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一、具有正确的自我意识 能够全面正确的了解自己与他人的关系,能够自我评价,要自信乐观,确立自己的生活目标,并努力向目标靠近。

二、具有健全的统一人格 能保持气质、性格、能力和理想、信念、人生观等各方面平衡发展,所思所言所作能协调一致。

三、具有开朗轻松的心境 经常保持开朗、乐观、愉快、满足的心境,适度表达和控制自己的情绪,要自尊自重。

四、具有坚强的个人意志 要有较强的心理能力,在挫折、困难、逆境面前不气馁,百折不挠。

五、具有较强的适应能力 正确认识和处理个人和环境的关系,能主动的适应和改变现状。

六、具有和谐的人际关系 用真诚、信任、宽容和理解的态度与人相处,并保持真诚的微笑。

七、具有积极的学习态度 以较强的求知欲望和浓厚的学习兴趣来对待学习,善于学习,刻苦钻研。







  为引导大学生关注自身的心理健康,2000年,“5.25全国大学生心理健康节”在北京师范大学拉开帷幕,健康节取“5.25”的谐音“我爱我”,意为关爱自我的心理成长和健康,活动的主题是大学生人际交往和互助问题,口号为“我爱我——走出心灵的孤岛”。 此后(2004年),教育部,团中央,全国学联办公室向全国大学生发出倡议,把每年的5月25日确定为全国大学生心理健康日。  “5.25”是“我爱我”的谐音,对此,发起人的解释是:爱自己才能更好地爱他人。心理健康的第一条标准就是认识自我,接纳自我,能体验到自己存在的价值,乐观自信,这样的人才能用尊重、信任、友爱、宽容的态度与人相处,能分享、接受、给予爱和友谊,能与他人同心协力。选择“5.25”是为了让大学生便于记忆,关注自己的心理健康。随后,“5.25——大学生心理健康日”在全国的高校得到认同,全国高校都利用这一天开展多种形式的心理健康教育活动,甚至认为这一天就是“大学生的心理健康节”。 北京师范大学心理学院院长车宏生教授说:“大学生心理健康活动周的举行,说明心理学受到老百姓的重视。社会的发展需要心理学,希望这个活动能推广到全国各地。”如今,“5.25大学生心理健康活动周”已遍及全国各地,成为全国大学生活动的一个著名的品牌,其影响力将会越来越大。

























One, what is mental health? How does the person of mental health look?

Mental health resembles actually healthy same, the movement that is whole function compares a normal position, it involves him to follow even all round the person's relation, that is to say the person is to be in the person among the relation, so the standard of mental health included yourself to experience healthy, happy, joy. It is more harmonious that you can feel the impact that follows others between the crowd. Judge a person whether mental health is not so easy, but insalubrious Everyman can experience one individual psychology roughly come out, behavior pattern is unusual, the mood can serve as certain basis unusually.

2, what is mental health card?

Mental health is healthy main component, alleged mental health is to point to in the with other mental health on psychology, intelligence and feeling not inside conflicting limits, the individual's mental state development becomes first-rate state.

According to our actual condition and current psychological feature, mental health can generalize for the following respect:

One, the concern that has correct self-awareness to be able to know oneself and another person correctly in the round, can ego evaluation, want self-confidence hopeful, him establish life aim, try hard to be stood by to the target.

2, have sound unified moral quality to be able to maintain temperament, disposition, ability and each respect such as ideal, belief, philosophy to balance development, what think of place character place to make harmonious and can consistent.

3, have optimistic and relaxed mood to often keep optimistic, hopeful, happy, contented mood, be conveyed moderately and dominate oneself sentiment, want self-respect self-prossessed.

4, the individual will that has adamancy should have stronger psychological capacity, not crestfallen before setback, difficult, adversity, indomitable.

5, the concern that has stronger suiting to ability is known correctly and handle individual and environment, can active suit and change the current situation.

6, the human concern that has harmony is used genuine, accredit, good-tempered get along with the manner of understanding and person, maintain genuine smile.

7, have positive study attitude to treat study with stronger curious desire and strong study interest, be good at learning, study assiduously.

Above 7 respects are mutual connection mutual additional, ask we are accomplished, want to be able to stabilize valid study, life and association only, reached the level of basic mental health.

----------The concept of mental health-------------------------------

Contemporary and healthy concept, exceed the traditional understanding of people already, it points to the health on physiology not only, still include psychology and society to get used to the whole position that waits for a respect. Namely: Body, heart two respects. And mental health already made an indispensable part in contemporary and healthy concept.

(one) what is mental health

The concept of mental health is the changes that takes the place of at any time, social culture element

3, is mental health day how long?

