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可通过中转到达的车次如下: 1 长沙->鹰潭->常州 (最省钱) 出发车次 长沙发车 到达鹰潭 旅行时间 旅行距离 此区间票价 1681/1684(长沙--福州) 21:00 03:14 6小时14分钟 504公里 64元 中转车次 鹰潭发车 到达常州 旅行时间 旅行距离 此区间票价 2184/2181(鹰潭--上海) 14:34 07:55 17小时21分钟 832公里 55元 2 长沙->上海南->常州 (时间最短) 出发车次 长沙发车 到达上海南 旅行时间 旅行距离 此区间票价 D107/D106(长沙--上海南) 14:28 22:22 7小时54分钟 1177公里 365元 中转车次 上海发车 到达常州 旅行时间 旅行距离 此区间票价 N434/N435(上海--安庆) 22:22 00:29 2小时7分钟 165公里 31元 3 长沙->潢川->常州 (距离最短) 出发车次 长沙发车 到达潢川 旅行时间 旅行距离 此区间票价 1074/1071(长沙--济南) 15:46 00:19 8小时33分钟 610公里 73元 中转车次 潢川发车 到达常州 旅行时间 旅行距离 此区间票价 K463/K462(漯河--上海南) 18:30 01:53 7小时23分钟 532公里 76元 4 长沙->上海南->常州 出发车次 长沙发车 到达上海南 旅行时间 旅行距离 此区间票价 D107/D106(长沙--上海南) 14:28 22:22 7小时54分钟 1177公里 365元 中转车次 上海发车 到达常州 旅行时间 旅行距离 此区间票价 5078/5075(上海--淮南) 22:50 01:00 2小时10分钟 165公里 22元 5 长沙->上海南->常州 出发车次 长沙发车 到达上海南 旅行时间 旅行距离 此区间票价 D107/D106(长沙--上海南) 14:28 22:22 7小时54分钟 1177公里 365元 中转车次 上海发车 到达常州 旅行时间 旅行距离 此区间票价 N486(上海--阜阳) 23:18 01:12 1小时54分钟 165公里 25元 6 长沙->上海南->常州 出发车次 长沙发车 到达上海南 旅行时间 旅行距离 此区间票价 D107/D106(长沙--上海南) 14:28 22:22 7小时54分钟 1177公里 365元 中转车次 上海发车 到达常州 旅行时间 旅行距离 此区间票价 N482/N483(上海--阜阳) 23:24 01:18 1小时54分钟 165公里 25元 7 长沙->上海南->常州 出发车次 长沙发车 到达上海南 旅行时间 旅行距离 此区间票价 D107/D106(长沙--上海南) 14:28 22:22 7小时54分钟 1177公里 365元 中转车次 上海南发车 到达常州 旅行时间 旅行距离 此区间票价 N406/N407(宁波--六安) 22:39 01:06 2小时27分钟 179公里 29元 8 长沙->株洲->常州 出发车次 长沙发车 到达株洲 旅行时间 旅行距离 此区间票价 5375(长沙--衡阳) 14:36 15:16 40分钟 52公里 4.5元 中转车次 株洲发车 到达常州 旅行时间 旅行距离 此区间票价 K528(广州--南京西) 15:27 06:36 15小时9分钟 1320公里 165元 9 长沙->上海南->常州 出发车次 长沙发车 到达上海南 旅行时间 旅行距离 此区间票价 K135/K138(长沙--上海南) 18:30 08:24 13小时54分钟 1177公里 150元 中转车次 上海发车 到达常州 旅行时间 旅行距离 此区间票价 D412(上海--南京) 09:15 10:32 1小时17分钟 165公里 51元 10 长沙->株洲->常州 出发车次 长沙发车 到达株洲 旅行时间 旅行距离 此区间票价 D107/D106(长沙--上海南) 14:28 15:02 34分钟 52公里 16元 中转车次 株洲发车 到达常州 旅行时间 旅行距离 此区间票价 K528(广州--南京西) 15:27 06:36 15小时9分钟 1320公里 165元 以上十种方法供你选择。


The number that can reach through change trains is as follows: 1 Changsha - > accipitral pool - > Changzhou (most be economical) the car arrives at lounge of number setting out journey of time of accipitral pool journey is apart from Changsha of 1681/1684(of this interval fare- - Fuzhou) 21:00 03:14 6 hour car of hair of pool of eagle of number of 64 yuan of change trains arrives at 14 minutes of 504 kilometers journey of Changzhou journey time is apart from pool of eagle of 2184/2181(of this interval fare- - Shanghai) 14:34 07:55 17 hour 21 minutes of 832 kilometers 55 yuan of 2 Changsha - > south Shanghai - > Changzhou (time is the shortest) the car arrives at lounge of number setting out journey of time of the journey austral Shanghai is apart from Changsha of D107/D106(of this interval fare- - south Shanghai) 14:28 22:22 7 hour car of hair of Shanghai of number of 365 yuan of change trains arrives at 54 minutes of 1177 kilometers journey of Changzhou journey time is apart from Shanghai of N434/N435(of this interval fare- - Anqing) 22:22 00:29 2 hour 7 minutes of 165 kilometers 31 yuan of 3 Changsha - > zhuang1huang2 plain - > Changzhou (the distance is the shortest) the car arrives at lounge of number setting out journey of time of zhuang1huang2 plain journey is apart from Changsha of 1074/1071(of this interval fare- - Jinan) 15:46 00:19 8 hour 33 minutes of 610 kilometers plain hair car arrives at zhuang1huang2 of number of 73 yuan of change trains journey of Changzhou journey time is apart from river of Luo of K463/K462(of this interval fare- - south Shanghai) 18:30 01:53 7 hour 23 minutes of 532 kilometers 76 yuan of 4 Changsha - > south Shanghai - > car of sofa of subaltern of Changzhou car setting out arrives at journey of time of the journey austral