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田间雅称? 古诗《田间》?英文双语对照


田间雅称? 古诗《田间》?英文双语对照















两句诗似乎已经把田间的春天说完,而且也很平常和平淡,要有趣味,富有韵味,还必须另辟蹊径,于是诗人故意转移话题,从反面说“儿童不解春何在,只向游人多处行。”,虽然不解春天在哪里,不知道“一年之计在于春”,只向“游人”多的地方跑,以为这就是春天的所在。歪打正着, 这“游人”多的田间,确是春天的所在、希望的所在。




























田间儿童池塘里的小青蛙。歌词是快乐池塘栽种了梦想就变成海洋,鼓的眼睛大嘴巴同样唱的响亮,借我一双小翅膀就能飞向太阳,我相信奇迹就在身上,啦 啦 啦 有你相伴 leap frog,啦 啦 自信成长 有你相伴 leap frog,快乐的一只小青蛙 leap frog,快乐的一只小青蛙 leap frog,快乐的池塘里面有只小青蛙,它跳起舞来就像被王子附体了,酷酷的眼神 没有哪只青蛙能比美,总有一天它会被公主唤醒了。










Field elegant say?

Day gradually elegant saying is Sang Tian, namely shiny green field

Ancient poetry " field " ?

" field "

Clear. Wang Ji

Big Fu of small Fu put one's hand to the plough is agrarian, gansu head cultivates warbler having cry.

Children indissolubles spring where, go to tourist much office only.


Countrywoman bend forward agrarian field, caw of warbler of cropland head greenery, one clique the awaken of spring is abundant;

Children does not understand where spring is, know in tourist much place looks for spring only.

Carry children vision, ably expression " spring is in field over there vernal farmer " ; Those who put a heart on the ice " choose children much place to go only " in, will " children indissolubles spring where, choose tourist much office to go only " medium word order changes, instead " tourist indissolubles spring where, choose children much place to go only " , its meaning focus also changed, children is in spring scenery beauty more! Children and spring are euqally vibrant, children is the most beautiful spring scenery.

Patulous data:

" field " admire analyse:

Of this poem " poetic eye " namely " spring " word. Beginning of spring, "Big Fu of small Fu put one's hand to the plough is agrarian " , this is the spring of human society; "Gansu head cultivates warbler having cry " the spring that this is nature. The first is " case " , open build namely, the 2nd is " bear " , say then namely.

Two poems had said field spring it seems that, and very common also peace is weak, want interesting taste, be full of lasting appeal, still must monarch additionally path, then the poet shifts a topic intentionally, con says " children indissolubles spring where, go to tourist much office only. " , where is although indissoluble,spring, do not know " The whole year's work depends on a good start in spring " , to " tourist " much place runs, think this is vernal place. Score a lucky hit, this " tourist " much field, it is the vernal place, place of the hope truly.

This is " close " , with begin " big Fu of small Fu put one's hand to the plough is agrarian " photograph coordinate, also the thematic photograph coordinate with poetry. Make poetic flavour receives fruity expression thereby. Attention: Here " tourist " it is working farmer actually, children does not know the hardship of adult, work regard as " amuse oneself " this is children eye.

" field " one poem place is written for field Chun Jing. Before two write countrywoman to take wind bend forward agrarian field, caw of warbler of cropland head greenery, one clique the awaken of spring is abundant; Hind two write children not to know spring the happiness of the scenery, know to follow only tourist, the scene with popular and mischievous angle, this is poetic flavour.

Field order of strokes?

Tian Zi's order of strokes is outside be being written first, write again inside, final seal, it is between outside be being written first, write after inside.

Is countryside wild field meaning?

Countryside is wild the space of cropland of field means country open country. Archaic appellation country is countryside more, the open country appellation of farmland is field, agrestic, birthplace, or wait outside boorish pointing to countryside. Countryside is wild one word is the earliest out " it is difficult to imitate a way " . Field in ancient time commonly used also will take the place of point to country, for instance the Song Dynasty is in 10 thousand lis toward poetic poplar " midday resting Ma Jiadian " write in one article: Two days of field roads, slimy deep angry kills you. Go up from flat however, in reentry random hill. Field later also use the meaning that points to field managing.

