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可结合风景和当时的心情,还有公司来写等 1.首先要交待时间(于某年某月某日到了哪里)。

2.看见了什么(语言要丰富、用词要优美、重点要突出,也就是选准主题,突出中心)。   3.听见了什么? 比如那里的风景,人等。4.自我感慨 (也就是看后感,心里是怎么想的就怎么写,思路要宽)。  比如:在大理,就重点写“三塔”或“蝴蝶泉”,觉得哪个好写点就选其中的一个来写。比如:在丽江,就选择“玉龙雪山”或“黑龙潭”公园,古城“四方街”,三选一。5.感谢公司给了这样一个机会,表达自己为公司奋斗的决心。6.感谢领导的话一定是不能少的,要多写哈。7.写在旅途中跟同事一起度过的美好时光和美景,努力搞好同事关系,以后要怎么团结友爱等。8.可写公司对员工好的方面 ,以后如何回报公司 让公司发展更上一层楼等。









1. 积极正面2. 参加mos品牌给我留下了积极正面的感受,因为mos品牌以其高品质和创新设计而闻名,产品质量可靠,设计时尚独特。此外,mos品牌还注重环保和可持续发展,对于保护环境和社会责任有着积极的态度。3. 参加mos品牌的产品,不仅能够满足我的需求,还能展示我的个性和品味。此外,mos品牌的产品质量可靠,使用寿命长,给我带来了很好的使用体验。我也会推荐给我的朋友和家人,让更多人享受mos品牌带来的优质产品和积极正面的感受。















Does company staff play chorally the impressions of the match?

Attend as company staff chorally the one member of the match, I feel special to excitement is mixed proud. This the match is not only reveal us the opportunity of group collaboration spirit and musical talent, also be the process that exercises our individual ability.

In the match, we need close cooperation, each other closes suitably, ability deduces a beautiful song. This needs our musical skill not only, the tacit agreement that still needs us and communication ability. Through ceaselessly rehearse and adjust, we are adjusted gradually gave a kind of tacit understanding, make whole group more harmonious mix efficient.

In addition, this the match also lets the value that I realized deeplier to the group cooperates. In the match, everybody has his division of labor and responsibility, have everybody only make concerted effort, ability achieves a perfect performance. This also lets me realize, in the job, have as mutual as work in the same placing trust, mutual support only, ability obtains better result.

Finally, I thanked a company to offer a such opportunities that reveal my to us very much. Carry this game, I acquired more musical knowledge not only, also harvested more life experience. I believe, the job that this experience will not come to to me and life produce positive effect.

How to write a company to organize travel impressions?

Can combine scenery and the mood at that time, still the company is written etc 1. Should tell time above all (where did Yu Mou go to some days) .

What did 2. see (the language should be abounded, want beautiful, key to want to highlight with the word, choose accurate theme namely, highlight central) . 3. What to hear? For instance the scenery over there, the person waits. 4. Ego sighs with emotion (the feeling after looking namely, it is in the heart how think how to write, train of thought wants wide) . For instance: In Dali, write with respect to the key " 3 towers " or " butterfly spring " , feel which good write a dot to choose a among them to write. For instance: In Li Jiang, choose " jade dragon snow mountain " or " Hei Longtan " park, gu Cheng " all directions street " , 3 choose one. 5. Acknowledgment company gave a such chances, him expression is the determination that the company struggles. 6. If acknowledgment is led, be certainly cannot little, should write more ha. 7. The good time that the colleague spends together and beautiful scenery follow in be being written in journey, do well hard the colleague concerns, how should friendly affection unite to wait after. 8. Can keep the company's good to employee side, later how redound company makes company development further upward wait.

Attend the impressions of annual meeting?

Attend annual meeting impressions to be as follows:

Respectable leader, each colleague, everybody good afternoon:

Days elapses quickly, fleet be like report, arrived again in an instant year old of end, we get together again. Stroke the dirt that goes going up personally yesterday, carouse of today's our to one's heart's content receives a new year.