Shanghai to be apart from Changsha of D107/D106(of this interval fare- - south Shanghai) 14:28 22:22 7 hour car of hair of Shanghai of number of 365 yuan of change trains arrives at 54 minutes of 1177 kilometers journey of Changzhou journey time is apart from Shanghai of 5078/5075(of this interval fare- - south the Huaihe River) 22:50 01:00 2 hour 10 minutes of 165 kilometers 22 yuan of 5 Changsha - > south Shanghai - > car of sofa of subaltern of Changzhou car setting out arrives at journey of time of the journey austral Shanghai to be apart from Changsha of D107/D106(of this interval fare- - south Shanghai) 14:28 22:22 7 hour car of hair of Shanghai of number of 365 yuan of change trains arrives at 54 minutes of 1177 kilometers journey of Changzhou journey time is apart from Shanghai of N486(of this interval fare- - mound in relief) 23:18 01:12 1 hour 54 minutes of 165 kilometers 25 yuan of 6 Changsha - > south Shanghai - > car of sofa of subaltern of Changzhou car setting out arrives at journey of time of the journey austral Shanghai to be apart from Changsha of D107/D106(of this interval fare- - south Shanghai) 14:28 22:22 7 hour car of hair of Shanghai of number of 365 yuan of change trains arrives at 54 minutes of 1177 kilometers journey of Changzhou journey time is apart from Shanghai of N482/N483(of this interval fare- - mound in relief) 23:24 01:18 1 hour 54 minutes of 165 kilometers 25 yuan of 7 Changsha - > south Shanghai - > car of sofa of subaltern of Changzhou car setting out arrives at journey of time of the journey austral Shanghai to be apart from Changsha of D107/D106(of this interval fare- - south Shanghai) 14:28 22:254 minutes of 1177 kilometers deliver 2 7 hour south Shanghai of number of 365 yuan of change trains the car arrives at journey of Changzhou journey time to be apart from Ning Bo of N406/N407(of this interval fare- - 6 install) 22:39 01:06 2 hour 27 minutes of 179 kilometers 29 yuan of 8 Changsha - > individual plant continent - > the car arrives at lounge of Changzhou number setting out journey of time of journey of individual plant continent is apart from Changsha of 5375(of this interval fare- - Heng Yang) 14:36 15:16 40 minute 52 kilometers continent hair car reachs individual plant of number of 4.5 yuan of change trains journey of Changzhou journey time is apart from Guangzhou of K528(of this interval fare- - Nanjing on the west) 15:27 06:36 15 hour 9 minutes of 1320 kilometers 165 yuan of 9 Changsha - > south Shanghai - > car of sofa of subaltern of Changzhou car setting out arrives at journey of time of the journey austral Shanghai to be apart from Changsha of K135/K138(of this interval fare- - south Shanghai) 18:30 08:24 13 hour car of hair of Shanghai of number of 150 yuan of change trains arrives at 54 minutes of 1177 kilometers journey of Changzhou journey time is apart from Shanghai of D412(of this interval fare- - Nanjing) 09:15 10:32 1 hour 17 minutes of 165 kilometers 51 yuan of 10 Changsha - > individual plant continent - > the car arrives at lounge of Changzhou number setting out journey of time of journey of individual plant continent is apart from Changsha of D107/D106(of this interval fare- - south Shanghai) 14:28 15:02 34 minute 52 kilometers continent hair car reachs individual plant of number of 16 yuan of change trains journey of Changzhou journey time is apart from Guangzhou of K528(of this interval fare- - Nanjing on the west) 15:27 06:36 15 hour 9 minutes of 1320 kilometers 10 kinds of methods offer 165 yuan of above you choose.

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