Field hut couplet?

Answer: Field hut

Rural hut, harships is indefectible;

Peach blossom is overflowed, aureate set each other off;

Magpie mew is built high, wu Yang Song is unripe;

Brook berth bateau, bulrush is rejuvenescent;

Clear Ning Zhiyuan, boom all beautiful;

Be fond of bird photograph companion, reside alone not Gu.

   Transient one field hut, be worth spring, spring flower is alled over surround. The peach blossom before the door, cauliflower extensive eye, cheng Lin of the Qingzhu after house, evil spirit it is inviting. Shuibo is clear, anchor bateau, air is delicious, embellish person the bottom of one's heart, be far from dust, leave confusion. Can you have such former modes of life and relation to their environment haunt environment? Make a person confuse indeed toward! The first line of a couplet on a scroll: The second line of a couplet of noisy; of water of the brook after the hill before hill: Caw of cereal of the cloth outside Yun Neiyun.

Field canal width?

Mainstay line is two meters broad the left and right sides, second artery is a meter wide the left and right sides, footpath 50 one 60 centimeter are wide; Because give priority to artery to had needed tricycle, second artery can pass 2 rounds, person travel lane crossed an individual to go.

Is high temperature field expression?

1. drops in temperature with water.

High temperature is seasonal, timely fill water can improve field microclimate condition, make temperature reduces 1 ℃ ~ 3 ℃ , reduce high temperature to be spent to crop thereby implement damage what add up to an organ with light directly. Pass sprinkling irrigation establishment or atomizer, will cool and refreshing water sprays directly go up in the cauline leaf of crop, also have drop in temperature the effect, drop in temperature extent is controlled in 1 ℃ commonly.

2. assists pollination artificially.

Dry season red-letter day works in high temperature, crop nature comes loose ability of pink, pollination drops, crop of beautiful to the different such as corn, broomcorn pollination undertakes assisting pollination artificially, can reduce the high temperature effect to process of crop pollination, be fertilized, make strong rate rises 5 % ~ than natural pollination 8 % .

Field a few times to wave?

Rising tone of Ti á N, high and level tone of Ji ā N, high and level tone of Pi ā O,

"Cropland " , standard of contemporary Chinese language one class word (commonly used word) , mandarin pronunciation is Ti á N, see the earliest at times of business day inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty, pictographic word is belonged to in Hexateuch. "Cropland " basic meaning is the land that plants crop, be like field, agrarian cropland; Meaning of extend the meaning is what concern with agriculture, the home that be like cropland, rural.

In be used daily, "Cropland " often also do a verb, express farm.

Libretto of field children's song?

The small frog in field children pond. Libretto is happy pond grow the dream becomes ocean, what eye big mouth of beat sings likewise is resonant, borrow a pair of my small wing to be able to fly to the sun, I believe the miracle is on the body, you accompany Leap Frog, self-confidence grows you accompany Leap Frog, leap Frog of a happy small frog, leap Frog of a happy small frog, there is only small frog inside happy pond, its start dance will resemble by princely appendages, the eyes of cruel cruel can compare the United States without which frog, sooner or later it can be waked up by the princess.

Field and cultivated a poem of four lines?

A poem of four lines is cut into parts for ancient poetry body one of, all comprise by 4. The article of exemple of a poem of four lines with the field and cultivated depict in ancient poetry if:


Zhao You of · of article / the Song Dynasty is straight

Moderate rain of cloth cereal sound is plowed, appropriate of two-phase of green Suo Qing Li. Force of ox of drive of Gansu head try in vain, drought Lao year come cannot period.

Agrarian Le Shisi head

Yuan of · of article / the Song Dynasty justs

Plow rain during springtime to take the advantage of farming agrarian, singing Kang Qu this is unripe. If have but care Fang Youle, also do not have without deficient place originally.

