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情绪对想象的影响 情绪对工作的影响?英文双语对照


情绪对想象的影响 情绪对工作的影响?英文双语对照





























1. 增强情绪平衡:情绪管理可以帮助我们更好地理解、接纳和管理自己的情绪。当我们能够平衡地应对和处理不同的情绪,我们将更容易保持心理健康,避免情绪上的极端波动。

2. 减轻焦虑和压力:情绪管理有助于减轻焦虑和压力的程度。通过学习有效的情绪调节技巧,我们可以更好地处理压力和负面情绪,从而减少焦虑和压力对身心健康的负面影响。

3. 提高自尊和自信:情绪管理帮助我们更好地认识和了解自己的情绪反应,并提供有效的方法来处理负面情绪。通过这种方式,我们可以增强自信心和自尊心,更好地面对挑战和困难。

4. 改善人际关系:情绪管理对于建立良好的人际关系至关重要。当我们能够有效地管理情绪,我们更能够与他人建立互动和沟通,从而增进彼此的理解和共情。这有助于保持良好的人际关系和社交支持,进一步促进心理健康。

5. 增强适应能力:情绪管理有助于我们更好地应对和适应生活中的变化和挑战。当我们能够有效地处理情绪,我们更能够灵活应对不同的情况,寻找解决问题的有效策略,增强适应能力和抗压能力。





One, the mood influence to the imagination

The mood of negative sex (for instance sadness, scared, anxious, indignant... ) can bring about cerebrum to imagine negative picture and experience.

Active to mood (for instance relaxed, happy, safe, be thankful... ) can let cerebrum imagination go out active the picture of Xiang Heyu Yue and experience.

Both be alternant influence.

2, the mood influence to the job?

If contain negative sentiment to be in the job, not only the job appears easily needless error, influence work efficiency, also be irresponsible expression to oneself, because the person is met commonly,behave the mood in facial ministry expression directly, our flatter oneself is not apparent, actual otherwise, people can see, such condition is working, can bring all round colleague and client's very bad influence.

When be full of negative sentiment to the job face to face, work efficiency and working quality are met very low, and do a mood to jump over difference more. But actual condition is, the job that is you still is you after all, the enterprise won't reduce your workload because of your mood. So, below this kind of circumstance, do not want and oneself to work, try the apiration down oneself, do a few a little comfortable thing.

3, the mood influence to cheeper?

Cheeper mood development is a phase that shows individual mood develops. The mood reachs regularity feature in the development process of cheeper phase. Of the growth as the age, experience of life patulous, cheeper mood sort is ceaseless and rich, the mood experiences ceaseless profundity. Its develop a characteristic:

(1) the mood is abounded increasingly and change deeply, cause what the mood experiences to because of,be moved grow in quantity, the mood splits up gradually, point to the inherent characteristic of the thing from the exterior phenomenon translate into that points to a thing;

(2) the stability of the mood rises stage by stage, as the development of cerebral development and language, child grows gradually to the control ability of the mood, the actuation sex of the mood, mutability decreases;

(3) sociality mood comes into being and develop, the mood with first child is contacted with physiology need.

4, the influence of beneficial unripe bacterium to the mood?

Beneficial gives birth to bacterium to also do not have what influence to his mood itself, because we drink one canister yoghurt to be able to drink a lot of beneficial to give birth to bacterium, but to us mood itself does not have any influences, and yoghurt is drunk to us go down to have many cling to the generation of amine can offer a mood

5, the mood influence to the person?

The mood has the branch of stand or fall, negative sentiment can change know body and mind, and positive sentiment is more important in society and family, crucial also to the child, the stand or fall of our mood affects the child directly, the child with good mood is more self-confident, correct to oneself acknowledge to, more be helpful for making friend, oneself must be met too better off; The mood is bad, him understanding does not reach the designated position, go against health of body and mind, go against make friend, can affect oneself psychosis even!

Next the has developed case of appeal, let the child can treat his study and life better, can better obtain employment; It is some more difficult to be met instead!

6, the individual element influence to the mood?

The factor that affects a mood has a lot of great majority to originate others is evaluated to yours, environmental element. When you are doing some thing, a lot of people can make good bad assessment to you, the everybody when getting admissive of course is happy. The everybody when getting admissive is met be agitated, grouchy. Great majority originates the influence between person and person.

Others evaluation brings about the word with bad mood, not too care, everybody has his color. If be itself,inadequacy causes the evaluation with bad to oneself others to must be corrected, after correcting, ability meets those who get others approbate.

7, the effect that wine draws pair of moods?

1, malty wine drives, accuse ability to be able to become very poor oneself. Drink drive, because alcohol is anaesthetic, of the person control capacity oneself, the mood accuses force oneself the metropolis is very poor, very difficult better control accelerator, the problem such as brake.

2, drunk wine drives, the judgement ability that can cause a person is reduced. When the person malty wine, say some of wild talk very easily, operation ability also can become lower, cannot judge the road surface situation all round occasionally.

8, the influence with healthy to the female sentiment?

 The influence with healthy to the female sentiment can be shown on OK and direct Cong Rongyan come. Feminine mood is upbeat have happy feeling meeting skin is ruddy, eyebrow eye is extended, eat well to sleep spicily, body nature is healthy.

But if female mood angst is disturbed, look with respect to meeting gaunt, do not have even the hair burnish, the sort of mood can cause endocrinopathy, nature is to have to health damage.

9, the value that the mood manages pair of individual mental health?

Mood management is crucial to individual mental health. It is the importance of a few sides that the mood runs pair of mental health below:

1.Enhance mood balance: Mood management can help us understand better, the mood that admit and manages oneself. Can be answered evenly when us and handle different mood, we will maintain mental health more easily, avoid the extreme wave motion on the mood.

2.Ease angst and pressure: Mood management conduces to the rate that reduces angst and pressure. Adjust through learning effective mood skill, we can handle pressure and negative sentiment better, reduce the negative effect with angst and healthy to body and mind pressure thereby.

3.Raise self-respect and self-confidence: Mood management helps the mood reaction that we are known better and understands his, offer effective method to handle negative sentiment. Carry this kind of kind, we can enhance self-confident heart and proper pride, face challenge and difficulty better.

4.Improve human relation: The human relationship with mood good to building management is crucial. Become us to be able to manage a mood effectively, we can be built with other more interact and communicate, thereby promotional each other understanding and in all affection. This conduces to the human relationship that keeps good and gregarious support, promote mental health further.

5.Increase get used to ability: Mood management conduces to the change in we are answered better and getting used to the life and challenge. Become us to be able to handle a mood effectively, we can answer different situation neatly more, search the effective strategy that solves a problem, increase suit ability and fight control capacity.

Accordingly, mood management is crucial to individual mental health. Run skill through learn actively and carrying out a mood, we can promote ourselves the standard of mental health, spend the life approvingly.

10, the influence that summarizes a mood to experience pair of sport activities?

Mood experience is influential to sport activity. Mood experience is the feeling that points to individual emotionally and experience, include happy, open-eyed, sadness to wait. In sport activity, the attention that mood experience can affect a player, behavior and ponder over means. For example, positive sentiment experiences the motive that can raise a player and investment are spent, make its are willing to cost time to be in game more; And the attention that inactive mood experience drops a player possibly and expression, cause game effect not beautiful. In addition, the mood experience in game returns a likelihood to produce long-term effect to individual mental health, if raise sport,wait into the risk of addiction. Accordingly, when designing sport activity, need considers the impact that the mood experiences, offer active game to experience the game experience with promoting a player and mental health as far as possible.

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