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At teaching a net it is an integrated platform that aims to offer Wu of kimono of natural resources of high grade education. Develop swift and violent prefectural class town as, at paying attention to the evolution that teachs a career, devote oneself to to enhance integrated quality of the student and obtain employment competition ability. At teaching a net build the platform that aims to be teachers and students, parent and educational orgnaization to offer information communication, resource to share kimono Wu to help each other, promote balanced development of education.

Educational natural resources

At teaching net assemble the educational natural resources of rich diversity. These resource include education tax, game of software of education video, education, education, covered each subject of elementary school, junior high school, high school and university. Teachers and students can download freely through the website or online watch these resource, promotion studies the effect. In the meantime, educational orgnaization also can release Wu of his educational product kimono on platform, draw more students and parent.

Education serves

Teach resource at teaching a net to be offerred not only, still offer all sorts of education to serve. Student and parent can get family education information, study to coach through the website, the service such as guidance of enter a higher school; The teacher can release his teaching experience and education result on platform, undertake communicate and be sharinged with other teacher; The information of invite applications for a job that teachs an orgnaization to be able to use platform to go up and groom opportunity, increase the quality that teaching and administrative staff is versed in and capacity.

Educational communication

At teaching a net to devote oneself to to promote teachers and students the communication between is mixed interactive. Student and parent can participate in activity of lecture of of all kinds learning, education and course contest on platform, have academic communication and friendly competition with other teachers and students, widen oneself eye shot; The teacher can participate in education delibrate and educational forum on platform, share teaching experience and educational education concept with the person of the same trade, raise oneself education level.

Will not look into

Be perfected will continually at teaching a net and develop, in order to satisfy the educational requirement of constant growth. We will continue focusing teachs a domain, innovation teachs mode, offer the Wu of kimono of educational natural resources with better more, the prosperity that promotes place to teach a career develops. In the meantime, we will introduce advanced educational concept and technology ceaselessly, improve educational quality and education result, let each student can acquire high grade education.
