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大白鲨游戏机技巧? 大白鲨游戏机打法?英文双语对照


大白鲨游戏机技巧? 大白鲨游戏机打法?英文双语对照




每局设30秒的押注时间,在押注时间内,玩家可 押狮子、熊猫、猴子、兔子中的一种,同时还需要选择三种颜色:红、黄、绿中的一种,每种动物有不同的倍率,狮子倍率最高,兔子倍率最低。押注时间到了之后(无法再进行押注)。独门颜色奖项,同一个颜色的四个动物都中奖(4)翻倍:所有奖项赔率翻2-3倍。(5)打枪:随机开出若干个动物3.3D图象画面显示四种动物三种颜色玩法、带庄和闲、一分可拉彩金,高中低倍可调.大中小炒场功能可调。



每局设30秒的押注时间,在押注时间内,玩家可 押狮子、熊猫、猴子、兔子中的一种,同时还需要选择三种颜色:红、黄、绿中的一种,每种动物有不同的倍率,狮子倍率最高,兔子倍率最低。押注时间到了之后(无法再进行押注)。独门颜色奖项,同一个颜色的四个动物都中奖(4)翻倍:所有奖项赔率翻2-3倍。(5)打枪:随机开出若干个动物3.3D图象画面显示四种动物三种颜色玩法、带庄和闲、一分可拉彩金,高中低倍可调.大中小炒场功能可调。





大白鲨只是鲨鱼的一个种类 不是所有的鲨鱼都叫 大白鲨 。大白鲨因为体型巨大 性情更凶猛 所以往往会用大白鲨来代指所有的鲨鱼。 之所以命名为大白鲨 应该是根据 外貌特征 体型巨大 还有大片的白色腹部。





















One, skill of plane of sport of become known shark?

Skill of plane of sport of shark of this become known is as follows:

Detain is noted, take at the same time Zhuang Xian and play a way.

Every bureau sets the detain of 30 seconds to note time, be in custody notes time inside, player but one of detain lion, panda, monkey, bunny, still need to choose 3 kinds of color at the same time: Red, yellow, green a medium kind, every kinds of animal has different times, lion fold is highest, bunny fold lowest. After detain noted time to arrive (can no more undertake detain is noted) . Alone door color award, same 4 animals of a color win a prize in a lottery (4) turn over times: All award compensate rate turns over 2-3 times. (5) make a gun: Leave randomly piece a certain number of picture of animal 3.3D image shows 3 kinds of color play 4 kinds of creatures law, belt Zhuang Hexian, can pull handsel one minute, high school is times smaller adjustable. Big in small fry a function adjustable.

2, does plane of sport of become known shark make a way?

Detain is noted, take at the same time Zhuang Xian and play a way.

Every bureau sets the detain of 30 seconds to note time, be in custody notes time inside, player but one of detain lion, panda, monkey, bunny, still need to choose 3 kinds of color at the same time: Red, yellow, green a medium kind, every kinds of animal has different times, lion fold is highest, bunny fold lowest. After detain noted time to arrive (can no more undertake detain is noted) . Alone door color award, same 4 animals of a color win a prize in a lottery (4) turn over times: All award compensate rate turns over 2-3 times. (5) make a gun: Leave randomly piece a certain number of picture of animal 3.3D image shows 3 kinds of color play 4 kinds of creatures law, belt Zhuang Hexian, can pull handsel one minute, high school is times smaller adjustable. Big in small fry a function adjustable.

3, does plane of sport of shark of become known of birds and beasts download?

It is the game of shark of become known of birds and beasts that all of us plays in game hall, want to look for computer edition all the time, but did not come out to let me find eventually all the time on the net, game of shark of become known of birds and beasts plays now on the perfect computer that transplants, can undertake full is worth game, the original poster can try, the hope is helpful to you

4, why does become known shark call become known shark?

This is the appearance feature according to become known shark and abdominal white.

A phyletic not all shark that become known shark is a shark only calls become known shark. Become known shark because type of build or figure is gigantic feraller place goes to disposition before can take the place of with become known shark point to all sharks. Name be become known shark should be a basis appearance feature type of build or figure is gigantic the white that still has big is abdominal.

5, height of become known shark?

Become known shark, become known shark is called to be " the biggest on the earth sweep past feeding habits fish " , its average body length is controlled in 4.6 meters, weight is great 770 kilograms of above. Ever discovered a tremendous become known shark on Cuba beach 1954, its body length 6.4 meters, weight achieved 3.175 tons, this also is the become known shark with the at present largest volume on the world.

6, is become known shark full-length?

Become known shark, call bite person shark again, it is the biggest fish that eat the meat, height can amount to 6.5 meters, weight 3200 kilograms, end submits new moon form, the tooth is big and have toothed reason, show a triangle, the tooth is 10 centimeters long, belong to shark of large offensive sex, it is food chain the most culminating ravin person, namely ritzy consumer. Become known shark distributings to reach temperate zone area at each ocean tropics, average life is opening vast area, but regular meeting enters inland water area. Become known shark most happy event prey seal, sea lion, also can have dolphin, cetacean body now and then.

7, director of become known shark?

It is Sipierbaige of course.

Sidiwensipierbaige is directed, when he becames famous to be in namely 75 years film of become known shark. Even we see this film believe those who film very hard to he is 70 time are shown actually.

8, does shark of female become known want than shark of male become known big?


Become known shark is general size is as follows:

Average body length is in shark of grown become known between 3-4.9 rice, female wants than male a few bigger. Current and foregone length of the biggest become known shark amounts to 6.4 meters, weight 2600 kilograms.

Become known shark calls bite person shark again, it is the biggest fish that eat the meat, height can amount to 6.5 meters, weight 3200 kilograms, end submits new moon form, the tooth is big and have toothed reason, show a triangle, the tooth is 10 centimeters long, shark of large offensive sex. But because its are particularly gigantic large, can thinking had been food chain the most culminating ravin person.

9, how is become known shark born?

1, the shark breeds through sexual, basically have oviparous, ovoviviparous, false viviparity. Oviparous majority is planted egg carapace shows a rectangle, have prolate cirrus quadrilateral, in order to is twined hatch undertakes on the object such as algal, block; Ovoviviparous shark oosperm is become in the development inside uterus of the mother's body fetal, give birth to a prelarva; Viviparity is wall of uterus of the mother's body and couplet of fetal yolk bursa into yolk bursa placenta, the nurture of the mother's body pledges and oxygen takes a person through yolk bursa placenta inside fetal body.

2, become known shark is ovoviviparous, gestation arranges 12 months, every broods have 2 ~ 10 young cub, the small shark body length that just was born exceeds 1 meter. Male 10 years old of sexes are mature, , female is 12 to 18 years old. And the life of become known shark is extremely long, can achieve 70 years or so, can rival with human photograph.

10, how does become known shark breathe?

The shark uses branchial breath.

Branchial become a shark main respirator official is branchial be located in pharynx ministry, outside opening system from pharynx antrum, call branchial crack, bony fish kind branchial crack, outer side has operculum protection. The around wall skin that the source cracks forms a lot of levels to knit skirt, call branchial silk, capillary was full of inside.

Breathing a movement basically is by operculum shut will finish, current is entered from the mouth, be forced from branchial crack through. Pour out of current to be in from mouth of the back end that occupy inspect next the process of pass in and out of branchial ministry namely gas makes a process.
