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1. 多样化的模板选择:WPS讲义功能提供了丰富多样的演讲或课堂讲义模板选择,涵盖了各种不同的主题和风格。这些模板可以大大减少制作讲义的时间和工作量,并且保证了讲义的专业外观和一致性。

2. 灵活的编辑工具:WPS讲义功能提供了一系列灵活的编辑工具,使用户可以轻松地添加、删除、调整和格式化文本、图像、表格、图表等内容。用户可以根据需要自由设计和布局讲义的每个页面,以展示所需的信息和想法。

3. 强大的图表工具:WPS讲义功能还提供了强大的图表工具,使用户可以创建各种类型的图表,如柱状图、折线图、饼图等。这样可以更直观地展示数据和趋势,增强演讲或讲义的可读性和说服力。

4. 多媒体支持:WPS讲义功能支持插入多媒体内容,如音频、视频、Flash动画等。用户可以通过添加视听元素来增强讲义的吸引力和趣味性,提高与听众的互动和参与度。

5. 幻灯片切换特效:WPS讲义功能提供了丰富多样的幻灯片切换特效,使用户可以为讲义添加过渡效果,使幻灯片之间的切换更加流畅和动态。这些特效可以提高演讲或讲义的视觉效果,并吸引听众的注意力。

6. 云端存储和共享:WPS讲义功能支持将讲义存储在云端,用户可以随时随地访问和编辑讲义。此外,用户还可以方便地与他人共享讲义,进行实时协作和反馈,提高团队合作效率。

7. 导出和打印选项:WPS讲义功能允许用户将讲义导出为多种格式,如PDF、PPT等,以便与其他人分享或打印。用户可以根据需要选择适合的导出选项,以满足不同场景的需求。


1. 利用配色和字体:选择适合主题的配色方案和字体,以提高讲义的可读性和视觉效果。避免使用太多花哨的颜色和字体,以免分散听众的注意力。

2. 简洁明了的内容:讲义应该简洁明了,重点突出。避免在讲义中过多堆砌文字和图表,保持每页内容的清晰度和易读性。

3. 图像和图表的运用:利用图像和图表来说明和支持讲义内容,可以更生动地传达信息。确保图像和图表的质量和清晰度,以及与讲义主题的相关性。

4. 演讲要点的强调:通过使用粗体、斜体、下划线等格式,或者将关键词标记为不同的颜色,以突出演讲的要点和关键信息。

5. 适当的动画效果:在幻灯片切换和元素显示方面,适度使用动画效果可以增加视觉上的吸引力。然而,过多的动画效果可能会分散听众的注意力,因此需要审慎使用。

6. 全面测试和演练:在演讲之前,进行全面的测试和演练,确保讲义在演示设备上正常显示,并熟悉各种编辑和操作工具。这样可以避免技术故障和不必要的中断,提高演讲效果和自信心。

7. 注意细节和格式:确保讲义的细节和格式整齐一致,包括字体大小、行距、对齐方式等。细致的排版和格式化可以提升讲义的专业程度。

8. 演讲配套说明:为了更好地辅助演讲,可以在讲义备注中添加额外的说明、解释或提示。这些内容可以帮助演讲者更好地理解和传达讲义中的信息。

9. 反馈和改进:在演讲结束后,及时收集听众的反馈和建议。根据反馈,进一步改进讲义的内容和表达方式,以提高下次演讲的效果和质量。

10. 不断学习和提升:持续学习和探索新的讲义设计技巧和工具,保持对演讲技巧和讲义制作的兴趣和热情。通过不断提升自己的能力,可以在演讲中展现出更高的专业水平和吸引力。




Solve: Function of WPS teaching materials is a function in WPS office software, use at making speech or classroom teaching materials.

Deepness analysis:

Function of WPS teaching materials is a function that WPS office software provides, aim to help an user make speech or classroom teaching materials. Pass function of WPS teaching materials, the user can be founded have structural clarity, content the speech with strong appeal of rich, vision or classroom teaching materials. We analyse the characteristic of function of WPS teaching materials and advantage deep below.

1.The pattern plate of diversification chooses: Function of WPS teaching materials offerred the speech of rich diversity or alternative of pattern plate of classroom teaching materials, covered all sorts of different subjects and style. These pattern plate can reduce the time of the teaching materials that make and workload greatly, and assured the professional exterior of teaching materials and consistency.

