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黄河地域文化? 包头地域文化?英文双语对照


黄河地域文化? 包头地域文化?英文双语对照















西藏文化是在那片地域辽阔且地貌壮观的高原上形成的。神奇瑰丽的自然景观以及历史悠久的地域文化无不让人向往。看一看那座耸立千年的布达拉宫,你是否看到文成公主传播汉族文化的身姿。  被称作“世界屋脊”的西藏,是中国不可分割的一部分,我们应该继续继承与发展西藏文化。



















One, culture of Yellow River district?

Rich and colorful because one of birthplace that the Huanghe valley is China civilization, historical culture inside information is very solid. The culture configuration of the Huanghe valley is very diversiform also, sacred culture waits culture of culture of contented of the Central Plains civilization that is like a model, Henan, Henan Pan Jiayuan, North Shaanxi a moment, these culture present the culture appearance that gives rich and colorful with its distinctive history and district characteristic. Besides the culture form that says besides above place, the Huanghe valley is ecbolic still a lot of famous history culture are vestigial, like military forces tomb figure, the Longmen Grottoes, Yun Gang tower of wild goose of temple of white horse of grotto, Luoyang, Xi'an is waited a moment. These histories are vestigial up to now still Yi Yi is unripe brightness, the culture of diversity of indicative the Huanghe valley is moved toward. In addition, the Yellow River returns be pregnant with China's peculiar agriculture is civilized, distinctive place is had in Chinese history culture.

2, Baotou district culture?

Stone abduct area is the area under administration of a city of city of Baotou of Nei Monggol Autonomous Region, stone abduct is Mongolia language " Xi Guitu " transliteration, its meaning is " the place that has a wood " , be located in Baotou the city zone, geographical coordinate is north latitude 37 ′ of 40 ° 45 ′ of ~40 ° ; the east longitude 14 ′ of 110 ° 28 ′ of ~110 ° , southwest abuts with 9 former divisions, south with east adjacent of river area photograph, on the west as a mountainous area as blueness border on. Be judged to be city of wisdom of the first batch of countries pilot area.

3, Dazhou district culture?

Be located in Sichuan, the Dazhou city Da Chuan district of department of union of short for Shaanxi Province of Jia Lingjiang upper reaches, plain change, it is the center of Dazhou city politics, economy, culture since ancient times. Freely of river of Ba He, city its condition, moist the land of length and breadth of land of kilometer of 2690 more than square. This land land gallant, Zhong Lingyu is beautiful, the wind that still learns to teach again since ancient times is strong, culture details massiness, cling to, be in harmony of photograph of culture of Sichuan, Hunan, the Qin Dynasty, raise of complementary each other, fierce of official of form existing writings will come forth in large numbers, culture connotation is rich, literary the culture name county with mobile much colorful appearance.

Chen Baijun of Yang Wei of careless of hero of Wei Chengfang of a high official in ancient China of Ming Dynasty the Ministry of Official Personnel Affairs in feudal China, folk, militarist; The poetic author such as Duan Ke affection, Liang Shangquan, Chen Guanxuan, foreign flood, Zhang Fang, Deng Chengbin, Chang Longyun is on this land be born. In the meantime, da Chuan area still is known as " banner of one side of a mountainous area culture " , become " chemical industry of Sichuan province article makes advanced county " " countrywide culture is advanced county " " countrywide book sweet city " .

4, Anhui district culture?

Anhui builds Kang Xi of province Yu Qingchao 6 years (the Christian era 1667) , province name is taken at that time city of Anqing, badge two government office head word synthesis, because churchyard has period of Anhui hill, year,have ancient Anhui state and abbreviation Anhui.

The Anhui province is long three-cornered main component, a few old economy of the strategic communications center that is in countrywide economy progress and country board piece butt joint region, other area is having economy, culture and delta of the Yangtse River the history and natural connection.

5, culture of Lei in relief district?

The Lei that has more than 2000 years of long histories is in relief, only then the Qin Dynasty builds a county, past dynasties of all previous face, the county makes have more than 100 people of Shikecha, do not have account be afraid more. Human civilization history it is begin from the river, move toward future all the way from remote antiquity, of long standing and well established.

Lei water is an affluent with Hunan river the biggest middle reaches, full-length 355 kilometers, flow via 8 counties town. The main administration area of Lei current classics calls Lei in relief city, whole town gross area 2656 square kilometer, canton administer 5 31 villages and towns, cities are street, in all 56 624 villages, community, total population 1.43 million person.