Pay close attention to the mental health of oneself to guide an undergraduate, 2000, "Section of mental health of undergraduate of 5.25 whole nations " heavy curtain is pulled open in Beijing Normal University, healthy section is taken " 5.25 " homophonic " I love me " , meaning the psychology that is care ego grows and healthy, mobile theme is an undergraduate human association and coadjutant problem, catchword is " I love me -- the Gu island that walks out of the heart " . After this (2004) , ministry of Education, in the center of the group, the whole nation learns couplet office to issue a proposal to countrywide undergraduate, annual was day of countrywide undergraduate mental health certainly on May 25. "5.25 " be " I love me " homophonic, to this, the explanation of initiator is: Him love just can love another person better. The first standard of mental health knows ego namely, admit ego, can learn the value that exists to oneself, hopeful and self-confident, such person ability uses esteem, accredit, friendly affection, lenient attitude and person to get along, can share, accept, give love and companionship, can with other make concerted efforts. Choose " 5.25 " it is to let undergraduate facilitating memory, pay close attention to oneself mental health. Subsequently, "5.25 -- day of undergraduate mental health " self-identity gets in countrywide college, countrywide college uses this day of mental health that develops a variety of forms to teach an activity, thinking one day this even is " mental health section of the undergraduate " . Professor Che Hongsheng says prexy of psychology of Beijing Normal University: "Of week of activity of undergraduate mental health hold, demonstrative psychology gets the attention of common people. Social development needs psychology, hope this vivid kinetic energy popularizes countrywide each district. " nowadays, "Week of activity of 5.25 undergraduates mental health " already pervaded countrywide each district, make a of countrywide undergraduate activity famous brand, its consequence will bigger and bigger.

4, what is mental health education?

Mental health education calls psychological quality education again, abbreviation is psychological education or heart Yo. It is the method that pedagogue uses psychological science, bring to bear on to be affected actively to teaching each level of object psychology, in order to promote its psychological development and suit, the education that maintains its mental health carries out an activity.

5, is mental health month wh what month?

The month that neither one makes clear mental health month. Be in different country and area nevertheless, the time of month of mental health conduct propaganda is different. For example, be in China, annual October is month of mental health conduct propaganda. Be in the United States, mental health month is commonly in October. Be in Canada, mental health month is commonly in May. The purpose of this activity is to pass all sorts of conduct propaganda and activity to pay close attention to and raise people to be spent to the attention of mental health is spent and be being known, popularize mental health knowledge, the mental health consciousness that enhances people and ego protect ability. So the time of the mental health month of different area and country may differ somewhat.

6, what is mental health, the standard of student mental health and requirement?

Mental health points to not only without the disease, without anguish, those who point to is a kind active, the mentation that can make people advances ceaselessly.

Besides the disease character, still should have a few characteristics, can learn continuously for instance, progress continuously, can get used to human relations in society goodly, develop and maintain affinity goodly, can have better ego acknowledge, and can be folded in defeat answer in medium, difficulty, make oneself spend difficulty to follow a setback, what can realise oneself is insufficient, and be in comparative the inadequacy that oneself admit on degree.

7, what is mental health card?

1, mental health teachs certificate, a kind be certificate of exam of qualification of teacher of middle and primary school. In July 2017, ministry of Education sets a course that adds newly.

2, job of teacher of Ministry of Education manages " about qualification of teacher of middle and primary school the exam increases " mental health teachs " the announcement that waits for course " in regulation:

From 2017 second half of the year begins, in exam of each qualification of teacher of middle and primary school of pilot province, add newly:

(1) junior high school, high school, medium duty, literacy class category is added " mental health is taught " ;

(2) elementary school category, interview is added " mental health is taught " .

(3) the interview that increases course newly, of short duration by each pilot province (area, city) with proposition of proper motion of Normal University of affiliated to a ministry and organization, proposition is united by the whole nation again after waiting for a condition to mature.

8, what is skill of mental health education?

Mental health education is the rule that develops according to student physiology psychology, use psychological educational method, foster the student's good psychology quality, the education that quality of stimulative student whole improves in the round. Is mental health education the main component: that quality teachs? Education of century of?1 of Chang of regretful of scabbard stool  revitalizes the action to plan " fulfil " cross century quality to teach a project " , the important segment that education crosses talent of century high quality. In the meantime, a when the inevitable demand that undertakes to the student mental health education also is contemporary education effectively and place of broad school teaching staff are faced with collective urgent task.

But mental health education is not preach manage. Want to adopt clever methodological dredge mentality however, the change is cognitive, change behavior. And these clever methods need experience accumulate, need has certain artistic quality, the preach manage of apply mechanically is not effective. Want to open heart door leaf of the student, want to have the very strong heart that be the same as manage. Need clever artistic quality. Can meet through story method for instance brushwork, conversational law, hypnotic law, a variety of gimmick such as intent understand a student, the psychogenic disorder of dredge student.

9, what is mental health atelier?

Each person, from what be born that momently, life is in experiencing momently grow, this kind grows to behave the nature that is the body to grow already, be immanent wisdom and heart more at the same time grow. No matter the person to each body still is the person of collective society, true health comes from body and heart the synchronism in growing process and balance, because of what have the body only in good health, add psychological health, ability coruscate gives that energy with due life.

Mental health atelier serves as support with such concept, explore ego together with you, discover ego, seek the way of life of a kind of more healthy, wisdom, the nature that ought have in reductive life and clever. We will with true enthusiasm, professional spirit, with the eye that grow, a bit wisdom in discovering the life -- make " the life is psychological " ! Let mental health make the living with our clear everybody...

10, is mental health education major of an unexpected winner?


Mental health education is the rule that develops according to student physiology psychology, use psychological educational method, foster the student's good psychology quality, the education that quality of stimulative student whole improves in the round. Is mental health education the main component: that quality teachs? Education of century of?1 of Chang of regretful of scabbard stool  revitalizes the action to plan " , fulfil " cross century quality to teach a project " , the important segment that education crosses talent of century high quality.

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