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(1)动摇了封建思想的统治地位.新文化运动前,资产阶级维新(改良)派和革命派,在宣传各自的政治观点时,都没有彻底地批判封建思想.经过新文化运动,封建思想遭到前所未有的冲击批判,人们的思想得到空前的解放.   (2)民主和科学思想得到弘扬.中国知识分子在新文化运动中,受到一次西方民主和科学思想的洗礼.这就为新思潮的传播开辟了道路,也推动了中国自然科学事业的发展.   (3)为五四运动的爆发作了思想准备.新文化运动启发了民众的民主主义觉悟,对五四爱国运动起了宣传动员作用.   (4)后期传播的社会主义思想,启发了中国先进的知识分子,使他们选择和接受了马克思主义,作为拯救国家、改造社会和推进革命的思想武器.这是新文化运动最重要的成果.   (5)有利于文化的普及和繁荣.新文化运动提倡白话文,能够使语言和文字更紧密地统一起来,为广大民众所接受,从而有利于文化的普及与繁荣.   不过,新文化运动中的先进分子,大多有一些偏激情绪,对东西方文化的看法,存在着绝对肯定或绝对否定的偏向,这种看法一直影响到后来.其实无论是东方或西方,都应该互相地取长补短,这样才能共同进步.

辛亥革命的影响 辛亥革命是20世纪中国社会的首次历史性变革,在中国近代史上具有划时代的伟大意义。首先,这场变革摧毁了清政府的朽败统治,结束了绵延两千余年的专制帝制,而解除专制的镣铐,则是经济与社会得以发展的前提。正是在这种意义上,辛亥革命不愧为中国近代化进程中所迈出的重要步伐。其次,辛亥革命又是一场意义深远的思想启蒙运动。共和制度的存在,虽然为期短暂,但共和的观念已逐渐深入人心,人们认识到皇帝并非永恒的。以共和国取代清帝国,无疑是巨大的进步。正是这样,后来的袁世凯称帝和张勋复辟就只能以失败告终。再次,辛亥革命还推动了「实业主义」。人们认识到必须实现工业化,国家才能臻於富强。在共和国的摇篮期,确是呈现出兴办产业的热潮。此外,辛亥革命冲击了现存社会秩序,为后来的变革开拓了道路。辛亥革命没有直接的促进资本主义的发展,最大的成果是推翻了封建王朝的统治之后建立了一种新的比较符合时代发展的制度。虽然带有资产阶级民主革命的性质,但是这场革命的影响是破旧立新,辛亥革命对中国社会近代化进程影响最大的是: 建立了中华民国 .


(1) shook the regnant position of feudal thought. Before new culture moves, bourgeois reform (improved) clique and revolutionary clique, when publicizing respective political viewpoint, do not have thoroughly critically and feudal thought. Move through new culture, feudal thought suffers unprecedented concussion critically, the thought of people gets be emancipatoried all-timely. (2) democracy and scientific thinking get promoting. Chinese intellectual is in new culture campaign, get the ablution of western democracy and scientific thinking. This transmits open up with respect to what be new ideological trend road, also promoted the development of Chinese science career. (3) be May 4th movement of 1919 erupted thought preparation. New culture campaign inspired the people democratically awareness, to action of the member that 54 patriotic motion had announce drive. (4) the socialistic thought that later period transmits, inspired China's advanced intellectual, make they choose to mix accepted a Marxism, save a country as save, transform society and the thought weapon that push revolution. This is the gain with new culture the most significant movement. (5) be helpful for culture gain ground and flourish. New culture campaign advocates colloquial article, can make language and character more close together land interconnected system comes along, accept for numerous people place, be helpful for culture thereby gain ground with prosperity. Nevertheless, the advanced element in new culture campaign, have a few extreme sentiments mostly, to the view of thing square culture, the deflection that existing to affirm absolutely or denies absolutely, this kind of view is affected all the time later. Actually no matter be east or west, should learn from others's strong points to offset his weakness each other, such ability progress jointly.

The revolution of impact suffering the last of the twelve Earthly Branches of revolution of laborious the last of the twelve Earthly Branches is society of 20 centuries China first historic change, epoch-making great sense is had on Chinese mordern history. Above all, this changes the decayed that destroyed clear government is defeated regnant, those who ended to be continuous more than 2000 years is absolute and imperialistic, and remove absolute shackles, it is the premise that economy and society are able to develop. Go up in this kind of meaning just about, revolution of laborious the last of the twelve Earthly Branches is worthy of be the important step that strides in Chinese modernize process. Next, revolution of laborious the last of the twelve Earthly Branches is the thought the Enlightenment with a far-reaching meaning. The existence of republic system, although by a definite date is brief, but republic idea already gradually thorough popular feeling, people realises the emperor is not eternity. Replace clear empire with the republic, it is tremendous progress undoubtedly. Just about such, the Yuan Shikai later weighs the Supreme Being and Zhang Xun restoration of a dethroned monarch to be able to end in order to fail only. Again, revolution of laborious the last of the twelve Earthly Branches still was driven " industrial principle " . People realises must realize industrialization, national ability attain Wu Fujiang. The cradle in the republic period, it is the upsurge that presents an initiate industry truly. In addition, revolution of laborious the last of the twelve Earthly Branches pounded existent society order, for later change developed way. Revolution of laborious the last of the twelve Earthly Branches does not have the development of direct stimulative capitalism, the biggest gain is a kind of new comparison built to accord with a times to develop after dominating system that overturned feudal dynasty. Although contain the character of bourgeois democracy revolution, but the influence of this revolution is destroy the old and establish the new, revolution of laborious the last of the twelve Earthly Branches is the biggest to influence of process of Chinese society modernize is: Built China the Republic of China.

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