Up, up
The rise in train fares has aroused public indignation.───火车票提价激起了公愤。
The book charts her rise to fame as an actress.───这本书记述了她作为演员的成名史.
Wage increases were eaten up by the rise in the cost of living.───工资的增加全给生活费用的上涨抵消掉了.
It is ridiculously absurd to predict that the sun will not rise tomorrow.───预言明天太阳将不会升起是荒唐可笑的.
This possibility gives rise to interesting speculations.───这种可能性引起了有趣的推测.
The paintings of Paul Ce & 1 & zanne prefigured the rise of cubism in the early 20 th century.───保罗·塞尚的绘画预示了20世纪初叶立体主义的兴起.
The increase of wages is proportional to the rise in prices.───工资的增长与物价的上涨是成比例的.
The rise in taxation will put pounds on the cost of living.───提高税收将使生活费用大大增加.