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  第一章 悠莉与Ken










  清一色的大理石地, “校长室”三个金闪闪的大字挂在红木门上,门框上用楷体写着几个大字:佥私立高中校长室。



  校长放下手中摆弄着的雪茄,看着女生,严肃地说: “你就是申请不接受全目制教学的转学生?”







  校长深呼吸,坚定的语气,鼓励的眼神: “好!批准不接受全日制教学!”


  “喂,谁让你上床的?”冷冰冰的声音响起。一双纤细的手抓住了一条青色的蛇。 一









  悠莉抬起头,露出甜美的微笑: “我的成绩还不错,也确实经营着一家宠物店,但是,这都是为了我的父母。”

  “真是孝顺呢!”男生们恭维着, “那悠莉你的父母也一定很厉害了?!”

  悠莉低下头,两秒钟之后,再抬起头,眼眶里已经充满了晶莹的泪水:“我,我的父母在车祸中去世,所以,为了他们,我要成为最努力的人。” 沉默,班级里的女生视线突然柔和,男生们呆在原地不知该如何是好。接着,三三两两的女生围过来,递上草莓图案的纸巾,轻拍悠莉的肩膀,轻柔的声音……别伤心,我们会支持你的,因为,以后我们就是朋友了……










  花猫吃了一惊,以防备的姿态站起来,慢慢后退: “你,你能和动物沟通吗?”


  花猫放松了些许警惕,但依然防备地看着悠莉: “你从什么时候开始能和动物沟通的?”

  悠莉面无表隋地看着花猫, “再多话,杀了你哦,你只要回答我的问题就捍了。”

  花猫咽了下口水,盯了悠莉几秒钟,然后像妥协般,扔掉缠绕在身上的戒备,悲伤地说: “我的孩子,上个星期在这里被车撞死了。”

  悠莉走过去.和花猫站成一排,指着面前的马路: “被撞死的地方,是那里吗?”





  “我,我的孩子……”花猫震惊地说, “你让它复活了吗?”



  青蛇抬起了头看着花猫,轻轻地说: “再不说话,它就要离开了哦。”


  “对,对不起。”花猫哽咽着声音, “是妈妈没有,照顾好你……”哽咽渐渐变成痛哭。悠莉抬起头看着天空,动物的哭声,到底有几个人类会注意到呢?




  白色的光,从小猫的身上发出来,亮的有些刺眼,然后瞬间消失,仿佛什么都没有发生过一样。悠莉淡淡地看着小猫消失的地方,轻轻地说: “没做过坏事的动物,果然待遇比较好。”【我只知道这么多,TAT跑了好多书店都买完了】


Zhang Youli and the first Ken

Gold is private high school.

Have the school name of a word only, revealed its nobility very aptly however.


Sunshine is aspersed to the ground through the aperture between the leaf, bits and pieces. Branch quivers gently, leaf subsequently " Shua Shua " the ground gives out noise...

"Phut " , basket gym shoes of white, efficient ground falls on the ground. The schoolgirl stands up, 100 plait short skirt of blue, swing gently as gentle breeze, golden wavy hair, optional ground is built go up in shoulder.

"Careful, did not fall down again next time. " her rub one's palm along smooth out with the fingers the hair after rub one's palm along smooth out with the fingers is auditive. On branch, the birdie probe in bird's nest is looking downward, seem to be afraid that what oneself can miss.

"Fall down again, ate you. Ate you..

bird people called in head. Begin suddenly to cry hysterically.

The schoolgirl of golden hair is stepping on basket gym shoes of white, go ahead slowly, walk into that famous private high school...

The marble ground of all of one suit, "President room " the big character that 3 Jin Shan show is hanged on annatto door, there are a few big characters with block letter on doorcase: Room of president of Qian private high school.

The president is wearing business suit, the rare cigar on the table is lying silently, the teacher of headmaster and school sits in aside, the line of sight falls in same a place.

