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1) 明月几时有,把酒问青天;我饮不尽器,半酣味尤长;偶得酒中趣,空杯亦常持。

2) 小饼如嚼月,中有酥和饴。

3) 鲜鲫食丝脍,香芹碧涧羹。

4) 海螺肉质细嫩,口味怡人。

5) 秦烹惟羊羹,陇馔有熊腊。

6) 蜀人贵芹芽脍,杂鸠肉为之。

7) 此物只应天上有,人间哪得几回闻

8) 青青竹笋迎船出,白白红鱼入馔来。

9) 无声细下飞碎雪,放箸未觉全盘空。

10) 扬州鲜笋趁鲥鱼,烂煮春风三月初。

11) 时绕麦田求野荠,强为僧舍煮山羹。

12) 夜半酣酒江月下,美人纤手炙鱼头。

13) 色如玉版猫头笋,味抵驼峰牛尾猩。

14) 长江绕郭知鱼美,好竹连山觉笋香。

15) 山暖已无梅可折,江清独有蟹堪持。

16) 白菜青盐糙米饭,瓦壶天水菊花茶。

17) 日啖荔枝三百颗,不辞长做岭南人。

18) 大望潮肉质肥美,红烧后口味醇厚、鲜甜。

19) 特别好吃的海螺!肉质很紧、韧、润,鲜美!

20) 东门买彘骨,醢酱点橙薤。蒸鸡最知名,美不数鱼鳖。


1) 鲈肥菰脆调羹美,(麦乔)熟油新作饼香。自古达人轻富贵,倒缘乡味忆回乡。

2) 小混沌,个小,皮薄,只要往开水中一捞,就能盛入碗中,吃上一口,好鲜美!

3) 虾肉味道鲜美,回味万千。尤其是品尝完龙虾肉之后,可以汤汁拌饭,美味之极!

4) 明月几时有,把酒问青天;我饮不尽器,半酣味尤长;偶得酒中趣,空杯亦常持。

5) 每个城市都有不一样的街景,不一样的美食,不过,没有你的身影,似乎都一样。

6) 做美食就像做人,必须真材实食料,还要去杂选优。精心烹饪才会成为美味佳肴。

7) 世人个个学长年,不悟长年在目前。我得宛丘(仙人名)平易法,只将食粥致神仙。

8) 那些冰糖葫芦红彤彤的,在阳光的照耀下闪闪发光,不知引来多少小孩儿渴求的目光。

9) 每个城市都有不同的街景,不同的美食,不同的文化习俗,可是没有你,似乎都一样。

10) 你总看到女神自拍美食,偏偏她还怎么吃都不胖。其实她每道菜就吃了一口就放下筷子了。

11) 我拿来水瓶,朝茶杯里倒上开水,顿时,水中的龙井茶如同千万条小鱼上下翻飞,煞是好看。

12) 秀风景,秀美食,秀工作,秀恩爱,秀孩子。打开人人微博朋友圈,似乎都是大家过的都很好。

13) 黑裙鱼肉质鲜嫩洁白,脂肪少。食用方法简单,尤以清蒸更适口,刺少,特别宜于老年人和儿童食用。

14) 乡愁就是味觉上的思念,无论一个人在外闯荡多少年,即使口音变了,但对故乡的食物,仍怀无限意念。

15) 多么希望你是一道美食,我做一个真空的盒子,将你永远在我心中保鲜,谁也不行,你是我的记忆。

16) 臭豆腐干是"热情好客的",她总是把浓郁的烈性的香味弥漫在周围的空气中,让人为谋其面,先文其香。

17) 烤红薯焦糊糊的,周身满是草灰,嗅一嗅,香喷的气味马上会进入你的五脏六腑,令你"口水直流三千尺"。

18) 饔子左右挥双刀,脍飞金盘白雪高。徐州秃尾不足忆,汉阴槎头远遁逃。鲂鱼肥美知第一,既饱欢娱亦萧瑟。

19) 紫驼之峰出翠釜,水精之盘行素鳞;犀箸餍饫久未下,鸾刀缕切空纷纶;黄门飞鞚不动尘,御厨络绎送八珍。

20) 舟山最有名的要数海鲜了,每当秋天,人们最爱吃的梭子蟹便上市了,它肉质鲜嫩,味道鲜美,是桌子上的佳肴。

21) 粽子用绿色的芦叶包着纯白的糯米和红色的枣子,煮熟后,剥开芦叶,只见米团里仿佛嵌着几颗深红油亮的玛瑙,很好看。

22) 灌汤小笼包的皮是薄薄的,甚至都透亮了,张嘴咬一口,里面鲜美的汁水流入口中,咬那浸了汁水的肉团,不肥不腻,入口爽滑……那真叫美!

