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1.【成语】: 循循善导 【拼音】: xún xún shàn dǎo 【解释】: 循循:有次序的样子;善:善于;导:引导。指善于引导别人进行学习。 【出处】: 《论语·子罕》:“仰之弥高,钻之弥坚,瞻之在前,忽焉在后,夫子循循然善诱人。” 【举例造句】: 业余的节目主持人,说到这里,也学专业人员正视观众,两眼也发放出来机智的光彩,脸上也呈现循循善导的笑容。

2.【成语】: 循循善诱 【拼音】: xún xún shàn yòu 【解释】: 循循:有次序的样子;善:善于;诱:引导。指善于引导别人进行学习。 【出处】: 《论语·子罕》:“夫子循循然善诱人。” 【举例造句】: 先生循循善诱,余今日之尚能握管,先生力也。

3.【成语】: 循循诱人 【拼音】: xún xún yòu rén 【解释】: 犹循循善诱。指善于有步骤地引导、教育人。 【出处】: 《杨家将演义》第一回:“[陈拊]壮年励志苦学,屡科不第,遂隐居教授,循循诱人。”

4.【成语】: 善诱循循 【拼音】: shàn yòu xún xún 【解释】: 善:善于;诱:引导;循循:有次序的样子。指善于引导别人进行学习。 【出处】: 《论语·子罕》:“仰之弥高,钻之弥坚,瞻之在前,忽焉在后,夫子循循然善诱人。” 【举例造句】: 观夫子这与颜渊言至于终日而渊叹之,以为善诱循循,博文约礼,则圣人之所以教人有始有卒。



【拼音】xún xún jiào dǎo












循循善诱_成语解释【拼音】:xún xún shàn yòu【释义】:循循:有次序的样子;善:善于;诱:引导。指善于引导别人进行学习。【出处】:《论语·子罕》:“夫子循循然善诱人。”【例句】:先生~,余今日之尚能握管,先生力也。 ★清·沈复《浮生六记·闺房记乐》



循序渐进(拼音:xún xù jiàn jìn)是一个成语,最早出自于南宋·朱熹《论语集注》。





循循善诱 [ xún xún shàn yòu ]循循:有次序的样子;善:善于;诱:引导。指善于引导别人进行学习。



谆谆教导 [ zhūn zhūn jiào dǎo ]谆谆:恳切、耐心的样子。恳切、耐心地教导。

谆谆告诫 [ zhūn zhūn gào jiè ]谆谆:教诲不倦的样子;告诫:规劝。恳切耐心地劝告。



[ xún xù jiàn jìn ]




按部就班 [ àn bù jiù bān ]


循规蹈矩 [ xún guī dǎo jǔ ]


由表及里 [ yóu biǎo jí lǐ ]





Is abide abide revulsive the distinction that guides with abide abide be apt to?

Just as its name implies, abide abide is revulsive although have the change of one word only,guide with abide abide be apt to, but what convey the means that come out to differ completely, abide abide is revulsive and OK it is revulsive others going doing a good work also can be revulsive people goes maleficent, have two meanings, but the meaning that abide abide be apt to guides affirmation guides other to do thing of be apt to only, one is stand or fall holds concurrently, one is the thing that make kind, this is both distinction.

Meaning of abide abide advance gradually?

Should be " successive " , abide: According to, along. Foreword: Order. According to certain order or measure gradually thorough or rise.

Successive is an idiom, the earliest out at Zhu Xi of · of the Southern Song Dynasty " focus of the analects of confucius " : ? Ordinarily  of  of ソ of tadpole of  of  of Xu of pregnant of mellow crane of Zhuo of  v/LIT all over the ground cloud! Thin:

Successive points to be advanced gradually according to certain measure or program or rise, commonly used in study, job and when handling an issue. Contain commendatory; In sentence in make predicate, object, adverbial modifier, attribute commonly.

Abide abide what is phrasal?

1. [phrasal] : Abide abide be apt to guides [phoneticize] : O of ǎ of N D of à of N Sh of ú of X ú N X [explain] : Abide: Have the look of order; Be apt to: Be good at; Guide: Guide. Point to be good at guiding others to undertake study. [provenance] : " · of the analects of confucius child rarely " : "The cover that admire is tall, the cover that get firm, of look up advanced, hu Yan is in hind, master abide abide like that be apt to is inviting. " [citing sentence-making] : Amateurish master of ceremonies, here, also learn professional to face up to an audience, two also send the glorious that puts resource, the smile that abide abide be apt to guides also appears on the face.

2. [phrasal] : Be good at teaching [phoneticize] : U of ò of N Y of à of N Sh of ú of X ú N X [explain] : Abide: Have the look of order; Be apt to: Be good at; Lure: Guide. Point to be good at guiding others to undertake study. [provenance] : " · of the analects of confucius child rarely " : "Master abide abide like that be apt to is inviting. " [citing sentence-making] : Gentleman be good at teaching, of Yu Jin day still can grasp a canal, gentleman force also.

3. [phrasal] : Abide abide is inviting [phoneticize] : N of é of U R of ò of N Y of ú of X ú N X [explain] : Still be good at teaching. Point to be good at having move person of ground guiding, education. [provenance] : " Yangjia general historical novel " first: "[old clap] grind of annals of encourage of prime of life, repeatedly Kebudi, live in seclusion then professor, abide abide is inviting. Abide abide is inviting..

