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1. 纯铁:含有99.95%以上的铁元素。

2. 铸铁:铸铁包含了3-4%碳,是一种含碳量比较高的合金。

3. 合金钢:常用于制造工具和机械零部件的合金钢,包含了钒、锰、铬、镍和钨等元素。

4. 不锈钢:含有至少10.5%的铬和1.2%的碳的钢。通过添加其他元素(如镍、钼、钒)可以提高它的抗腐蚀性和强度。


1. 碳钢:除了铁,主要成分是碳,含有少量的其他元素。

2. 合金钢:比碳钢拥有更高的强度和硬度,通过添加铬、钴、钛等元素来组成。

3. 钢丝绳:由许多根钢绳擦拧而成,常用于起重、牵引等工业领域。

4. 弹簧钢:可以用于制造弹簧、锁、卡簧等零部件。












1、读音:英 [əˈlɒŋ] 美 [əˈlɔːŋ]



4、例句:Alongeachwallstretchedgreenmetalfilingcabinets. 绿色金属文件柜靠着各面墙依次排开。















霸王龙即雷克斯暴龙(Tyrannosaurus Rex),生存于白垩纪末期的马斯特里赫特期(MAA)距今约6850万年到6500万年的白垩纪最末期,是白垩纪-第三纪灭绝事件前最后的非鸟类的恐龙种类之一。化石分布于北美洲的美国与加拿大,是最晚灭绝的恐龙之一。


简单点说: 索尼用的是记忆棒,独家使用 奥林巴斯用的是XD卡,以前富士也用,但现在富士开始兼容SD卡 其余的牌子用的都是SD卡 CF卡现在在家用机上已经没人用了,体积大,专业机上还能见到。











One, how many kinds does iron have? How many kinds does steel have?

Iron and steel have the material that makes a variety of differring. It is wh some of which below:


1.Pure iron: Contain the iron element of 99.95% above.

2.Cast-iron: Cast-iron included 3-4% carbon, it is the alloy with a kind of higher volume that contain carbon.

3.Alloy steel: Commonly used at making the alloy steel of tool and mechanical component, contained the element such as vanadium, manganese, chromic, nickel and tungsten.

4.Stainless steel: Contain the steel of the chromium of at least 10.5% and the carbon of 1.2% . Through adding other element (be like nickel, molybdenum, vanadium) the corrosion resistance that can increase it and intensity.


1.Carbolic steel: Besides iron, bases is carbon, contain a few other element.

2.Alloy steel: The steel that compare carbon has higher intensity and hardness, will comprise through adding the element such as chromic, cobaltic, titanium.

3.Wire rope: Brush by a lot of root steel ropes twist and become, commonly used wait for industrial domain at removing heavy, drawing.

4.Spring steel: Can use at making the component such as reed of bedspring, lock, card.

As a whole, iron and steel have a lot of kinds of different kinds, avery kind of has specific chemical ingredient and physical character.

2, how many kinds of dance is planted?

A variety of 100 dance are shared on the world, the dancing that serves as one of art, it is a very wide world likewise, it also is comprised by the dancing place of each different sort, different type, different style. According to orchestic action and purpose, dancing can be divided for life dancing and artistic dancing two kinds big.

Life dancing is the dancing activity that people needs for his life and has; Artistic dancing is to perform the dance that admires to the audience.

Life dancing includes to have: Consuetudinary dancing, religion is sacred dancing, gregarious dancing, wait from amusement dancing, sports dancing, education dancing.

Consuetudinary dancing, can call a section to celebrate again, ceremonial dancing, it is a lot of our country nations are in marry, mortuary, cultivate, the dancing activity of all sorts of of a mass character that place of a few festival festivals holds results etc.

3, how many kinds of meaning does Along have? How many kinds does Along have?

(1) , along.

(2) , down.

(3) , recumbent... edge.

(4) , along... somewhere (or on the side) .

1, pronunciation: Flower [? ? L? ? ] beautiful [? ? L? ? ? ??

2, paraphrase: (With someone) together, together.

3, syntactic: Along uses as adverbial basic meaning has: Be " forward, forth " , commonly used after athletic verb in order to enhance its result, be " together, together " , can use at the person, also can use at content.

4, illustrative sentence: Alongeachwallstretchedgreenmetalfilingcabinets. Ark of green metal file is recumbent ordinal platoon opens each fence.

4, kind of how many film does digital camera have?

The type of film always shares: 135 film, 120 film, 220 film, 127 film, 110 film still have medicinal powder blade.

The word that if use viewfinder,you see your watch for an opportunity is a small circle that watchs with an eye is 135 camera buy 135 film, if camera form resembles a honest case, find a view wants from if looking through frosted glass above camera, be 120 camera buy 120 film, if camera find a view is the word on machine back,that is confidential of big picture photograph buy medicinal powder blade. Above is commonner now film, I reckon yours is common 135 film. The means film wide 35mm of additionally 135, for distinction and 35mm cinefilm advanced face added 1. The picture of this piece of film is 24*36mm.

