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旅游创新案例? 景区业态创新案例?英文双语对照


旅游创新案例? 景区业态创新案例?英文双语对照


你好,1. Airbnb:Airbnb是一个在线住宿预订平台,让人们可以租用他人的房屋、公寓或者独立房间。这个创新的旅游平台,使得旅游者能够更加接近当地的文化和生活方式,而不是选择传统的酒店住宿。

2. GetYourGuide:GetYourGuide是一个在线旅游预订平台,旅游者可以在这里预订各种旅游活动和体验,包括旅游景点门票、城市观光、水上运动、美食之旅等。这个平台能够为旅游者提供独特的旅游体验,而且用户可以从数千个当地的旅游活动中选择。

3. Tripadvisor:Tripadvisor是一个旅游网站,提供旅游者关于酒店、餐厅和旅游景点的评论和建议。这个平台能够帮助旅游者更好地了解当地的旅游信息,从而做出更好的旅游决策。

4. Uber:Uber是一家出租车服务公司,通过移动应用程序提供一种新型的出行方式。旅游者可以使用Uber来预订车辆,从而更加便捷地在城市中移动。

5. TourRadar:TourRadar是一个在线旅游平台,提供全球各地的旅游活动和旅游路线。这个平台能够为旅游者提供定制的旅游路线,旅游者可以根据自己的需求和偏好来选择旅游路线。
























一枚鸡蛋,用处多比如,蛋黄益菌多、蛋肠、欧姆蛋堡、营养蛋米糊……在这场创意大赛上,只有想不到,没有做不出。昨天(8日)是第25个“世界蛋品日”,由上海市食品学会和蛋业优品联盟联合主办的“‘一枚好蛋’ 食品创新创意大赛”在沪举行,各种以鸡蛋为原料的零食、饮料、烘焙类食品不仅令与会者“食指大动”,也令在场企业看到了学生们的无限创意。



1. 智能安全帽:一款配备有传感器和智能芯片的安全帽,能够实时监测工人的健康状况和工作环境,及时发出警报,保障工人的安全。

2. 种植智能系统:一款利用传感器和智能算法来监测土壤、光线、湿度等环境参数,根据数据分析自动调整灌溉和施肥,提高农作物的产量和品质。

3. 智能停车场:一款利用物联网技术和智能算法,实现车位实时监测、预约、导航、支付等功能,提高停车场的利用率和管理效率。

4. 省电智能家居:一款利用智能传感器和智能控制技术,实现家电自动化控制和能耗管理,提高家庭能源利用效率,降低能源消耗和费用。

5. 医疗智能助手:一款利用人工智能和大数据分析技术,为医生提供辅助诊断和治疗建议,提高医疗效率和准确度,改善患者就医体验。

6. 科技教育平台:一款利用互联网和移动设备,为学生提供在线学习资源和交互式学习工具,促进学生的自主学习和创新思维。

7. 社会公益项目:一些大学生利用科技创新,开展一些社会公益项目,如智能化残疾人辅助器具、环保智能垃圾桶等,为社会做出贡献。



1. 刘墉:创新传统中国绘画


2. 梁祝:传统戏剧的现代改编


3. 青花瓷:传统陶瓷的现代设计


4. 民族音乐:传统音乐的现代演绎


5. 传统建筑:现代设计的改造







One, travel innovation case?

Hello, 1. Airbnb: Airbnb is an online accommodation books platform, make people OK the building of hire other, boarding house is independent perhaps room. The travel platform of this innovation, make the culture that tourist can be close to place more and lifestyle, is not the hotel room that chooses a tradition.

2.GetYourGuide: GetYourGuide is an online travel books platform, tourist can book all sorts of travel activities and experience here, the stay away from home that includes sightseeing of entrance ticket of travel tourist attraction, city, aquatic sports, cate. This platform can provide unique travel experience for tourist, and the user can choose in the travel activity from thousands of place.

