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重庆酸辣粉是重庆城区广为流传的一种地方传统名小吃,历来就是重庆人的最爱之一 。手工制作的主粉由红薯,豌豆淀粉为主要原料,然后由农家用传统手工漏制。重庆酸辣粉的粉丝劲道弹牙、口味麻辣酸爽、浓香开胃,深受全国人民喜爱的重庆地方小吃。“重庆酸辣粉”是纯天然绿色食品,由于重庆的酸辣粉口味独特、酸辣开胃,长期以来一直深受重庆人的喜爱,其特点是“麻、辣、鲜、香、酸且油而不腻”。素有“天下第一粉”之美名。


热干面(Hot dry noodles)是中国十大面条之一,是湖北武汉最出名的小吃之一,有多种做法。以油、盐、芝麻酱、色拉油、香油、细香葱、大蒜子、量卤水汁、生抽为辅助材料。其色泽黄而油润,味道鲜美,由于热量高,也可以当作主食,营养早餐,补充机体所需的能量。热干面对武汉人或者在武汉呆过一段时间的朋友来说,它不再仅仅是一种小吃,而是一种情怀。未食而乡情浓浓,食之则香气喷喷。














1, Beijing roast duck

Roast duck is the type of Beijing famous dish that has world reputation, period of traceable China the Northern and Southern Dynasties, " the collection that feed precious " in already wrote down duck having broil, at that time it is palace food. With expect for duck of Beijing of duck of high grade carnivorous, fruit tree charcoal fire is baked make, colour and lustre is ruddy, the flesh is qualitative fat and not be bored with, outside fragile in tender. Cent of Beijing roast duck is two old school, and the delegate that Beijing's most well-known roast duck store also is two cliques namely. It with Gong Yan of colour and lustre, the flesh is qualitative delicate, flavour is full-bodied, fat and not the characteristic of be bored with, be known as " the world is delicate " .

2, Lanzhou plays a side

Lanzhou beef face, call beef of Lanzhou clear soup the face again, be " 10 big noodle of Chinese " one of, the gust that is area of Lanzhou of the Gansu Province is fastfood. It with " Shang Jing person clear, the person that the flesh rots is sweet, the face is fine person essence of life " distinctive local color and " perfectly clean 3 red 4 green 5 yellow " , one Qing Dynasty (Shang Qing) , 2 white (the turnip is white) , 3 red (chili oil is red) , 4 green (caraway, garlic bolt is green) , 5 yellow (noodle Huang Liang) , won home and even whole world customer reputably. Be judged to be one of snack of 3 old Chinese style by Chinese cooking association, get the United States praise " China one side " .

3, string string sweet

String string sweet, traceable Sichuan Chengdu, it is tradition of Sichuan area characteristic fastfood one of, also be careless root cate most of in a popular style reflect, it is another kind of form of chaffy dish actually, so people often call his small chaffy dish again. "String string sweet " because this is with bamboo the autograph is strung together one kind,the origin of the name is go up all sorts of dish, the rinse in the chaffy dish that puts its into boiling hot is worn those who eat is fastfood. String string sweet with its distinctive glamour and bright characteristic are spread all over at countrywide numerous city, "Hemp is hot very hot " also be its aberrant, the place that can say to want someone only has string together string of sweet existence, go up in certain level even, string string sweet already became one of Sichuan olfactory delegates.

4, Chongqing acid hot pink

Chongqing acid hot pink is Chongqing the city zone wide for the one cultivate land that circulate square traditional name is fastfood, all through the ages is Chongqing person love most one of. Make by hand advocate pink by yam, pea starch is main raw material, use traditional and manual leakage to make by farmhouse next. The path of interest of vermicelli made from bean starch of Chongqing acid hot pink plays hemp of tooth, taste hot acerbity bright, aroma is appetizing, the Chongqing place that loves by the people of the whole country is fastfood. "Chongqing acid hot pink " it is food of pure natural green, because the taste of acerbity hot pink of Chongqing is distinctive, sour hot appetizing, long-term since get all the time of Chongqing person love, its characteristic is " hemp, hot, bright, sweet, acerbity and oily and not be bored with " . Element has " the world the first pink " good name.

5, hot dry side

Hot dry side (Hot Dry Noodles) it is one of 10 big noodle of Chinese, it is Hubei Wuhan the famousest fastfood one of, have a variety of ways. With oily, salt, sesame paste, salad oil, balm, chive, garlic child, the capacity is bittern juice, crude smoke to assist material. Its colour and lustre is yellow and fat profit, flavour is delicious, because quantity of heat is high, also can regard as staple food, nutrient breakfast, the energy that compensatory airframe place requires. Heat doing faces Wuhan person to perhaps be for the friend that Wuhan has stayed for some time, it is merely no longer a kind fastfood, however a kind of feelings. Was not fed and countryside feeling is strong, the gush of sweet gas blowout that feed.

