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天津财经大学地址? 绵阳财经大学地址?英文双语对照


天津财经大学地址? 绵阳财经大学地址?英文双语对照







  南京财经大学红山学院地跨桥头和福建路两个校区:桥头校区位于镇江市桥头镇;福建路校区位于南京市鼓楼区铁路北街128号。  南京财经大学红山学院是1999年经江苏省教育厅批准建立的民办本科学院,2005年经国家教育部批准,成为国家普通高等教育独立学院。现有国际经济与贸易、贸易经济、法学、英语、市场营销、会计学、审计学、人力资源管理、金融学、保险学、税收学、工商管理、财务管理、电子商务、物流管理等15个本科专业。











现在有四个校区,分别是燕山校区、舜耕校区、明水校区和圣井校区 , 燕山校区:济南市历下区二环东路7366号 邮政编码:250014 (济南市内乘49、k50、k56、k96、k107、151、152路) 舜耕校区:济南市市中区舜耕路40号 邮政编码:250014(济南市内乘 舜耕校区校门

34, 39, 42, 43, 48, 66, 110, 152, k100路)  明水校区:济南市经十东路东首大学路1686号 (章丘3路公交。燕山校区校车直达)   圣井校区:山东省济南市经十东路18602号(章丘收费站西邻 k311、 k301、 济章快速、舜耕校区校车直达)








或者找“山大南门” 紧挨着的。


One, address of university of Tianjin finance and economics?

University of Tianjin finance and economics is located in Bin Shuixi of Xi Qing district of Chinese Tianjin city to 88.

Cover an area of an area to be 1200 mus about. This school proposes all sorts of establishment such as dormitory of the education building that has modernization, experiment building, library, gymnasium, student, provided good study and surroundings for the student.

2, address of university of continous in relief finance and economics?

Institute of government office of season of college of southwest finance and economics is in continous this world is horticultural on hill, promote field on the west street 2, still have hang the school of finance and economics that lean to be in 6 lis of villages.

3, address of institute of red hill of university of Nanjing finance and economics?

Ground of institute of red hill of university of Nanjing finance and economics crosses either end of a bridge and Fujian path two campuses: Campus of either end of a bridge is located in town of Zhenjiang city either end of a bridge; Fujian road campus is located in street of north of railroad of area of Nanjing city drum-tower 128. Institute of red hill of university of Nanjing finance and economics was 1999 the college of undergraduate course of run by the local people that teachs hall approval to build via Jiangsu province, classics country Ministry of Education was approved 2005, become a state institute of independence of common higher education. Economy of existing international economy and commerce, commerce, law, English, market sale, accounting, audit learns, manpower resource management, finance learns, insurance learns, taxation learns, business affairs of industrial and commercial management, financial management, electron, content sheds management to wait 15.

4, how is address of university of Jiangxi finance and economics filled?

Address of university of Jiangxi finance and economics fills in the format is commonly: Highway of violet this world of city of Jiangxi province Nanchang 888 (postcode: 330013) specific fill in means can be adjusted appropriately according to need, but include commonly province, city, street with postcode information, mail in order to ensure the location is exact without by accident.

5, is university of Shanghai finance and economics specific address?

Advocate campus, two divide a campus.

Advocate the campus is base of education of undergraduate students, graduate student, decide road campus by the state that becomes repeatedly (the country decides a way 777) , campus of Wu Chuan road (Wu Chuan road 111) , Wu Donglu campus (Wu Donglu 100, shanghai of the former university that be the same as aid east campus) composition; Zhongshan north all the way campus (Zhongshan north all the way 369) it is professional Master, student studying abroad and talent of high administrative levels on-the-job training base; Campus of road of elder brother hill (road of elder brother hill 146) it is adult education base.

6, address of university of Shanxi finance and economics which area?

Address of university of Shanxi finance and economics is in: Campus of city of a depressed place: District of city of a depressed place of city of Shanxi province Taiyuan 696, zip code: 030006

Greet lustre campus: Street of the core austral city of Shanxi province Taiyuan 135, zip code: 030012

Make the same score open campus: City of Shanxi province Taiyuan makes the same score Yang Lu on the west 2 alley 25, zip code: 030012

7, what is the address of university of Shandong finance and economics?

There are 4 campuses now, it is swallow hill campus, Shun Geng campus, bright water campus and holy well campus respectively, swallow hill campus: The area below Jinan city all previous 2 annulus east road 7366 zip code: 250014 (multiply inside Jinan city 49, K50, K56, K96, K107, 151, 152) Shun Geng campus: Agrarian region of Shun of the area in Jinan city town 40 zip code: 250014 (campus school gate ploughs by Shun inside Jinan city

34, 39, 42, 43, 48, 66, 110, 152, k100 road) bright water campus: Jinan city classics 10 Dong Ludong head university road 1686 (Zhang Qiu 3 public transportation. School bus of swallow hill campus is nonstop) campus of   emperor well: Classics of city of Shandong province Jinan 10 east road 18602 (Zhang Qiu collects fees station on the west school bus of campus of fast, Shun Geng arrives directly at chapter of adjacent K311, K301, aid)

8, how is address of express of university of Tianjin finance and economics filled?

Tianjin city river on the west area (or farm of the Ou Shuanglin austral ferry) apartment of student of college of finance and economics of Si aqueduct Tianjin. There is express of a suitable abundant to nod inside the campus (be in in the door to student apartment) there is 3 expresses place inside apartment, it is express island respectively, charm amounts to express, beijing east express, mom dak (the) other Si aqueduct.

9, university of Anhui finance and economics on the west the address of the campus?

The area is located in university of Anhui finance and economics on the west logic of grand industry of city of port of mussel of the Anhui province 255, can take 05, 107, 117, 128, 207 wait for public transportation course to arrive. University of Anhui finance and economics: Be located at city of port of mussel of the Anhui province. In May 1959, the school only then build at Hefei, the name is institute of Anhui finance and trade when; 1961 city of port of change location mussel; In May 2004, the school more the name is university of Anhui finance and economics.

10, is the campus austral university of Shanxi finance and economics specific address?

District of city of a depressed place of city of Shanxi province Taiyuan 696

Itself of the campus austral university of Shanxi finance and economics is the position of ground mark sex.

Perhaps search " Shandanamen " close be next to.

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