3.Tripadvisor: Tripadvisor is website of a travel, offer the tourist comment about hotel, dining-room and travel tourist attraction and proposal. This platform can help tourist know travel news of place better, the travel with be made better thereby is decision-making.

4.Uber: Uber is company of service of a taxi, through shift application the program offers a kind to give a way new-styly. Tourist can use Uber to book car, move more conveniently in the city thereby.

5.TourRadar: TourRadar is platform of an online travel, offer the travel activity of global each district and travel course. This platform can offer custom-built travel course for tourist, tourist can choose travel route according to his demand and preference.

2, case of innovation of condition of scene division line of business?

Some excursion that because voice of scene division line of business blazes new trails,can raise a tourist experience, increase the appeal of scene area, the development of stimulative travel industry. For instance, area of Mount Hua scene is opened in the late evening noctivagant, added the option of nightly travel, still introduced at the same time perpendicular and pedestrian wait for the limit to extend an activity, make a tourist OK the glamour that more personal ground experiences Mount Hua. Another example is area of scene of Hangzhou west lake is rolled out " musical fountain " performance, attracted more tourist to come round to admire, also brought more economic benefits for scene area. Accordingly, the management of the development of innovation of condition of scene division line of business to travel industry and scene area is beneficial.

3, is Oppo company culture classical case?

Of OPPO " devoir " culture, included this when: Keep apart external pressure and temptation, maintain common state of mind, return to the source of the thing, hold the logical way that oneself should make;

Devoir is him requirement is not requirement others, when occurrence problem, beg above all duty at oneself;

Devoir is normative the manner that cooperates with the person -- I do not earn person petty gain; Devoir prep above sincere letter, although do not have acceptance, originally this business that do also wants to accomplish.

4, inferior company culture case?

"Inferior " meaning, take from at the beautiful hamlet like a haven of peace, at the beginning of its are born, had clear " article is such-and-such " blood relationship.

Become to be cause client with the middle class, with satisfying a client the spirit of higher administrative levels and psychological demand are begged to appeal to, what be fixed position with humanitarian temperament is medium upright hotel

Be respected, be approved, attributive feeling, self-fulfilment

Wish scene: "The 4th space "

"Bamboo is resided " and " good ' photograph ' apprentice "

Viewpoint of value: Become the public house that has taste of affection of temperature, somebody

"User the first " , " complete an accredit " ,

"To bureaucratic say not " , " refuse commonplace " ,

"Read get coquettish "

5, the company case of concerned innovation?

A lot of companies that have innovation mind revealed his successfully new think of a way, scored a success in the market these enterprises can in the market make a great coup, because they experiment ceaselessly,be new think of a way, embrace risk citing to be like malic company when they need, this company undertook revolutionary innovation in multinomial technology domain, include to be able to apparel the product of these banner markets such as service of the music on equipment, smartphone and net makes its become one of companies with top market prise

6, the case that product element innovates?

It is target range wide. Face include a farmer labour, grow breed door inside all farmers, it is to be what the farmer designs technically to enjoy a room to borrow a product only.

2 it is admittance standard fact. Designed the standards of grading that accords with farmer characteristic technically, solved a farmer effectively to buy the issue with room loan difficult admittance.

3 it is conduction formalities brief. In the light of the part the farmer cannot provide the difficult problem that income proves, allow to add bank running water in order to close into statement, or policy sex financing assures the orgnaization adds a letter to prove to wait for a form, the reimbursement ability of cognizance borrower, convenient farmer applies for loan.

7, the innovation case that the egg goes?

An egg, use is much for instance, rice of egg of fort of bowel of much, egg, ohmic egg, nutrition papers yoke beneficial bacterium... go up in this originality contest, want to be less than only, did not do. Yesterday (8 days) be the 25th " day of world egg products " , taste allied combination to sponsor by Shanghai food society and egg industry actor " ' a good egg ' contest of food innovation originality " hold in Shanghai, all sorts of snacks that are raw material with the egg, beverage, bake kind the person that food makes attend the meeting not only " forefinger is moved greatly " , also make the infinite originality that attendant enterprise saw students.