23) 大连是一座美丽的海宾城市。这的特产海鲜是我的最爱。我最喜欢吃对虾,这种虾味道鲜美。想吃海参也是个不错的选择,海参含有大量的营养,也很鲜美。

24) 具有果木的清香与鱿鱼的鲜美,口口生香,美味难以复制,久经咀嚼,便可感受到鱿鱼特有的鲜香口感和柔韧性。松软可口,原汁原味,想想就令人食指大动。

25) 在家乡的海洋里,有各种各样的贝类,和美丽的鱼类。如黑不溜湫的贻贝,胖胖的蛏子,小小的瓜螺……他们形态各异,千奇百怪,营养价值非常高,是海鲜珍品。

26) 净洗铛,少着水,柴头罨烟焰不起。待他自熟莫催他,火候足时他自美。黄州好猪肉,价贱如泥土。富者不肯吃,贫者不解煮。早晨起来打两碗,饱得自家君莫管。

27) 大连的海产品品种繁多。有味道鲜嫩的浅海的黄鱼,黑鱼,有黄渤海交界处的刀鱼,有大连特有的鲅鱼,有味道可口的海胆,海蛎子,还有营养价值很高的螃蟹,大虾。

28) 汤汁浓、味道重、油水足”的菜,就是好菜,用“浓而不腻”、“味浓香醇”、“盐足油重”等词语,来形容美味佳肴。厨师调味,也离不了“浓、重、大”的三字原则。

29) 云南的特色美食,我是几乎没有尝到过的。有高原胃口退化的原因,还有精神胜利法的原因,等等。现在已想不起那些味道了。也许有些辣,也许有些酸。也许,似是而非。

30) 游客将自己在海上钓起的活鱼表面抹上一层酱油、麻辣油,放在炭炉上烧烤。然后,边转动铁丝边洒上少许五香粉,待鱼体透油焦黄,香气四溢,皮脆肉嫩,风味独特的海鲜烧烤便可入口。


When does 1) bright moon have, ask blue sky; my drink is endless wine implement, flavour of half to one's heart's content grows; to get the interest in wine occasionally especially, empty cup often also is held.

If 2) small cake chews a month, there is crisp He Yi in.

3) bright crucian carp feeds silk to meat chopped into small pieces, a thick soup of gully of sweet Qin green jade.

4) conch flesh is qualitative delicate, taste happy person.

A thick soup of sheep of alone of boil of 5) the Qin Dynasty, gansu food has bear dried meat.

Bud of expensive Qin of 6) Sichuan person meats chopped into small pieces, miscellaneous turtledove flesh does it.

7) this content answer only the sky has, which must hear the world a few times

8) blueness green bamboo shoot greets a boat, for nothing red snapper comes into food.

9) is breathed next fine flying broken snow, put chopsticks to did not become aware overall is empty.

10) Yangzhou bright bamboo shoot takes the advantage of hilsa herring, the sodden spring breeze that boil at the beginning of March.

Cornfield is circled to beg wild Ji when 11) , abandon a thick soup of the hill that boil by force for the monk.

Below month of river of wine of 12) midnight to one's heart's content, head of fish of broil of beauty find hand.

13) color is like bamboo shoot of head of jade edition cat, flavour touchs hump oxtail orangutan.

14) the Yangtse River circles Guo to know piscine beauty, good Zhu Lianshan becomes aware bamboo shoot is sweet.

15) hill is warm already folded without Mei Ke, particular crab can holds Jiang Qing.

Meal of unpolished rice of green salt of 16) Chinese cabbage, tea of chrysanthemum of water of day of made of baked clay crock.

Litchi of 17) day eat 300, not decline is long do the person austral mountain.

18) looks at wet flesh qualitative fat greatly, the taste after braise in soy sauce is full-bodied, little sweet.

The conch with particularly delicious 19) ! The flesh is qualitative very close, pliable but strong, embellish, be delicious!

20) east the door is bought pig bone, hai sauce nods orange Xie. Evaporate chicken is the famousest, the United States does not count piscine turtle.

Cate is classical ana

Fragile spoon of 1) perch fat wild rice is beautiful, (Mai Qiao) ripe oil makes cake newly sweet. Amount to person light riches and honour since ancient times, flavour of countryside pouring a predestined relationship recalls return to one's native place.

2) is small muddleheaded, small, the skin is thin, in wanting past boiled water only, scoop up, in can filling a bowl, eat on one, very delicious!

Flavour of 3) shrimp flesh is delicious, aftertaste myriad. Sample especially after langouste flesh, can soup juice mixes meal, delicate extremely!

When does 4) bright moon have, ask blue sky; my drink is endless wine implement, flavour of half to one's heart's content grows; to get the interest in wine occasionally especially, empty cup often also is held.

Every city has 5) different vista, different cate, nevertheless, without your form, it seems that same.

6) does cate to resemble be an upright person, must true material fact is fed makings, go even miscellaneous choose actor. Elaborate cooking just can become delicate cate.

Each learns 7) common people agelong, do not realize be in all the year round at present. I get Wan Qiu (celestial being name) popularly law, will feed congee to send an immortal only.

Those 8) rock candy calabash is red, in sunshine beamed below glisten, do not know to draw the look that how many child longs for.