2.Agile editor tool: Function of WPS teaching materials provided a series of agile editor tools, make the user is added easily, delete, adjust and the format changes the text, image, form, content such as chart. The user can design every page with layout teaching materials according to needing freedom, in order to show a needed information and think of a way.

3.Powerful chart tool: Function of WPS teaching materials still provided powerful chart tool, make the user can found the chart of all sorts of types, if graph of histogram, broken line, cake pursues,wait. Can show data and trend more intuitionisticly so, strengthen the readability of speech or teaching materials and conviction.

4.Multimedia support: Support of function of WPS teaching materials inserts multimedia content, wait like animation of frequency, video, Flash. The user can enhance the appeal of teaching materials and interest sex through adding element of seeing and hearing, rise to interact and be participated in with audience degree.

5.Slide switch specially good effect: Function of WPS teaching materials provided the slide switch specially good effect of rich diversity, make the user can transfer with be being added for teaching materials the effect, make the switch between slide more fluent with trends. These specially good effect can improve the visual result of speech or teaching materials, draw audience's attention.

6.High in the clouds stores and share: Support of function of WPS teaching materials is in teaching materials memory high in the clouds, the user can be visited at any time and place and edit teaching materials. In addition, the user still can share teaching materials with other conveniently, undertake real time cooperation and feedback, improve group collaboration efficiency.

7.Derive and print option: Function of WPS teaching materials allows an user to derive teaching materials for a variety of formats, wait like PDF, PPT, so that share or be printed with someone else. The user can suit according to needing to choose derive option, in order to satisfy the requirement of different setting.

Abound a proposal:

1.Use match colors and style: The choice suits match colors plan of the theme and style, in order to improve the readability of teaching materials and visual result. Avoid to use the color of too much flowery and style, lest disperse audience's attention.

2.The content of concise palpability: Teaching materials should be concise and clear, the key is outstanding. Avoid character of overmuch in teaching materials load one's writing with fancy phrases and chart, maintain the definition of every page content and legibility.

3.Of image and chart apply: Use image and chart to explain and support teaching materials content, can transmit information racily. Ensure the quality of image and chart and definition, and the dependency with teaching materials theme.

4.Of speech point emphasize: Wait for a format through using thick substance, inclined body, underline, perhaps be keyword mark different color, in order to highlight the point of the speech and crucial news.

5.Proper animation effect: The side shows in slide switch and element, effect of measurable use animation can increase the appeal on the vision. However, overmuch animation effect may disperse audience's attention, because this need is careful,use.

6.Full-scale test and drilling: Before the speech, undertake full-scale test and drilling, ensure teaching materials is demonstrating equipment to go up to show normally, be familiar with all sorts of editors and operation tool. Can shun a technique so breakdown and interrupt needlessly, raise speech effect and self-confident heart.

7.Notice detail and pattern: Ensure the detail of teaching materials and pattern are orderly and consistent, include form of a written or printed character size, row spacing, right neat means. Meticulous composing and format change the professional rate that can promote teaching materials.

8.Speech form a complete set explains: To assist a speech better, additional specification, explanation or clew can be added in teaching materials remarks. These content can help the news in lecturer understands better and communicating teaching materials.

9.Feedback and improve: After the speech ends, collect audience's feedback and proposal in time. The basis feedbacks, improve the content of teaching materials and expressive way further, in order to improve the effect of next second speeches and quality.

10.Learn ceaselessly and promote: Learn continuously and explore new teaching materials to design skill and tool, maintain the interest that makes to speech skill and teaching materials and enthusiasm. Through promoting oneself capability ceaselessly, a higher professional level and appeal can be shown in the speech.


Function of WPS teaching materials is powerful and economic tool, use at making speech or classroom teaching materials. The function such as specially good effect of switch of support of the pattern plate option that carries diversification, agile editor tool, powerful chart tool, multimedia, slide, the user can found professional, elegant teaching materials easily. To optimize the effect of teaching materials, of the concise palpability of the choice that suggests to notice match colors and font, content, image and chart apply, of speech point emphasize waiting. In addition, have full-scale test and drilling, attention detail and format, collect feedback and improve, learn continuously and promoting also is the key that makes high grade teaching materials. Through reasonable use function of WPS teaching materials and above proposal, can make the speech that has professional level and appeal or classroom teaching materials, promote a speech the effect and the efficiency that transmit information.