6, Tibetan district culture?

Tibetan culture is to be in that region is vast and landforms forms on grand highland. The district culture all without exception with the natural landscape of magical magnificent and long history makes a person yearning. Have a look at that to tower aloft the Potala Palace of chiliad, whether do you see civil the body appearance that transmits culture of the Han nationality into the princess. Be called " world ridge of a house " Tibet, it is China impartible cut one share, we should continue to accede with development Tibet culture.

7, Yunnan district culture?

Yunnan because its distinctive geographical scene, special climate situation, colorful ethical amorous feelings, peculiar custom is used to, produced a lot of curious phenomena that are different from other place, as far the tourist that come, hasty passing traveller people after brief track keeps on this magical land and leaving, those anecdote different interests of what one sees and hears also shed their place gradually get round, and often by the coronal with ' strange ' word, also circulate consequently below " Yunnan 18 strange " , " Yunnan 28 strange " , " Yunnan 81 strange " wait for a view.

Alleged " Yunnan 18 strange " it is descriptive Yunnan what distinctive situation folkway folk-custom produces a few peculiar a little strange even phenomenon or lifestyle. Yunnan 18 strange version are very much, some phenomena had disappeared slowly, some still also is being withheld, some clauses are exaggerative. As social development, yunnan economy builds excellent opinion effect, the new Yunnan that 18 also have Yunnan to distinguish Yu Yuan to come quite 18 strange.

8, culture of Tang Chao district?

Tang Chao, be worthy of is flourishing age dynasty. In Tang Chao, enlightened included ethos is made outside teach development to flourish all the more, as if a blooming peony is beautiful, in past dynasties outside teach the position with be being held significant on picture scroll.

Of Tang Chao outside those who teach refer is a student studying abroad certainly, the student studying abroad is not the student group that recent ability appears, had appeared in Tang Chao actually group of student studying abroad, the student studying abroad goes out culture of study foreign country, the culture that opens prosperity for Tang Chao provided the source with constant in a steady stream and power, tang Chao's economy is all-time prosperity, as at that time most the prosperous country that develop, tang Chaozheng treats Pure Brightness, numerous thing was invented below open ethos.

9, Nanjing district culture?

Nanjing culture is with China Nanjing is famous city of first 4 big ancient capital, national history culture center, existing writings of form of place of area of radiation week border district turns a ring, call Jinling culture again, it is the main component of China civilization and Han Wenming.

10, culture of Dan Feng district?

History of county of red phoenix Dan Feng is long, culture inside information is solid, cultural relic travel is resourceful. Have before 6000 first civilian get together fall, feng Zhiguo of place of the ancient agree that it is abundant, for business state; the Warring States is defend Yang feudal, namely Shang Yi.

District culture

Fire of red phoenix company

The program of the performance has dance lion, make fun of long dragon, manage staff. More actors criterion the foot steps on stilt, play the part of the character in fairy tale, classical opera, photograph of from beginning to end is held, round " arena " , as the metre of the drumbeat, of musical instrument metrical, the edge sings an edge to twist, the edge twists an edge to sing. Music eye has " coming in the first month of the lunar year is the 10 or 20 days following Lunar New Year's Day " , " 3 women godchild " , " go on the west mouth " the Laoqu old song that waited for a series of passing to sing a few years, also have " often come home look " , " today is a wedding day " , " our big China " , " two butterfly " wait for new music eye.

Folk song

Contain work song, love song antistrophic, have leading singer, chorally, antistrophic wait for a form. North of popular Yu Na 2 hill, although folk song has formulary mode, like that libretto allows the sight stir up one's feelings, see what sings what.

Sit stage

Need not masked, play oneself by one person or much person sing oneself. Earthy melody is first, eyebrow of the instead after liberating door, musical instrument has trichord, a bowed stringed instrument with a thin wooden soundboard, a two-stinted bowed instrument with a lower register than Jingo, strike, board, , watchman's clapper. Main popularity takes plain path area at dragon foal stockaded village, traditional a list of plays has " 3 women godchild " , " Zhang Lian sells cloth " , " sell silk thread " , " dirty young married woman " etc, after liberating, increase " Wang Guihua spins " , " 12 moldboard " , " sibling open up wasteland " , " literacy of husband and wife " wait for new show.

上一篇:文化传媒公司起名? 文化传媒公司对联?英文双语对照