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数码相机怎么放电池? 数码相机电池放电?英文双语对照


数码相机怎么放电池? 数码相机电池放电?英文双语对照








  数码相机是用锂电还是用镍氢电池,这是由厂商决定的。从电池技术的角度看,  两种电池各有优缺点。锂电池没有记忆效应,因此使用寿命更长,而且体积也往往较小,从而使得相机的机身能够更轻薄,现在已经成为了中低端数码相机厂商的主流选择。但是锂电池的缺点也同样突出,就是价格较贵,电量也较小。镍氢电池则相反,电量大,购买便宜,但是体型笨重,充电器也比较大。  至于如何选择,建议你还是看个人需求。如果经常在野外长时间拍摄的话,还是选择采用镍氢电池的相机吧!一来镍氢电池的使用时间较长,而且相机可以兼容普通的5号碱性电池,只要多买些电池带在身上,就算附近没有地方充电也不用愁。如果你偶尔用用相机,使用时间也不长,锂电池还是更具有优势的,体积比较小,便于携带。  简单来说,  锂电池优点:  容量大,耐用每次充电基本上购一天用的(旅游拍摄),相机体积小。一般出门带2块电池足够。  缺点:贵,替代性能差。如果没电了只能干瞪眼。  AA电池优点:  替代性能好,随处可以买到。价格便宜。  缺点,电池容量低,使用时间短。如果买高容量的充电电池价格也不便宜,出门至少需要带4-6节充电电池,比较沉重。如果购买便宜的AA电池,一般不会拍摄超过50张,个别电池可能都起不了机器。相对来说机器体积大。  不过部分AA电池的相机可以使用CRV3电池。这样的电池效果不错。  我个人还是比较喜欢锂电池。出门的时候每晚冲一次电,两个电池交替用。足够了。




在没有给出相机型号的前提下推荐两块电池起步 (原厂)因为原厂电池很贵 副厂可以直接上三块 续航5小时我不敢保证没问题(不知道用什么相机 拍视频还是照片)但是问题不大如果有特殊情况 借一借 拍摄活动的话 一块拍一块充 足够 毕竟不指着相机挣钱平时活动不多卡的话推荐数码卡片相机推荐16G以上 单反相机推荐32G以上(有RAW格式) 单反拍视频卡速是另外一回事了
















One, how does digital camera put batteries?

There is to start to talk in the lower part of camera, it is OK to open discharge pool

2, discharge of digital camera batteries?

What batteries is what your camera uses? Be 5 charge generally batteries or not general lithium battery? You also did not say clear, the voltage that needing those who remind you is different type camera and batteries is different, do not mix with, also do not use discharge.

Lithium battery does not need discharge, need every other only a month gives out normally again deepness charges can, if a month is not applicable,be about to be taken additionally, hold in the arms with sealed plastic paper rise put in dry and shady and cool place.

If be nickel hydrogen batteries,charge repeatedly 7-8 second when put report can

3, with where is digital camera planted is batteries best?

Digital camera is the report that use lithium or batteries of the hydrogen that use nickel, this is decided by the manufacturer. Look from the angle of batteries technology, two kinds of batteries have actor drawback each. Lithium battery does not have memory effect, service life is accordingly longer, and bulk also often lesser, make thereby the airframe of camera can more frivolous, in been become now low end the mainstream choice of digital camera manufacturer. But the defect of lithium battery is highlighted as much, it is the price more expensive, n is lesser also. Nickel hydrogen batteries is contrary, n is big, buy petty gain, but type of build or figure is heavy, charger is bigger also. As to how to choose, suggest you still see individual demand. If often if outdoors films for long, still choose to introduce the camera of nickel hydrogen batteries! Come the use time of nickel hydrogen batteries is longer, and camera is OK and compatible 5 common alkaline batteries, want to buy some of batteries belt to be on the body more only, even if around charge without the place also need not anxious. If you now and then with with camera, use time is not long also, lithium battery still has an advantage more, volume is minorrer, facilitate carry. Simple for, lithium battery advantage: The size is large, durable charge to basically buy a day to use every time (travel films) , camera volume is minor. Go out commonly belt 2 batteries are enough. Defect: Expensive, supersede function difference. If do not have report only able glare. AA batteries advantage: It is good to supersede function, everywhere can be bought. Low-cost. Defect, batteries size is small, use time is short. If buy what Gao Rong measures to charge batteries price is not cheap also, go out to need to take 4-6 section to charge at least batteries, heavier. If buy cheap AA batteries, won't film commonly more than 50 pieces, individual batteries may not have a machine. Opposite for machine volume is large. Nevertheless the camera of partial AA batteries can use CRV3 cell. Such batteries result is right. My individual still prefers lithium battery. Report develops every night when going out, two batteries are used alternately. Enough.