4. [phrasal] : Be apt to lures abide abide [phoneticize] : N of ú of N X of ú of U X of ò of Sh à N Y [explain] : Be apt to: Be good at; Lure: Guide; Abide: Have the look of order. Point to be good at guiding others to undertake study. [provenance] : " · of the analects of confucius child rarely " : "The cover that admire is tall, the cover that get firm, of look up advanced, hu Yan is in hind, master abide abide like that be apt to is inviting. " [citing sentence-making] : View master this and colour deep character as to all day and deep sighs, think be apt to lures abide, bowenyaoli, criterion the sage teachs a person to have only then have soldier.

The meaning that abide abide teachs?

Means: Law of in the right way has measure ground to teach directive others.

[phoneticize] O of ǎ of O D of à of N Ji of ú of X ú N X

[paraphrase] abide: Have the look of order. Teach: Education is directive.

[sentence-making] teach in the abide abide of Mr. Wang below, our study result had very big rise.

[close justice word] : Be good at teaching, earnestly and tirelessly is taught, be tireless in teaching, assiduous, teach in the right way

[antonym] do not teach and kill, order people by gesture

Does abide abide teach what meaning?

Law of meaning in the right way has measure ground to teach directive others.

"Guide " , pronunciation is D ǎ O, see the earliest at times of business day inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty. Echoism word is belonged to in Hexateuch.

"Guide " basic meaning is the word how-to, guide, if lead, guide. Meaning of extend the meaning is brought to pass, pass to, if conduct, heat conduction.

In be used daily, "Guide " often do a verb, express to inspire, like channel, teach.

"Guide " , see first at " say civil " times, "Guide " be knowingly word, original meaning is to guide. Of inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty " guide " word, upper part is " head " word, show a person, lower part is " stop " word, show a leg, exterior be " row " word, express crossing, the meaning that closes together is a person when walking along crossroad, need gets introductory. Of an ancient style of calligraphy " guide " , "Row " became " Zuo " . "Guide " also say as the generation that brings passerby. "Guide " return extend the meaning to teach. "Guide " word the regular script of simplified edition from " say civil " evolve and come.

Abide abide what what is phrasal?

Idiom of _ of be good at teaching explains [phoneticize] : U of ò of N Y of à of N Sh of ú of X ú N X [paraphrase] : Abide: Have the look of order; Be apt to: Be good at; Lure: Guide. Point to be good at guiding others to undertake study. [provenance] : " · of the analects of confucius child rarely " : "Master abide abide like that be apt to is inviting. " [illustrative sentence] : Gentleman ~ , of Yu Jin day still can grasp a canal, gentleman force also. Shen Fu of ★ clear · " float gives birth to the 6 boudoir that write down · to write down happy "

The meaning of abide abide advance gradually?

Abide abide advance gradually is the meaning of successive.

Successive (phoneticize: N of ì of N J of à of Ji of ù of X ú N X) it is an idiom, the earliest out at Zhu Xi of · of the Southern Song Dynasty " focus of the analects of confucius " .

Successive points to be advanced gradually according to certain measure or program or rise, commonly used in study, job and when handling an issue.

Phrasal provenance: ? Huan of Xian of fine lofty ぶ blocks ⅰ of  of private school adze up to punish body ordinarily  of  of ソ of tadpole of  of  of Xu of pregnant of mellow crane of Zhuo of  v/LIT all over the ground cloud!

Is abide abide revulsive what meaning?

Without what abide abide revulsive, should be: ? Is   plain?

Be good at teaching [abide of U] of ò of N Y of à of N Sh of ú of X ú N X: Have the look of order; Be apt to: Be good at; Lure: Guide. Point to be good at guiding others to undertake study.

Illustrative sentence: ? Does the word shake  of Ping of   plutonium a bit chasm of  of ⑺ of female Ze of  of bright Γ of harmonious of simple small cup of lie   male be troubled by just?

Close justice word:

Earnestly and tirelessly teachs [earnestly and tirelessly of O] of ǎ of O D of à of N Ji of ū of Zh ū N Zh: Earnest, patient appearance. Earnest, patient ground is taught.

Earnestly and tirelessly admonishs [è of O Ji of à of N G of ū of Zh ū N Zh] earnestly and tirelessly: The appearance of instruction tireless; Admonish: Admonish. Earnest and patient ground is advised.

The meaning of idiom of abide abide advance gradually?

Should be: Successive

[N of ì of N J of à of Ji of ù of X ú N X]

[explain] : Point to study job to wait according to certain measure gradually thorough or rise.

[out] : " constitution of · of the analects of confucius asks " : "Do not blame a weather, not blame person, learn below and go up amount to, the person that know me its day? " Zhu Xi notes: "This but from character its are turned over oneself is self-educated, successive ear. Successive ear..

Close justice word:

Step-by-step [N of ā of B of ù of Ji of ù of à N B]

Ministry, class: Class, order; With respect to: Be attributed to. Undertake according to certain measure, order. Also point to handle affairs by convention, lack innovation spirit.

Follow rules [ǔ of O J of ǎ of D of ī of X ú N Gu]

Abide, skip: Abide by, according to. Compasses, quadrature is the standard tool that decides circumference, borrow the criterion that points to behavior. Point to walk the chalks formerly, dare not disobey. Also show arrest is conservative now criterion, dare not do a bit fluctuant.

Reach by the watch in [ǐ of L of í of O J of ǎ of Y ó U Bi]

Watch: The surface; In: Substaintial. See essence from exterior phenomenon.

The antonym of abide abide?

Of random chaos, miscellaneous miscellaneous, farfetched, confused, desultorily, do not have foreword, of out of control, irregular, irregular, scattered, uncontrollable, unreasonable, do not have a plan, be without consecution, amorphous, chaotic, messy

上一篇:陈埭泥蛏读音? 晋江陈埭好玩的地方?英文双语对照