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1. 感冒忌用下列哪一种食物 (A)

A.海鱼 B.豆浆 C.青菜 D.生姜

2、老年人一天吃几只鸡蛋才合适 (B)

A.2只 B、1~2只 C.1只 D.2~3只

3、柠檬汁有哪些营养含量 (A)

A、维生素A和维生素C B、维生素B1和维生素C C、维生素C D、维生素B6


A.眼睛 B.皮肤 C.心脏 D.肺

5、苹果中含有增强记忆力的微量元素是 (B)

A.铁 B.锌 C.钙 D.碘

6、吃太多手摇爆米花机爆出的米花会导致 (B)

A.锡中毒 B.铅中毒 C.铬中毒 D.碘中毒

7、方便面里必然有哪种食品添加剂 (B)

A.防腐剂 B.合成抗氧化剂 C.食用色素 D. 漂白剂

8、关于合理饮食有利于健康的下列说法正确的是 (C)

A.没有水就没有生命 B.饮用水越纯净越好

C.养成良好的饮食习惯,多吃蔬菜、水果等碱性食物 D. 调味剂和营养剂加得越多越好

9、低盐饮食有利于预防什么疾病? ( C )

A、乙型肝炎 B、糖尿病 C、高血压 D、贫血

10、 碘缺乏会导致儿童、青少年 ________________ 。( D )

A、甲亢 B、无力 C、心理疾病 D、生长发育和智力受影响

11、夏季在烈日下工作或运动量过大出汗多时,为预防中暑应多喝_________。 ( C )

A、糖水 B、糖醋水 C、盐开水 D、白开水

12、烧菜时最好在何时加碘盐以减少碘的损失?( D )

A 、烧菜前用碘盐爆锅 C 、烧菜加水后

B 、烧菜加水前 D 、菜将出锅时

13.某人由于营养不良,身体浮肿,其食疗补救措施是(B )

A.多吃蔬菜 B.多喝豆汁 C.多吃馒头 D.多喝水

14.下列不属于营养物质的是(B )

A.食物中的葡萄糖 B.肝糖元分解形成的葡萄糖

C.饮水中的碘 D.食物中的胡萝卜素

15.下列属于营养的是( D)

A.食物中的蛋白质 B.食物中的维生素A

C.饮水中的 D.饮水中的 被吸收

16.下列关于营养物质的叙述中,正确的是(D )





17.某小学组织学生体检时发现一学生头围较小,智商较低,情感淡漠。据老师反映该学生书写困难,学习能力差。其原因是( A)

A.婴幼儿时期严重营养不良 B.严重缺钙

C.儿童时期营养不良 D.缺锌

18.成年人中的骨质软化病、夜盲症、脚气病、坏血病都属于营养缺乏症,缺少的营养物质依次是(B )

①维生素A ②维生素C ③锌盐 ④维生素B1 ⑤碘盐 ⑥维生素K ⑦钙盐 ⑧铁盐

A.⑦⑤③② B.⑦①④② C.⑧⑥④② D.⑥③④①

19.在人的一生中,脑发育的最关键时期是(A )

A.胎儿期和婴儿期 B.婴儿期和儿童期

C.儿童期和青春期 D.青春期和婴儿期

20.有关维生素的叙述不正确的是(B )




D.绝大多数维生素不能在 人体内合成

21.自然界中,有“智慧元素”之称的是 (B)

A.铁 B.碘 C.钙 D.锌

21、食品的保质期是指它的: ( C )

a.生产日期 b.最终食用期 c.最佳食用期 d.出厂日期

22、下列说法中不正确的是: ( C )

a.长期多食鸡蛋会导致胆固醇偏高 b.空腹不宜饮茶



23、绿色食品、有机食品、无公害农产品标准对产品的要求由高到低依次排列为:( B)





