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简阳市教育局:致力于优质教育 培养未来精英英文双语对照


简阳市教育局:致力于优质教育 培养未来精英英文双语对照





  • 制定教育发展规划:根据国家教育政策和简阳市的实际情况,制定教育发展规划,推动教育事业持续健康发展。
  • 组织教育教学工作:组织和协调简阳市各级各类学校的教育教学工作,确保教育质量和教学秩序。
  • 推动师资培养:加强师资队伍建设,通过培训和选拔优秀教师,提高教师的教学水平和职业素养。
  • 改善学校条件:积极争取资金支持,改善学校的基础设施和教学条件,为学生提供更好的学习环境。
  • 关注教育公平:加强对贫困地区和农村学校的支持,推动教育公平,让每个孩子都能享有公平的教育机会。



  • 教育质量稳步提升:通过加大教育投入、提高教师素质等举措,简阳市的教育质量不断提升,学生的学业成绩和综合素质得到了有效提高。
  • 学校条件改善明显:简阳市教育局注重学校基础设施建设,加大投入,改善了学校的硬件条件,为学生提供更好的学习和生活环境。
  • 教育公平得到加强:简阳市教育局加大对贫困地区和农村学校的支持力度,确保每个孩子都能享有平等的教育权利。





Jian Yang city teachs the overview of the bureau

Bureau of education of Jian Yang city is institution of directly under of Jian Yang municipal government, the responsible organization, education that carry out and monitors Jian Yang town works. Its mission is to be broad student to provide resource of high grade education, train the talented person that beautiful service of heart wisdom body recruits in the round, promote social civilization progress and economic development.

Jian Yang city teachs the duty of the bureau

Jian Yang city teachs the duty of the bureau to basically include the following fields:

  • Make education develop a program: Teach Yo policy and Jian Yang the actual condition of city according to the country, make education develop a program, drive educational enterprise to last healthy progress.
  • The organization teachs teaching job: Organization and city of harmonious Jian Yang are various and of all kinds the educational education of the school works, ensure educational quality and education order.
  • Promote education of persons qualified to teach: Strengthen faculty construction, mix through grooming choose is outstanding teacher, raise education level of the teacher and professional accomplishment.
  • Improve school condition: Strive for capital support actively, improve the infrastructure of the school and education condition, provide better learning environment for the student.
  • Attention teachs fairness: Strengthen the support of pair of impoverished areas and rural school, drive educational fairness, let every child can enjoy fair educational chance.

Jian Yang city teachs the achievement of the bureau

Come for years, bureau of education of Jian Yang city explores education actively to innovate, gained a series of remarkable success:

  • Educational quality promotes steadily: Throw through increasing education, raise the move such as pedagogic quality, the educational quality of Jian Yang city promotes ceaselessly, school work achievement of the student and integrated quality got rising effectively.
  • School condition improvement is clear: Bureau of education of Jian Yang city pays attention to school infrastructure to build, increase investment, improved the hardware condition of the school, provide better study and surroundings for the student.
  • Education gets strengthening fairly: Bureau of education of Jian Yang city increases the supportive strength of pair of impoverished areas and rural school, ensure every child can enjoy equal educational right.

Look into future

Future, bureau of education of Jian Yang city will continue hard, ceaseless promotion teachs quality and service level, provide better educational natural resources and environment of high grade education for broad teachers and students. In the meantime, advance development educational modernization, active exploration education reforms innovation, education more has innovation spirit and the prospective elite that carry out ability.

Here, we thank you heartily to read the article, the hope passes pair of Jian Yang city to teach the introduction of the bureau, let you have more thorough knowledge to our job. If you have any problems about education or demand, the welcome contacts us at any time, we will provide a help for you wholeheartedly.