4, is where of batteries of digital camera former outfit bought?

Can be in website of government of digital camera brand or the net inn of official authorization buys former outfit batteries, also can go to electronic product brand shop or inn of electronic product fittings is bought. Additional, a few famous electronic product shopkeeper also can market former outfit battery. Those who need an attention is, choose normal channel to buy as far as possible, buy in order to avoid fake product.

5, what cell does digital camera use best?

In did not give out two batteries are recommended to start below the premise of camera model (former plant) because former plant cell is very expensive deputy factory is OK and direct boat of on 3 add 5 hours I dare not assure to be no problem (do not know to be patted with what camera video or

6, how long can be digital camera batteries used?

It is commonly 2 - 3 years or so, also want to see what how use at the same time. Had better be every month charges discharge to batteries. Such use is 5 years possible, according to the regulation batteries can charge 100 times. If batteries is deposited for a long time,do not use, fill basically one year later do not receive report.

7, do how? Does the batteries of digital camera unplug do not come out? The report of digital camera?

The batteries that sheet turns over camera is taken do not come out, two plant likelihood:

1, batteries storehouse card buckles breakdown, batteries the lock is to death inside batteries storehouse 2, batteries outfit became wrong... install for instance turned over, card is taken in batteries storehouse did not come out the means of settlement is, the card mouth that checks batteries storehouse above all has a problem, saw batteries install a fault again... if block a mouth to have a problem, think method opens card mouth, batteries also came out. If be batteries outfit,turned over, that can come out bit by bit only

8, is digital camera batteries OK and general?

Either batteries of all number camera is OK and general, the batteries norms that because differ,the digital camera of brand, model uses and interface may be different. If use incompatible cell, may bring about report to the pool cannot charge or cannot work normally, may damage even camera.

Generally speaking, the batteries norms of digital camera and interface information can be in camera manual perhaps is found on official website. The proposal chooses the brand that matchs with camera and model when buying batteries, in order to ensure batteries can work normally, and prevent attaint watch for an opportunity.

9, does the batteries of digital camera go which are changed?

Retroflexion digital camera come over, there is a switch in the bottom of digital camera, after opening, can retroflexion batteries cover board, take the battery inside it is good to be put in charger to charge.

10, how to take out beautiful can the batteries of digital camera?

With 100 get glue (of yellow, treat water can of degum) the thing that can help even list or other is stuck at the back of batteries, after working, can pull directly, put in with wet cloth next 100 get gooey place, wait a little while to be able to keep clear of clean. Did not damage so batteries.

Average machine bottom has a button, play come out to be able to take out battery.

Illuminate picture machine it is a kind of accurate instrument, the structure is complex, using, carry and notice to avoid in custodial process acuteness shake. Should prevent heat, prevent bask in, dustproof and harmful gas, lest cause damage. Long-term unused is illuminated picture machine, in mildew monsoon section, should illuminate apart like machine and leather box, use cell according to picture machine take out battery even, use fully sheathed case or polybag reserve next, want to put right amount desiccative, in microtherm ventilated place is saved.