8, undergraduate innovation case?

It is case of innovation of a few undergraduates below:

1.Intelligent safety helmet: One matchs the safety helmet of stock sensor and intelligent chip, can monitor healthy state of the worker and working environment in real time, issue warning in time, ensure the worker's safety.

2.Cultivate intelligent system: One uses sensor and intelligent algorithm to monitor the environmental parameter such as soil, light, humidity, according to data analytic self-correcting irrigates and fertilize, improve the crop of crop and quality.

3.Intelligent parking lot: One uses technology of content couplet net and intelligent algorithm, implementation car real time is monitored, make an appointment, navigation, pay wait for a function, improve the utilization rate of the parking lot and administrative efficiency.

4.Province report intelligence lives in: One uses intelligent sensor and intelligent control technology, achieve control of home appliance automation and administration of specific power consumption, raise domestic energy resources to use efficiency, reduce the sources of energy to use up with charge.

5.Aide of medical treatment intelligence: Choose and employ persons of a benefit is versed in intelligence and big data analyse a technology, offer for the doctor auxiliary diagnose and treat a proposal, raise medical treatment efficiency and accuracy, improve experience of patient go to a doctor.

6.Science and technology teachs platform: One uses Internet and mobile device, provide online study resource and tool of seesaw pattern study for the student, the own study of stimulative student and innovation thinking.

7.Social commonweal project: A few undergraduates use innovation of science and technology, develop project of commonweal of a few societies, if intelligence changes the disabled to assist ash-bin of intelligence of implemental, environmental protection to wait, make contribution for the society.

9, case of success of traditional and artistic innovation?

About this problem, it is a few traditional and artistic innovation below successful case:

1.Liu Yong: Innovation tradition China is painterly

Liu Yong is a Chinese painter, he unscrambles traditional brushwork afresh with the means of innovation. His work is shirt-sleeve western brushwork element, the ability way that retained Chinese tradition to draw at the same time and style.

2.Liang Zhu: Traditional and Thespian contemporary adapt

Liang Zhu is Chinese tradition Thespian medium classical a list of plays, but contemporary adapted film " Liang Zhu " gained huge success. Will conventional narrative and photograph of contemporary film technology combine this film, created a brand-new visual experience.

3.Blue and white porcelain: The contemporary design of traditional pottery and porcelain

Blue and white porcelain is one of delegates of Chinese traditional pottery and porcelain, but contemporary stylist is designed through innovating, apply blue and white porcelain at the household product in modern life and adornment. The work of blue and white porcelain of these contemporary designs withheld traditional craft not only, still have contemporary and aesthetic and practical.

4.Ethical music: Of traditional music contemporary deduce

A lot of nation musician deduce means through innovating with performance home, in bringing traditional music contemporary music setting. For example, famous a two-stinted bowed instrument with a lower register than Jingo performs a Chen Kaitong to combine a two-stinted bowed instrument with a lower register than Jingo and contemporary music look, innovation went to have the musical color of individual character alone.

5.Traditional structure: Of contemporary design transform

A lot of traditional structures are mixed through modern design transform, made modern fabric. For example, the museum of the Imperial Palace of Beijing is a traditional structure that transforms through contemporary design, it is shirt-sleeve traditional architectural aesthetic and modern functional requirement.

10, library enlighten case of coffee industry culture?

Library enlighten the company culture of coffee is with delicate, comfortable, high quality coffee culture is core, the experience of the professional development that pays attention to employee and client is experienced.

The company insists to use high grade coffee beans, offer the coffee product of novel, characteristic, ceaseless get rid of the stale and bring forth the fresh explores new taste, move with the most excellent service each clients.

In the meantime, the company emphasizes employee groom and develop, offer groom goodly opportunity and professional development route, improve the working enthusiasm of employee and service quality, the development that pushs a company jointly expands.

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