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成都太古里? 上海太古里美食推荐?英文双语对照


成都太古里? 上海太古里美食推荐?英文双语对照






The Cheesecake Factory芝乐坊餐厅前滩太古里店,于2021年11月2日盛大开业。这是其继迪士尼小镇店、兴业太古汇店后,在上海开设的第三家门店。在开业当天就排长龙,不少顾客慕名而来,感受全球“芝”名餐厅的魅力。

The Cheesecake Factory芝乐坊餐厅,一直以丰富多样且份量实足的菜品、传奇的芝士蛋糕、优异热情的服务和轻松愉悦的用餐范围而闻名。













成都远洋太古里位于春熙路地铁站,尽享优越交通和人流优势,比邻的千年古刹大慈寺更为其增添独特的历史和文化韵味。成都远洋太古里项目别具一格,纵横交织的里弄、开阔的广场空间,为呈现不同的都市脉搏,同时引进快里和慢里概念,树立国际大都会的潮流典范。值得把玩的生活趣味、大都会的休闲品位、林立的精致餐厅、历史文化及商业交融的独特氛围,让人于繁忙都市中心慢享美好时光。 成都远洋太古里于2014年起分阶段开业,汇聚一系列国际一线奢侈品牌、潮流服饰品牌、米其林星级餐厅以及国内外知名食府。


目前,成都太古里商铺的租金价位,以中里片区来计, 1F约3000-4000元/㎡/月,2F约2000-2500元/㎡ /月,日租金达66-134元,/㎡,物管费大致为147元/㎡/月,而定位为高端奢品的西里片区价格更高。而在成都较早获得成功的另条开放式街区商业,鹭岛国际步行街,以130平方米的店铺计算,月租金目前在269元/㎡/月。














One, in Chengdu remote antiquity?

Chengdu is located in area of bright and beautiful river in ocean remote antiquity, north faces road of big kind temple, market of Na Linkang city (below east ave) , receive on the west south gauze cap street, dong Zhidong arranges the street austral the city.

Side of famous southeast of big kind temple.

2, is the cate in Shanghai remote antiquity recommended?

Dining-room of American old brand

The inn in remote antiquity of foreshore of dining-room of Le Fang of Zhi of The Cheesecake Factory, at royal on November 2, 2021 practice. This is its afterwards the small town inn, remote antiquity that start line of business collects Dishini after inn, in the store of the 3rd door that Shanghai opens. In practice that day with respect to platoon leader dragon, many clients are attracted, feel the whole world " Zhi " the glamour of renown dining-room.

Dining-room of Le Fang of Zhi of The Cheesecake Factory, all the time in order to abound diversity and the dish of deal full is tasted, the Zhi of legend person the service of cake, exceedingly good enthusiasm and relaxed and cheerful have dinner limits and famed.

More than 200 eat is tasted

Dining-room of Zhi happy lane offers more than more than 200 eat to taste can offer an alternative, former " Zhi " experience of raw ingredient cate. Here, deadbeat people can taste savor head dish, hamburger of Italian face, glamour, seafood, beefsteak is seasonable and mean of travel " super " food salad.

In addition, the inn in Shanghai foreshore remote antiquity also will collect inn with the remote antiquity that start line of business same, roll out workaday lunch to be chosen especially, rich office worker people choice.

"Legend " Zhi person cake

There is cake of many 20 Zhi person to be able to offer an alternative inside dining-room -- classical Yuan Chuangzhi person cake, popular Xian Cao berry the chocolate admire that Zhi person cake, silk slips cake of Si Zhi person and the red plush that are full of administrative levels Zhi person cake, no matter which, give deadbeat people brought former " Zhi " of raw ingredient " sweet stay away from home " .

3, why does ocean call remote antiquity in Chengdu remote antiquity in?

The block configuration shopping centers that the open mode that shows remote antiquity real estate and ocean group develop hand in hand, low density is in ocean remote antiquity. Such shopping centers in ocean remote antiquity is different from traditional indoor shopping centers, the building design in ocean remote antiquity is original, it is with the person this " open in " the concept is perforative from beginning to end. Hope my answer can make you satisfactory, wish you working life is happy and happy, thank!

4, history of the Chengdu in remote antiquity?

Because there is temple of big kind of temple of a big kind on immemorial edge,the thing of the Chengdu in remote antiquity is, temple is previously child ah, next a lot of old people can reach that place, next the mark that now is new era in remote antiquity.

5, in Chengdu remote antiquity how long?

