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十字吊坠时尚吗? 金嚷玉吊坠,黄金吊坠,白银吊坠,铂金吊坠,玉石吊坠,哪个值钱?英文双语对照


十字吊坠时尚吗? 金嚷玉吊坠,黄金吊坠,白银吊坠,铂金吊坠,玉石吊坠,哪个值钱?英文双语对照





看价位如果一万一下 建议买黄金,很简单 保值,而翡翠或者其它的玉便宜的几乎没有任何价值,你5000买的一个黄金吊坠转头可以卖4500,但是如果你8000买一个翡翠吊坠转头出4000也没人买,当然如果作为有象征意义的饰品,翡翠和玉所代表的价值是不一样的,因为中国自古有戴玉保平安的传统,所以看你选择吧,当然千万不要买砖石,不要买砖石!




翻译如下: 吊坠 Pendant 例句: 我刚在你们商店买了这个吊坠。

I bought the pendant in your shop just before.






3、韧性不同 玻璃的韧性不够,脆性比较大。因而加工出的吊坠,边缘处尖锐而较粗糙。碎裂后容易看到明显的断口,断口整齐干脆,并且有玻璃光泽。而玉石吊坠的边缘非常光滑细腻,触手温润。



















Does crossed condole drop vogue?

Crossed condole drops is a kind of lasting design, deserve to act the role of to vogue from religious belief deeply welcome. Nowadays, it with more modern the way that changes with vogue appears afresh, become young vogue to mix a kind of selection that act the role of.

Sunglasses, jeans and T-shirt unlined upper garment are the mark of street vogue, the affiliation that crossed condole drops makes integral style more whole and strong. In addition, crossed condole drops is a kind of vogue deserves to act the role of not just, it still acted as a kind of religion symbolizes and spirit labels devotionally, have certain indicative sense. So, in fashionable respect, crossed condole drops can saying is very popular one kind is acted the role of article, also be one very significant kind is acted the role of article.

Gold shouts jade condole drops, gold condole drops, silver put in a fur lining drops, platinic gold condole drops, jade condole drops, which costly?

If ten thousand and one proposals buy gold,see price, keep a cost very simply, and halcyon or of the jade petty gain of other have any value hardly, condole of your 5000 bought a gold drop turn the head can sell 4500, but if you 8000 buy a halcyon condole dropping turns the head goes out 4000 also nobody is bought, if serve as those who have indicative sense to act the role of,taste of course, halcyon and the value that jade place represents are different, because China has Dai Yu to preserve restful tradition since ancient times, see you choose so, must not buy bricky rock of course, do not buy bricky rock!

How does condole of gold bent housing drop to wear a fashionable feeling?

Condole of gold bent housing drops can wear a fashionable feeling easily. Above all, can choose an appropriate chain condole of tie-in gold bent housing drops, choose the chain that experts simply as far as possible, do not make chain too complex, in order to maintain concise sense of whole. Next, the clothes that can suit according to oneself figure and clad style choice will match, can choose for instance low get unlined upper garment or deep V to get unlined upper garment, can let gold bent housing so condole dropping is more outstanding. Additional, still can be united in wedlock other adorn article adorn together, for instance catenary of dangler, hand, make integral collocation more harmonious. Overall for, the dress that in the choice appropriate chain, collocation suits and act the role of tasted foundation to go up, condole of gold bent housing drops can wear a fashionable feeling easily.

The English that condole drops, the interpreter that condole drops, how to translate condole to drop with English, is condole dropping used?

The interpreter is as follows: Illustrative sentence of condole dropping Pendant: I just bought this condole to drop in your shop.

I Bought The Pendant In Your Shop Just Before.

Does vitreous condole drop with jade condole distinction?

1, weight is different

The density of jade is bigger than glassware, vitreous density is general and lesser. Accordingly, the condole that is the same as bulk drops the weight of jade is more than glass, jade condole drops take have the feeling that presses a hand, and vitreous condole drops have ethereally feeling.

2, the exterior is different

 The greatly small small hole that glass as string of 1 dropping surface can see irregular nick and bleb are formed. And jade condole drops exterior structure is close and smooth, won't have this kind of appearance.

3, tenacity is different vitreous tenacity is insufficient, brittleness is bigger. The lift up or let down with a rope that consequently treatment gives drops, point is sharp and the brim is coarser. Disintegrate hind sees apparent fracture surface easily, fracture surface is orderly and flat, and have vitreous burnish. And the brim that jade condole drops is very smooth and exquisite, tentacle lukewarm embellish.

With what condole does abnormity peach condole drop buckle?

To abnormity peach condole drops, can consider to use the following kinds of condole dropping to buckle:

Bedspring buckles: This kind of condole dropping is buckled is a commonner kind, open and it can shut condole drop through playing move spring. This kind of good point that deduct is simple use easily, the condole that applies to all sorts of appearance and size drops.

Adjust buckle: It is OK that this kind of condole dropping is buckled the basis needs freedom adjustment length, the condole that gets used to different measurement and appearance thereby drops. In addition, this kind is buckled still can rotate, go to the lavatory to adorn and get off.

Langouste buckles: This kind of condole dropping is buckled is one kind is compared buckle strongly, can bear greater weight, because this applies to bigger or heavier condole,drop. In the meantime, it is OK also that this kind is buckled according to need adjustment length.

Magnetic force buckles: This kind of condole dropping is buckled is to use magnetic force to join condole drops and be buckled, it can be opened freely and shut, the condole that applies to all sorts of appearance and size drops. In the meantime, this kind is buckled also can prevent condole dropping lose.

Anyhow, to abnormity peach condole drops, can choose bedspring to buckle, adjust buckle, langouste is buckled or magnetic force is buckled wait for condole dropping to buckle. Specific choice is buckled which kinds depend on the individual's be fond of and demand.

How does peacock condole drops and phoenix condole drop to distinguish?

Have on peacock the top of head corollaceous, do not have on the head of phoenix, there is end plume on the tail

Purse condole drops, small condole aing mythical wild animal drops, does small calabash condole drop which more action money?

The capability that enrol money is the strongest is auspicious a mythical wild animal according to Tangkaiguang, first aing mythical wild animal is animal of luck of money of 3 big move.

Have the capacity that enrols have a change of luck of money, exorcise evil spirits. Condole aing mythical wild animal drops than calabash condole the ability that enrol money is more powerful. Aing mythical wild animal is to need the smooth condole aing mythical wild animal that opens light only to drop to just have intelligence of animals to enrol money, it is otherwise doing not have effectual can be an adornment only.

Small calabash condole drops, purse condole drops, does small condole aing mythical wild animal drop which message is good?

The capability that enrol money is the strongest is auspicious a mythical wild animal according to Tangkaiguang, first aing mythical wild animal is animal of luck of money of 3 big move.

Have the capacity that enrols have a change of luck of money, exorcise evil spirits. Condole aing mythical wild animal drops than calabash condole the ability that enrol money is more powerful. Aing mythical wild animal is to need the smooth condole aing mythical wild animal that opens light only to drop to just have intelligence of animals to enrol money, it is otherwise doing not have effectual can be an adornment only.

Condole dropping commment?

A string of 1 dropping commment basically is, evaluate the color that condole drops. Return sexual price to compare tall