Every city has 9) different vista, different cate, different culture is consuetudinary, but do not have you, it seems that same.

You always see 10) goddess pats cate oneself, unluckily how does she still eat not fat. Actually she every vegetable took to put down a chopstick readily.

I take 11) water bottle, boiled water goes up in face teacup, immediately, the tea of Dragon Well tea in water as ten million small fish breaks up up and down fly, evil spirit it is good-looking.

12) beautiful scenery, beautiful cate, excellent job, beautiful conjugal love, beautiful child. Open circle of friend of everybody small gain, it is everybody it seems that those who pass is very good.

Cruelly oppress of 13) black skirt is qualitative fresh and tender whiteness, adipose little. Edible method is simple, you Yiqing evaporate is daintier, thorn is little, special appropriate is mixed at old people children edible.

14) is nostalgic it is the longing on taste, no matter a person is outer,enter swing how many years, although oral speech soundvoice changed, but the food to birthplace, still conceive infinite idea.

How does 15) hope you are a cate, I make case of a vacuum, last you in my heart forever, everybody is no good, you are my memory.

16) strong-smelling preserved bean curd does the " that is " warm hospitality, she always diffuses full-bodied spirited fragrance in the air all round, let seek its range artificially, first Wen Jixiang.

17) bakes yam anxious paste to paper, the whole body is careless ash completely, smell one smell, the odour of sweet gush can enter your the vital organs of the human body immediately, make you " saliva sheds 3000 feet " continuously.

18) Yong child double knife of or so brandish, meat chopped into small pieces flying gold Pan Baixue is tall. Inadequacy of Xuzhou bald end is recalled, chinese shade rafts a far escape. Lumpfish fat knows the first, already Yi Xiaose of full joyous amusement.

The peak of 19) violet camel gives emerald green boiler, yu of dish of chopsticks of rhinoceros of Hang Sulin; having enough of water essence is long did not fall, sort out of drive hutch sth resembling a net sends 8 precious.

20) Zhou Shan's famousest seafood wanting number, every time the autumn, the swimming crab that people loves to eat most appeared on the market, its flesh is qualitative fresh and tender, flavour is delicious, it is the cate on the table.

21) zhongzi is wrapping lily-white polished glutinous rice and gules jujube with green Lu Xie, after thoroughlying cook, pare Lu Xie, see as if in rice group only embedding a few scarlet and sleek agate, very good-looking.

22) fill boiling water is little the skin of basket bag is thin thin, bright even, ask for a favor bites, delicious juice current enters the mouth inside in, bite that dip the meatball of juice, not fat not be bored with, entrance bright is slippery... that calls the United States really!

23) Dalian is a beautiful sea guest city. Seafood of this special local product is me love most. I like to eat prawn most, flavour of this kind of shrimp is delicious. Want to eat holothurian also be a right choice, holothurian contain many nutrition, very delicious also.

What 24) has the faint scent of fruit tree and squid is delicious, buccal mouth is unripe sweet, delicate duplicate hard, long classics is masticatory, can experience the bright sweet mouthfeel with peculiar squid and flexibility. Loose and goluptious, former juice raw ingredient, think with respect to your person forefinger is moved greatly.

25) is in the ocean of home town, have various shellfish, with beautiful fish. Be like black not smooth low-lyingponding mussel, fat fat razor clam, small melon snail... their configuration each different, all kinds of strange things, nutrient value is very high, it is seafood curiosa.

26) detergent washing clanks, little water, blaze of smoke of bavin head Yan does not rise. Wait for him from ripe not urge him, when duration is sufficient he from the United States. Yellow city good pork, valence cheap is like clay. Rich person do not agree to eat, deficient person indissoluble boil. Rise in the morning hit two bowls, so full that oneself gentleman not is in charge of.

The sea product breed of 27) Dalian is various. Sapid the yellow croaker of fresh and tender shallow sea, snakeheaded fish, have the saury of boundary of yellow Bohai Sea, have the Spanish mackerel with peculiar Dalian, sapid goluptious sea urchin, sea Li child, still have the crab with nutrient very high value, prawn.

28) Shang Zhinong, flavour heavy, profit is full " dish, it is good food, with " thick and not be bored with " , " flavour aroma is mellow " , " saline enough oil is heavy " wait for a term, will describe delicate cate. Chef flavors, also cannot leave " thick, heavy, big " 3 words principle.

The characteristic cate of 29) Yunnan, I pass without savor almost. Have the reason that downy appetite degrades, return the matter of invigorative victory way, etc. Already wanted not to have those taste now. Some are hot perhaps, some are acerbity perhaps. Perhaps, specious.

30) tourist is in him maritime the live fish surface that angles wipes hot oil of a soy, hemp, put in the barbecue on charcoal furnace. Next, the edge is aspersed by the side of rotational iron wire on pink of a few the five spices, the style that need a fish is fully glib brown, aroma 4 excessive, leather fragile flesh is tender, the seafood barbecue with distinctive local color can enter the mouth.
