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New term starts


新学期───New term;开学───school opens


When our new term will begin hasn't been made clear.───我们的新学期什么时候开始还没弄清楚.

They had to be back at their colleges this week to enrol and work out class schedules for the new term.───他们这周必须回到学院注册,并制定出新学期的课程表。

The new term will begin, we will back to school.───新学期要开始了, 我们即将回到学校.

The students ushered in the new term.───学生们迎来了新的学期.

Two weeks has passed since the new term began.───开学以来两个星期已经过去了.

We all decided to make progress in the new term.───我们都决心要在新学期取得更大进步.

I'm pleased that you've made such an auspicious start to the new term.───你新学期开门红使我很高兴.

New Term: A text string is a series of printable characters.───新术语: 文本串是一串可打印字符.


A new term limit measure could give legislators longer tenures.

This brings me to a new term: semantic equivalence.

We have enter upon the new term.

A new term was about to start.

Ecological design of landscape is a new term, is a product that cross-cutting and interpenetration between the ecological design and gardening design.
