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你在客运站的话: 坐11路在福慧市场下车(大约20分钟) 走路到蓝天宾馆(2分钟); 等去机场大巴的车(10-30分钟不等) 到达机场(50分钟); 总的大概就是:两个小时左右吧!





丽江印象 丽江是没有这个表演的。云南映象是在昆明,由杨丽萍主演的云南原生态舞蹈!

















不是一个地方,瑞丽隶属云南省德宏傣族景颇族自治州。位于云南省西部,处于东经97. 31′~98. 02′,北纬23. 38′~24. 14′之间,隶属于德宏傣族景颇族自治州。总面积1020平方公里,总人口210475人(2019年)。政府驻地勐卯镇。






Does beautiful river airport have many to beautiful river ancient city far? Does beautiful river airport arrive is Li Jiang ancient?

Beautiful river airport is apart from beautiful Jianggu city 30 kilometers, traffic basically is given priority to with civil aviaton regular bus and taxi, from Li Jiang the airport arrives beautiful Jianggu city by taxi when the car predicts to use 45 minutes.

Li Jiang's situation:

Li Jiang, yunnan visits ground level town, be located in Yunnan to visit northwest department, plain of another name for Yunnan Province hides boundary of 3 provinces area, it is the main thoroughfare of ancient course of archaic south the Silk Road and tea horse.

Beautiful river city is located in Qinghai-Tibet Platean to transfer to the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau region, plain of another name for Yunnan Province hides big triangle extent, jinsha swims in the river, yunnan visits northwest department.

Autonomous prefecture of the eastpart part and the Yi nationality of the kapok city, as cool as Sichuan province hill northeast borders, sword plain, crane celebrates the south and autonomous prefecture of Dali the Bai nationality, Bin Chuan autonomous prefecture of 3 counties and Chuxiong the Yi nationality is big Yao, always benevolence two counties are linked together or lie between Jiang Xiangwang, western with autonomous prefecture of angry river the Lisu nationality autonomous prefecture of Tibetian of Ji Diqing of Lan Ping county dimension on the west prefectural border on,

How long does passenger station of Cong Lijiang of Li Jiang # want to beautiful river airport?

Your word in passenger station: Take 11 to get off in Fu Hui market (about 20 minutes) arrive on foot blue sky guesthouse (2 minutes) ; Etc go to the airport the car of the bus (10-30 minute differ) reach the airport (50 minutes) ; Total is probably: Two hours are controlled!

The distinction of vogue and quick style?

The distinction of vogue and quick style? The distinction of vogue and quick style depends on, vogue is a comprehensive idea, everything walks along generally refer to in the thing of tide front, for instance fashionable dress, domestic outfit, decoration, act the role of article etc, the price is average too won't cheap.

And quick style, it is to point to forward position, update with design very fast, front of follow closely tide, but give priority to with a few brands with relatively cheap makings, but because its are newer fast, the price is very so cheap, be called quick style.

Does is Li Jiangyin resembled and Li Jiang distinguish impression?

Li Jiangyin resembles Li Jiang is performed without this. Yunnan image is to be in Kunming, by the dancing of Yunnan former zoology that Yang Liping acts the leading role!

Does beautiful river airport arrive fare of beautiful Jianggu city?

From Li Jiang the airport arrives beautiful Jianggu city, you can take airport bus (15 yuan / person) to guesthouse of terminus blue sky (crossing of Li Jiang Gu Cheng is passed in road, but do not remind) of general and ceaseless car, turn again taxi (7-10 yuan) to Li Jiang Gu Cheng each crossing gets off, pedestrian into beautiful Jianggu city (be not concessionary car not admit Li Jiang Gu Cheng) .

Is door of beautiful river north in beautiful river where?

Boreal door of Li Jiang is in now where of boreal door slope.

Is where of accommodation of ancient city of Li Jiangli river good?

1, a thousand li of door of north of ancient city of the beautiful Li Jiang that build · walks along Chan Qiyun to reside hotel

The civilian house of pattern of traditional accept west wind, still have ornament of green plant flowers and plants, the flower builds a brand is the promising young person inside civilian constellation, public praise is pretty good still, this inn approachs all directions street and public house a street.

2, high-quality goods of clean water of sound of Buddhist of beautiful Jianggu city goes vacationing hotel

Hotel approachs flood car, although be accept west wind,decorate a style, but still contain so Buddhist breath, buddhist sound clean water, pay no attention to affairs of human life, enjoy that one adequately easy and comfortable and comfortable.

3, Li Jiang Gu Chengya ascends hotel honour still inn

Does Li Jiangli river suit what to dress wear?

The summer: Skirt + trousers + the T-shirt + clad + coat.

2, spring, autumn, winter: Trousers + thick coat + eider down is taken.

3, difference in temperature of morning and evening is bigger, when to go without giving thought to so, suggest everybody still takes a coat.

Is Yunnan luck Li Jiang Li Jiang?

Yunnan luck Li Jiang is the name of a river, li Jiang is the city of level of a ground of Yunnan.

Not be a place, lucky Li Li belongs to Yunnan to save autonomous prefecture of the Jingpo nationality of De Hong Dai nationality. Be located in Yunnan to save western, be in the east longitude 97. 31 ′ ~ 98. 02 ′ , north latitude 23. 38 ′ ~ 24. Between 14 ′ , be subordinate to belongs to autonomous prefecture of the Jingpo nationality of De Hong Dai nationality. Gross area 1020 square kilometer, total population 210475 people (2019) . The fourth of the twelve Earthly Branches of Meng of governmental place where troops is pressed down.

Li Jiang, yunnan visits ground level town, be located in predestined relationship of Qinghai-Tibet Platean southeast, northwest of another name for Yunnan Province is downy, jinsha swims in the river. It is international famous city of culture of history of state of famous travel city, ancient time " southern the Silk Road " and " tea Ma Gu " main thoroughfare.

Urban center is located in the east longitude 100 ° 25' , north latitude 26 ° 86' , gross area kilometre of twenty thousand six hundred square, autonomous prefecture of Tibetian of boreal Lian Diqing, autonomous prefecture of Dali the Bai nationality is received south, on the west autonomous prefecture of the Lisu nationality of adjacent angry river, east autonomous prefecture of the Yi nationality of as cool as Sichuan hill and kapok city border on, be apart from 527 kilometre of Kunming city.

Does Li Jiangli river suit what to clothes wear?

Hello Li Jiang is raining these days, if raining, have can feel a bit cold, so Lai Lijiang's word wants the coat that goes to two fully, what if do not leave pluvial word,wear short sleeve and so on is OK. Consider the weather case of the scene area of own amuse oneself even nevertheless, the word of snow mountain wants the coat with thick equipment on, still need to hire eider down to take sometimes. If go,of and so on of Lu buy lake also should wear a jacket, so coat must have. Of other can summer wear is given priority to.