As if everything still is in yesterday, we cherish the job with arduous early morning of dreamy prep against, go up in oneself post as before when night comes brandish asperses sweat. To achieve beautiful performance again, we always are not dread challenge, it is difficult to greet and go up. See outstanding achievement every time rise, of ego grow, we cherish is happy. Each company staff that be present treated the company as a big family, each days when spend here enjoy sth bitter as if it were malt sugar.

Be thankful impressions of travel of company organization Thailand?

Be indebted to company leader to organize us to go Thailand travelled, let us open horizon, saw world, cheerful the mood. We will express our acknowledgment henceforth with the job that redouble one's efforts.

Attend the impressions of Mos brand?

1.Positive obverse side 2. Attended Mos brand to leave the feeling of positive obverse side to me, because of Mos brand with its high quality famed with innovation design, product quality is reliable, the design is fashionable and unique. In addition, mos brand still is paid attention to environmental protection and can develop continuously, having positive attitude to protecting environment and social responsibility. 3. Attend the product of Mos brand, can satisfy my requirement not only, the individual character that still can show me and savour. In addition, the product quality of Mos brand is reliable, service life is long, brought very good use experience to me. I also can recommend my friend and family, let more person enjoy the feeling of the high grade product that Mos brand brings and positive obverse side.

Attend the impressions that the cheongsam meets?

The impressions that will attend a cheongsam to meet is a cheongsam really beautiful, the country of our country is taken.

Attend the impressions of musical match?

Playing musical game is one kind exciting the experience with insecurity making a person. Before the match, my mood may extraordinary tension, because I hope can the musical talent that best shows myself. But, once the match begins, I am met gradually calm, dedicated the performance at me. Playing musical game is the opportunity of the musical skill that shows me and talent. I can try hard to prepare, and meet endeavor to reveal everything what what I acquire in the performance. In match process, a person's mind of my meeting whole body is thrown in music, forget everything all round, be enmeshed completely in musical world. In the meantime, playing musical game also is study and the opportunity that grow. I can watch the show of other player in the match, draw lessons from their advantage and skill, with promotional oneself musical accomplishment. After the match, I also can accept the commissioner's evaluation and proposal, this conduces to the performance level that I am improved further and elevates this. Musical match still can bring self-confidence and achievement sense to me. Achieve a performance successfully when me, when approbate and acclaiming what get an audience, I can feel special satisfy and happy. This kind affirms and approbate can make I have confidence to face bigger in the future challenge more. As a whole, playing musical game is the experience that is full of challenge and good luck. It can show my musical talent not only, still can promotional my musical accomplishment and self-confident heart. No matter match result how, I can be cherished and acquire valuable experience from which.

The impressions after travel?

Travel can broaden the outlook, grow knowledge. What oneself feel after travel is pleasurable, life is full of fun. At the same time also a lot of is worth the picture of the aftertaste. The ride that will say to go does not go out good than staying in a place all one's life much.

Attend impressions of friendship of army ground couplet

Thank activity of friendship of couplet of this army ground very much, let me opportunity and military colleagues communicate each other, promotional understanding and friendship. Carry this activity, I realise the duty of military brethren and mission deeply, cherish and support national defence construction more. In the meantime, I also feel to I am working and need with greater efforts in the life, make larger contribution for country and people.

Thank organizer and participator again, hope future can have more such opportunity.

Attend the impressions of factory giving birth to delicacy?

Attend impressions of factory giving birth to delicacy, can undertake summing up from the following respects:

Produce flow: The pull current Cheng of factory giving birth to delicacy is very complex, from raw material purchase treatment, sorting, pack, carry wait for link to need to be controlled strictly. Through look around and participating in pull current Cheng, can understand the manufacturing process of product giving birth to delicacy, and pledge to how assuring a product quantity and safety had more thorough knowledge.

Mechanization degree: The mechanization rate of modern plant giving birth to delicacy is very high, arrive from automation sorting pack, carry wait for link to machine equipment is finished.

上一篇:上实金融靠谱吗? 国实集团靠谱吗?英文双语对照