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东北大学网络教育学院(Northeast Normal University Online Education College)是东北大学直属学院,成立于2001年,是中国东北地区最早的网络教育机构之一。学院坚持贯彻国家“双一流”高水平大学建设,致力于培养创新型网络教育人才,为国家和社会的发展贡献力量。



  • 1. 多学科交叉融合:东北大学网络教育学院充分利用东北大学丰富的学科研究资源,打破学科壁垒,实现多学科交叉融合,为学员提供全方位的知识培养。
  • 2. 强调实践能力培养:学院注重培养学员的实践能力,倡导学员运用所学知识解决实际问题,提升自己的创新创业能力。
  • 3. 融入行业需求:学院与各大企业合作,了解行业需求,定期更新课程内容,确保学员所学内容紧贴实际应用场景。
  • 4. 灵活在线学习模式:学院采用线上线下相结合的学习模式,通过视频课程、网络直播、实验实践等多种形式,让学员自主选择学习时间和地点,提高学习效果。








Northeast university network teachs a college

Northeast university network teachs a college (Northeast Normal University Online Education College) it is institute of northeast university directly under, held water 2001, it is one of network education orgnaizations with Chinese northeast the earliest zone. The institute insists to carry out a country " double top-ranking " construction of Gao Shuiping university, devote oneself to to foster innovation network to teach a talented person, the development that is country and society contributes force.

Regard a country as Ministry of Education and northeast college group appoint affirmatory " demonstrative base of poineering education of innovation of national level and education of school level network " , the institute has team of teacher of a high quality, have rich online education resource, devote oneself to to use advanced IT method, the network that offers high quality teachs a service, satisfy the study requirement of student.

Academic characteristic

  • 1.Much discipline across is shirt-sleeve: Institute of education of northeast university network makes full use of the course research natural resources with northeast substantial university, break course barrier, realize confluence of much discipline across, provide all-around intellectual education for student.
  • 2.Emphasize carrying out ability education: The institute pays attention to the practice ability that develops student, advocate student to apply place to learn knowledge to solve real problem, the innovation that promotes oneself does poineering work ability.
  • 3.Blend in trade demand: Institute and each big company cooperation, understand industry requirement, update curricular content regularly, ensure student place learns content setting of clingy and actual application.
  • 4.Mode of agile and online study: The institute uses the study pattern that is united in wedlock below the line on the line, wait for a variety of forms through practice of direct seeding of video course, network, experiment, make student own choose to learn time and place, improve study result.

Recruit students major

The network that the institute offers the arrangement of record of formal schooling such as undergraduate course, Master and doctor teachs major, covered the many fields such as skill of project of computer science, electron, education. No matter you are the duty field personage that working,still preparing to take an examination of grinding student, no matter your body is in China anyplace, want you to have a network only, what can pass northeast university network to teach academic him study to be interested is professional, promote an individual ability and competition ability.

Circumstance of graduate obtain employment

Rate of obtain employment of graduate of college of education of northeast university network maintains all the time in higher level. Institute and a lot of famous enterprise or business the unit established close cooperative relationship, offerred substantial obtain employment opportunity for student. The institute pays attention to the innovation that develops student and practice ability, make graduate has competition ability more, be servantchoosed a person for a job the favour of the unit.


Institute of education of northeast university network is mixed with its outstanding managerial actual strength good educational public praise, foster high quality network to teach a talented person for the society ceaselessly. No matter you are the record of formal schooling that considers farther him promotion, still want to have more to expand a scope in professional career, institute of education of northeast university network is you not 2 choices. Thank you read, believe this article can understand northeast university network to teach an institute to be helped somewhat to you.

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