About 600 meters long, over or across two high street, it is medium respectively gauze cap street and east ave. The area in whole remote antiquity is comprised by many tunnel and small market, formed to walk attractively area, before attracting a lot of tourists and local dweller, will admire its distinctive building color and culture atmosphere.

6, the history in Chengdu remote antiquity?

Chengdu is located in subway of Chun Xi road to stand in ocean remote antiquity, all enjoy advantageous traffic and advantage of stream of people, the temple of big kind of chiliad ancient Buddhist templeput on the brakes of near neighbour more its increase distinctive history and culture lasting appeal. Having a unique style of the project in Chengdu ocean remote antiquity, the lanes and alleys that freely interweaves, open square space, to present different city pulse, introduce at the same time fast in and slow li of concept, establish the tide model with cosmopolitan international. The distinctive atmosphere that is worth culture of a life interest that play, cosmopolitan recreational grade, bristly delicate dining-room, history and commerce to blend, let a person enjoy good time slow at busy city center. Chengdu had grading start business 2014 in ocean remote antiquity, gather together dining-room of class of brands of a series of luxury of international a gleam of, tide dress brand, Mi Jilin star and domestic and international famous feed government office.

7, the hire in Chengdu remote antiquity?

Current, the hire price that the business in Chengdu remote antiquity extends, with in in piece the area comes plan, 1F makes an appointment with 3000-4000 yuan / ㎡ / month, 2F makes an appointment with 2000-2500 yuan / ㎡ / month, day hire amounts to 66-134 yuan, / ㎡, content canal cost is 147 yuan roughly / ㎡ / month, and fixed position tastes for high-end excessive on the west li a region price is higher. And what score a success earlier in Chengdu is additional a trade of open mode block, shopping mall of aigret insularity border, with the shop computation of 130 square metre, lunar hire is in 269 yuan at present / ㎡ / month.

Be in in Chengdu remote antiquity 2015 have one's moment, let Chengdu person remember opening type block trade from now on condition of this one industry, also let numerous investor come in great numbers. About opening type block trade.

8, the characteristic in Chengdu remote antiquity?

The commerce that the model is in Chengdu ocean remote antiquity is high-ranking play a way. Can gain such success, cast the congenital advantage such as actual strength of configuration of situation, building, group, the project also has a lot of to be worth to draw lessons from the place of study on operation management. The article is wraparound in giving action business and operation course, appear in Chengdu ocean remote antiquity come out 3 characteristic.

9, in Xi'an remote antiquity with Chengdu remote antiquity in which big?

Euqally big. Total floor area makes an appointment with two hundred and sixty-nine thousand two hundred ㎡ in Xi'an remote antiquity, with the body in Chengdu ocean remote antiquity the quantity comparatives, total investment is a RMB about 10 billion yuan, refresh the investment in remote antiquity and the double record that body measures.

In Chengdu ocean remote antiquity: Be located in subway of Chun Xi road to stand, the block configuration shopping centers that is the open type that remote antiquity real estate and ocean group develop hand in hand, low density, cover an area of a face to accumulate seventy thousand eight hundred ㎡, floor area 269 thousand ㎡. Had grading start business 2014, gather together dining-room of class of brands of a series of luxury of international a gleam of, tide dress brand, Mi Jilin star and domestic and international famous feed government office. Sale is close 2021 9.5 billion yuan, row " TOP50 of pop chart of sale of shopping centers of 2021 whole nations " the 13rd.

10, the distinction in remote antiquity of the He Chunxi in Chengdu ocean remote antiquity?

One, the address is different. Although be mixed in remote antiquity adjacent of photograph of Chun Xi road, be in or have a bit space. 2, fixed position of shopping mall commodity is different. It is in remote antiquity recently shopping mall, commodity fixed position is high-grade. 3, street face decorates class to differ.

What does the road have to distinguish with Chun Xi in Chengdu remote antiquity


Old street alley and historical architecture were withheld in remote antiquity, amid blends in low layer alone building, make those who gave a space to widen shop block. The content inside follows Chun Xi road shopping mall is about the same, have luxury of international a gleam of brand, tide dress brand and domestic and international famous feed government office.

Chun Xi road was built 1924, so-called market of hundred years gold. "Chun Xi " 2 words come from at father " moral classics " , "Everybody bright, if enjoy too firm, if ascend spring stage " . Can seeing Chun Xi way from the name is a commerce flourishing, travelling merchant gathers, bright will reject the place that go. The assemble on Chun Xi road brand shop of numerous domestic and international well-known trademark and numerous China old name, still have all sorts of cate.

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