5, how many kinds does Chinese chestnut have how to many kinds of appearance call a law?

Some places call Chinese chestnut to call chestnut, chinese chestnut cries here.

The practice of Chinese chestnut is very much kind

The first kind, rise directly eat

The 2nd kind, put inside water to thoroughly cook directly eat

The 3rd kind, also can eat with soup of Bao of chicken, chop

Still have even if person family expenses will be being fried eat, also can use fry the flesh to eat, know Chinese chestnut only temporarily these have a way

6, there is fish, shrimp, shellfish in ocean, crab. How many does fish have to plant excuse me, how many does shrimp have to plant, shellfish has how many kinds, how many kinds does crab have again?

Shrimp has 2000 kinds of fish has 400 kinds, shellfish has 60 kinds, crab has 200 kinds!

7, does dinosaur have how many kinds are there?

The altogether on the world has 64 kinds of dinosaur, include the sufficient dragon of dragon of Xiang Yu the Conqueror, construction gas dragon, trigonometry dragon, fast, dragon that seem a bird to wait.

Long Jilei overcomes Xiang Yu the Conqueror this tyrannosaurus (Tyrannosaurus Rex) , live the Masitelihete at evening of the Cretaceous age period (MAA) is apart from the Cretaceous age that reachs about 68.5 million years 65 million years today most evening, it is the Cretaceous age - one of dinosaurian sort with the final avian blame before the 3rd discipline eradicates incident. Fossil distributings the United States at North America and Canada, it is one of dinosaur that eradicate the latest.

8, how many kinds does card of digital camera memory have? What is distinguished?

Simple point says: What Suo Ni uses is memorial club, what use Aolinbasi solely to use is XD card, fuji also is used previously, but Fuji begins compatible SD to block what the brand of the others uses now is SD card blocking CF is now on family expenses machine already nobody was used, volume is large, visibility is returned to arrive on professional machine.

MMC card and SD card are basic and same, SD blocks compatible MMC card

9, how many does the digital camera with highest like element whole world have to resemble element?

Highest like element is custom-built money, american aerospace bureau (NASA) make the watch for an opportunity that is used at deep space photography technically be as high as -294967296 to resemble element, still be the sensor of CCD. It is nevertheless by many sensor mosaic. Single block sensor is big picture, of Seitz company of Switzerland gigantic without bully 6x17 number camera, achieve 160 million like element. Now already the civil number camera of put on sale is highest be 50 million resemble element, it is beautiful can 5Ds/5DsR.

10, how many kinds does mole have?

4 kinds.

Grow kiss mole, body length makes an appointment with 11cm, weight 30g is controlled. Than white end mole 1 many goes up premolar (every side the upper jaw provides 4 to go up premolar) . Bodily form thick circle. Kiss a needle and highlight ahead, kiss end is bare without wool. Groove is had in the center of kiss back. The key point is minor. Auricle concealed at by the limb in Mao Zhi dumpy. Before sufficient metacarpal and unusual bounty is outward and turndown. Mole of ungual whiter end is more dumpy and strong, middle finger claw is general short at 5mm, end is short, short at or after be equal to sufficient long, submit bat form, thick circle of end fag end is simple and honest.

White end mole, body length 8 ~ 11cm, weight 20 ~ 40g. Body submits cylinder form. Kiss ministry nibs and highlight ahead, groove is provided in the center of kiss back, eye minimum. Auricle degrades, the neck is short. Forelimb is dumpy, metacarpal and special expand and wide flat, the centre of the palm is outward and turndown, contain the strong claw that shovel shape. Hind sufficient relatively before sufficient slim and fragile, end is short, grow slightly after sufficient, bat shape, base ministry weak point is fine. Wool by soft, close, submit velvet form. Have burnish of the silky luster of mercerized cotton fabrics. Open system black Brown or black gray, only kiss, rear and gray of forelimb bottom Mao Jian or Huang Bai are lubricious, sufficient the skin flesh yellow with end.

Be short of tine mole, bodily form is bigger, submit long cylinder form, body length 17 ~ 22cm, weight amounts to 200g to control. End is long make an appointment with 23cm. The head kisses ministry needle and grow, nose ministry is pointed and long, nose ministry is outspread, dash forward before stemming from the mouth. The key point is minor, in Yumao of side hidden from view. Forelimb weak point is thick, the bottom is broad flat, have powerful claw, the centre of the palm is outward and turndown. Hind legs is fine, underdeveloped. 4 sufficient bare, end is dumpy. Head and back wool are puce and take gray slightly. Mandible, cervical, prothorax, abdomen shows ash brown, there is a wider gold yellow in the center of abdomen grain, but have individual difference.

Musk deer mole, bodily form is as similar as the mole that lack a tooth-like part of anything, but the body is lesser, body length 10 ~ 13cm. Weight 40 ~ 100g. Kiss ministry slightness, without auricle carapace, the eye degrades, on sufficient back only bitty wool, nearly bare. End is fine and short, be had few and far between undercoat, ash of body the reverse side is brown, take filiform luster. N hair color is a bit light the gray that it is palm.

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