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健身房拉手臂的器材? 怎样在健身房练手臂?英文双语对照


健身房拉手臂的器材? 怎样在健身房练手臂?英文双语对照







锻炼方法如下: 第一组瘦手臂动作: 手握哑铃,身体向前倾,并且双膝慢慢弯曲,记住背要挺直,不要弓着。双臂伸直,然后向后拉,使哑铃与胸部平齐,双臂紧贴身体,背部一直保持挺直状态,不能弓。双臂慢慢伸直回到最开始的状态,这就完成了一个拍。1分钟内尽量多多来回做几个拍,越多越好。第二组瘦手臂动作: 双脚张开站立,距离同肩宽;拿起哑铃,手心朝下,从前面举起哑铃,使其高度与肩膀平齐,手心向前,手肘弯曲成90度角。双臂继续向上举,让肘部可以伸直,举过头顶。慢慢返回到起始位置(手肘弯曲成90度角)。一分钟内反反复复多做几下,越多越好。第三组瘦手臂动作:手拿哑铃,面朝上躺在瑜伽垫上。手臂向上举起,胳膊肘是直的,但不要绷直。双臂慢慢朝脑袋两侧放下来,哑铃到达瑜伽垫时,手肘弯曲成90度角。抬起手臂恢复到起始位置,这就是一个拍。1分钟内尽量多多来回做几个拍,越多越好。但是开始得循序渐进,坚持下来一个礼拜后所有疲劳感就消失了,不然肌肉产生乳酸会让你会觉得不舒服!


一、 俯卧撑


























缓解手臂酸痛需要进行适当休息和按摩。健身房训练手臂的时候,往往会给手臂带来一定的负担和压力,造成手臂肌肉疲劳,从而产生酸痛感。适当的休息和按摩可以有效地缓解手臂酸痛。为了缓解手臂酸痛,可以采取以下措施:1. 适当休息:进行手臂训练后,手臂肌肉需要休息一段时间来恢复,可以在训练后不立即进行其他运动,给手臂足够的时间休息。2. 按摩缓解:手臂酸痛时,可以使用热毛巾或热水袋热敷肌肉,也可以使用按摩器对酸痛部位进行按摩,以促进血液循环和肌肉松弛。此外,建议适量补充一些富含蛋白质的食物,促进肌肉恢复和修复。







1. 杠铃和哑铃:使用杠铃和哑铃可以进行各种举重动作,如卧推、推举、弯举等,可以有效地增强手臂肌肉。

2. 交替式哑铃弯举:这种动作可以有针对性地锻炼肱二头肌,是一种较为常见的手臂肌肉训练动作。

3. 平板杠铃卧推:卧推动作可以训练三头肌和胸肌,同时也可以增强手臂的力量。

4. 引体向上:这是一种常见的力量训练方法,可以训练背部,同时也可以增强手臂肌肉。

5. 雄鸡挺立:这种动作可以锻炼全身肌肉和核心肌肉,也可以锻炼手臂和腕部的力量。





Does gym draw the material of the arm?

Tensile annulus, tensile rope, pull-up, these cars suit you to exercise arm power quite, choose be fond of in the light of you, the equipment that still a few interest suit you quite will take exercise

How to drill in gym arm?

Inclined dumbbell turn is lifted on, on the bench that Fu body bends over to be controlled for 45 degrees in dip angle, abdomen sticks close bench surface, bend one's knees of double leg departure, double foot steps on the ground, both hands grasps dumbbell to hang down each at body before, the centre of the palm is forward, maintain body stability, maintain big arm to be not moved, the upper arm 2 flesh send force to drive small arm to be bent up lift to oneself behavioral acme acme stops a bit, contractive humerus 2 flesh, control rate actively next, in maintain premise of big arm immobile to fall slowly reductive.

Gym what equipment is OK thin arm?

Small dumbbell is the gymnastical equipment that suits thin arm most, mat of a piece of gem gal and pound of a pair of 5-8 (about 4.5-7.3 jin) heavy dumbbell can loosen gently the meat of small go to live in the household of one's in-laws on getting married that the pine reduces an arm to go up.

Exercise a method to be as follows: Movements of the first group of thin arms: The hand grasps dumbbell, the body is forward bend, and double genu bends slowly, remember the back wants straight, do not want bend to wear. Double arm unbend, pull backward next, make dumbbell and bosom smooth neat, double arm tightens close-fitting system, back holds erect position all the time, cannot bend. Double arm slowly unbend is returned most initial position, this finished to pat. Inside 1 minute as far as possible great do a few to pat back and forth, had jumped over more more. Movements of the 2nd group of thin arms: Double foot is stretched stand, the distance is the same as shoulder breadth; Take dumbbell, control is gadarene, the face raised dumbbell once upon a time, make its are made the same score with shoulder highly neat, control is forward, elbow bends 90 degrees of horn. Double arm continues to be lifted up, make elbow OK unbend, had lifted the top of head. Return position of rest slowly (elbow bends 90 degrees of horn) . Relapse instead inside a minute answer do a few times more, had jumped over more more. Movements of the 3rd group of thin arms: The hand takes dumbbell, lie on gem gal mat on look out. The arm is raised up, arm ancon is straight, but do not stretch tight straight. Double arm slowly toward the head two side are put, when dumbbell arrives at gem gal to fill up, elbow bends 90 degrees of horn. Raise an arm to restore position of rest, this is patted namely. Inside 1 minute as far as possible great do a few to pat back and forth, had jumped over more more. But begin to get successive, insist to come down all fatigue feeling after a chapel disappeared, otherwise muscle produces lactic acid to be able to let you can feel uncomfortable!