24、以下哪种食品可以食用? ( C )

a.发霉的茶叶 b.发芽的土豆 c.变绿的豆芽 d.变红的汤圆

25、豆浆又叫“植物奶”,被国际营养协会评定为健康食品和世界六大营养饮料之一。但是喝豆浆也有注意事项,以下正确的食用方法是: ( C )

a.喝没有煮沸的豆浆 b.豆浆中冲入鸡蛋

c.喝豆浆时搭配其他食物 d.用保温瓶长时间储存豆浆

26、亚硝酸盐属剧毒类化学物质,又叫工业用盐,如酸菜中就含一定量的亚硝酸盐,吃酸菜时最好吃一些( ),可减少亚硝酸盐的危害。 ( C )

a.绿色食品 b.新鲜蔬菜

c.富含维生素c的水果 d.各种杂粮

27、郊游时,看见野生蘑菇,您应该怎么做? ( D )

a.采下来带回家食用 b.凭经验判断无毒的就可带回家食用

c.咨询围人后感觉安全再食用 d.野生的蘑菇不安全,不采摘也不食用

28、出现食物中毒症状或者误食化学品时,最先采取的急救措施是( A )

a.催吐 b.吃止泻药物 c.进行人工呼吸 d.向卫生防疫部门报告

29、铜器与( )不宜长久接触,否则会产生铜绿。用生有铜绿的铜器盛放食品或烹炒菜肴易中毒。 ( D )

a.酱油 b.花椒面 c.味精 d.醋 30、如将电线插头脱离插座,以下哪一项是安全的做法?(C) a.用工具猛力撬出 b.用力拉引电线,使插头脱离插 座 c.小心地用手把插头从插座拔出来


1.Cold avoid is used following which kind of food (A)

A. Sea fish B. Soya-bean milk C. Green vegetables D. Ginger

2, old people eats a few eggs one day talent is suitable (B)

A.2 B, 1~2 C.1 D.2~3

3, lemon juice has what nutrition content (A)

C D of A, vitamin A and vitamin C B, vitamin B1 and vitamin C C, vitamin, vitamin B6

Alcohol is contained in 4. wine, drink overmuch or often drink, can cause alcoholism, make the body is damaged, so, drink to the what organ of human body most harmful? (C)

A. Eye B. Skin C. Heart D. Lung

5, the microelement that enhances memory is being contained in the apple is (B)

A. Iron B. Zincic C. Calcic D. Iodic

6, eat too much hand to shake popcorn machine explodes the rice flower that give can be brought about (B)

A. Stannum is toxic B. Lead poisoning C. Chromic toxic D. Iodism

7, there is which kinds of additive agent for food necessarily in convenient cover (B)

A. Antiseptic B. Synthesize antioxidant C. Feed coloring element D. Bleacher

8, the following statement that is helpful for health about reasonable food is correct is (C)

A. Do not have life B without water. Drinking water is cleaner better

C. The food with good nurturance is used to, eat the alkalescent food D such as vegetable, fruit more. Flavor enhancement and nutrient agent are added so that had jumped over more more

9, is low salt food helpful for what disease preventing? (C)

B of A, hepatitis B, diabetic C, hypertensive D, anaemic

10, iodic lack can bring about children, teenage ________________ . (D)

D of disease of B of A, Jia Kang, faint C, psychology, grow development and intelligence suffer an effect

11, the summer works below burning sun or athletic quantity perspires greatly too a long time, drink _________ more to prevent heatstroke to answer. (C)

D of boiled water of C of B of A, syrup, sweet-and-sour water, salt, plain boiled water

12, when had better be iodic salt being added when cooking food in order to reduce iodic loss? (D)

A, before cooking food, explode with iodic salt boiler C, after burning dish to add water

When the B, D before burning dish to add water, dish will give boiler

13. Because someone is hidebound, body dropsy, its dietotherapy remedies measure is (B)

A. Eat vegetable B more. Drink C of a fermented drink made from ground beans more. Eat steamed bread D more. Drink water more

14. Following what do not belong to nutrient material is (B)

A. The dextrose B in food. Glycogen yuan decompose formation dextrose

C. The iodic D in watering. The carotene in food

15. Following those who belong to nutrition is (D)

A. The protein B in food. The vitamin A in food

C. The D in watering. Be absorbed in watering

16. Following in be being narrated about what nurture pledges, correct is (D)

A. Nutrient material has absorbed a long time, make certainly person put on weight

B. Nutrient material has absorbed a long time, certain eduction

C. Nutrient material has absorbed a long time, oxidation is decomposed strengthen, release energy much

D. Indispensible and amino acerbity synthesis can be used to be not indispensible and amino acid inside human body

17. One student head discovers to surround when histology of some elementary school gives birth to check-up lesser, intelligence quotient is inferior, affection is dim. According to teacher report this student writes difficulty, study ability is poor. Its reason is (A)