6, Wu Zhong hand catchs hotpot

The hand catchs hotpot is a famous tradition fastfood, the each district inside Ningxia area all has make, make with Wu Zhong city especially among them most famous, already had the history of about a hundred years that make, friend says Wu Zhong hand catchs hotpot again. Because the past spreads out in edge street the dot makes work more, the person that eat to what catch with the hand, this is " the hand is caught " the antecedents of one word. Its characteristic is lubricious plain boiled pork tender, smell is sweet not be bored with.

7, hotpot bubble steamed bun

Steamed bun of bubble of hotpot of abbreviation of hotpot bubble steamed bun, bubble, the raw material that make basically has powder of hotpot, onion, vermicelli made from bean starch, sweetened garlic to wait, ancient call " sheep a thick soup " , northwest beautiful food, install with cc of short for Shaanxi Province especially most great reputation of steamed bun of bubble of the hotpot that enjoy an ox, it is cooked careful, expect heavy taste is pure, fleshy sodden soup is thick, fat and not be bored with, nutrition is rich, aroma 4 excessive, inviting appetite, the aftertaste after feeding is boundless. Well-known poet Su Shi leaves Northen Song Dynasty " Gansu food has bear dried meat, boil of the Qin Dynasty only the line of " of ovine a thick soup. Because of it warm stomach is able to bear or endure be hungry, element is Xi'an and place of people of northwest area every nationality to love, foreign guest comes short for Shaanxi Province also try to be the first samples, with full the luck to eat sth delicious. Steamed bun of bubble of flesh of flocks and herds already became Shaanxi name to feed " always represent " .

8, fleshy bolus papers hot boiling water

Islamic of the Huis of Xi'an of hot Shangshi of fleshy bolus paste is fastfood. One of Xi'an person's most welcome breakfast. Introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad hot boiling water can say fleshy pill is soup of vegetable beef a round mass of food, perhaps saying is dish of beef bolus braise, but distinguish at the other place is soup should tick off Gorgon euryale. Shang Li has perfectly round ox meatball, cut lumpish potato, lotus is white, introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad a bamboo basket is predicted, cauliflower, celery. When eating, drench on oil spills the hot pepper and balm, Tuo Tuo steamed bun that reachs a hand to break. Fleshy bolus papers hot boiling water to additionally a refined name calls 8 precious soup, call 8 precious natural hyperbole, nevertheless this also shows burnt hot boiling water " content " a lot of. Flavor is unique.

9, meal of Taiwan bittern flesh

Meal of Taiwan bittern flesh is Taiwan area common classical fastfood, the raw material that make has pink of rice, steaky pork, dry onion, amylaceous, ginger, garlic, soy, anise, wine, rock candy, the five spices, pepper to wait, the characteristic of bittern flesh meal depends on fleshy sauce and bovril, they are made crucial part. Bittern flesh meal is south the stage, the making method of Taichun, Taipei and characteristic all have difference. The dietary and fastfood pattern of Taiwan is various, should say nevertheless among them most famous, when meal of the flesh that push bittern. According to saying, the bittern flesh meal with distinctive local color, complete China has a Taiwanese to be able to be done only. Bittern flesh meal, be called again rash flesh meal, taiwan characteristic is fastfood one of. In Taiwan north, bittern flesh meal drenchs for a kind on contain thoroughly cook broken pork (the pig wrings the flesh) the arrange of the plain cooked rice that reachs soy thick gravy, the component that there also can be Xianggu mushroom man to wait in sauce sometimes inside, and this kind of course of action calls in Taiwan south " fleshy dry meal " ; And so called " bittern flesh meal " in Taiwan south it is to point to the flesh meal that having flesh of bittern pig three-layer.

10, saline chicken

Saline chicken is dish of the Hakkas of department of dish of a characteristic tradition another name for Guangdong Province, also be one of type of dish of fascia of the Hakkas of Guangdong this locality, and other places of city of Meizhou of popular Yu Andong, benefit, river source, already became now be famous in domestic and international classical dish type, raw material is chicken and salt, taste is salty. Make a way distinctive, smell is sweet full-bodied, leather bright flesh slips, colour and lustre is small yellow, leather fragile flesh is tender, delicacy of flesh and blood is sweet, gust is inviting. Saline chicken contains the microelement such as a large number of calcium, magnesium. Accordingly, saline chicken not only be one delicate, and very healthy, have profit greatly to human body. Wen Zhongyi is enraged, filling essence adds pith, the action of filling Xu Yizhi

11, acerbity soup pink

Acerbity soup pink is the food of a kind of characteristic of Guizhou, often be used as by people breakfast and daily and fastfood. Make simple, nutrition is rich, small hot not dry, lubricious delicate delicacy, wide get place the welcome of people. Acerbity Shang Cai uses chili of feral small tomato, flooey, salt, cooking wine to wait feed capable person, via Miao Jiatu altar souse ferments and become, acidity leisurely of sterling, piquancy thick, colour and lustre is bright red, have nutrition rich, small hot not dry, lubricious delicate delicacy.

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