, empty Ling Qingcheng, have kind of Oriental Gu Yun, have the mystery of kind of religion again. 6 " dark secret music " , the first the famousest, the version of Lavinia Meijer of Korea female musician is below.


D major key gets stuck farming this also is the most classical in card farming, people knows this song is to carry that motion picture " my cruel cummer " , but these first former writer handkerchief cut Bell to experience a paragraph of tragedy however, lost the person that loves most because of him. A lot of people are met be moved by that sweet sadness in melody, also be the famousest bedside music, mian is entered in the night in countless longing.


Boeing of alpha of alpha wave music is happy it is music of a kind of magical potential, a kind when belong to brainwave music, can enter people area to alpha brainwave condition, cover range wider also, did not rise and fall, still voice falls asleep more easily also. When we hear alpha brainwave music, the meeting inside cerebrum head secretes a kind of chemical substance -- inside Fei peptide, be helpful for promoting mood stability, that is to say alpha wave music is helpful for promoting creativity and imagination, can change Morpheus quality at the same time.


Dream 13 is interviewed in Max Richter personally admits a piece to this is can one-time without the person the special that listens, "Oh, was asleep even myself midway twice " . This saying on some kind of meaning is a piece of effect unplugs really group hypnotic special, "Help me be publicized, if somebody can listen to be contacted with me please at a heat, I send TA special of a piece of autograph " .


The Huai Jin austral sutra ever said a dozen sitting that make to strand, make sleep tiredly. More or less does the sit in meditation in Buddha have the meaning of bit of autohypnosis, sutra itself also takes hypnotic effect oneself, because be transliteration Sanskrit, awkward-sounding is difficult, so if not be thorough investigator, kosher the world that relaxation sutra can take you basically to enter a dream.


The accepted can treat insomnia most classical music on world of variations of fort of elder brother heart should belong to the Ge Debao variations of Bach, composition is gentle, of wisdom sex, craft is profound and flow at nature. Bach is not the musician that floods everything with affection, what can live our park mankind always however is capacious and boundless in.

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