No reason
Let me explain why.───让我来解释为什么。
When everything is running smoothly, why must he step in and foul thing up?───一切正在顺利进行时, 为什么他一定要插进去把事情弄糟 呢 ?
Why didn't she say a word? Is there anything in her mind that she finds it hard to disclose?───为什么她一言不发,是不是有什么难言之隐?
Why worry yourself sick?───何苦自寻烦恼?
Why are you doing that? Sally asked. " To make myself beautiful, " the lady answered.───“你为什么干这个 呀 ?”莎利问道. “ 把自己打扮得美丽呀, ” 那妇人回答道.
I often wonder about why she treated me like that.───我时常纳闷她为什么要那样对待我.
Why must she interrupt?───她为什么偏要打断呢?
But why?' he interpolated.───但为什么?”他插嘴问。