Dress blue the schoolgirl of 100 plait skirt, low head stands between everybody, golden wavy hair is sending out light fragrance.

The president puts down the cigar that moving back and forth in the hand, look at a schoolgirl, earnest ground says: "Is the transfer that you apply for not to accept total order to make teacher and student namely unripe?

The schoolgirl nods:

"Yes, I call Shi Youli, because want to do shop, accept the teacher and student of full-time without method so. Accept the teacher and student of full-time without method so..

"Turn school is unripe ah, be why to want to turn after all school? " the president asks at will.

"Because... " the schoolgirl raises a head abruptly, let the Qing Li countenance with person colourful Jing. In brunet pupil, do not know when, harbour became full tear.

"Because, because my parents is in,disaster of that city dispatch a vehicle dies, I do not know to want how to face that city. So, I turn school to this school, taking, the painstaking effort of my parents -- shop of leisurely Li pet. The painstaking effort of my parents -- shop of leisurely Li pet..

The instant, uncannily the eyes of take pity on, all people are not had language choke with sobs.

President deep breathing, firm tone, encouragement eyes: "Be good! Approval does not accept full-time teacher and student! Approval does not accept full-time teacher and student!!

Fume sweet smell to drop off slowly, drowsily turned over the person above gray sheet a body, suddenly, icy piece come up, she is like, what to pin.

"Hello, who lets your go to bed? " frosty acoustical sound rises. A pair of fine hands held the snake of a cyan. One

"Outside too cold? Are you to be in is the heat preservation case that cold-shoulders me to do bad? Otherwise wants me to send you in boiler to be boiled, warm warm body? " purple bud silk account is lifted, golden wavy hair subsequently come down in torrents and piece.

The small snake of cyan is struggling twist is worn its body... " leisurely Li, I know a fault. Unlock me... "

Of summer afternoon, lackadaisical sunshine.

The handwriting with blackboard complete go to work is being written " Shi Youli " 3 words, the woman student that has golden hair sits on last seat, golden hair bundle Cheng Yigen tail stands high after the head.

"Leisurely Li, hearing of your school before is the first all the time, be true? Be true??

"Hear yourself runs a store, where be? Where be??

"Can you give me your telephone number? "Can you give me your telephone number??

Dull schoolboy is surrounded together, leisurely Li sits inter, she can feel the schoolgirl in this class pitchs the line of vision like homicide apparently.

Leisurely Li raises a head, show melting smile: "My result is right still, also running store of a pet really, but, this is for my parents. This is for my parents..

"Really filial! " schoolboys are flattering, "Na Youli is your parents certain also very fierce? ! !!

Leisurely Li is low first, after two seconds, raise a head again, glittering and translucent tear had been full of in orbit: "I, my parents dies in traffic accident, so, for them, I should be become most the person of effort. " silent, the schoolgirl line of sight in class is abrupt and downy, how is schoolboys stay in place not to know this good. Then, the schoolgirl of in twos and threes is surrounded come over, give on the paper towel of strawberry design, dab the shoulder of leisurely Li, soft voice... fasten sad, we can support you, because, we are friends after...

"... thank... everybody... " Shi Youli both hands covers face, sound chokes with sobs. But nobody notices, her corners of the mouth go up slightly raise, high school is unripe, it is so good cheat.

Dull ground is withered sat daylong later, leisurely Li sympathizes with the eyes that taking trifling admiration again in classmates in bow deeply, to everybody with benedictory eyes not, be on the narrow road that person of that it doesn't matter passes.

The breeze of the dusk comes over, leisurely Li is chewing chocolate biscuit, the face goes on crepuscular asphalt driveway without the ground that express the Sui Dynasty. This road is very narrow really, no wonder is willing without the person here, probably, traffic accident often produces here.

There is a thing to be in in satchel twist, lay between a little while, head smell of green comes, panted heavily: "Leisurely Li, your satchel is airtight, do not have method breath at all, our snake kind also need oxygen, still have, I do not want to have biscuit worm today, I should eat the meat. I should eat the meat..