A. Infant period is serious hidebound B. Be short of calcium badly

C. Children period is hidebound D. Be short of zinc

18. Adult is medium bone bate disease, nyctalopia, beriberi, scorbutic belong to nutrition to lack disease, missing nutrient substance is ordinal be (B)

Molysite of ⑧ of calcic salt of ⑦ of vitamin K of ⑥ of iodic salt of ⑤ of B1 of vitamin of ④ of salt of zinc of ③ of vitamin C of ② of ① vitamin A

A. B of ② of ⑦ ⑤ ③ . C of ② of ⑦ ① ④ . D of ② of ⑧ ⑥ ④ . ① of ⑥ ③ ④

19. In the person's lifetime, the most crucial period of cerebral development is (A)

A. Fetal period and infantile period B. Infantile period and children period

C. Children period and adolescent D. Adolescence and baby period

20. The narration of concerned vitamin is incorrect is (B)

A. It is to manage the material with airframe indispensable metabolism

B. It is compose is built airframe is organized and adjust the material with airframe physiology necessary function

C. It is the material with indispensable place of function of certain and special physiology

D. Great majority vitamin cannot be synthesized inside human body

In 21. nature, have " wisdom element " those who say is (B)

A. Iron B. Iodic C. Calcic D. Zinc

21, the expiration period of food points to it: (C)

A. Produce date B. Final edible period C. Optimal edible period D. Date of production

22, incorrect is in following statement: (C)

A. Feed an egg for a long time to be able to bring about B of cholesterol on the high side more. Hollow and unfavorable drink tea

C. Dead eel, dead soft-shelled turtle, dead crab should be done only ripe still can eat

D. Arthritic patient is unfavorable beer is drunk when eating seafood

23, green food, organic food, be opposite without standard of produce of social effects of pollution the requirement of the product by arrive high low ordinal platoon labels: (B)

A. Green food, organic food, without food of social effects of pollution

B. Organic food, green food, without food of social effects of pollution

C. Green food, without food of social effects of pollution, organic food

D. Without food of social effects of pollution, organic food, green food

24, is the following where planted is food OK edible? (C)

A. Mildewy tea B. Gemmiparous potato C. D of virescent bean sprouts. Erubescent stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup

25, soya-bean milk cries again " the plant is suckled " , be mixed for healthy food by assess of international nutrition association one of 6 big nutrition beverage of world. But drink soya-bean milk to also have a note, accurate edible method is under: (C)

A. Drink the soya-bean milk B that does not have boil. In soya-bean milk irruptive egg

C. The collocation when drinking soya-bean milk is other food D. Store for long with vacuum flask soya-bean milk

26, nitrite belongs to virulent apperception to learn material, cry again industrial salt, if the nitrite of certain amount is contained in pickled Chinese cabbage, when eating pickled Chinese cabbage, had better eat a few () , can reduce the harm of nitrite. (C)

A. Green food B. Fresh and vegetable

C. Contain a lot ofthe fruit D of vitamin C. All sorts of food grains other than wheat and rice

27, when the outing, see feral dawdle, how should be you done? (D)

A. Collect come down to bring back domestic edible B. Judge by experience avirulent can bring back an edible

C. Seek advice from safety of the feeling after surrounding a person again edible D. Feral dawdle is insecure, not picked also not edible

28, when occurrence bromatoxism symptom perhaps feeds chemical by accident, most the emergency treatment step that takes first is (A)

A. Urge spit B. Eat antidiarrheal content C. Undertake breathing D artificially. To report of department of wholesome epidemic prevention

29, bronze ware and () unfavorable and long contact, can produce verdigris otherwise. With give birth to the bronze ware that has verdigris Cheng Fang food or meat and fish dishes of boil fried dish are easy toxic. (D)

A. Soy B. C of face of Chinese prickly ash. Gourmet powder D. Vinegar 30, if break away from electrical wiring outlet socket, is the following where safe method? (C) A. Give B with tool vigorously prize. Tug makes wire, make plug breaks away from socket C. Use handgrip outlet carefully to pull out from socket

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