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Want to reduce weight, ask the dietary habit from you and lifestyle proceed with!

Should make clear above all the reason of get fat. Factitious what is met get fat? With respect to a prime cause: Input > is used up! You eat too much, the body cannot need so much nutrition, turned it into adipose stockpile to rise. Should make oneself not get fat, must maintain accomplish: The quantity of heat that the body of = of quantity of heat that absorbs everyday uses up. Want to make oneself reduce weight, must accomplish: The quantity of heat that the > of quantity of heat that uses up everyday absorbs. This is the principle that reduce weight. So, how should reduce weight after all?

Be abided by strictly and nurturance " had eaten early, midday eats satiately, late little " dietary habit, among them " eat late little " it is the key that reduce weight! Have here must notice at 3 o'clock: It is to must eat breakfast. Do not have the person of breakfast, light put on weight. Because pass one night sleep, the body has 10 many hours to did not take food however in disappear energy consumption all the time, the breakfast that human body needs to contain rich carbohydrate comes energy of new complement, deposit, do not have breakfast make the person appears when lunch sharp hollow move and hungry feeling, eat next overmuch food insensibly, redundant energy can be inside body translate into is adipose; 2 it is midday must satiate. Not satiate midday, inevitable in the evening hunger, "Eat late little " accomplished hard; 3 it is in the evening must accomplish eat less as far as possible as far as possible! And dinner does not eat food of carnivorous, sweetmeat, deepfry, it is OK to drink a few delicate water in which noodles have been boileds, rice water, do not drink Xian Shang. A lot of reducing weight the secret that the person that succeed happens to coincide is: Did not take food stoutly later at 9 o'clock in the evening, also do not drink water stoutly! This is the key that they hold curvaceous. The fact is such really, a lot of experts once expressed to want to carry the public figure of gentle and graceful figure, too big dinner, food taken late at night, quantity of heat cannot be used up. Move according to the biological clock of human body show, after 9 o'clock, each organ function is in human body basically already weak condition, that also accumulates adipose hour just about. And we are normal dinner place has the thing below to need 5 hours ability to be digested completely, this redundant quantity of heat, accumulate over a long period can cause hypodermic and adipose accumulation overmuch, fat destiny also arrived sadly, should remember well so prohibit taking food absolutely after 9 o'clock in the evening.

Someone says: I am gotten with respect to hunger before 9 o'clock afflictive, how to do? That eats an apple. The apple can reduce weight. The apple can recuperate intestines and stomach, stop have diarrhoea, aperient, disappear is fed change indigestion, can treat hypertension, reduce the cholesterol in blood. The apple is food of low quantity of heat, the quantity of heat that can make with malic allay one's hunger human body is absorbed decreases, at the same time the apple contains human body again all sorts of indispensable of all kinds and amino acid, protein, vitamins, mineral reach carotene to wait, what basically can satisfy human body already is indispensible, can be digested adequately to absorb by human body again, seldom have litter, also reduced the burden of intestines and stomach, kidney, make the trash inside body be able to sufficient eduction, make blood is able to purify.

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