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  • 智能设备:智能家居组网的核心就是智能设备,包括各类智能家电、智能家居控制器、传感器等。这些设备通过连接到互联网,可以实现远程控制、自动化操作等功能。
  • 网关:网关是智能家居组网的中枢设备,负责将智能设备连接到互联网,并与用户的手机、电视等设备进行通信。网关具有智能化管理功能,可以实现设备的联动和场景控制。
  • 云平台:云平台是智能家居组网的重要支持系统,通过设备与云平台的连接,可以实现设备数据的存储和分析、云端智能服务的提供等。
  • 手机APP:手机APP作为用户与智能家居组网进行交互的主要方式,可以通过手机APP实现对智能设备的控制、设备状态的查看、场景的设置等操作。



  • 智慧化生活:智能家居组网可以实现设备之间的联动和协同工作,提供智慧化、智能化的生活体验,例如通过语音控制智能音响播放音乐,通过手机APP远程控制家中的灯光。
  • 节能环保:智能家居组网可以实现智能化的能源管理,通过设备联动和定时控制等方式,提高能源利用效率,降低能源浪费,达到节能环保的目的。
  • 安全保障:智能家居组网可以实现家庭安全监控、防护等功能,例如智能摄像头可以实时监控家中情况,智能门锁可以实现指纹、密码等多种开锁方式,提高家庭安全性。
  • 个性化定制:智能家居组网可以根据用户的需求和生活习惯进行个性化定制,例如可以设置不同场景模式,根据不同情景自动调整灯光、温度等。



  • 智能化整合:未来智能家居组网将更加注重设备的整合和互联互通,实现多个品牌、多种类型的智能设备之间的互操作性,提供更加便利和统一的使用体验。
  • 人工智能应用:随着人工智能技术的发展,智能家居组网将更加智能化和智能化,通过人工智能算法的应用,能够实现更加智慧和个性化的服务。
  • 数据安全和隐私保护:未来智能家居组网将更加注重设备数据的安全和用户隐私的保护,强化数据加密和权限管理等措施,确保用户数据的安全性。



What is net of intelligent household group?

Net of intelligent household group is to show all sorts of intelligence equipment passes Internet join to rise, fashion the process of the domestic network system that an intelligence changes. These intelligent equipment can include lamps and lanterns of intelligent acoustics, intelligence, intelligence to photograph wait like TV of head, intelligence and other intelligence home appliance. Pass group net, these equipment are OK and mutual communication, mutual work in coordination, come true more wisdom, convenient, comfortable life experience.

Intelligence lives in the component of group net

Intelligence lives in group net to form by the following component commonly:

  • Intelligent equipment: The core of net of intelligent household group is intelligent equipment, include home appliance of of all kinds intelligence, intelligence to live in controller, sensor to wait. These equipment receive Internet through connecting, can realize the long-range control, function such as automation operation.
  • Gateway: Gateway is the center facility of net of intelligent household group, be in charge of receiving intelligent facility Internet repeatedly, have communication with the equipment such as the mobile phone of the user, TV. Gateway has intelligence to change administrative function, can realize the linkage of equipment and setting control.
  • Cloud platform: Cloud platform is the important support system of net of intelligent household group, pass the join of equipment and cloud platform, can realize what intelligence of the memory of equipment data and analysis, high in the clouds serves to offer etc.
  • Mobile phone APP: Mobile phone APP resides group net to undertake as user and intelligent home interactive main way, of status of the control that can realize pair of intelligence equipment through mobile phone APP, facility examine, the operation such as the setting of setting.

Intelligence lives in the advantage of group net

Intelligence lived in group net to bring a lot of advantage and advantage:

  • Wisdom spends the life: Intelligence lives in group net to be able to realize the linkage chime between equipment to work together, offer wisdom to change, the life experience that intelligence turns, control intelligent acoustics to broadcast music through speech for example, control a medium lamplight remotely through mobile phone APP.
  • Energy-saving environmental protection: Net of intelligent household group can realize the energy management that intelligence turns, wait for means through equipment linkage and time control, raise the sources of energy to use efficiency, reduce the sources of energy to waste, achieve the goal of energy-saving environmental protection.
  • Safe safeguard: Net of intelligent household group can achieve domestic security monitoring, defend wait for a function, for example it is OK like the head that intelligence is photographed the circumstance in home of real time monitoring, intelligent door lock can realize a variety of way opening a lock such as dactylogram, password, enhance domestic security.
  • Individuation is custom-built: Net of intelligent household group is OK undertake individuation according to the demand of the user and habits and customs custom-built, can set different setting pattern for example, wait according to lamplight of different scene self-correcting, temperature.

Intelligence lives in the future of group net to develop a tendency

The ceaseless progress as intelligent technology and gain ground, intelligence lives in the development of group net to also will welcome new opportunity and challenge:

  • Intelligence changes conformity: Net of group of prospective intelligence household will pay attention to the conformity of equipment and interconnection each other to connect more, the each other between the intelligent equipment that achieves a variety of many brands, kinds operates a gender, offer more advantage and unified use experience.
  • Artificial intelligence application: As the development of artificial intelligence technology, intelligence lives in group of net general more intelligence is changed and intelligence is changed, pass the application of artificial intelligence algorithm, can come true more the service of wisdom and individuation.
  • Data security and privacy protect: The protection of the safety that prospective intelligence lives in group net will pay attention to equipment data more and user privacy, aggrandizement data is added wait for measure closely with attributive management, ensure the security of user data.

Net of intelligent household group was brought for us more wisdom, convenient, comfortable life experience, the home that allows us becomes more intelligence is changed and individuation. The hope is passed an article, the concept that can help a reader understand intelligence to live in group net better, application and future develop a tendency, those who thank you read.