Leisurely Li face does not have expression: "Make a noise again, killed you. Killed you..

Small snake of green swallowed next saliva, good gracious close the mouth, the gangmaster is retractive in airtight satchel.

The girl of this duplicity, it is its host. Had written down not clear oneself are from when to begin all the time for company her, but all the time since, it knows only, she is master, although be an evil-minded host. But, it admires her without reason ground however, because...

"Mew. " faint sound. Leisurely Li turns around down sound, the line of sight is the cat of miscellaneous wool completely to on one. That cat bends over to go up, look dissociate, have some of a load on one's mind it seems that.

"Hello, what are you calling? " leisurely Li crouchs, ask.

Beautiful cat had one Jing, the attitude that has in case stands up, back down slowly: "You, can be you communicated with the animal? Can be you communicated with the animal??

Leisurely Li nods.

Beautiful cat loosened trifling vigilance, but still guard against the ground looks at leisurely Li: "You from what when begin to you can be communicated with the animal? "You from what when begin to you can be communicated with the animal??

Leisurely Li face looks at beautiful cat without the ground that express the Sui Dynasty, "Again much word, killed you, the issue that you want to answer me only with respect to defend. The issue that you want to answer me only with respect to defend..

Beautiful cat pharynx next saliva, stared at leisurely Li a few seconds, resemble compromise next kind, refuse twine the guard on the body, say sadly: "My child, last weeks were bumped to die by the car here. Last weeks were bumped to die by the car here..

Leisurely Li goes by. Become with the station that spend a cat, pointing to the driveway before: "The place that is hit dead, be over there? Be over there??

Beautiful cat nods.

Leisurely Li takes black serpent from satchel, put to the ground. Black serpent encircled a circle with the body, leisurely Li nods approvingly, close an eye slowly...

Wind, jiang Youli's bang blows chaos. A white aerosol appears, it is fine first fine, diffuse slowly next, finally, will black serpent and leisurely Li are enclothed completely.

Beautiful cat was confused by aerosol eye, let oneself see well with claw brandish consider a bit. Aerosol drops off gradually, the hairstyle regression of leisurely Li is orderly, but in the circle that black serpent is twining, awesomely much a kitten.

"I, my child... " beautiful cat astonishs the ground to say, "Do you make it renascent? "Do you make it renascent??

"Not, contrary, I should send it to go to a won't renascent place. " still be frosty mood.

The kitten flinchs oneself neck, crouch on the ground to look at the picture before, a bit smoke that takes only is penetrable inside the body of the kitten, the bit by bit rises up.

Black serpent raised a head to look at beautiful cat, say gently: "Or else talks, it was about to leave. It was about to leave..

An eye tear falls on the driveway, the kitten that is twined bends over to go up, look at oneself mom with pure eyes.

"Yes, I am sorry. " beautiful cat is choking with sobs sound, "It is mom is done not have, had taken care of you... " choke with sobs to become cry bitterly gradually. Leisurely Li raises a head to look at a sky, the cry of the animal, a few mankinds can notice after all?

"Mew -- " the claw that the kitten licks him, "Mom, do not cry, I do not have a thing. I do not have a thing..

Black serpent takes the body that left his gradually, as the twist of its body, the circle of the picture becomes semicircle slowly, encircle medium life, also become transparent gradually...

"Mew! " beautiful cat is spent and main attack ahead, but attack, have air only however.

White light, come out from the hair on the body of the kitten, bright some dazzling, disappear for an instant next, as if whats had not happened same. Leisurely Li looks at the place that the kitten disappears lightly, say gently: "Had not become the animal of evildoing, as expected treatment is better. " [I know so much only, TAT ran a lot of bookshop was bought]

下一篇:大自然的物语啥意思? 口袋学院物语2攻略?英文双语对照