Does gym arm add flesh to train a plan?

One, push-up

Take exercise to go up with gym daily, special the form takes exercise basically in one of training of martial physical ability!

Basically exercise upper limbs, waist, abdominal muscle.

Method and requirement:

① chooses the area in evenness, two arms slightly wide at the shoulder, just began but complete palm touchdown, parallel or inward 30 degrees.

② holds a line to calcaneal from shoulder.

③ just began, avoid to have fast hot season quickly, notice correct pose.

④ can accelerate rate stage by stage

⑤ cooperates breath: The process below, the needle that use bazoo is sucked; Since, with the mouth expiratory.

Set phase in group:

Begin, divide first group, every groups 5

After two days, branch group, every groups 5

One week later, branch group, every groups 10...

In the future, decrease stage by stage group, several progressively grow in quantity

Attention: Every should be done with end hind among the group loosen a movement!

2, sit-ups

Basically exercise abdominal muscle

The method is absent give uncecessary details, also should cooperate breath, in group progressively grow in quantity and loosen

3, pull-up

What does gym drill the equipment of the arm has?

In gym, the equipment of experienced arm has the following kinds:

1, dumbbell: Dumbbell is a kind of force training material that can use alone, undertake through holding dumbbell weight trains, exercise arm muscle effectively.

2, barbell: Barbell also is a kind of commonly used force training equipment, what differ with dumbbell is, barbell needs two individual collaboration to have a practice normally, and weight normally bigger. Through using barbell, the humerus that can exercise an arm the 2 flesh, many flesh such as humerus triceps group.

3, force training machine: Force training machine is one kind can help the equipment that undertakes directional force trains, have normally adjust the function such as seat and bracket height, can mix according to the body circumstance of the user exercise demand to undertake adjustment, can be aimed at different flesh group the power that has having specific aim trains.

4, bounce belt: Bounce belt also is a kind of common equipment, it can provide instruction, it is better to rise in the motion such as all sorts of drawings, push-up exercise the effect, the tensional intensity that passes different color at the same time will distinguish different weight grade.

How does gym train arm ache to alleviate?

Ache of arm of delay go to the toilet needs to undertake rest appropriately and be massaged. When gym trains an arm, often can bring due responsibility and pressure to the arm, cause arm muscle exhaustion, produce acerbity keenly feel thereby. Proper rest and massage ache of effectively arm of delay go to the toilet. Solve arm ache for delay, can take the following step: 1. Rest appropriately: After undertaking the arm trains, arm muscle needs to rest for some time to restore, can not have other sport instantly after training, to the arm enough time rests. 2. Massage alleviate: When arm ache, can use hot towel or muscle of hot-water bottle hot compress, also can use massager to undertake massage to ache place, loosen in order to promote haemal circulation and muscle relax. In addition, the proposal is right amount and a few more compensatory the food that contains a lot ofprotein, stimulative muscle restores and repair.

Why to go does gym arm drill finer more?

Hello, . If be motion having oxygen, the meeting is finer and finer, if do force training, and food is reasonable, affirmative meeting grows muscle

What does gym drill the appliance of arm and shoulder has?

Can experienced arm and equipment of humeral ministry sarcous have push-up to wear, pull below horizontal bar, parallel bars, dumbbell, barbell, perch implement, sitting position rows machine, sitting position turns a shoulder implement, Smith is worn, dragon mast is tensile implement, butterfly machine.

Does the muscle that exercises an arm go with what equipment is gym good?

If you want to exercise arm muscle, can consider to use material of the following kinds of fitness:

1.Barbell and dumbbell: Use barbell and dumbbell can have all sorts of weight lifting actions, if lie,push, choose, turn is lifted etc, strengthen arm muscle effectively.

2.Turn of alternant type dumbbell lifts: This kind of movement can have specific aim ground to exercise humerus 2 flesh, it is movement of a kind of relatively common arm muscle training.

3.Flat barbell lies push: Lie push a movement to be able to train triceps and chest muscle, also can enhance the power of the arm at the same time.

4.Pull-up: This is a kind of common force training method, can train back, also can strengthen arm muscle at the same time.

5.The cock stands firm: This kind of movement can exercise systemic muscle and core muscle, also can exercise the power of arm and wrist ministry.

Of course, the body case that chooses which kinds of equipment to also want him foundation and training target will decide. The proposal refers the proposal of coach or professional first before undertaking training. In the meantime, must notice training rule, method is mixed perserve.

Go aching so that extend after gym experienced arm not straight, how to do?

As may excessive as the activity, excessive, bring about local muscle to pull damage of injury, ligament or lactic acid accumulation to wait about, the proposal is not ambitious travel unbend, the attention rests, the near future does not do acuteness exercise, can be massaged or hot compress, promote local blood circulation. External use invigorate the circulation of blood, change Yu, acetanilide Yunnan Baiyao to enrage mist agent, and fragrance of profess to convinced musts, cooperate hot compress, physiotherapy to wait, hold to half month left and right sides to should be met improve.
